Resistance to Anti-CD20 Antibodies and Approaches for Their Reversal presents in-depth content written by international experts in the study of resistance to anti-CD20 antibodies and approaches for their reversal. Anti-CD20 antibodies are used to achieve B cell depletion and are developed to treat B cell proliferative disorders, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. In the past two decades, anti-CD20 antibodies have revolutionized the treatment of all B cell malignancies, however, there are patients that fail to respond to initial therapy or relapse sooner. This book explores new and existing avenues surrounding Anti-CD20 antibodies. In recent years, several next-generation anti-CD20 therapies have been developed but predicting and reversing resistance is still a challenging task. These areas are being actively studied as they represent a potential to improve anti-CD20 therapies and are discussed thoroughly in the book. It is a valuable resource for researchers, students and member of the biomedical and medical fields who want to learn more about resistance to anti-CD20 antibodies and their reversal.
pH Deregulation as the Eleventh Hallmark of Cancer presents key concepts about pH deregulation in a concise and straight-forward manner. The book discusses topics such as pH regulation and metabolism, sodium hydrogen exchanger, monocarboxylate transporter, V-ATPase proton pump, carbonic anhydrases, and voltage gated sodium channels. In addition, it covers clinical and therapeutic implications and future perspectives. This is a valuable resource for researchers, oncologists, students and members of the biomedical and medical fields who want to learn more about the role of pH deregulation in cancer treatment. pH deregulation can improve the outcome of classical treatments without adding toxicity to them, and the book shows that treating the pH peculiarities of cancer is simple and can be performed with existing drugs. Based on the classification of tumor malignancy in ten hallmarks, the authors put pH deregulation at the spotlight and separated from metabolic reprogramming due to its impact on all other hallmarks, proposing it as an additional characteristic to evaluate and fight cancer.
Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a generic term for all methods that help people making decisions according to their preferences, in situations where there is more than one conflicting criterion. It is a branch of operational research dealing with finding optimal results in complex scenarios including various indicators, conflicting objectives and criteria. The approach of MCDM involves decision making concerning quantitative and qualitative factors.   The importance and success of MCDM are due to the fact that they have successfully dealt with different types of problematics for supporting decision makers such as choice, ranking and sorting, description.   Even though, each of the different problematics in MCDM is important, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Sorting Methods will focus on sorting approaches across a wide range of interesting techniques and research disciplines. The applications which have been and can be solved by these techniques are more and more important in current real-world decision-making problems. Therefore, the book provides a clear overview of MCDM sorting methods and the different tools which can be used to solve real-world problems by revising such tools and characterizing them according to their performance and suitability for different types of problems. The book is aimed at a broad audience including computer scientists, engineers, geography and GIS experts, business and financial management experts, environment experts, and all those professional people interested in MCDM and its applications. The book may also be useful for teaching MCDM courses in fields such as industrial management, computer science, and applied mathematics, as new developments in multi-criteria decision making.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Biostatistics**Biostatistics Manual for Health Research: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis is a guide for researchers on how to apply biostatistics on different types of data. The book approaches biostatistics and its application from medical and health researcher’s point-of-view and has real and mostly published data for practice and understanding. The interpretation and meaning of the statistical results, reporting guidelines and mistakes are taught with real world examples. This is a valuable resource for biostaticians, students and researchers from medical and biomedical fields who need to learn how to apply statistical approaches to improve their research.
Up and Running with AutoCAD® 2024: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling presents a combination of step-by-step instructions, examples and insightful explanations. The book emphasizes core concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in engineering, architecture and design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom training, self-study or as a professional reference, the book is written by a long-time AutoCAD professor and instructor with the user in mind.
Computational Methods in Drug Discovery and Repurposing for Cancer Therapy provides knowledge about ongoing research as well as computational approaches for drug discovery and repurposing for cancer therapy. The book also provides detailed descriptions about target molecules, pathways, and their inhibitors for easy understanding and applicability. The book discusses tools and techniques such as integrated bioinformatics approaches, systems biology tools, molecular docking, computational chemistry, artificial intelligence, machine learning, structure-based virtual screening, biomarkers, and transcriptome; those are discussed in the context of different cancer types, such as colon, pancreatic, glioblastoma, endometrial, and retinoblastoma, among others. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, students, and members of the biomedical and medical fields who want to learn more about the use of computational modeling to better tailor the treatment for cancer patients.
Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices, Second Edition takes an interdisciplinary approach to applying principles for efficient implementation of network devices, offering solutions to the problem of network implementation bottlenecks. In designing a network device, there are dozens of decisions that affect the speed with which it will perform – sometimes for better, but sometimes for worse. The book provides a complete and coherent methodology for maximizing speed while meeting network design goals. The book is uniquely focused on the seamless integration of data structures, algorithms, operating systems and hardware/software co-designs for high-performance routers/switches and network end systems. Thoroughly updated based on courses taught by the authors over the past decade, the book lays out the bottlenecks most often encountered at four disparate levels of implementation: protocol, OS, hardware and architecture. It then develops fifteen principles key to breaking these bottlenecks, systematically applying them to bottlenecks found in end-nodes, interconnect devices and specialty functions located along the network. Later sections discuss the inherent challenges of modern cloud computing and data center networking.
Health Information Exchange: Navigating and Managing a Network of Health Information Systems, Second Edition, now fully updated, is a practical guide on how to understand, manage and make use of a health information exchange infrastructure, which moves patient-centered information within the health care system. The book informs and guides the development of new infrastructures as well as the management of existing and expanding infrastructures across the globe. Sections explore the reasons for the health information exchange (HIE) infrastructures, how to manage them, examines the key drivers of HIE, and barriers to their widespread use. In addition, the book explains the underlying technologies and methods for conducting HIE across communities as well as nations. Finally, the book explains the principles of governing an organization that chiefly moves protected health information around. The text unravels the complexities of HIE and provides guidance for those who need to access HIE data and support operations.
Understanding Personalization: New Aspects of Design and Consumption addresses the global phenomenon of personalization that affects many aspects of everyday life. The book identifies the dimensions of personalization and its typologies. Issues of privacy, the ethics of design, and the designer/maker’s control versus the consumer’s freedom are covered, along with sections on digital personalization, advances in new media technologies and software development, the way we communicate, our personal devices, and the way personal data is stored and used. Other sections cover the principles of personalization and changing patterns of consumption and development in marketing that facilitate individualized products and services. The book also assesses the convergence of both producers and consumers towards the co-creation of goods and services and the challenges surrounding personalization, customization, and bespoke marketing in the context of ownership and consumption.