Acquiring a solid understanding of the gross anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and brainstem is a challenging task—one that’s made easier and more enjoyable with Nolte's The Human Brain: An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy, 9th Edition. This highly regarded textbook demystifies the complexities of all key topics in functional neuroanatomy and neuroscience, using a clear writing style, interesting examples, and high-quality visual cues to provide the ideal depth of well-rounded coverage.
The perfect hands-on reference, Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body, 3rd Edition, is a practical resource in the anatomy lab, on surgical rotations, during clerkship and residency and beyond! This fully revised third edition uses a unique, step-by-step presentation of full-color cadaveric photographs to orient you more quickly in the anatomy lab, and points out the clinical relevance of each structure and every dissection. Each photograph depicts clearly labeled anatomical structures, including muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and organs—making this one-of-a-kind resource ideal for preparing for laboratory sessions and as a useful reference during dissections.
Now fully revised and updated, this leading ICT series volume offers a concise yet comprehensive account of the structure and function of the human nervous system. Trusted by generations of readers and now in its seventh edition, it remains internationally popular as the most succinct, clinically relevant and uniquely illustrated textbook available on the subject. Carefully targeted to bridge the gap between a brief overview on the one hand and an extensive text on the other, this book provides a clear account of neuroanatomical principles. It describes normal structure and function and clinically relevant dysfunction, all related to conditions which students will encounter in clinical practice. This book will make learning easy for medical students, junior doctors and specialist trainees needing a sound understanding of the basics of neuroanatomy which underpin the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
Offering a concise, highly visual approach to the basic science and clinical pathology of the digestive system, these three updated books in The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations (the CIBA "Green Books") contain unparalleled didactic illustrations reflecting the latest medical knowledge. Revised under the expert editorial leadership of Dr. James C. Reynolds, Upper Digestive Tract (Part 1), Lower Digestive Tract (Part 2), and Liver, Biliary Tract, and Pancreas (Part 3) of Digestive System, Volume 9, integrate core concepts of anatomy, physiology, and other basic sciences with common clinical correlates across health, medical, and surgical disciplines. Classic Netter art, updated and new illustrations, and modern imaging continue to bring medical concepts to life and make this timeless work an essential resource for students, clinicians, and educators.
Gut – besser – BASICS! Mit der BASICS-Reihe gewinnst du den Überblick!Das BASICS Leitungsbahnen bietet dir den kompletten Überblick über das Thema.Gut: umfassender Einblick – ausführliche Darstellung der klinisch-relevanten Leitungsbahnen von den Arterien und Venen bis zu Nerven und Lymphsystem.Besser: Fallbeispiele zum besseren Verständnis der Zusammenhänge und Vorbereitung für die nächste Prüfung: alle wichtigen IMPP-Inhalte sind drin.BASICS: schneller Einstieg garantiert: pro Thema eine übersichtliche Doppelseite, viele Abbildungen, systematische Darstellung der Leitungsbahnen in Tabellen und die beliebte Zusammenfassung.Der Autor hat langjährige Erfahrung in Vermittlung vorklinischer Inhalte und garantiert bestes Wissen auf Augenhöhe.Neu in der 3. Auflage:Zahlreiche neue Abbildungen für ein noch besseres VerständnisDas Buch eignet sich für:Medizinstudierende im vorklinischen StudienabschnittPhysiotherapeutinnen und Physiotherapeuten in der Ausbildung
The fifth edition of this book is thoroughly updated in accordance with the competency-based undergraduate medical education curriculum as per guidelines of National Medical Commission (NMC). Following recent trends in medical education, this book has been profusely illustrated anddesigned in simple and easy-to-understand language for better retention of learnt concepts. Considering significant developments and advances in the subject, the book provides practical application of anatomical facts through its unique feature – Clinical Correlation boxes in chapters.
The third edition of this book is thoroughly updated in accordance with the competency-based curriculum of anatomy. Text is written in simple and easy-to-understand style in question-answer format which helps the student in quick learning and revision. Volume II covers the syllabus of Paper II of most University Examinations.
Neuroanatomie wie im Präpkurs!Die exzellenten Präparate spiegeln die Situation im Neuroanatomie-Kurs wider. Der Atlas ist so konzipiert, dass du die Strukturen des zentralen Nervensystems systematisch Schnitt für Schnitt bildlich begreifen kannst:Realistisches Farbfoto des Präparats neben farbiger, erklärender SchemazeichnungGut beschriftete anatomische Strukturen zum Erkennen und LernenVollständiger, prägnanter Lerntext Außerdem:Zusammenfassung des Basiswissens als Einstieg in jedes KapitelMerke- und KlinikkästenSteckbriefe zu den sensorischen und motorischen BahnenFragen zu jedem Kapitel Neu in der 2. Auflage:Kapitel Auge, Orbita und SehbahnErweiterung um MRT-Bilder passend zu einigen PräparatenKlinische FallbeispieleLernhinweise am KapitelendeDas Buch eignet sich für:Medizinstudierende im vorklinischen Studienabschnitt
Reinforce your knowledge of neuroanatomy, neuroscience, and common neurologic disorders with this active, engaging, and relaxing review method! Netter’s Neuroscience Coloring Book, 2nd Edition, makes abstract concepts more concrete as you use color and tactile movement to reinforce your memory and understanding of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn and review a complex but fascinating subject—whether you’re taking a course in neuroscience, preparing for a neuroscience program, or planning a career in research, science, or medicine and healthcare.