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Books in Optometry

Geometric, Physical, and Visual Optics

  • 1st Edition
  • January 28, 2015
  • Michael P. Keating
  • English
A basic optics textbook that integrates relevant visual and ophthalmic optics material with basic geometric and physical optics. Dr. Keating's book uses the vergence approach to optics as well as the wavefront approach to vergence as an aid to developing optics intuition.

Optometría. Aspectos avanzados y consideraciones especiales

  • 1st Edition
  • December 16, 2011
  • Robert Montés Micó
  • Spanish
Optometría Avanzada es una obra de texto que surge para cubrir las necesidades tanto de alumnos de los últimos cursos del Grado de Optometría como de profesionales que están iniciándose en la carrera profesional de Optometría.   El contenido de esta obra se distribuye a lo largo de 12 capítulos a través de los cuales los autores abordan, entre otras cuestiones, las peculiaridades del examen antopométrico en pacientes de características especiales como son los pacientes geriátricos o los pediátricos. Otros de los temas abordados en este libro son la cirugía refractiva, la farmacología ocular, las cuestiones de contactología especializada y el abordaje de estrabismos y ambliopías entre otros. La obra se acompaña de un valioso material complementario on line en español al que se podrá acceder a través de , el cual incluye los siguientes elementos: 40 casos clínicos, 13 vídeos sobre contactología especializada , una galería de imágenes a todo color y material de apoyo tanto para el alumno como para el profesorado. Participan en la obra profesores de las universidades españolas en las que se imparten los estudios de Óptica y Optometría, y también destacados expertos tanto nacionales como internacionales con una destacada trayectoria profesional.

Anterior Eye Disease and Therapeutics A-Z

  • 2nd Edition
  • May 12, 2011
  • Adrian S. Bruce + 1 more
  • English
An indispensable ready-reference for eye-care professionals in Australia and New Zealand This newly-updated edition of Anterior Eye Disease and Therapeutics A-Z is a dictionary-style clinical guide to diagnosing and managing anterior eye conditions using ocular therapeutics. This easily accessible ophthalmology textbook offers succinct descriptions of over 160 anterior segment eye conditions – from Bacterial Conjunctivitis to Floppy Eyelid Syndrome and Vitamin A Deficiency – including 7 new conditions. Each anterior segment eye condition is supported by full colour clinical photographs, along with treatment protocols, down-to-earth advice, differential diagnoses and/or therapy alternatives. Anterior Eye Disease and Therapeutics A-Z, 2nd Edition is an indispensable eye-care textbook for busy primary care and specialist practitioners. It is also a concise encyclopaedia for students, making it an essential ophthalmology resource.

Business Aspects of Optometry

  • 3rd Edition
  • December 15, 2009
  • Association of Practice Management Educa
  • English
Count on this complete guide to setting up and managing an optometric practice! Business Aspects of Optometry covers everything related to the business side of a practice — such as selecting a location and staff, equipping the office, office administration and personnel management, marketing, options for a specialty practice, controlling costs, billing and reimbursement, risk management, and financial planning. To succeed in practice, this is the one resource you need!

Clinical Ocular Pharmacology

  • 5th Edition
  • November 12, 2007
  • Jimmy D. Bartlett + 1 more
  • English
Written by experts in the field, this comprehensive resource offers valuable information on the practical uses of drugs in primary eye care. Discussions of the pharmacology of ocular drugs such as anti-infective agents, anti-glaucoma drugs, and anti-allergy drugs lead to more in-depth information on ocular drugs used to treat a variety of disorders, including diseases of the eyelids, corneal diseases, ocular infections, and glaucoma. The book also covers ocular toxicology, focusing on drug interactions, ocular effects of systemic drugs, and life-threatening systemic emergencies.

Bennett and Rabbett's Clinical Visual Optics

  • 4th Edition
  • July 9, 2007
  • Ronald B. Rabbetts
  • English
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. The fourth edition of this classic textbook has been brought thoroughly up to date with revised chapters on Ocular Aberrations, Visual Examination of the Eye, and Distribution and Ocular Dioptics of Ametropia. New contributors have been added and the book has been completely redesigned using colour to offer a more accessible layout and enhance the many line illustrations. The new companion website has valuable additional resources including a simulation of subjective refraction, video clips showing clinical procedures and extra appendices to the book.

Optical Formulas Tutorial

  • 2nd Edition
  • August 25, 2005
  • Ellen D. Stoner
  • English
Designed for students and professionals preparing for the ABO certification exam or wishing to quickly brush up on optical formulas, this easy-to-use workbook contains optical formulas, definitions, and walk-through problems with practical examples throughout. Rather than searching through dozens of optics books, readers will find all relevant information here in one source. Coverage includes everything from sine, cosine and tangent to resultant prism and resolving prism to polarized filters - and much more!


  • 11th Edition
  • October 23, 2003
  • Mike Freeman + 1 more
  • English
An understanding of the fundamental principles of geometrical and physical optics is essential for any student engaged in the study of the visual sciences, but the non-physicist needs a text which clearly explains these notoriously difficult concepts in order to apply them to the practical and clinical aspects of vision. Optics by Freeman and Hull fulfils this requirement admirably.

Optical Training

  • 1st Edition
  • June 2, 2003
  • Davey M. Wooton
  • English
Opticianry is a large and growing ophthalmic specialty. This practical resource provides readers with a basic working knowledge of optics and office procedures. Offering a solid foundation of "need to know" information within about 4 weeks, this handbook is an ideal, basic reference for the non-optician receiving on-the-job training.