This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will discuss Sports Medicine Imaging. Guest edited by Drs. Jennifer Pierce and Nicholas C. Nacey, this issue will discuss a number of related topics that are important to practicing clinicians. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Miller. The volume will include articles on: Imaging of Stress Injuries, Wrist and Hand Trauma, Shoulder Instability, Imaging of Elbow Injuries, Pediatric Sports Injuries, Ultrasound in Sports Injuries, Imaging of Turf Toe, Ligamentous Injuries of the Ankle, Imaging of Patellofemoral Instability, Knee Cartilage Imaging, and Knee Ligament Imaging, among others.
This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will cover the Spine in Sports Medicine. Guest edited by Drs. Francis H. Shen and Adam Shimer, this issue will discuss a number of related topics that are important to practicing clinicians. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Miller. The volume will include articles on: Spine Injury Prevention, On field management of suspected Spine injury, Transient Quadrapresis and cervical neuropraxia, Lumbosacral spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, Axial Low Back Pain in elite Athletes, Lumbar disk herniations and radiculopathy, Cervical disk herniations, radiculopathy and myelopathy, Spinal deformities in the adolescent athlete, Return to play criteria for cervical and lumbar spine conditions, and Spine care in the aging athlete, among others.
La marche nordique, activité physique et sportive d’endurance, simple et naturelle, est aujourd’hui pratiquée dans le monde entier. Elle est source de nombreux effets bénéfiques sur la santé physique, sociale et mentale et a toute sa place dans le cadre des recommandations “sport-santé”.Ce livre, rédigé par Frédéric Depiesse, en lien avec les experts de la FFA, fait le point de façon exhaustive et didactique sur l’ensemble des prérequis nécessaires pour la pratique et la prescription de la marche nordique. Il présente l’historique et les différentes évolutions de ce sport et les techniques et précautions à prendre pour sa pratique. Il analyse la discipline au regard des connaissances scientifiques et médicales et propose une vision de la prescription de la marche nordique dans un parcours de soins ou de prévention.Marche nordique et santé s’adresse à tous les professionnels de santé (médecins du sport, médecins généralistes, spécialistes, kiné-sithérapeutes, ergothérapeutes, psychomotriciens, etc.) ainsi qu’aux entraîneurs désirant acquérir une approche de leur discipline plus axée sur la santé.
Offering current guidance from national and international experts, Clinical Care of the Runner provides a comprehensive, practical approach to caring for the runner patient. Editor Dr. Mark A. Harrast, Clinical Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine and Sports Medicine and Medical Director for Husky Stadium and the Seattle Marathon, ensures that you’re up to date with assessment, biomechanics, musculoskeletal injuries, medical illness, training, special populations, and other key topics.
This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, edited by series Consulting Editor, Dr. Mark Miller, will focus on common procedure and common problems in sports medicine. Subjects discussed include, but are not limited to: Rotator Cuff, Shoulder Instability, Elbow, Hand, Hip, ACL, Knee Multiple Ligament, Knee Meniscus, Knee Cartilage, Foot and Ankle, Pediatrics and Rehabilitation.
This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, guest edited by Dr. Freddie H. Fu, will cover Controversies of the Anterolateral Complex of the Knee. Anatomical description of the anterolateral complex of the knee; Biomechanical proof for the existence of the Anterolateral Ligament; Biomechanics of the anterolateral structures of the knee; Mechanical properties of the anterolateral structures and their clinical implications; Extra articular tenodesis in combination with ACL reconstruction; The role of an extra-articular reconstructive surgery in primary ACL reconstructions; The role of an extra-articular tenodesis in revision ACL reconstruction; The effect of an extra-articular tenodesis on the contact pressure in the lateral compartment of the knee; and The state of the evidence in ALL research, among others.
This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, edited by Dr Siobhan Statuta, will cover a variety of topics related to The Female Athlete. Articles will discuss topics including, but not limited to: Congenital Cardiac and Nuances; Concussion overview in female athlete; Anxiety, Stress, and Depression; Gastrointestinal Conditions; Female Athlete Triad/Tetrad; Training Principles to Avoid Injury in Female Athletes; Nutritional concerns; Exercise in Pregnancy; and Osteopenia in the Older Female Athlete.
This issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine will focus on facial injuries and will include articles on the following: Epidemiology, Prevention; Initial Evaluation; Soft tissue injuries; Maxillofacial and Mandible Fractures; Nasal Injuries; Ear Injuries; and many more!
This title is a comprehensive, highly illustrated atlas of human living and surface anatomy for effective physical examination of sports injuries. It covers normal surface and living human anatomy on a regional basis in sufficient depth to facilitate effective physical examination and manipulative techniques. Full colour photographs of anatomy and skeletal parts show how to locate and identify structures.
The world of sports medicine faces unique medical ethics issues. In this issue articles will include: Fundamental Ethical Principles in Sports Medicine, Confidentiality in Sports Medicine, Informed Consent in Sports Medicine, Conflicts of Interest in Sports Medicine, Performance enhancing drugs in sports medicine, Gene doping in sports medicine, Ethical considerations for analgesic use in sports medicine, and many more!