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Journals in Industrial engineering

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Accident Analysis & Prevention

  • ISSN: 0001-4575
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 5.7
Affiliated with the Association for the Advancement of Automotive MedicineAccident Analysis & Prevention provides wide coverage of the general areas relating to accidental injury and damage, including the pre-injury and immediate post-injury phases. Published papers deal with medical, legal, economic, educational, behavioral, theoretical or empirical aspects of transportation accidents, as well as with accidents at other sites. Selected topics within the scope of the Journal may include: studies of human, environmental and vehicular factors influencing the occurrence, type and severity of accidents and injury; the design, implementation and evaluation of countermeasures; biomechanics of impact and human tolerance limits to injury; modelling and statistical analysis of accident data; policy, planning and decision-making in safety.
Accident Analysis & Prevention

Advanced Engineering Informatics

  • ISSN: 1474-0346
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 8
The science of supporting knowledge-intensive activitiesAdvanced computing methods and related technologies are changing the way engineers interact with the information infrastructure. Explicit knowledge representation formalisms and new reasoning techniques are no longer the sole territory of computer science. For knowledge-intensive tasks in engineering, a new philosophy and body of knowledge called Engineering Informatics is emerging.Advanced Engineering Informatics solicits research papers with particular emphases both on 'knowledge' and 'engineering applications'. As an international Journal, original papers typically:• Report progress in the engineering discipline of applying methods of engineering informatics. • Have engineering relevance and help provide the scientific base to make engineering decision-making more reliable, spontaneous and creative. • Contain novel research that demonstrates the science of supporting knowledge-intensive engineering tasks. • Validate the generality, power and scalability of new methods through vigorous evaluation, preferably both qualitatively and quantitatively.In addition, the Journal welcomes high quality review articles that summarise, compare, and evaluate methodologies and representations that are proposed for the field of engineering informatics. Similarly, summaries and comparisons of full-scale applications are welcomed, particularly those where scientific shortcomings have hindered success. Typically, such papers have expanded literature reviews and discussion of findings that reflect mastery of the current body of knowledge and propose novel additions to contemporary research.Papers missing explicit representation and use of knowledge, such as those describing soft computing techniques, mathematical optimization methods, pattern recognition techniques, and numerical computation methods, do not normally qualify for publication in the Journal. Papers must illustrate contributions using examples of automating and supporting knowledge intensive tasks in artifacts-centered engineering fields such as mechanical, manufacturing, architecture, civil, electrical, transportation, environmental, and chemical engineering. Papers that report application of an established method to a new engineering subdomain will qualify only if they convincingly demonstrate noteworthy new power, generality or scalability in comparison with previously reported validation results. Finally, papers that discuss software engineering issues only are not in the scope of this journal.
Advanced Engineering Informatics

Annual Reviews in Control

  • ISSN: 1367-5788
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.5
  • Impact factor: 7.3
The field of Control is changing very fast now with technology-driven “societal grand challenges” and with the deployment of new digital technologies. Indeed, increasingly both economic developments and societal needs depend upon collections of diverse systems working together to provide needed services, comfort, health, safety, and security. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for methodological and technical approaches which allow multiple, independent, heterogeneous systems to interoperate cooperatively providing broader capabilities than available from individual systems. Such considerations apply in many different domains including transportation, health care, energy and water management, smart cities, defense and security, social services, manufacturing systems, supply chains and more. The design of such systems requires understanding the joint dynamics of computers, software, networks, physical, chemical, biological processes and human-in-the-loop.The aim of Annual Reviews in Control is to provide comprehensive and visionary views of the field, by publishing the following types of review articles: Survey Article: Review papers on main methodologies or technical advances adding considerable technical value to the state of the art. Note that papers which purely rely on mechanistic searches and lack comprehensive analysis providing a clear contribution to the field will be rejected.Vision Article: Cutting-edge and emerging topics with visionary perspective on the future of the field or how it will bridge multiple disciplines, andTutorial research Article: Fundamental guides for future studies.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), visit their homepage at
Annual Reviews in Control

Applied Ergonomics

  • ISSN: 0003-6870
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Human Factors in Technology and SocietyApplied Ergonomics is aimed at ergonomists and all those interested in applying ergonomics/human factors in the design, planning and management of technical and social systems at work or leisure. Readership is truly international with subscribers in over 50 countries. Professionals for whom Applied Ergonomics is of interest include: ergonomists, designers, industrial engineers, health and safety specialists, systems engineers, design engineers, organizational psychologists, occupational health specialists and human-computer interaction specialists.Applied Ergonomics welcomes original contributions on the practical applications of ergonomic design and research. Areas covered include applications in the office, industry, consumer products, information technology and military design.For the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors follow this link: and for the International Ergonomics Association follow this link: to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Applied Ergonomics


  • ISSN: 0005-1098
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 4.8
A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlAutomatica is a leading archival publication in the field of systems and control. The field encompasses today a broad set of areas and topics, and is thriving not only within itself but also in terms of its impact on other fields, such as communications, computers, biology, energy and economics. Since its inception in 1963, Automatica has kept abreast with the evolution of the field over the years, and has emerged as a leading publication driving the trends in the field.After being founded in 1963, Automatica became a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 1969. It features a characteristic blend of theoretical and applied papers of archival, lasting value, reporting cutting edge research results by authors across the globe. It features articles in distinct categories, including regular, brief and survey papers, technical communiqués, correspondence items, as well as reviews on published books of interest to the readership. It occasionally publishes special issues on emerging new topics or established mature topics of interest to a broad audience.Automatica solicits original high-quality contributions in all the categories listed above, and in all areas of systems and control interpreted in a broad sense and evolving constantly. They may be submitted directly to a subject editor or to the Editor-in-Chief if not sure about the subject area. Editorial procedures in place assure careful, fair, and prompt handling of all submitted articles. Accepted papers appear in the journal in the shortest time feasible given production time constraints.Additional information about Automatica, including a list of recently accepted papers and a cumulative table of contents (1963-present), can be found at the website Papers should be submitted using the on-line review management system Pampus

CIRP Annals

  • ISSN: 0007-8506
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Manufacturing Technology Published by CIRP, The International Academy for Production EngineeringCIRP, The International Academy for Production Engineering, was founded in 1951 to promote, by scientific research, the development of all aspects of manufacturing technology covering the optimization, control and management of processes, machines and systems.This biannual ISI cited journal contains approximately 140 refereed technical and keynote papers. Subject areas covered include:Assembly, Cutting, Design, Electro-Physical and Chemical Processes, Forming, Abrasive processes, Surfaces, Machines, Production Systems and Organizations, Precision Engineering and Metrology, Life-Cycle Engineering, Microsystems Technology (MST), Nanotechnology.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
CIRP Annals

CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology

  • ISSN: 1755-5817
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Published by CIRP, The International Academy for Production EngineeringThe CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (CIRP-JMST) publishes fundamental papers on manufacturing processes, production equipment and automation, product design, manufacturing systems and production organisations up to the level of the production networks, including all the related technical, human and economic factors. Preference is given to contributions describing research results whose feasibility has been demonstrated either in a laboratory or in the industrial praxis. CIRP Members and leading experts are equally encouraged to submit case studies and review papers on specific issues in manufacturing science and technology by consulting with the editor in chief.The Journal has been established by CIRP, The International Academy for Production Engineering to meet the needs above. In addition the CIRP has appointed an Editorial Board of Fellows of the Academy which forms a team of highly recognised international experts in the field.The intention is to establish a forum for publishing the best, most innovative research in the field and to this end the journal will publish both in-depth versions of the best papers from CIRP conferences, whilst at the same time, welcoming original contributions from authors worldwide. The main goal is to contribute to the further development of the Science and Technology of Manufacturing which is of fundamental importance for the future.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology


  • ISSN: 0010-0277
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 2.8
International Journal of Cognitive ScienceCognition is an international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. It covers a wide variety of subjects concerning all the different aspects of cognition, ranging from experimental studies of behavior and of the brain to formal analysis.Papers will be selected on the basis of their scientific quality, their degree of innovation and their unambiguous theoretical advance to the study of cognition. Paper's overall soundness of the argument and degree of empirical motivation, especially from converging sources, are more important than adherence to specific methodological principles. Studies that selectively focus on the cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie problems with cognition in clinical populations or on purely methodological questions fall outside the scope of Cognition. Because Cognition enjoys a wide readership from many disciplines, authors should explicitly consider the general theoretical issues raised by their work and its relevance to other topics and methods. Materials should describe work done and methods used in a clear and explicit manner (allowing reproduction of the methods by others).Cognition occasionally publishes special issues devoted to a research area that has seen rapid recent progress, promising new approaches, and convergence among different disciplines.Contributions: • Full theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. •Short Communications reporting original empirical findings, major theoretical advances or crucial developments that warrant rapid communication to the scientific community •Proposals for special issues on a new and important area in the field •DiscussionsReviewers please refer to Editorial Policy on Reviewing for Cognition.Cognition publishes many of the most important papers in cognitive science and is the premier international and interdisciplinary journal in the field. It is required reading for anyone who wishes to keep up to date in this exciting research area.

Computer-Aided Design

  • ISSN: 0010-4485
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3
Computer-Aided Design is a leading international journal that provides academia and industry with key papers on research and developments in computational foundations and methods of design. The term "design" is to be understood broadly to encompass conceptualization, synthesis, realization, and evolution of artifacts, processes, and systems (both natural and artificial).Computer-Aided Design invites papers reporting new research, as well as novel or particularly significant applications, within a wide range of topics, spanning all stages of design from concept creation to manufacture and beyond. Contributions are welcome from all disciplines and application areas, provided that they have a significant geometric, topological, spatial, or configuration design content, and present developments likely to be of interest to a broad spectrum of researchers, educators, and practitioners of computer-aided design. In this context, examples of relevant topics include but are not limited to:Foundational theories, frameworks, methodologies, and standardsMathematical models, representations, and algorithms for shapes, solids, structures, and assembliesMaterial, behavior, and physical modelingConceptual design and inventionUncertainty and imprecision in computer-aided designMulti-scale modeling and design of shape and material structuresSystem level design and model-based systems engineeringProgrammable subtractive, additive, and hybrid manufacturingGenerative design, shape, topology, and material optimizationComputational planning, fabrication, and inspectionDiscretization and meshing algorithmsData acquisition, model recognition and reconstructionRepresentation conversions and interoperabilityApplications of AI in design, including neural networks and machine learningDesign ontologies, grammars, languages, and semanticsData driven modeling and synthesisAdvanced support of manufacturing and downstream activitiesTechnologies in support of digital factory and digital twin conceptsUser interfaces, system interfaces, and human-computer interactionDesign databases, knowledge repositories, object libraries and retrievalSpecific applications and significant benchmarks of computer-aided designTypes of Papers:Research papers: report significant research and development results, describe the relevant theoretical foundations and methodology, and present workable algorithms and give examples taken from real world applications, stressing the significance of the approach being presented.Application papers: describe complex and pioneering applications of CAD concepts, methods and tools in practice, present significant results that extend the disciplinary knowledge and/or analyze the application in a way that is likely to stimulate and influence further research.Survey papers: critically analyze the current state of knowledge in a given field of CAD, summarize and organize recent research results in a novel way, derive new insights and deepen understanding of those working in the field, and propose possible topics, orientations and approaches for future research and development.Technical notes: respond to material published in the journal or closely related topics, repair a flaw in the definition and approach or stimulate further thinking, or provide additional technical details on a CAD theory, technology, methodology, product or application.Dataset papers: discuss creation, documentation, and critical assessment of data sets, repositories, and their uses supporting research and practice in all areas of computer-aided design. An algorithmic contribution is not required for a dataset paper, but the dataset itself must be made freely usable and accessible for research purposes. Dataset papers will go through the same rigorous review process and will be evaluated based on their novelty, impact, and presentation. Accessibility, privacy, and ethics are also important issues that will be considered by the reviewers and editors.
Computer-Aided Design

Computers & Industrial Engineering

  • ISSN: 0360-8352
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 6.7
Industrial engineering is one of the earliest fields to utilize computers in research, education, and practice. Over the years, computers and electronic communication have become an integral part of industrial engineering. Computers & Industrial Engineering (CAIE) is aimed at an audience of researchers, educators and practitioners of industrial engineering and associated fields.It publishes original contributions on the development of new computerized methodologies for solving industrial engineering problems, as well as the applications of those methodologies to problems of interest in the broad industrial engineering and associated communities. The journal encourages submissions that expand the frontiers of the fundamental theories and concepts underlying industrial engineering techniques.CAIE also serves as a venue for articles evaluating the state-of-the-art of computer applications in various industrial engineering and related topics, and research in the utilization of computers in industrial engineering education. Papers reporting on applications of industrial engineering techniques to real life problems are welcome, as long as they satisfy the criteria of originality in the choice of the problem and the tools utilized to solve it, generality of the approach for applicability to other problems, and significance of the results produced.A major aim of the journal is to foster international exchange of ideas and experiences among scholars and practitioners with shared interests all over the world.For more information, please visit the Journal's Editorial Office page.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Computers & Industrial Engineering