For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Emergency Medicine Secrets, 7th Edition, offers practical, up-to-date coverage of the full range of essential topics in this dynamic field. This highly regarded resource features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, pearls, memory aids, and an easy-to-read style – making inquiry, reference, and review quick, easy, and enjoyable.
Segunda edición de la obra "Enfermo crítico y emergencias", que actualiza sus contenidos continuando con el objetivo de formar a los profesionales implicados en esta área, tanto en el ámbito hospitalario como en el prehospitalario. El contenido viene avalado por la experiencia clínica y docente de autores referentes en sus áreas de conocimiento. Se mantiene la misma organización en cuatro partes principales y al igual que en la anterior edición, los capítulos comienzan con un cuadro de puntos clave, que introducen al lector en su contenido fundamental, seguidos, en los capítulos clínicos, de un caso clínico ilustrativo, que aproxima al lector a la realidad profesional al compartir experiencias vividas por los propios autores Entre las principales novedades, cabe destacar la inclusión de 8 nuevos capítulos: “Ecografía clínica”, “Cuidados posresucitación y valoración del pronóstico neurológico”, “Triaje: sistema de clasificación y estratificación frente a los signos y síntomas agudos más frecuentes”, “Abordaje del enfermo crítico posquirúrgico”, “Fundamentos para el aislamiento de alto nivel”, “Consideraciones básicas en amenazas nucleares/radiológicas, biológicas y/o químicas”, “Humanización de la atención al enfermo crítico” y “Sistemas de información en la atención al enfermo crítico."
Drs. Eric Weiss and Douglas Sward have assembled an expert team of authors on the topic of Wilderness and Environmental Medicine. Article topics include: Advances in the Prevention and Treatment of High Altitude Illness; Out-of-hospital Evaluation and Treatment of Accidental Hypothermia; Arthropod Envenomation in North America; North American Snake Envenomation; Cutting Edge Management of Frostbite;Updates in Decompression Illness; Marine Envenomation; Is There a Doctor on Board: Medical Emergencies at 40,000 Feet; Translating Battlefield Medicine to Wilderness Medicine; The Application of Point-of-Care Ultrasound to Austere Environments; Wilderness EMS Systems; Preparing for International Travel & Global Medical Care; and Medical-legal Issues in Expedition and Wilderness Medicine.
Category Winner 2013 - Tertiary Education (Wholly Australian) Student ResourceAustralian Publishers Association – Australian Educational Publishing Awards 2013 Practical Management of Head and Neck Injury is a unique textbook which comprehensively covers the patient journey from injury to the rehabilitation phase. It includes diagnosis and management of head and neck injury with additional chapters on prognosis and special conditions including head injury in sport, the elderly, children, pregnant women, penetrating head injury, spine and spinal cord injury and brain death. It describes an integrated approach to care from all the relevant specialties with Australian, UK and US experts contributing to many chapters. The book will be of interest to junior doctors, specialist trainees and specialists in emergency medicine, surgery, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, ENT, maxillofacial surgery, neurology, ophthalmology, anaesthesia and intensive care as well as medical students, nurses, paramedics and remote and rural practitioners.
Diagnostic Imaging for the Emergency Physician, written and edited by a practicing emergency physician for emergency physicians, takes a step-by-step approach to the selection and interpretation of commonly ordered diagnostic imaging tests. Dr. Joshua Broder presents validated clinical decision rules, describes time-efficient approaches for the emergency physician to identify critical radiographic findings that impact clinical management and discusses hot topics such as radiation risks, oral and IV contrast in abdominal CT, MRI versus CT for occult hip injury, and more. Diagnostic Imaging for the Emergency Physician was awarded a 2011 PROSE Award for Excellence for the best new publication in Clinical Medicine.
Emergency Medicine Review: Preparing for the Boards, by Richard Harrigan, Matthew Tripp, and Jacob Ufberg, uniquely combines a comprehensive, bulleted review of all required subjects with a thorough practice exam of board-style questions, giving you all the tools you need to be prepared and confident during the American Board of Emergency Medicine's qualifying exam and beyond! You can also access the online Q&A review at
Examination Emergency Medicine is a detailed fellowship exam guide to assist emergency medicine trainees; it is intended as a guide to supplement material available from ACEM and covers the preferred nature and format of question types that has evolved – for example a shift towards using photos that show clinical problems, rather than equipment or therapies in the VAQ section.
Als Standardwerk der Akutmedizin geht dieses Buch weit über die reine Notfallversorgung traumatologischer, internistischer und pädiatrischer Patienten hinaus. Es beinhaltet außerdem: Spezielle Notfallsituationen, z.B. Katastropheneinsätze, Tauchunfälle, Seenotrettung Psychiatrische und psychosoziale Problemsituationen - entsprechend der zunehmenden Bedeutung erweitert und vertieft Ökonomische, demographische, organisatorische sowie perspektivische Aspekte.
Using the unique cycles of trauma framework, the 4th edition of this classic and highly acclaimed resource is thoroughly updated to bring you comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge research findings and current issues, trends, and controversies in trauma nursing. Detailed information guides you through all phases of care – from preventive care and the time of injury to the resuscitative, operative, critical, intermediate, and rehabilitative stages. Timely discussions on emerging topics such as mass casualty and rural trauma/telemedicine keep you up to date with the latest developments in the field. This practical, evidence-based reference is the most complete resource available for both novice and experienced trauma nurses working in a variety of care settings.