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What does that term mean? How is it even pronounced? Make sense of the complex world of health care with Mosby's® Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 9th Edition. This comprehensive, portable dictionary offers a unique, strong focus on nursing and health science terminology. Featuring over 37,000 authoritative definitions of diseases, procedures, equipment, drugs, and more, it ensures you have the most reliable health science information right at your fingertips in an intuitive A-to-Z format — no struggling to find sub-definitions! Word roots and pronunciations help you learn and correctly use medical terminology, and alphabetized, screened thumb tabs make finding definitions quick and easy.
What does that term mean? How is it even pronounced? Make sense of the complex world of health care with Mosby's® Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 9th Edition. This comprehensive, portable dictionary offers a unique, strong focus on nursing and health science terminology. Featuring over 37,000 authoritative definitions of diseases, procedures, equipment, drugs, and more, it ensures you have the most reliable health science information right at your fingertips in an intuitive A-to-Z format — no struggling to find sub-definitions! Word roots and pronunciations help you learn and correctly use medical terminology, and alphabetized, screened thumb tabs make finding definitions quick and easy.
What does that term mean? How is it even pronounced? Make sense of the complex world of health care with Mosby's® Pocket Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions, 9th Edition. This comprehensive, portable dictionary offers a unique, strong focus on nursing and health science terminology. Featuring over 37,000 authoritative definitions of diseases, procedures, equipment, drugs, and more, it ensures you have the most reliable health science information right at your fingertips in an intuitive A-to-Z format — no struggling to find sub-definitions! Word roots and pronunciations help you learn and correctly use medical terminology, and alphabetized, screened thumb tabs make finding definitions quick and easy.
Quick, convenient shortcuts abound in the language of every health care setting, but these abbreviations and acronyms can be confusing and, if misunderstood or misused, can hinder effective communication. Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations, 8th Edition, takes the uncertainty out of using and interpreting the thousands of terms used in a multitude of medical specialties. Arranged alphabetically for quick reference, this up-to-date Dorland’s dictionary is an essential resource for virtually any medical abbreviation you may encounter.
Quick, convenient shortcuts abound in the language of every health care setting, but these abbreviations and acronyms can be confusing and, if misunderstood or misused, can hinder effective communication. Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations, 8th Edition, takes the uncertainty out of using and interpreting the thousands of terms used in a multitude of medical specialties. Arranged alphabetically for quick reference, this up-to-date Dorland’s dictionary is an essential resource for virtually any medical abbreviation you may encounter.
Quick, convenient shortcuts abound in the language of every health care setting, but these abbreviations and acronyms can be confusing and, if misunderstood or misused, can hinder effective communication. Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations, 8th Edition, takes the uncertainty out of using and interpreting the thousands of terms used in a multitude of medical specialties. Arranged alphabetically for quick reference, this up-to-date Dorland’s dictionary is an essential resource for virtually any medical abbreviation you may encounter.
Quick, convenient shortcuts abound in the language of every health care setting, but these abbreviations and acronyms can be confusing and, if misunderstood or misused, can hinder effective communication. Dorland's Dictionary of Medical Acronyms and Abbreviations, 8th Edition, takes the uncertainty out of using and interpreting the thousands of terms used in a multitude of medical specialties. Arranged alphabetically for quick reference, this up-to-date Dorland’s dictionary is an essential resource for virtually any medical abbreviation you may encounter.
El Diccionario Mosby de Odontología, ampliamente implementado en el mercado tras más de 16 años y 4 ediciones, se posiciona como el libro de primera elección para todos los estudiantes de Odontología que necesitan dominar la terminología propia de su área de conocimiento. Para asegurar la calidad y actualidad del Diccionario, se cuenta con la participación de un Comité Editorial formado por los especialistas más destacados en cada una de las áreas y en esta nueva edición se ha incorporado la figura de un Editor Jefe (Margaret Fehrenbach) quien hace una revisión final asegurando la calidad y rigurosidad final del contenido. La nueva edición se posiciona como un “must have”que cubre todas las áreas de la Odontología, definiendo más de 10.000 términos tanto de la parte correspondiente a las ciencias básicas como de las asignaturas y procedimientos clínicos. Incluye más de 300 ilustraciones a todo color, fundamentalmente fotografías clínicas o imágenes de radiodiagnóstico, que ayudan a comprender el término descrito
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Dictionaries/Terminology**Make sense of complex medical terms with this comprehensive reference! Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 11th Edition includes more than 56,000 authoritative definitions along with 2,450 illustrations — that’s twice the number of images found in other medical dictionaries. Appendixes in the book and online make it easy to look up frequently used information, and an enhanced eBook version includes animations, audio pronunciations, and more. Helping you communicate more effectively in the workplace, this reference is an indispensable reference for students, nurses, and healthcare professionals.