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Books in Critical care

Infection Challenges in the Critical Care Unit, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 33-4
  • November 9, 2021
  • May M. Riley
  • English
In this issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics, Guest Editor May M. Riley brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Infection Challenges in the Critical Care Unit. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as Implementing an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, Pulmonary Infections, Including Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP), Preventing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI), and more.

Toxicology, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 37-3
  • June 4, 2021
  • Janice L. Zimmerman
  • English
This issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Janice L. Zimmerman, focuses on Toxicology. This is one of four issues each year selected by the series consulting editor, Dr. John Kellum. Articles in this issue include, but are not limited to: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles for toxicology, Use of extracorporeal techniques in poisonings, Drugs of Abuse, Cardiovascular Drug Toxicity, Anticoagulant and Anti-platelet Drug Toxicity and Psychotropic Agents.

Medicina intensiva. Práctica basada en la evidencia

  • 3rd Edition
  • September 24, 2020
  • Clifford S. Deutschman + 1 more
  • Spanish
Abarca los distintos problemas de la medicina intensiva, desde la asistencia rutinaria hasta las situaciones complicadas y especiales. Ayuda a abordar cada cuestión de un modo lógico y eficaz, utilizando un enfoque práctico y homogéneo de las opciones terapéuticas, y las guías disponibles. Presenta información actualizada basada en investigaciones actuales, e incluye casos totalmente nuevos sobre temas clave y controversias, como el uso/sobreuso de antibióticos, la resistencia a fármacos en la UCI, la ventilación mecánica no invasiva, la frecuencia de las transfusiones y la duración de las terapias sustitutivas de la función renal. Proporciona numerosas tablas de referencia rápida que resumen la literatura disponible y los enfoques clínicos recomendados. Incluye acceso al ebook en inglés en Expert Consult. Este contenido electrónico le permitirá realizar búsquedas en todo el texto, las figuras y las referencias del libro desde diversos dispositivos.

Nunn and Lumb's Applied Respiratory Physiology

  • 9th Edition
  • June 4, 2020
  • Andrew B. Lumb + 1 more
  • English
Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology, Ninth Edition, is your concise, one-stop guide to all aspects of respiratory physiology in health, disease, and in the many physiologically challenging situations and environments into which humans take themselves – coverage is from basic science to clinical applications. Trusted for over 50 years, this most comprehensive single volume on respiratory physiology will prove invaluable to those in training or preparing for examinations in anaesthesia, intensive care, respiratory medicine or thoracic surgery – as well as an essential quick reference for physiologists and the range of practitioners requiring ready access to current knowledge in this field. Now fully revised and updated, this ninth edition includes a larger page format for improved clarity, as well as full access to the complete, downloadable eBook version. This incorporates BONUS chapters, handy topic summaries, interactive self-assessment material and a NEW series of expert lectures on key topics. The result is a more flexible, engaging and complete resource than ever before. Enhancements to this edition include: A new dedicated chapter on obesity – covering the effects of this global challenge on the physiology of the respiratory system in health and disease, in both adults and children Expanded coverage of the adverse effects of hyperoxia - including the physiology of the now popular technique of high-flow nasal therapy A revised section on air pollution – reflecting the growing importance and understanding of the impact of pollution on the lungs and other body systems, along with the latest worldwide guidelines Detailed coverage of artificial ventilation during general anaesthesia – covering post-operative respiratory complications and the physiological basis of current best-practice for optimizing ventilation Print comes with enhanced eBook - includes access to the complete, fully searchable text, PLUS: bonus chapters handy chapter summaries interactive self-assessment material a NEW series of 25 expert lectures focusing on the most essential topics in respiratory physiology

Biomarkers in Critical Care,An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 36-1
  • November 26, 2019
  • Mitchell Levy
  • English
This issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Mitchell M. Levy, focuses on Biomarkers in Critical Care. This is one of four issues each year selected by the series consulting editor, Dr. John Kellum. Articles in this issue include, but are not limited to: The History of Biomarkers; Biomarkers for Identifying Infection; Procalcitonin: Where Are We Now?; Soluble TREM-1: Diagnosis or Prognosis?; Lubricin as a Biomarker in Sepsis; Check Point Inhibitors and Their Role in Immunosuppression in Sepsis; Metabolomics and the Microbiome as Biomarkers in Sepsis; Lactate: Where Are We Now?; Predicting Renal Dysfunction; Biomarkers in the Evolution of ARDS; Biomarkers and RV Dysfunction; Biomarkers and Precision Medicine: State of the Art; The Use of Biomarkers for Population Homogeneity in Clinical Trials; and The Future of Biomarkers.

Quality Outcomes and Costs, An Issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 31-2
  • May 8, 2019
  • Deborah Garbee + 1 more
  • English
In consultation with Consulting Editor, Dr. Jan Foster, Drs. Garbee and Danna have put together a state-of the-art issue of the Critical Care Nursing Clinics devoted to Quality Outcomes and Costs. Clinical review articles are specifically devoted to the following: Information Technology, Electronic Medical Records, and Practice Alerts; Telehealth Use to Promote Quality Outcomes and Reduce Costs; Impact of a Mobility Team on ICU Patient Outcomes; MACRA and MIPS Impact on Quality and Cost Outcomes; Leadership's Impact on Quality, Outcomes, and Costs; Big Data Sets Use for Quality, Outcomes, and Cost; Pediatric Quality Metrics Related to Quality Outcomes and Cost; Geriatric Outcomes Related to Quality and Cost; Mental Health/Behavioral Health Metrics; Obstetric Quality Outcomes and Cost; Emergency Department Throughput; and Veteran Outcomes. Readers will come away with the latest information they need to improve quality and improve out comes in critically ill patients.

Modern Critical Care Endocrinology, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 35-2
  • March 27, 2019
  • Rinaldo Bellomo
  • English
This issue of Critical Care Clinics, Guest Edited by Dr. Rinaldo Bellomo, focuses on Modern Critical Care Endocrinology. Article topics include: Diabetes insipidus and SIADH in the ICU; Estrogen therapy in ICU patients; The angiotensin family, ACE and ACE 2; Angiotensin II in vasodilatory shock; Vasopressin in vasodilatory shock; Hydrocortisone in vasodilatory shock; Erythropoietin in trauma and critical illness; HbA1c and permissive hyperglycemia in diabetic ICU patients; Osteoporosis and the critically ill patient; New oral agents for the treatment of diabetes; Melatonin in critical care; The incretins in ICU patients; Hepcidin; Thyroid hormone therapy in the ICU; and Hormonal therapy in organ donors.

Toxicología clínica

  • 1st Edition
  • March 20, 2019
  • Santiago Nogué Xarau
  • Spanish
Los autores se dirigen fundamentalmente a los servicios de Urgencias (hospitalarios y prehospitalarios) y unidades de Cuidados Intensivos, donde recaen las intoxicaciones agudas. La obra abarca también intoxicaciones crónicas que pueden tener como diana cualquier órgano, por lo que cuenta con la colaboración de especialistas en distintas áreas. El profesional hallará asimismo una descripción detallada de los posibles agentes causales de una órganotoxicidad y de su mecanismo fisiopatológico, al tiempo que información sobre los efectos tóxicos de centenares de productos. Se guía al lector en aspectos epidemiológicos de las intoxicaciones, en la comprensión de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos de la acción tóxica sobre los diversos órganos y sistemas y, sobre todo, en las acciones terapéuticas prioritarias en cada intoxicación. El texto se ha diseñado para acceder con rapidez a las diversas intoxicaciones y a sus respectivas medidas de actuación (técnicas, cuidados y tratamiento), tanto en el ámbito prehospitalario como el hospitalario. Pero se han incluido también algunos tóxicos, como los metales pesados, y algunas entidades, como la sensibilidad química múltiple, que tienen una mayor expresividad crónica y con frecuencia una relación con la actividad laboral del paciente. Este libro pretende ser útil para el manejo de las intoxicaciones, tanto agudas como crónicas y, por tanto, puede ser consultado por urgenciólogos e intensivistas, pero también por internistas, médicos de familia, especialistas en salud laboral y, en definitiva, por todo aquel que en su actividad profesional pueda encontrarse con algún caso de sospecha de intoxicación.

Critical Care Secrets

  • 6th Edition
  • March 14, 2018
  • Polly E. Parsons + 3 more
  • English
For more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Critical Care Secrets, 6th Edition, features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, and an easy-to-read style – making reference and review quick, easy, and enjoyable.

Sepsis, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 34-1
  • November 27, 2017
  • Mervyn Singer + 1 more
  • English
This issue of Critical Care Clinics, edited by Mervyn singer and Manu Shankar-Hari, includes: Sepsis 3.0 Definitions; Epidemiology and Outcomes; Pathophysiology of sepsis; Pathophysiology of Septic shock; Mechanism of organ dysfunction in sepsis; Endocrine and metabolic alterations in sepsis: challenges and treatments; The immune system in sepsis; Nutrition and Sepsis; Common sense approach to managing sepsis; Biomarkers for sepsis and their use; Personalizing sepsis care; Novel interventions - What’s new and the future; and Long term outcomes following Sepsis.