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Books in Rheumatology

Imagerie musculosquelettique traumatique

  • 1st Edition
  • May 18, 2020
  • Donna G Blankenbaker + 1 more
  • French
Pour la première fois traduit en langue française, Imagerie musculosquelettique traumatique constitue l’ouvrage de référence pratique du domaine : à l’aide de 3400 clichés, il décline plus de 200 diagnostics, classés par grandes régions anatomiques (épaule, coude, poignet et main, hanche, genou, cheville et pied), puis en fonction de la région par structure (pathologie osseuse, ligamentaire, tendineuse, etc.). Fidèle à la célèbre pédagogie des ouvrages anglo-saxons Amirsys, on retrouve : une présentation des diagnostics en double page avec une structure récurrente ;une information qui va à l’essentiel sous forme de listes à puces ;une richesse et une qualité exceptionnelle de l’iconographie, toujours présentée sous la même forme, ce qui rend les comparaisons aisées ;des points clés en encadrés pour un accès rapide à l’information ;enfin, une maquette conçue pour permettre de trouver rapidement l’information recherchée.L’ouvrage intègre les dernières évolutions techniques (prothèse de hanche par exemple ou encore en médecine du sport). Il propose également, lorsque nécessaire, l’imagerie pré- et postopératoire.

Controversies in Rheumatology,An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 45-3
  • July 16, 2019
  • Jonathan Kay + 1 more
  • English
Guest edited by Drs. Jonathan Kay and Sergio Schwartzman, this issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics will cover Controversies in Rheumatology. This issue is one of four selected each year by our series Consulting Editor, Dr. Michael Weisman of Cedars-Sinai. Articles explore several questions, including, but not limited to: Is triple therapy or methotrexate plus a biologic the initial treatment of choice for RA patients; Is hypo or hyper-uricemia a risk requiring treatment for cardiac morbidity and mortality; Are there benefits and risks to biosimilars from a patient perspective; Should platelet-rich plasma be used to treat osteoarthritis; Is there a role for stem cell therapy to treat cartilage defects in osteoarthritis; Should any rheumatology patient, today, be treated with bone marrow ablation and stem cell transplantation; Is there effective prevention, prophylaxis, or treatment for CPPD arthritis; Is fibromyalgia a psychiatric disease or a pain syndrome; Should cyclophosphamide still be used to treat ANCA-associated vasculitis; Does methotrexate have a place in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis; Should hydroxychloroquine dosing be limited because of potential ocular toxicity; and Should generalized immunosuppression or targeted organ treatment be the best principle for overall management of SLE.

Rhumatologie pour le praticien

  • 1st Edition
  • October 17, 2018
  • Bernard Mazières + 3 more
  • French
Lombalgies, arthrose, ostéoporose sont des affections parmi les plus fréquentes, touchant à elles seules une grande majorité de Français. Infections, inflammation, troubles immunitaires, hypersollicitation professionnelle ou sportive, touchent os et articulations, mais aussi tendons, ligaments et muscles. Du simple canal carpien aux atteintes cancéreuses de l’os (myélome et métastases), en passant par la goutte, la polyarthrite rhumatoïde ou la fibromyalgie, le champ de la rhumatologie est vaste. Le vieillissement de la population, l’augmentation vertigineuse de l’obésité, font que ces pathologies rhumatismales sont de plus en plus fréquentes, de plus en plus associées à d’autres pathologies et que leur prise en charge est de plus en plus multidisciplinaire. Comment comprendre ces pathologies, comment en aborder le diagnostic clinique, comment utiliser de façon raisonnée les nombreux examens complémentaires à notre disposition, dont la radiographie, l’échographie et l’IRM ? Comment proposer un traitement adapté, reposant autant que possible sur une médecine fondée sur les preuves et les recommandations ? Comment manier avec sûreté antalgiques, anti-inflammatoires, cortisone, biothérapies et traitements non pharmacologiques ? C’est à toutes ces questions et à quelques autres que se propose de répondre cet ouvrage clair et didactique, illustré de nombreux schémas et d’une riche iconographie, enrichi des toutes dernières recommandations nationales et internationales.

Advanced Epidemiologic Methods for the Study of Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 44-2
  • July 25, 2018
  • Sindhu Johnson
  • English
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Sindhu Johnson, will cover Advances in Epidemiologic Methods to Study Rheumatic Diseases. This unique volume will discuss the following topics, among others: Minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for outcome measures, Alternative longitudinal study designs, Propensity score methods for observational data, Approaches to deal with missing data, Applied Bayesian Methods in Rheumatology, Qualitative methods, Similarity Network Fusion, Systematic reviews/meta-analysis and randomized trials, and Integrated analysis of data obtained in various reading campaigns of images.

Digestive and Hepatic Aspects of the Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 44-1
  • November 27, 2017
  • Liron Caplan
  • English
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Liron Caplan, will cover a number of key topics related to the digestive and hepatic aspects of rheumatic disease. The articles in this issue will include: Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Systemic sclerosis, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Spondyloarthritis, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Systemic Lupus erythematosus, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Bechets, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Fibromyalgia, Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Disease in Sjogren's, among others.

Neurologic Manifestations of Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 43-4
  • October 26, 2017
  • John Imboden + 1 more
  • English
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, edited by Drs. John Imboden and Sarah Goglin, will cover a variety of important aspects of the neurological manifestations of rheumatic diseases. Topics discussed in the issue will include: Primary vasculitis of the central nervous system; Neurologic manifestations of primary Sjogren Syndrome; Neurologic manifestations of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; Neurologic manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis; Neuromyelitis optica; Neurosarcoid; Central nervous system infections associated with immunosuppressive therapy; and Neurologic manifestations of IgG4-related disease, among others.

Genomics in Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 43-3
  • July 24, 2017
  • S. Louis Bridges Jr. + 1 more
  • English
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics focuses on Genetics. Article topics cover: Genetic Influences on Susceptibility and Severity of Rheumatoid Arthritis; HLA-disease associations in rheumatoid arthritis; Autoinflammatory Syndromes as a Model of Monogenic Diseases; Genomic Influences on Hyperuricaemia and Gout; Genetics of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus; Genetics of Ankylosing Spondylitis;Genetics of Scleroderma; Genetics of Osteoarthritis; Genetics of Juvenile Inflammatory Arthritis; Genetic Influences on Treatment Response in Rheumatic Diseases; Integrative approaches/computational biology; Future directions of genetic research in rheumatic diseases; and Population genetics and natural selection in rheumatic disease.

Reproductive Health, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 43-2
  • April 13, 2017
  • Eliza F. Chakravarty + 1 more
  • English
Thi sissue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics will focus on reproductive health and will include articles on the following: Contraception; infertility - prevention and management; reproductive health screening; biomarkers; use of corticosteroids; and many more exciting articles!

Scleroderma, An Issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 41-3
  • August 3, 2015
  • Maureen D. Mayes
  • English
Scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is a chronic connective tissue disease generally classified as one of the autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Hardening of the skin is one of the most visible manifestations of the disease. It’s estimated that about 300,000 Americans have scleroderma. About one third of those people have the systemic form of scleroderma. Since scleroderma presents with symptoms similar to other autoimmune diseases, diagnosis is difficult. This issue will cover: The Genetic Basis of SSc: Genetics, Epigenetics, Mechanisms of Pathogenesis – linking fibrosis, vasculopathy and immune dysregulation, The Role of Autoantibodies in Diagnosis and Prognosis/survival; Managing Raynaud’s phenomenon and ischemic ulcers, managing SSc Lung Disease, Monitoring for and Managing Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, and many more!

Best Practice & Research. Reumatología clínica, vol. 25, n.º 1

  • 1st Edition
  • September 16, 2012
  • Philip Sambrook + 1 more
  • Spanish
Esta serie ofrece una actualización continua de la práctica clínica actual, cubre todo el espectro de trastornos del aparato locomotor. Cada uno de los títulos sigue un enfoque orientado a la resolución de problemas, y se centra en las cuestiones clave a tratar. ¿Cómo se deben reconocer, investigar ,diagnosticar y tratar los trastornos  musculoesqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo? Es la conexión con el trabajo relevante?  Los artículos presentados en esta obra ofrecen respuestas basadas en la evidencia para estas y otras preguntas. El monográfico pone de manifiesto que los trastornos musculoesqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo son un grupo importante de las condiciones que suponen un importante desafío para el clínico. La información ofrecida proporciona una guía para ayudar al especialista en la toma racional de decisiones y en el desarrollo de planes de gestión adecuados para aquellos a los que su actividad profesional afecta a la aparición, la gravedad y la cronicidad de problemas musculoesqueléticos.