Get expert guidance on performing arthroscopy and advanced joint surgery in small animals! Canine and Feline Arthrology and Arthroscopy presents basic and advanced arthroscopic, arthroscopic-assisted, and state-of-the-art open techniques for the management of joint disease in dogs and cats. Clear discussions of relevant topics include equipment, diseases, anatomy, and surgical treatment options. Multiple techniques for the same condition highlight key differences and explore their advantages and disadvantages. This comprehensive approach empowers the surgeon to understand the options available for treating a diverse array of medical conditions.
Highly visual with 500 illustrations and 450 full-motion video clips, Dr. Edward Gill’s Atlas of 3D Echocardiography, 2nd Edition, is a current, comprehensive, and practical resource for today’s cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and trainees. It provides expert guidance on accurate identification of complex cardiac anatomy, both normal and abnormal, using 3D echocardiography—helping you make more informed decisions regarding diagnosis and treatment. Case presentations cover a broad range of clinical problems and enhance your utilization and interpretation of this cutting-edge, dimensional diagnostic tool.
Based on the popular review course from Harvard Medical School’s teaching affiliate, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, 4th Edition, provides in-depth coverage on all specialties of internal medicine, as well as palliative care, occupational medicine, psychiatry, and geriatric medicine. Ideal for preparing for certification or recertification, this highly regarded, authoritative review tool keeps you up to date with tremendous changes in the field, incorporating detailed discussions in every chapter, essential learning points, more than 600 review questions, numerous tables and figures, and more.
In today’s global health services, the medical autopsy retains importance for determining cause of death, research, education, quality assurance in medical care, and families’ grieving processes. Autopsy Pathology: A Manual and Atlas, 4th Edition, provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to perform autopsies, including specialized procedures often not taught during a typical residency. Material is divided into two sections for ease of use: a manual covering specific autopsy procedures, biosafety, generation of autopsy reports, preparation of death certificates, and other essential subjects; and an atlas, organized by organ system, which captures the appearance of the complete spectrum of autopsy findings, including a chapter on forensic autopsy.
Mit dem „Vorkurs Medizin" schnell fit fürs Studium! GUT: umfassende Wiederholung der Grundlagenfächer Mathematik, Chemie, Biochemie, Biologie und Physik, damit Sie gut vorbereitet dem Tempo der Vorlesungen folgen können BESSER: das Buch knüpft an das Wissen aus der Oberstufe an und baut die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen auf, die fürs Medizinstudium notwendig sind. So klappt der Start in die Vorklinik! BASICS: schneller Einstieg garantiert: pro Thema eine übersichtliche Doppelseite, viele Abbildungen und die beliebte Zusammenfassung – und passend dazu Übungsfragen zu jedem Fach. Das Buch eignet sich für:Das ideale Buch für alle, die sich auf den Start ins Medizinstudium vorbereiten wollen.
Covering all of the major subject areas of this complex field, Clinical Pathology Board Review, 2nd Edition, is the ultimate guide for those preparing to take certification, recertification, and specialty board exams. This essential study guide has been revised from cover to cover, making it an excellent review tool for exam prep as well as a handy update for practicing pathologists who want to stay current with the latest advancements in the field.
Medical Sciences is the leading integrated medical sciences textbook for medical students, and will become your go-to resource for understanding the basic science behind medicine.Packed with information across a wide range of topics, the book provides an excellent introduction to basic medical science as well as areas you will cover throughout medical school, including cell science, biochemistry and human physiological systems.This book is well loved and used by thousands of undergraduates and provides a thorough overview for revision, with enough detail to support you through your pre-clinical years.
Das Buch vermittelt Ihnen die notwendigen Grundkenntnisse und praktischen Fähigkeiten, mit Schröpfen erfolgreich, professionell und zeitgemäß zu behandeln. Sie erfahren alles über diese naturheilkundliche Therapie und insbesondere die Aspekte:• Zugrundeliegende biologische Funktions- und Kommunikationssysteme• Orientierungshilfe in den Schröpfzonen• Auswahlkriterien von Materialien, Methoden und Verfahren anhand ihrer Wirkungsweisen• Konkrete praktische Anleitung je nach Beschwerdebild (Indikation)• Schröpfen bei besonderen PersonengruppenDank der präzise bebilderten und systematischen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen sind Sie unmittelbar in der Lage, die Beschwerden Ihrer Patientinnen und Patienteninnen mit professionellem Schröpfen zu lindern.Die neue, 2. Auflage wurde umfassend überarbeitet:Faszienbehandlungästhetische Kosmetik: Behandlung gegen Falten, CelluliteLexikon Aromaöle ausgebautKopf- und Rückenschmerzen, gynäkologogische Beschwerden, Atemwegserkrankungen oder auch Alterungserscheinungen der Haut – mit der naturheilkundlichen Methode Schröpfen lassen sich erstaunliche Erfolge erzielen.Das Buch eignet sich für:Ärzte und Ärztinnen mit Schwerpunkt NaturheilverfahrenHeilpraktiker und Heilpraktikerinnen mit Schwerpunkt NaturheilverfahrenAlle, die in der Faszientherapie und in der Kosmetik arbeitenPhysiotherapeuten und Physiotherapeutinnen