Seldin and Giebisch’s The Kidney, Sixth Edition: Physiology and Pathophysiology provides a common language for nephrology researchers, fellows and practicing nephrologists to discuss normal and abnormal renal physiology and the development and diagnosis of a wide range of renal diseases. Guided by a team of four distinguished authorities in nephrology, experts from all areas of renal research and practice take readers from the structure and function of normal renal physiology, to the specific cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying disease development, and into the management of renal disease through physiologic regulation.This classic nephrology reference for nearly 30 years combines basic and clinical sciences that provides authoritative, concise and readily accessible information. Academic, medical and pharma researchers save valuable time by quickly accessing the very latest details on renal physiology and pathophysiology as opposed to searching through thousands of journal articles.
Site Specific and Global Epigenomic Editing: Principles and Applications, Volume 33 highlights the expanding role that epigenetics plays in pathogenesis, the full range of sites for possible epigenetic modification, and the potential to target these sites to modulate disease progression. The book answers key questions, including which of the hundreds of epigenomic marks and features are relevant, and which are likely to serve a role in regulating gene expression, cell behavior and phenotypic outcomes. This volume is the first to provide a thorough, conceptual introduction to epigenetic regulation and a thorough accounting of sites for possible epigenetic edits and disease modulation.Included protocols and applied case studies examine early disease targets and likely pathways of therapeutic significance while also outlining common challenges in the field. The book addresses its topic in a comprehensive, but accessible manner, highlighting practical tools and burning questions remaining in the field to enable fresh research.
Extrusion and Size Change Processes in the Food Industry, a volume in the Unit Operations and Processing Equipment in the Food Industry series, explains the processing operations and equipment necessary for extrusion of different food products including cereal based products, confectionary, and protein based products along with size reduction/enlargement techniques.Divided in three sections, “Extrusion operations “, “Size reduction processes in the food industry”, and “Section 3- Size enlargement processes in the food industry”, all chapters emphasize basic texts relating to experimental, theoretical, computational, and/or applications of food engineering principles and the relevant processing equipment to extrusion and size change unit operations.Written by experts in the field of food engineering, in a simple and dynamic way, this book targets industrial Engineers working in the field of food processing and within food factories to make them more familiar with the particular food processing operations and equipment.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare discusses the potential of groundbreaking technologies on the delivery of care. A lot have been said about how artificial intelligence and machine learning can improve healthcare, however there are still many doubts and concerns among health professionals, all of which are addressed in this book. Sections cover History and Basic Overview of AI and ML, with differentiation of supervised, unsupervised and deep learning, Applications of AI and ML in Healthcare, The Future of Healthcare with AI, Challenges to Adopting AI in Healthcare, and ethics and legal processes for implementation.This book is a valuable resource for bioinformaticians, clinicians, graduate students and several members of biomedical field who needs to get up to speed on the revolutionary role of AI and Machine Learning in healthcare.
Starchy Crops Waste Valorization: Recovery and Treatment, the fifth volume in the Underground Starchy Crops of South American Origin series, provides information on the applied level of producing and using starch from a range of plants grown in tropical and subtropical areas with South American origin. The book presents collecting information about products that are generally considered as waste and can therefore cause serious pollution problems in starch-processing industries. Edited by experts with a solid background in starch extraction research, the books in this series are aimed at anyone involved in research and development, new technology processes, quality control, and legislation. The Underground Starchy Crops of South American Origin book series brings information on the applied level of producing and using starch from a range of plants grown in tropical and subtropical areas that have South American origin. As the final volume in the series, Starchy Crops Waste Valorization: Recovery and Treatment enables stakeholders to valorize waste by transforming it into by-products that can reach the market and reduce processing costs. It also explains how to reduce or eliminate problems of environmental contamination. Residues covered are of two types: crop residues and industrial residues.
Inorganic Biomaterials for Drug Delivery covers a wide range of inorganic biomaterial types and their properties, from traditional materials like ceramics, metallics, and bioglasses to novel composites and nano-engineered inorganic biomaterials. Biocompatibility, toxicity, and regulatory considerations are also thoroughly discussed, ensuring the reader is fully equipped for efficient biomaterials selection and utilization in drug delivery applications. This is a must-have reference for those working in the fields of materials science, biomedical engineering, pharmaceutical science, pharmacology, chemical engineering, and clinical science.
Coronary Physiology in the Cardiac Cath Lab provides the foundational knowledge required to understand the concepts behind a variety of coronary physiologic assessments performed and required to apply them effectively when evaluating cardiac patients. Written to bring a practical and evidence-based approach, this book is a valuable resource for interventional and general cardiologists, cardiology researchers, physicians, cardiac catheterization laboratory staff, and anyone interested in understanding the theory and current practice surrounding assessing coronary physiology in the cardiac cath lab.Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of data validating the importance of assessing coronary physiology at the time of coronary angiography. This has led to the development of numerous new techniques and metrics for performing these assessments and also resulted in the inclusion of these indices into practice guidelines.
Lipases: Foundations, Applications, and Perspectives, a new volume in the Foundations and Frontiers of Enzymology series, offers a practical, in-depth discussion of lipases and instruction in their use across research and industry. Here, global experts in the field introduce readers to basic lipase biology and the history of the field, interfacial activation and lipase lids, evolving analytical techniques and technology for studying lipases, and a range of lipase applications, from health and drug discovery to biofuels, food, cosmetics, and waste treatment. Lipase sources and production methods discussed include mammalian lipases, microbial lipase production, biomass lipase production, immobilized lipases, and tailor-made recombinant lipases, among other approaches.
Insect Pathology, Third Edition offers the most comprehensive research on the topic of insect pathology, spanning the diversity of insects with a more diverse array of microbes. This book provides a full update on new approaches for studying the genetics, development, evolution, and ecology of insect pathogens. Written by leading researchers and experts, the book includes coverage of revolutionary genome editing tools, such as CRISPR-Cas9, which have been developed for multiple insect pathogen systems and provides insights into the molecular underpinnings of insect pathogens and their hosts. This book also updates modern molecular techniques, “omics” approaches, and newly applied findings.These new and revised topics are critical for understanding current perspectives in the field, making this book a needed reference for insect pathologists, entomologists, microbiologists, mycologists, nematologists, protistologists, ecologists, and practitioners of biological control of insect pests. New and long-time students of insect pathology will also find this new edition useful.
Some of the world's most beautiful, intelligent, and highly adapted mammals inhabit our seas and oceans and have stirred the human imagination for many centuries. As our knowledge of marine mammals grows, the need exists for a reliable and complete reference to the ecology and biology of these fascinating creatures. To address this need, the Handbook of Marine Mammals series has been founded. Scientists, conservationists, and informed laypersons alike will be able to find definitive reviews of all the world's living whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, sea cows, and marine otters and bears. Seven volumes cover all the living species of marine mammals.This second volume in the series, Oceanic Dolphins, consists of species review chapters written by leading global experts on offshore/oceanic marine dolphin species. Each chapter includes a description of the species, followed by sections on distribution and abundance, anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, reproduction, parasites and diseases, and the impacts of human activities on the species.