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Journals in Medicine

The Medicine portfolio strives to advance medicine by delivering superior evidence-based education, reference information and decision support tools to clinicians, trainees, and students. Specialties covered include Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Radiology & Imaging, Pathology, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Hematology & Oncology, Plastic Surgery, and many more. The Medicine portfolio includes world-renowned titles such as Gray's Anatomy and Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy, Braunwald's Heart Disease, Goldman-Cecil Medicine, Osborn's Brain, Dermatology (Bolognia), Diagnostic Ultrasound (Rumack), The Harriet Lane Handbook, Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Ferri's Clinical Advisor, Conn's Current Therapy, and more.

71-80 of 509 results in All results

Blood Reviews

  • ISSN: 0268-960X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.7
  • Impact factor: 6.9
This respected international journal, Blood Reviews, is a vital information resource, bringing together appraisals of clinical practice, and research from recognized experts. Specially commissioned peer reviewed articles from leading researchers and practitioners guarantee truly global coverage of all the sub-specialties of hematology.Blood Reviews publishes review articles covering the spectrum of clinical and laboratory haematological practice and research. Although most reviews are invited, the Editors welcome suggestions from potential authors. They should first write a brief outline of an intended review along with their publication record on topic and send this to Dr Drew Provan ([email protected]) or to Dr Hillard Lazarus ([email protected]). All articles are subject to peer review. Author queries can also be sent to the Blood Reviews editorial office [email protected]
Blood Reviews

Body Image

  • ISSN: 1740-1445
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 5.2
Body Image is an international, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality, scientific articles on body image and human physical appearance. Body image represents a person's "inside view" of their body-that is, their feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs about their body that impact how they behave toward it (Cash, 2004). While physical appearance is an important aspect of body image, it is not the only aspect, as embodiment (how a person uses their body to engage with the world) and focusing on (and appreciating) body functionality are additional aspects of body image. We invite contributions from a broad range of disciplines - psychological science, other social and behavioral sciences, and medical and health sciences. We have a weight-inclusive focus rather than a weight-normative or weight-centric focus (see for an explanation).Body Image publishes a variety of article types, including original research articles, brief research reports, theoretical and review papers (systematic reviews and meta-analyses), scale development and adaptation articles, replication studies, protocol articles, methodological innovations that could be used to advance body image research, unexpected/null results articles, and ideas worth researching. We encourage articles that center minoritized populations. Consistent with the Open Science initiative, we publish articles based on a strong theoretical rationale and scientific design rather than whether findings are statistically significant.We also encourage review-based and empirical-based special issues, especially those that bridge subfields and disciplines.Suitable topics for submission of manuscripts include (but are not limited to):The effects of body image and physical characteristics (e.g., body size, attractiveness, physical disfigurements or disorders) on psychological functioning, interpersonal processes, and quality of life;Body image and physical appearance in the full range of medical and allied health contexts;Body image in diverse cultural contexts;Development, validation, and adaptation (e.g., translation) of assessments of the body image construct;Factors that influence positive and negative body image development;Stigmatization and discrimination based on appearance and/or body function;Adaptive and maladaptive body image processes and their clinically relevant consequences on psychosocial functioning and quality of life;Relationship of body image to behavioral variables (e.g., exercise and other physical activity, eating and weight-control behaviors, grooming and appearance-modifying behaviors, and social behaviors);How body image may shape the ways we engage our bodies with the world (i.e., embodiment);Scientific evaluation of interventions to promote positive body image or to prevent or treat body image difficulties and disorders.Impartiality statement regarding citations. We, the editorial team, strongly encourage authors to cite the highest quality work believed to be most relevant to their article; we are impartial to the use of citations from Body Image versus other journals. We review and accept articles based on their scientific rationale, merits, design, analysis, and interpretation rather than the source of their citations.Note regarding string citations. We encourage authors to avoid excessive string citations, whereby multiple citations support a single statement, finding, or proposition, when such citations would be superfluous. In many cases, one citation will suffice, and this citation should be the best supporting reference for that statement, finding, or proposition. All important previous work can be included, and if a cite is important, there often will be additional text that accompanies it. Please note that we are okay with the overall number of references.Of note, the recommendation to avoid string citations does not apply to:Statements that include more than one finding. For example, "Over the past 10 years, researchers in a number of countries have begun to explore the relationship between positive body image and psychological well-being" needs multiple citations because authors are referring to researchers and countries (both plural. However, reference to all work that has explored this relationship is probably not needed. As another example, "research shows that body dissatisfaction is correlated with disordered eating, anxiety, and depression" may include multiple citations, with different citations supporting different aspects of this statement.Systematic reviews and meta-analyses whereby the citations are linked to relevant themes/data that are included in the analysis.The presence of string citations alone is not a reason to reject an article. If submitted articles contain string citations, the editorial team will simply note this, and it will be up to the author to decide whether to retain or remove citations if asked to revise and resubmit their article.Benefits to authors We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Articles are published online in ScienceDirect as soon as they are ready (typically within a month after acceptance); articles in ScienceDirect are fully citable through their DOI. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.The journal gives an annual award for the best doctoral dissertation in this field.
Body Image


  • ISSN: 8756-3282
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.8
  • Impact factor: 3.5
BONE is an interdisciplinary forum for the rapid publication of original articles and reviews on basic, translational, and clinical aspects of bone and mineral metabolism, including rare bone diseases. The Journal also encourages submissions related to interactions of bone with other organ systems, including cartilage, tendon and other connective tissues, endocrine, muscle, fat, neural, vascular, gastrointestinal, hematopoietic, and immune systems. Particular attention is placed on the application of artificial intelligence and experimental studies to clinical practice.US National Institutes of Health (NIH) voluntary posting ("Public Access") policy.BONE and Elsevier facilitate the author's response to the NIH Public Access Policy. For more details please see the Guide for authors.Original research articles and case reports can also be submitted to BONE's Gold Open Access companion title, Bone Reports.


  • ISSN: 1538-4721
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.7
An International Multidisciplinary Journal Official Journal of the American Brachytherapy SocietyBrachytherapy is an international and multidisciplinary journal that publishes original peer-reviewed articles and selected reviews on the techniques and clinical applications of interstitial and intracavitary radiation in the management of cancers. Laboratory and experimental research relevant to clinical practice is also included. Related disciplines include medical physics, medical oncology, and radiation oncology and radiology. Brachytherapy publishes technical advances, original articles, reviews, and point/counterpoint on controversial issues. Original articles that address any aspect of brachytherapy are invited. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are encouraged.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Brain & Development

  • ISSN: 0387-7604
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology.Brain & Development (ISSN 0387-7604) is the Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology and is aimed to promote clinical child neurology and developmental neuroscience. The journal is dedicated to the field of clinical child neurology and related neuroscience and covers topics such as physiological and pathological brain development, neurodevelopmental disorders, cerebral palsy, genetic and metabolic disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy and seizure disorders, movement disorders, fetal and neonatal neurology, infectious and inflammatory disorders of the nervous system, neuromuscular disorders, and other neurologic diseases of infants and children. The journal is devoted to publishing Review Articles, Full-Length Original Papers, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor in the field of Child Neurology and related sciences. Proceedings of meetings, and professional announcements will be published at the Editor's discretion. Letters concerning articles published in Brain and Development and other relevant issues are also welcome.The author should choose from a list of scientific classifications, which will assist the editors in selecting reviewers with suitable expertise, as well as select an article type for their manuscript.
Brain & Development

British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

  • ISSN: 0266-4356
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Journal of the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons:• Leading articles on all aspects of surgery in the oro-facial and head and neck region • One of the largest circulations of any international journal in this field • Dedicated to enhancing surgical expertise.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


  • ISSN: 0305-4179
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Journal of the International Society for Burn InjuriesBurns aims to foster the exchange of information among all engaged in preventing and treating the effects of burns. The journal focuses on clinical, scientific and social aspects of these injuries and covers the prevention of the injury, the epidemiology of such injuries and all aspects of treatment including development of new techniques and technologies and verification of existing ones. Regular features include clinical and scientific papers, state of the art reviews and descriptions of burn-care in practice.Topics covered by Burns include: the effects of smoke on man and animals, their tissues and cells; the responses to and treatment of patients and animals with chemical injuries to the skin; the biological and clinical effects of cold injuries; surgical techniques which are, or may be relevant to the treatment of burned patients during the acute or reconstructive phase following injury; well controlled laboratory studies of the effectiveness of anti-microbial agents on infection and new materials on scarring and healing; inflammatory responses to injury, effectiveness of related agents and other compounds used to modify the physiological and cellular responses to the injury; experimental studies of burns and the outcome of burn wound healing; regenerative medicine concerning the skin.Burns seeks to publish suitable material submitted by all professions involved in the care, treatment and prevention of burn injuries. You are also welcome to submit to Burns' open access companion title Burns Open .

Canadian Journal of Diabetes

  • ISSN: 1499-2671
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.3
The Canadian Journal of Diabetes is Canada's only diabetes-oriented, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal for diabetes health-care professionals.Published eight times a year, the Canadian Journal of Diabetes contains original articles; reviews; case reports; shorter articles such as Perspectives in Practice, Practical Diabetes and Innovations in Diabetes Care; Diabetes Dilemmas and Letters to the Editor. The Canadian Journal of Diabetes is distributed as a benefit of membership to all members of the professional section of Diabetes Canada.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Canadian Journal of Diabetes

Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology

  • ISSN: 0008-4182
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Journal Canadien d'Ophtalmologie Official journal of the Canadian Ophthalmological SocietyThe Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology (CJO) is the official journal of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and is committed to timely publication of original, peer-reviewed ophthalmology and vision science articles.
Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology

Cancer Epidemiology

  • ISSN: 1877-7821
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Cancer determinants, prevention, prognosis and outcomesCancer Epidemiology publishes original research, prioritizing studies that contribute new information about cancer causes, prevention and control. As such, the journal's scope covers all aspects of cancer epidemiology including studies of:• Risk factors for cancer initiation, development, and prognosis • Early detection, prevention, and screening • Survivorship • Descriptive patterns and trends • MethodologyCancer Epidemiology welcomes original articles, reviews (systematic and critical), meta-analyses, invited editorials and commentaries, as well as letters to the editor commenting on research previously published in the journal.Cancer Epidemiology (Cancer Epidemiol.) is indexed and abstracted in: MEDLINE/PubMed, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, the Science Citation Index Expanded, and Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports (Science Edition).
Cancer Epidemiology