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Books in Neuroscience

Elsevier's Neuroscience collection empowers educators, researchers, and students with actionable knowledge to drive collaborative research and advancements in the field. Content covers the nervous system's intricate workings, covering branches like Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive neuroscience to investigate the neural basis of emotions, behavior, and cognitive functions. Spanning from Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience to Developmental Neuroscience, content provides insights into brain function in health and disease.

41-50 of 2658 results in All results

The Molecular Neurobiology of Depression

  • 1st Edition
  • July 1, 2026
  • Subir Ranjan Kundu + 1 more
  • English
"The Molecular Neurobiology of Depression" is a comprehensive reference covering the most up to date neurobiological evolution research in relation to suicide biology. This book explores the structural and functional traits of DNA, including non-coding DNA, in order to identify a genetic trigger of depression or suicidal behavior among individuals. This book intends to provide an in-depth perspective on the molecular footprints of the development of suicidal behavior of many individuals through case studies and an interdisciplinary approach.

Adaptive and Creative Power of the Human Brain

  • 1st Edition
  • July 1, 2026
  • Joaquin Fuster
  • English
Adaptive and Creative Power of the Human Brain presents an emerging new paradigm of the organization and dynamics of cognition, specifically memory and knowledge, in the cerebral cortex of the human brain. This book marks a clear transition in the conceptual structure of cognition in the brain from the conventional modular model, based on sensory and motor physiology, to the network model, based on the most current methods and findings of electrophysiology, neuroimaging and experimental psychology.

Neuroscience of Social Behavior

  • 1st Edition
  • July 1, 2026
  • Mikhail Votinov
  • English
"The Neuroscience of Social Behavior" aims to explore social behavior, connection, and communication through the lens of neuroscience. This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the latest research and practical applications in the field, making complex brain science accessible. By providing practical insights and real-world examples, this book empowers readers to apply their newfound knowledge to better understand mechanisms of social skills, empathy, mentalizing and social decision-making.

Enfermedad vascular cerebral en jóvenes

  • 1st Edition
  • June 15, 2026
  • Fernando Barinagarrementeria Aldatz + 1 more
  • Spanish
Ofrece información actualizada de los principales aspectos que giran en torno a esta entidad clínica, con el objetivo de convertirse en un manual práctico dirigido a cualquier profesional sanitario que necesite información relevante sobre los principales aspectos de esta condición. La aportación de eminentes jóvenes neurólogos vasculares deja constancia del magnífico relevo generacional de la escuela mexicana de neurología vascular construida a lo largo de las últimas tres décadas. Proporciona información concisa y actualizada sobre las cuestiones más relevantes relacionadas con la enfermedad vascular cerebral. Esta obra pretende que cualquier profesional sanitario pueda localizar de manera rápida y sencilla las principales cuestiones que versan sobre esta condición, lo que hace que sea un título muy adecuado para residentes. Incorpora las recomendaciones procedentes de las últimas guías clínicas publicadas, lo que hace que los profesionales estén actualizados en todo momento. Objetivo: ofrecer una panorámica genérica y resumida de la patología vascular cerebral de manera que especialistas de medicina interna, medicina intensiva y urgencias, principalmente, puedan obtener de manera rápida información sobre los aspectos clave de esta patología.

Handbook of Cognitive Correlates

  • 1st Edition
  • June 1, 2026
  • Lee Ellis
  • English
There are volumes of research on intelligence, cognitive function, academic performance, and achievement in life.  Making sense of this much research is so time consuming that most researchers focus on a narrow band of interest, and ignore anomalous findings without exploring why they might be anomalous. Handbook of Cognitive Correlates consolidates this research into tabular outputs, identifying all the research that has found a correlation between the same two cognitive measures.  Table after table makes crystal clear which measures we know to be related to each other, and which measures are not related to each other.  These tables more clearly illustrate when and why there might be anomalous findings and provide a blueprint toward future research needed.  

The Neurology of Impulsive Disorders

  • 1st Edition
  • June 1, 2026
  • Samantha Brooks
  • English
The Neurology of Impulsive Disorders will provide recent data-driven, brain-based research about impulse control deficits, and potential solutions throughout the human lifespan. This book will take a step-by-step approach, uncovering the latest state-of-the-art international brain research with insight from both subject matter experts and real patient experience through the examination of case studies.

Neurobiology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • 1st Edition
  • June 1, 2026
  • Eric A. Storch + 2 more
  • English
"Neurobiology of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" provides a comprehensive review of obsessive-compulsive disorder through a neurobiological lens, offering invaluable insights for researchers and clinicians alike. This book begins with a comprehensive introduction to OCD, detailing its definition, historical perspectives, prevalence, and symptomatology, alongside its comorbidities and associated disorders. Delving into the genetic and familial aspects, it examines genetic predispositions, heritability, and significant genome-wide association studies. The text also addresses neuropsychological findings, cognitive dysfunctions, and the implications for treatment, alongside neurodevelopmental factors, including early life stress, immune system dysregulation, and environmental risk factors. Special attention is given to PANDAS/PANS as mechanisms of OCD pathogenesis and the insights gained from animal models. Subsequent chapters cover diagnosis, pharmacological treatments, and a range of psychotherapeutic and behavioral interventions, including CBT, ERP, and ACT, as well as neuromodulation techniques. Finally, the book presents neurobiology-informed treatment approaches, personalized medicine, and integrative strategies, concluding with discussions on current challenges, ethical considerations, and future research directions. This comprehensive guide is essential for advancing the understanding and treatment of OCD.

Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior

  • 3rd Edition
  • June 1, 2026
  • Benjamin Oldroyd
  • English
Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Third Edition, is a unique curated collection of punchy essays on all aspects of animal behavior, written by experts and carefully edited for readability and accessibility. Animal behavior is usually defined as what animals do, i.e. their movements. We can ask how they move, (i.e. the physiological and neurological causes of movement) and why they move. To answer this latter question, behavioralists generally turn to evolutionary explanations. The Encyclopedia gives equal weight to these ‘how’ (proximate) and `why` (ultimate) explanations of animal behavior. The third edition updates and expands the previous version to cover all substantive topics in the field. Animal behavior is one of the largest subdisciplines in biology. Therefore, chapters focus on broad concepts and avoid becoming entrapped in taxon-specific detail. To illustrate this, one could consider the topic ‘cooperative hunting’. One way to cover this topic would be to have individual chapters on hunting in lions, mongoose, African wild dogs, army ants, dolphins etc. But it would serve the reader much better if a comparative approach was taken to see if there are commonalities across taxa. For example, is communication necessary for cooperative hunting? Is there any evidence of planning or is every hunt opportunistic? This comparative approach requires authors to provide a synthesis, pushing beyond specific taxa of expertise, but helps readers making useful connections. This is a fundamental feature of this work. This edition retains chapters on the historical development of the field, which is important to our understanding of where the discipline sits today, but similarly the work is forward leaning, including the authors` perspective of where their discipline is headed. Structured chapters and cross-references help readers following their interests with ease. Like a bird field guide, this encyclopedia is an entrée to deeper knowledge. Readers of the encyclopedia are encouraged to explore beyond individual chapters via links to related ones, key reviews and relevant online material.

Adult Hydrocephalus and Disorders of CSF Dynamics

  • 1st Edition
  • June 1, 2026
  • Benjamin D. Elder + 1 more
  • English
This book reviews the pathophysiology, evaluation, differential diagnosis, management and treatment of adult hydrocephalus and disorders of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The introductory section begins with the anatomy and physiology of the cerebrospinal fluid system, with a review of adult hydrocephalus management, including longitudinal care and management of comorbidities. A technical section follows devoted to shunt design and development, and then management of patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH). Coverage includes differential diagnosis and treatment of iNPH, as well as common presentations, neuroimaging, genetic studies, CSF biomarkers, and using artificial intelligence. Confirmatory testing discusses high volume lumbar punctures, lumbar drainage trials, and CSF infusion testing. Medical and surgical treatments are reviewed with expected functional outcomes. A subsequent section discusses secondary normal pressure hydrocephalus, caused by other etiologies such as hemorrhage, tumors, or infection, and covers longstanding overt ventriculomegaly (LOVA), management of adult patients who were shunted as children, and Chiari malformations. The book concludes with high and low pressure CSF dynamics disorders, including idiopathic intracranial hypertension and secondary intracranial hypertension, followed by a review of the medical, surgical, and ophthalmological management of these disorders.

Tourette Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders

  • 1st Edition
  • June 1, 2026
  • English
The Neuroscience of Tourette's Syndrome and Other Tic Disorders provides a foundation of the latest research into tic disorders and the brain, as well as including a comprehensive framework for the evaluation of tics. Authors across multiple specialties present the most thorough and latest knowledge of Tourette syndrome to include underlying pathophysiology, clinical presentation, how to differentiate it from other tic disorders, particularly functional tics. Clinical case studies will also feature throughout to outline challenging cases with expert commentary on evaluation and management strategies.