Das Buch informiert Sie übersichtlich und komprimiert über alle praxisrelevanten Therapieformen und Behandlungsstrategien, die Sie kennen sollten.Praktische, prägnante Handlungsanweisungen für den Arzt in der PraxisEvidenzbasierte EmpfehlungsgradeÜbersichtliche Algorithmen und Tabellen zur TherapieDidaktisch einprägsame Aufbereitung der Inhalte, in der die wichtigsten Fakten komprimiert wiedergegeben werdenVerständliche Darstellung organbezogener und fachübergreifender TherapieansätzeNeu n der 2. Auflage:Neues, zusätzliches Kapitel Sport- und BewegungstherapieAlle Inhalte aktualisiertDas Buch eignet sich für:Weiterbildungsassistent*innen und Fachärzt*innen der FachgebieteInnere MedizinAllgemeinmedizinOnkologie und Hämatologie
Informieren Sie sich über die ganze Bandbreite dessen, was zusätzlich und begleitend unternommen werden kann, um die Nebenwirkungen onkologischer Therapien in den Griff zu bekommen.Damit sind Sie für die Fragen Ihrer Patient*innen bestens gerüstet und können kompetent und zuverlässig antworten und beraten.Besonderheiten, die bei komplementären Methoden zu beachten sindEin Ampelsystem zeigt Ihnen auf einen Blick die Evidenzlage und damit Empfehlung oder WarnungKörperliche Aktivität, Ernährung und holistische Methoden, wie z.B. Akupunktur, Homöopathie, TCM73 Substanzen von Aloe vera bis ZinkAlle Kapitel sind klar und einheitlich strukturiert: Vorkommen, Wirkstoffe und Anwendungsgebiete, Wirkmechanismen aus präklinischen Daten, Klinische Studiendaten, Wechselwirkungen mit der Tumortherapie, Nebenwirkungen, Dosierung, Kontraindikationen und Warnhinweise, Bewertung und Empfehlungen für die Praxis, Literatur.Das Buch eignet sich für Fachärzt*innenAllgemeinmedizinInnere MedizinOnkologie HämatologieGynäkologische OnkologieUrologieGastroenterologieund viele mehr
Prepare for success on the OCN® Exam with the definitive Q&A review from the Oncology Nursing Society! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN® Exam, this study guide is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Chapters correspond to the chapters in the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 7th Edition, and practice questions match the format and Test Plan for the OCN® Exam. Detailed rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers, reinforcing your understanding of oncology nursing. A new companion Evolve website includes all of the Study Guide content in a fully interactive quizzing engine that simulates an actual OCN® Exam in either Study Mode (with immediate question feedback) or Exam Mode (with feedback only at the end of the simulated exam). Choose the definitive Q&A study resource for OCN® certification!
Prepare for success on the OCN® Exam with the definitive Q&A review from the Oncology Nursing Society! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN® Exam, this study guide is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Chapters correspond to the chapters in the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 7th Edition, and practice questions match the format and Test Plan for the OCN® Exam. Detailed rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers, reinforcing your understanding of oncology nursing. A new companion Evolve website includes all of the Study Guide content in a fully interactive quizzing engine that simulates an actual OCN® Exam in either Study Mode (with immediate question feedback) or Exam Mode (with feedback only at the end of the simulated exam). Choose the definitive Q&A study resource for OCN® certification!
Prepare for success on the OCN® Exam with the definitive Q&A review from the Oncology Nursing Society! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN® Exam, this study guide is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Chapters correspond to the chapters in the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 7th Edition, and practice questions match the format and Test Plan for the OCN® Exam. Detailed rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers, reinforcing your understanding of oncology nursing. A new companion Evolve website includes all of the Study Guide content in a fully interactive quizzing engine that simulates an actual OCN® Exam in either Study Mode (with immediate question feedback) or Exam Mode (with feedback only at the end of the simulated exam). Choose the definitive Q&A study resource for OCN® certification!
Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care.
Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care.
Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care.
Because most cancer care is delivered in the community setting, Breast Cancer, edited by Dr. James L. Weese, looks at the management of breast cancer through the lens of multidisciplinary pathways focused on evidence-based, real-world care of breast cancer patients in the community. A multidisciplinary team of expert authors provides state-of-the-art guidance from the perspective of community practitioners using an evidence-based model, clearly showing the thought processes used to make treatment decisions in today’s breast cancer management.