Over the past decade, tremendous innovations in technology, clinical applications, and implant design have transformed the field of facial implant surgery, leading to improved outcomes and greater patient satisfaction. The highly anticipated 2nd Edition of Atlas of Facial Implants, led by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael J. Yaremchuk, brings you fully up to date with these changes, offering authoritative coverage of both aesthetic and reconstructive applications of alloplastic implants for recontouring the craniofacial skeleton.
Highlighting new and highly sought-after procedures in day-to-day plastic surgery practice, Core Procedures in Plastic Surgery, 2nd Edition, covers key areas of reconstructive, aesthetic, hand, and pediatric plastic surgery—all modified to provide streamlined detail of anatomy, workup, and procedural steps. This unique reference, derived from Dr. Peter C. Neligan’s 6-volume award-winning masterwork, Plastic Surgery, 4th Edition, provides the high-yield, highly visual guidance you need to confidently perform these procedures and achieve optimal outcomes.
Changing trends, ethnic and regional preferences, and a hands-on teaching method make cosmetic surgery uniquely challenging for novice and experienced surgeons alike. Aesthetic Surgery Techniques: A Case-Based Approach offers expert, real-world instruction by presenting chapters and patients in a classical fashion, providing a clinical perspective as you work through case after case, honing your knowledge and skills. A diverse, international group of highly reputable faculty takes you step by step through each case.
This issue of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, guest edited by Drs. Charles Scott Hultman and Michael W. Neumeister, is devoted to Burn Care: Rescue, Resuscitation, Resurfacing. Articles in this comprehensive issue include: Lessons Learned from Major Disasters: From Cocoanut Grove to 9/11; Disaster Preparedness and Response in the 21st Century; Prevention, Advocacy, Legislation; 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teams:Integrating the Workforce; Financial Impact of Burns; Innovations in Burn Wound Assessment and Care; Hemodynamic Monitoring and Resuscitation; Management of Pulmonary Failure: From the VDR to ECMO; Infection Control: Iimmunosuppression and Management of HAIs; Neuro ICU and Perioperative Sedation/Analgesia; Nutrition, Metabolism, Endocrine; Patient Safety in Burn Patients: From the ICU to Rehab; Dermatologic Emergencies and the Role of the Burn Center; Pediatric Burn Care; Timing and Type of Excision:EBM Guidelines; Skin Substitutes and Bioscaffolds: Temporary and Permanent Coverage; Tissue Engineering and Stem Cells: Regeneration of the Skin and its Contents; Chemical, Electrical, and Radiation Injuries; Perineal Burns and Child Abuse; Negative Pressure Wound Therapy; Chronic Burn Wounds: HBO, Growth Factors, Marjolin's; and Acute Management of Hand Burns.
This issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Benjamin C. Marcus, is devoted to Functional Rhinoplasty. Articles in this outstanding issue include: Essential Anatomy and Evaluation for Functional Rhinoplasty; Septoplasty: Basic and Advanced Techniques; The Role of the Inferior Turbinate in Rhinoplasty; The External Nasal Valve; The Internal Valve: Dynamic and Static Repairs; The Art of Osteotomies; Repair of Nasal Septum Perforations; Management of Pediatric Rhinoplasty; Cleft Septorhinoplasty: Form and Function; The Saddle Deformity: Camouflage and Reconstruction; Revision Functional Surgery: Salvaging Function; and Advances in Technology for Functional Rhinoplasty.
With coverage of nearly twice the number of flaps as the previous edition, Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery, 2nd Edition provides trainees and practicing surgeons alike with the detailed, expert knowledge required to ensure optimal outcomes. It includes chapters and expert commentaries from more than 100 authors and world-renowned leaders in the field, while brand-new cases and high-quality illustrations focused on flap harvest, markings, and reconstruction keep you abreast of today's latest developments.
This issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Sherard Tatum and Lisa Morris, is devoted to Cranio-facial Surgery for the Facial Plastic Surgeon. Articles in this issue include: Genetic Evaluation for Craniofacial Conditions; Early Airway Intervention for Craniofacial Anomalies; Feeding and Speech Evaluation for Craniofacial Anomalies; Cleft Lip Repair, Nasoalveolar Molding and Primary Rhinoplasty; Cleft Palate Repair, Gingivoperiostoplasty and Alveolar Bone Grafting; Velopharyngeal Dysfunction Evaluation and Treatment; Orthodontic Care for Craniofacial Anomalies; Intermediate and Definitive Cleft Rhinoplasty; Orthognathic Surgery; Craniofacial Microsomia; Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis and Deformational Head Shape Disorders; Syndromic Craniosynostosis; Tessier Clefts and Hypertelorism; Vascular Lesions; Facial Nerve Rehabilitation; Microtia; Craniomaxillofacial Tumors; and Reconstruction and Craniomaxillofacial Trauma.
Repair and restoration of the facial nerve takes exceptional skill in facial anatomy and surgery. In this issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, surgeon and academician Daniel Alam leads discussion by expert surgeons of topics such as Bell's Palsy, Botox in the treatment of facial paralysis; Management of the eye in facial paralysis; Static slings; Temporalis tendon transfer; Nerve transfer; Gracilis flaps; Sternohyoid flaps, New technologies in facial paralysis; and Physical therapy for facial rehabilitation. Each discussion includes diagnosis and procedural steps for best outcomes for function and cosmesis.