In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Vivian H. Chu brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Advances in the Prevention and Management of Device-Related Infections. Top experts in the field review provide a contemporary summary of the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of the most common device-related infections. State-of-the-art coverage includes transcatheter aortic valve implant infections, cochlear implant infections, contact lens-related infections, the role of meta-genomic sequencing in the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infections, and more.
Written by authorities in infectious disease and disaster preparedness, this one-stop resource covers the relevant theoretical, historical, and pragmatic considerations of viral outbreaks and bioterrorism. It provides an expert overview of this complex area for infectious disease physicians, emergency medicine physicians, hospital administrators, and more.
Dieser Klinikleitfaden gibt Ihnen Hilfestellung und schnelle Antworten auf infektiologische Fragestellungen. Er bietet fächerübergreifende Informationen und konkrete Handlungsanweisungen und geht auf alle Infektionsarten ein – viral, bakteriell, mykotisch und protozoal.Spätestens seit dem Auftreten des neuartigen Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) wurde deutlich, wie groß die Bedeutung des Fachgebietes der Infektiologie für den klinischen Alltag ist. Das Buch bietet:Umfassende Informationen zur antiinfektiven Therapie und InfektionspräventionZusammenstellung von Infektionskrankheiten der OrgansystemeSystemische besondere Infektionen, wie HIV, Tuberkulose, Zoonosen und tropische Infektionen Neu in der 2. Auflage: PilzeGram-negative BlutstrominfektionenCampylobacter, Salmonellen,Shigellen,Typhus und ParathyphusPelvic inflammatory disease (PID), Mastitis puerperal/non-puerperal,Endo(myo)metritisMpox (Affenpocken)Erythrasma, MalasseziaZika, Chikungunya, Postvirale SyndromeDieses Buch eignet sich für:Weiterbildungsassistenten und Weiterbildungsassistentinnen sowie Fachärztinnen – und -ärzte Allgemeinmedizin, Innere Medizin, Mikrobiologie Infektionsepidemiologie
In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, guest editors Dr. Daniel A. Solomon and Paul E. Sax bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Advances in the Management of HIV. Top experts in the field review the state of the art in HIV treatment and prevention, discuss challenges and opportunities in reaching especially vulnerable populations, identify treatment challenges in an aging population, and look into the future of antiretroviral therapy, vaccine development, and training the next generation of the HIV workforce.
In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics, guest editor Kalpana Gupta brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Urinary Tract Infection Challenges. This issue aims to serve clinicians and scholars well over the next decade, with the goal of helping the principles that are currently "beyond the basics" become part of everyday armamentarium.
In this issue of Infectious Disease Clinics, guest editors Rachael Lee and Helen W. Boucher bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Lung Infections. Top experts in the field provide important updates on hot topics such as Viral Pneumonias, Infectious Pulmonary Diseases,Infections in Heart and Lung Transplant Recipients, and more.
Cubre la fisiopatologÃa, la detección temprana, los biomarcadores y el diagnóstico, las terapias, las controversias, la investigación futura, el uso de la inteligencia artificial, las organizaciones profesionales y la salud pública en la sepsis. Incluye capÃtulos sobre la sepsis en poblaciones especiales, como en mujeres embarazadas, pacientes trasplantados y niños. Consolida la información disponible hoy en dÃa sobre este tema en un único y práctico recurso. Ofrece una perspectiva global y multidisciplinar de la sepsis. Los autores son tanto responsables de la toma de decisiones como personal sanitario de primera lÃnea.