Algae Classification and Species delivers a detailed overview of freshwater and marine algal diversity. It provides an essential introduction to the study of phycology with broad applications in diverse biological and biotechnological fields. Written and edited by a global team of experts in the field of phycology, this book is organized according to major algal taxa, including green, red, and brown macroalgae, benthic and planktonic algae, blue-green algae, diatoms, cyanobacteria, and microalgae. Chapters are structured to provide readers with a sweeping understanding of the breadth of marine algae, including their principal characteristics, evolution, phylogeny, distribution, preservation, and more.This book is designed to provide a complete, legible review of algal diversity. It is a valuable resource for researchers, biotechnologists, and students interested in developing their understanding of basic algal biology.
Aerophytic Algae and Cyanobacteria: Diversity, Ecology, and Biogeography expands our understanding of microalgae and cyanobacteria that colonize air-exposed substrates. These species, often overlooked in marine and freshwater studies, play crucial roles in various ecosystems. Introductory chapters cover their morphology, physiological adaptations, and biogeography, highlighting their ecological significance and interactions within ecosystems. Other sections addresses future research directions, applications in environmental assessments, conservation, water and air quality management, bioremediation, and pollution control. The book, authored by a global team of phycologists, also explores taxa such as edaphic and corticolous diatoms, aeroplanktonic protists, and phototrophic phytotelmata.
Seagrass Conservation: Global Status and Methods for Monitoring and Restoration brings together regional perspectives on seagrass biology, monitoring, and conservation to highlight the ecological importance and vulnerability of this critical taxon. The book covers the growing threats of global climate change, coastal water quality degradation, and ocean acidification before delving into recent advancements in non-invasive methods for monitoring and conservation. Written by globally recognized experts in seagrass biology and conservation, it provides a much-needed update on the global status of seagrass species, monitoring methods, ecosystem services, and solutions to improve success rates surrounding seagrass restoration.Thematically structured sections explore regional seagrass coverage, non-invasive methods to analyze spatial and temporal decline of meadows, function and resilience of seagrass ecosystems, and methods for successful meadow restoration. This new work emphasizes the potential for seagrass recovery and offers a functional view of the current and future state of seagrass habitats in an indispensable reference book for academic researchers, industry scientists, conservationists, policymakers, and students alike.
Strategies for Sustainable Shrimp Aquaculture explores the varied impacts of shrimp production and the modern approaches to minimizing those impacts. As demand for shrimp grows not only in the food sector, but also in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, and cosmetics sectors, shrimp farming is among the top-growing global aquaculture industries. Given this growth, much research in recent decades has focused on promoting sustainable scale-up of the industry. This book delves into the recent advancements in site selection, nutrition, disease prevention, and production systems for the industry. Written by a renowned team of shrimp production experts, this book begins by describing relevant considerations of site selection to maximize use of ecosystem services and minimize effluent impacts to surrounding habitats. Early chapters discuss advances in shrimp nutrition and natural feed using phytoplankton, zooplankton, and microorganisms. The book then turns to genetic tools used to protect against disease, as well as advances in disease detection and outbreak control. Final chapters discuss novel shrimp production systems, including low-density systems, multiphase aquaculture, automatic feeding, inland and boutique farms, aquaponics, polyculture, IMTA, and the best strategies for remediation of affected habitats. Strategies for Sustainable Shrimp Aquaculture provides the latest research and successful case studies to illustrate the potential for a more sustainable scale-up of the global shrimp industry. It provides relevant guidance to aquaculturists, academic researchers, resource managers, and industry stakeholders alike.
Plastics in the Sea: Occurrence and Impacts is a comprehensive reference written by renowned leaders in the field. It synthesizes existing knowledge of how mega-, macro-, micro-, and nanoplastics impact marine environments and marine life, ranging from zooplankton, fishes, and invertebrates to birds, mammals, turtles, manatees, and other megafauna. The chapters provide basic and integrated discussions of the presence, sources, and fates; methodologies for detection, chemistry, and degradation; impacts on organisms and food webs; implications for fisheries and aquaculture; policy and public engagement; and economic and legal implications of plastic pollution. Plastics in the Sea: Occurrence and Impacts is an indispensable resource for marine resource managers, ecotoxicologists, fisheries stakeholders, policymakers, and academic researchers interested in the occurrence, impacts, and mitigation of marine plastic pollution.
Harmful Algal Blooms: Environmental Factors and Molecular Mechanisms offers a genomic and ecological perspective on harmful algal blooms, or HABs. The book provides the most updated and comprehensive knowledge crucial for understanding the causes of HABs while also synthesizing foundational knowledge with recent discoveries. Written by an expert in algal molecular ecology, it blends molecular biology, physiology, and ecology to examine how harmful algae thrive on environmental conditions like climate change. After introducing historical ecological models, the book delves into the influencing factors and underlying molecular mechanisms of HABs.Other sections explore an integrated molecular approach to incorporate energy, nutrients, defenses, and sexual reproduction (ENDs) as a resolution for HAB growth. This is an important resource for researchers and students in marine biology and ecology fields, as well as phycological and environmental studies.
Microalgae and One Health: Fundamentals, Biocompounds, and Health and Environmental Applications provides a novel compendium of the interdisciplinary applications of microalgae. Adverse global changes, including climate change, environmental pollution, urbanization, globalization, industrialization, and food insecurity are imminent threats to global health as they accelerate damage to humanity, wildlife, and the biosphere. The One Health concept asserts that these contemporary challenges are entwined in the interdependence of humans, animals, and our shared environment. This book examines the use of microalgae in human and animal nutrition, healthcare, and novel technologies applied to sustainable environmental processes.Written by a globally diverse network of experts, this book is systematically structured to illustrate the applications of microalgae. The first section of the book covers the fundamentals of microalgae, from chemistry to industry applications. The next section further examines microalgae chemistry and identifies bioactive compounds. Subsequent sections examine the utility of microalgae in One Health, from human therapeutic potential to animal health and sustainability. The book concludes with a comprehensive market analysis, regulatory discussion, and safety considerations associated with microalgae products.
Tilapia Farming: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies provides the latest information on global tilapia farming, hatchery stock breeding, novel aquaculture technologies, feed and fish health management, and food safety and supply chain considerations. Immensely popular for its high nutritional value and low cost of production, tilapia has recently been recognized as the second most farmed fish worldwide. Given the increase in global tilapia production from 369,000 metric tons at the turn of the 21st century to 6 million metric tons in 2020, this book serves as a critically important guide for hatchery operators and aquaculture entrepreneurs.Written by a leading expert on aquaculture research and development, this book introduces readers to the global tilapia aquaculture industry and delivers key information on general and reproductive biology of tilapia. Early chapters explore brood stock management and the development and operation of mixed sex and monosex commercial tilapia seed production systems, semi-intensive culture systems, and intensive culture systems. Central chapters explore novel tilapia farming technologies, feed and feeding, major diseases, and tilapia health management. Final chapters discuss practical concepts in food safety, processing and trade, and future prospects of the industry.Tilapia Farming: Breeding Plans, Mass Seed Production, and Aquaculture Technologies addresses novel information on the latest biological, technological, and supply chain considerations for tilapia aquaculture. It is an indispensable guide for applied scientists and aquaculturists worldwide.
Driven to the brink of extinction by the maritime fur trade, sea otter recovery is a remarkable success story, one with broad implications to our understanding of their life history, ecology, and socio-ecology. Sea Otter Conservation II: Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration summarizes current knowledge regarding sea otter recovery and the role it plays in the restoration and resilience of coastal systems. Written by experts in the field, this volume describes the influence of sea otters in kelp, seagrass, salt marsh, and mixed sediment communities, and how their ecological effects can link marine and terrestrial systems. The authors consider the ecological and socio-ecological consequences of the maritime fur trade, the ways in which abundant food and space have affected sea otter recovery, and the potential of future sea otter reintroductions to aid their recovery and that of related ecosystems. This book reviews the latest methods in monitoring sea otter behavior, population status and genetic diversity, and the impact of climate change on sea otters and their associated communities. Sea Otter Conservation II: Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration is an important resource for anyone studying ecology, conservation, or restoration.
Ecology of Marine Fish offers updated reviews of the current knowledge on the ecology of marine fish. This book is an all-inclusive reference on the diversity of marine fish, their behaviors, their role in marine food webs, as well as the human and environmental impacts on marine fish, such as pollutants and climate change. It takes a historical approach to discussing spatial and temporal patterns of fish populations and introduces the changing patterns of the present. Each chapter provides an in-depth review of the science behind marine fish populations and the methodological tools to study them.This book is an excellent resource for anyone in the fisheries sector, including scientists and researchers, fisheries managers, marine resource managers, marine biologists, fish farmers, marine ecologists, policy makers, leaders and regulators, operations researchers, as well as students and faculty studying marine fish ecology.