Clinical Surgery provides a complete overview of all surgical specialties, and is suitable for advanced undergraduates through to surgical trainees preparing for the FRCS. This comprehensive textbook is designed around the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme (ISCP) framework, and provides information needed for passing MCQs, OSCEs and Vivas in the one book. Information is divided into three clear sections: basic science and surgical strategy; common surgical conditions and trauma; and leadership, evidence-based practice and global surgery. This fourth edition has been fully updated and restructured by a new editorial team. Older concepts have been replaced by a new focus on systems biology, omics sciences and multidisciplinary sciences, and the book presents a modern, inclusive view of the surgeon as part of a multidisciplinary team delivering high quality care.
This comprehensive textbook is the surgical companion to the international bestseller, Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. It provides an overview of core surgical topics encountered in an integrated medical curriculum and, later, in the clinical setting. The book takes a succinct and practical approach to the understanding of surgical disease and care of the surgical patient. It offers comprehensive coverage of the key surgical specialties and includes emerging issues around patient safety and the critical importance of clinical human factors in surgical practice. Fully updated to reflect changes in understanding and evidence-based practice, this is a text that keeps the student up to date and that no trainee surgeon should be without.
For more than 80 years, Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice has been the go-to text for trainees and surgeons at all levels of experience for definitive guidance on every aspect of general surgery. As the oldest continuously published textbook of surgery in North America, this fully revised 21st Edition continues to provide the key information, essential teaching pearls, and completely updated content needed to make the most informed surgical decisions and achieve optimal outcomes for patients. Concisely written and evidence based throughout, it covers the breadth of material required for certification and practice of general surgery, highlighted by detailed, full-color intraoperative illustrations and high-quality video clips.
Thoroughly updated to reflect the latest advances and technologies, Braddom’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 6th Edition, remains the market leader in the field of PM&R. For more than 20 years, this bestselling reference has been the go-to resource for the entire rehabilitation team, providing in-depth coverage of essential core principles along with the latest research, technologies, and procedures that enhance patient care and facilitate optimal return to function. In this edition, lead editor Dr. David X. Cifu and his team of expert associate editors and contributing authors employ a more succinct format that emphasizes need-to-know material, incorporating new key summary features, including high-yield information and study sheets for problem-based learning.
Dieses BASICS liefert Ihnen den perfekten Überblick über die gesamte Bandbreite der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. GUT: umfassender Einblick – von den physiologischen und anatomischen Grundlagen über die wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder bis zur Therapie. BESSER: Fallbeispiele zum besseren Verständnis der Zusammenhänge und Vorbereitung für die nächste Prüfung: die wichtigen IMPP-Inhalte sind drin! BASICS: schneller Einstieg garantiert: pro Thema eine übersichtliche Doppelseite, viele Abbildungen und die beliebte Zusammenfassung Mit diesem BASICS haben Sie perfekten Einblick in das große Fachgebiet der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Neu in der 6. Auflage: Bursitis präpatellaris, Achillodynie, Rotatorenmanschettenruptur aktualisiert
Obra que presenta una actualización de los tratamientos quirúrgicos basándose en la evidencia disponible para el abordaje de los principales trastornos endocrinos. Con un formato conciso y de fácil lectura, y dirigido tanto a endocrinos como a especialistas en endocrinologÃa quirúrgica, se incluye en este tÃtulo la información más relevante sobre el diagnóstico, el manejo, el tratamiento y el pronóstico de este tipo de patologÃas de la mano de un reputado grupo de expertos internacionales. Entre las patologÃas endocrinológicas abordadas en la obra se encuentras las vinculadas a la glándula tiroides, paratiroides y adrenales, asà como los sÃndromes endocrinológicos hereditarios, tales como neoplasias endocrinas múltiples. Los autores consolidan la información disponible en este área en un único libro con un enfoque práctico que facilita la consulta por parte de los especialistas.
Los algoritmos presentados en este texto facilitan la evaluación y el manejo de 150 problemas quirúrgicos comunes. Identifican alternativas de diagnóstico, opciones de tratamiento y resultados al sopesar los beneficios de las decisiones contra los riesgos y los costos. Se centran en los puntos crÃticos de decisión de los problemas quirúrgicos más comunes y enumeran especÃficamente los datos clave que conducen a una decisión. Se añaden explicaciones concisas a los puntos apropiados de los algoritmos para explicar todos los factores crÃticos que afectan a las decisiones y para ofrecer una forma rápida y eficaz de revisar las cuestiones clave y tomar las mejores decisiones clÃnicas.
Offering unparalleled coverage of this key area, Surgery of the Salivary Glands provides an in-depth, authoritative review of salivary gland disease and treatment. International experts from otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and many other disciplines discuss all aspects of surgery and medicine, including anatomy, physiology, histology, pathology, imaging, sialendoscopy, and tumor surgery. Both in print and on video, this innovative, superbly illustrated reference is an ideal resource for physicians in residency or fellowship training, in clinical practice or in academic medicine.