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Books in Oncology

Cardio-Oncology Practice Manual: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease

  • 1st Edition
  • January 11, 2022
  • Joerg Herrmann
  • English
Today’s patients have unique cardiologic needs before, during, and after cancer treatment. Chemotherapies, radiation therapy, and targeted therapies can produce acute side effects or lasting adverse consequences on the heart and circulatory system, making the field of cardio-oncology increasingly important in effective patient care. Cardio-Oncology Practice Manual is a comprehensive, portable guide that provides practical approaches to assessment and management of cardiovascular diseases due to the effects of cardiotoxic agents and treatments. Part of the Braunwald family of renowned cardiology references, it clearly presents clinically relevant aspects of this growing field in one quick, practical reference for a wide range of cardio-oncology providers.

Onkologische Erkrankungen in der Hausarztpraxis

  • 1st Edition
  • April 2, 2020
  • Florian Kaiser + 3 more
  • German
„Habe ich eine Chance? Soll ich diese Therapie machen?" Hausärzte stehen an der Schnittstelle zwischen behandelnden Fachärzten und onkologischen Patienten und müssen sich mit solchen Fragen beschäftigen. Sie sind für ihre Patienten die wichtigsten Unterstützer und Lotsen durch die Phasen von Diagnose, Therapie und Nachsorge einer Krebserkrankung. Das Buch behandelt unter anderem folgende Themen: Genetische Grundlagen einer Tumorerkrankung Risikofaktoren für Krebs und Vermeidungsmöglichkeiten Die wichtigsten Diagnoseverfahren Behandlung der häufigsten Nebenwirkungen von Tumortherapien wie Infektionen, Übelkeit und Schmerzen Onkologische Notfälle wie Atemnot, Blutungen, Sepsis und Tumorlysesyndrom Extra Kapitel zum knochenmarktransplantierten Patienten Schmerztherapie und Wundmanagement sowie Lösungsansätze zur Adhärenzproblematik Palliative Versorgungsstrukturen Gesprächsstrategien im Umgang mit Tumorpatienten und ihren Angehörigen Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und erprobtes Praxiswissen sind exakt auf die Bedürfnisse von Hausärzten im Umgang mit Tumorpatienten zugeschnitten. Übersichtstabellen, FAQs von Patienten mit bewährten Antworten, Tipps, Praxisbeispiele und ein ausführliches Register bieten Orientierung und einen schnellen Zugriff auf alle relevanten Informationen.

Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma: Approaches to Treatment

  • 1st Edition
  • October 30, 2018
  • Leora Horn
  • English
Get a quick, expert overview of the latest treatment and management approaches for adenocarcinoma of the lung, including novel therapeutics in immunotherapy and targeted therapies. This practical title, edited by Dr. Leora Horn, offers succinct coverage of clinically-focused topics and guidelines, making it an ideal resource for practicing and trainee oncologists and other members of the cancer care team.

Hoffman and Abeloff's Hematology-Oncology Review

  • 1st Edition
  • November 16, 2017
  • Claudine Isaacs
  • English
For those preparing for certification or recertification in hematology or oncology, Hoffman and Abeloff's Hematology-Oncology Review is a single-volume source of authoritative, up-to-date exam preparation. This unique question and answer review helps you succeed on today’s board exams with more than 1,000 board-style questions, answers, and rationales; comprehensive coverage of essential exam topics, and online practice tests.

Oncología clínica

  • 6th Edition
  • November 8, 2017
  • Juan Jesús Cruz Hernández + 3 more
  • Spanish
El texto recoge los principales conocimientos de la especialidad, abarcando desde los principios básicos de la biología del cáncer hasta el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los principales tumores sólidos. Asimismo, incorpora los contenidos más importantes sobre los distintos tratamientos de soporte y el control de síntomas en el paciente oncológico. Esta sexta edición actualiza y sintetiza los contenidos de las ediciones previas con el fin de adecuarlos a los planes de estudios vigentes. Destaca lo esencial de cada tema, permitiendo tener en pocas páginas una visión rigurosa y actualizada de la Oncología Médica. Además, incluye capítulos específicos para los principales tipos de cáncer, cuenta con una gran cantidad de cuadros que destacan los contenidos más relevantes e incorpora un apéndice con las clasificaciones TNM de los principales tipos de tumores. Se dirige a los alumnos de Medicina que cursan la asignatura de Oncología Médica, pero también a médicos no especialistas en oncología y otros profesionales sanitarios que precisen adquirir una base sólida sobre el conocimiento actual del cáncer. Todos los autores son especialistas dedicados a la docencia de la oncología. La mayoría son integrantes de la Cátedra y Servicio de Oncología Médica del Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, que dirige el Prof. Cruz Hernández, uno de los pioneros en la enseñanza universitaria de esta especialidad en España.

Advances in Oncology Nursing, An Issue of Nursing Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 52-1
  • February 17, 2017
  • Margaret Barton-Burke
  • English
This issue of the Nursing Clinics of North America focuses on the expanding knowledge of oncology nursing. The science of cancer, the disease, is expanding at an unprecedented pace producing knowledge that is unparalleled in its complexity. Nurses caring for oncology patients require specialized knowledge to care for their patients safely. The articles in this edition include cutting-edge information written by authors who practice in corresponding settings. The articles are devoted to Oncology Genomics: Implications for Oncology/Cancer Nurses; Informatics; Evidence-Based Practice in Oncology Nursing; Brain Cancer and Family Caregiving; Symptom Management and Palliative Care for Patients with Cancer; Lung Cancer and Tobacco: What’s New; Health Disparities; Changes in Cancer Treatment: Nibs and Mabs; Clinical Trials and the Role of the Oncology Clinical Research Nurse Cancer Survivorship; and Oral Chemotherapeutic Agents.

Imaging in Oncology, An Issue of Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 23-4
  • September 26, 2014
  • Vijay P. Khatri
  • English
This issue of Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America, devoted to Imaging in Oncology, is edited by Dr. Vijay Khatri. Articles in this issue include: Imaging of Central Nervous Tumors; Role of Imaging in Head and Neck Malignancies; Imaging of Thoracic Cavity Tumor; Diagnostic Imaging of Hepatobiliary Malignancies; Recent Advances in Genito-Urinary Tract Tumors; Current Status of Imaging for Adrenal Glands; Radiology of Soft Tissue Tumors; Image-Guided Interventions in Oncology; Imaging of Pancreatic Neoplasms; Imaging of Primary Malignant Tumors of Peritoneal and Retroperitoneal Origin; Breast Tumor Imaging; and Application of Intraoperative Imaging in Oncology.

Treatment of Colorectal Cancer, An Issue of Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 23-1
  • December 2, 2013
  • Nancy Baxter
  • English
This issue of Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America is devoted to the treatment of Colorectal Cancer. Editors Nancy Baxter, MD and Marcus Burnstein, MD have assembled some of the top experts in the field to review this important topic.Articles in this issue include: Colonoscopy: What are we missing?; Imaging in rectal cancer: MRI vs. ERUS; Local Excision for Rectal Cancer; Controversies in Neo-adjuvant treatment for rectal cancer; Management of the complete response; Controversies in laparoscopy for CRC; Colon resection – is standard technique adequate?; Quality Assurance in CRC surgery; Controversies in Abdomino-perineal resection; Functional Consequences of CRC management; Timing of adjuvant therapy for CRC; and Management of Stage IV disease.

Evolving Therapies in Esophageal Carcinoma, An Issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 23-4
  • November 12, 2013
  • Wayne Hofstetter
  • English
This issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics devoted to Therapy for Esophageal Cancer will be Guest Edited by Dr. Wayne Hofstetter. Articles in this issue include: Radiographic and Endoscopic staging of esophageal cancer; Endoscopic management of HGD/Early stage esophageal cancer; Induction chemotherapy for esophageal cancer; Personalizing therapy for esophageal cancer patients; Surgery for esophageal cancer: Goals of resection and optimizing outcomes (Lymph node dissection in esophageal cancer/R0 Resection); Standardizing Esophagectomy Complications; Adjuvant therapy (post-op) for esophageal cancer; Definitive CXRT for esophageal cancer; Salvage Esophagectomy in the management of recurrent or persistent esophageal cancer; and Quality of life after curative resection for esophageal cancer.