Up and Running with AutoCAD 2022: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling presents a combination of step-by-step instruction, examples and insightful explanations. The book emphasizes core concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in engineering, architecture and design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom training, self-study or as a professional reference, the book is written by a long-time AutoCAD professor and instructor with the user in mind.
Providing real-life clinical experiences and context to medical students is an essential part of today’s medical education, and the partnerships between medical schools and health systems are an integral part of this approach. Value-Added Roles for Medical Students, the second volume in the American Medical Association’s MedEd Innovation Series, is a first-of-its-kind, instructor-focused field book that inspires educators to transform the relationship between medical schools and health systems with authentic workplace roles for medical students, adding relevance to medical education and patient care.
Providing real-life clinical experiences and context to medical students is an essential part of today’s medical education, and the partnerships between medical schools and health systems are an integral part of this approach. Value-Added Roles for Medical Students, the second volume in the American Medical Association’s MedEd Innovation Series, is a first-of-its-kind, instructor-focused field book that inspires educators to transform the relationship between medical schools and health systems with authentic workplace roles for medical students, adding relevance to medical education and patient care.
Providing real-life clinical experiences and context to medical students is an essential part of today’s medical education, and the partnerships between medical schools and health systems are an integral part of this approach. Value-Added Roles for Medical Students, the second volume in the American Medical Association’s MedEd Innovation Series, is a first-of-its-kind, instructor-focused field book that inspires educators to transform the relationship between medical schools and health systems with authentic workplace roles for medical students, adding relevance to medical education and patient care.
Providing real-life clinical experiences and context to medical students is an essential part of today’s medical education, and the partnerships between medical schools and health systems are an integral part of this approach. Value-Added Roles for Medical Students, the second volume in the American Medical Association’s MedEd Innovation Series, is a first-of-its-kind, instructor-focused field book that inspires educators to transform the relationship between medical schools and health systems with authentic workplace roles for medical students, adding relevance to medical education and patient care.
Nature-Inspired Computing Paradigms in Systems: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety and Cost (RAMS+C) and Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) covers several areas that include bioinspired techniques and optimization approaches for system dependability. The book addresses the issue of integration and interaction of the bioinspired techniques in system dependability computing so that intelligent decisions, design, and architectures can be supported. It brings together these emerging areas under the umbrella of bio- and nature-inspired computational intelligence. The primary audience of this book includes experts and developers who want to deepen their understanding of bioinspired computing in basic theory, algorithms, and applications. The book is also intended to be used as a textbook for masters and doctoral students who want to enhance their knowledge and understanding of the role of bioinspired techniques in system dependability.
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Sixth Edition, explores the key principles of computer networking, using real world examples from network and protocol design. Using the Internet as the primary example, this best-selling classic textbook explains various protocols and networking technologies. The systems-oriented approach encourages students to think about how individual network components fit into a larger, complex system of interactions. This sixth edition contains completely updated content with expanded coverage of the topics of utmost importance to networking professionals and students, as provided by numerous contributors via a unique open source model developed jointly by the authors and publisher. Hallmark features of the book are retained, including chapter problem statements, which introduce issues to be examined; shaded sidebars that elaborate on a topic or introduce a related advanced topic; What’s Next? discussions that deal with emerging issues in research, the commercial world, or society; and exercises. This book is intended primarily for graduate or upper-division undergraduate classes in computer networking. It will also be useful for industry professionals retraining for network-related assignments, as well as for network practitioners seeking to understand the workings of network protocols and the big picture of networking.Â
Up and Running with AutoCAD 2021: 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling presents a combination of step-by-step instruction, examples and insightful explanations. The book emphasizes core concepts and practical application of AutoCAD in engineering, architecture and design. Equally useful in instructor-led classroom training, self-study, or as a professional reference, the book is written with the user in mind by a long-time AutoCAD professional and instructor.
Nature-inspired computation and swarm intelligence have become popular and effective tools for solving problems in optimization, computational intelligence, soft computing and data science. Recently, the literature in the field has expanded rapidly, with new algorithms and applications emerging. Nature-Inspired Computation and Swarm Intelligence: Algorithms, Theory and Applications is a timely reference giving a comprehensive review of relevant state-of-the-art developments in algorithms, theory and applications of nature-inspired algorithms and swarm intelligence. It reviews and documents the new developments, focusing on nature-inspired algorithms and their theoretical analysis, as well as providing a guide to their implementation. The book includes case studies of diverse real-world applications, balancing explanation of the theory with practical implementation. Nature-Inspired Computation and Swarm Intelligence: Algorithms, Theory and Applications is suitable for researchers and graduate students in computer science, engineering, data science, and management science, who want a comprehensive review of algorithms, theory and implementation within the fields of nature inspired computation and swarm intelligence.
Clinical Engineering: A Handbook for Clinical and Biomedical Engineers, Second Edition, helps professionals and students in clinical engineering successfully deploy medical technologies. The book provides a broad reference to the core elements of the subject, drawing from a range of experienced authors. In addition to engineering skills, clinical engineers must be able to work with both patients and a range of professional staff, including technicians, clinicians and equipment manufacturers. This book will not only help users keep up-to-date on the fast-moving scientific and medical research in the field, but also help them develop laboratory, design, workshop and management skills. The updated edition features the latest fundamentals of medical technology integration, patient safety, risk assessment and assistive technology.