Unmanned Aerial Systems in Agriculture: Eyes Above Fields bridges the gap between knowledge of concept and real-world use and operations of UASs in agri-production. Based on a valuable combination of themes presented at the 13th European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA) and supplemented by targeted invited articles of key-scientists, this book presents a full-spectrum view of the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for agricultural applications. It integrates dispersed knowledge in the field, providing a holistic approach regarding UAVs and other UAS and their use in sustainable decisions. The integrated approach of the book provides a fresh look on contemporary agriculture-related issues, following precision farming approaches, by educating on a range of different issues of remote sensing and its use in agriculture. Furthermore, the operational planning aspects for UAS in agriculture focus part of the book provides information that is missing from other resources.
COVID-19 Viral Sepsis: Impact on Disparities, Disability, and Health Outcomes introduces the concepts of viral sepsis, its origins, and its implications. COVID-19 is a leading cause of viral sepsis with considerable impact on morbidity and mortality. Early recognition of signs and symptoms of COVID-19 can potentially impact patient outcomes.The book opens with an overview of sepsis and viral sepsis. The discussion continues with an introduction to COVID-19 and related topics on its epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, mild to moderate disease management, and the critical care treatment of COVID-19 patients. Sequelae of COVID-19, long-term consequences, challenges, current landscape, and future preparedness round out the coverage.COVID-19 Viral Sepsis: Impact on Disparities, Disability, and Health Outcomes is a valuable resource with contributions from experts on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis providing insight and key principles in the recognition, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sepsis due to COVID-19.
Valorization of Wastes for Sustainable Development: Waste to Wealth highlights the various valorization of organic and non-organic waste to offer a way forward to a sustainable world. Categorizing the various types of waste valorization for renewable fuel production and other valorizations utilizing organic and non-organic waste, this book offers the reader a comprehensive view of various waste valorizations together with their potential applications. Split into four sections, the book's chapters cover the general scenarios and challenges of current waste management and the valorization of waste specifically for renewable fuels as the alternative energy source to depleting fossil fuels. Other chapters cover waste valorizations categorized into organic and non-organic waste for various applications and the future prospect of waste valorizations with possible plans and strategies for effective global waste management.
Motor System Disorders, Volume 195, Part One, Normal Physiology and Function and Neuromuscular Disorders summarizes recent advances and best practice for understanding normal physiology and function of the larger motor system as well as the diagnosis, course, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. The work includes neuroanatomy, circuits, and synapses, and discusses how different parts of the brain contribute to motor control, including both vestibular and cerebellar motor control, as well as the influences of the parietal and frontal lobes. Diagnostic methods include genetic evaluation, electrodiagnosis, pathology, and brain imaging. Neuromuscular disorders of both children and adults are included.
While there are many books that describe the theories and research of clinical psychology and psychiatry, there are few resources that provide structured simulations for rehearsal and advancement of the critical skills mental health professionals need in the field. Advanced Therapeutics, Clinical and Interpersonal Skills series aims to fill that gap. Authored and edited by leading experts, each volume in the series focuses on one subfield within mental health, providing concise and practical exercises for professionals. Each volume is based on an empirically based pedagogy that is structured, incremental, and tightly focused on the essential skills mental health professionals must acquire to obtain licensure/registration and work effectively with mental health patients. Practical Exercises for Mental Health Professionals is volume one in the series, focusing on providing concise and practical exercises for clinicians of any theoretical orientation and clinical role. These exercises include repairing alliance ruptures, motivating patients to address barriers to change, suicidal behavior strategies and establishing boundaries and limits. Each of these exercises have been tested by leading experts and clinics in the field.
Ayurvedic Herbal Preparations in Neurological Disorders provides a comprehensive and mechanistic understanding of the therapeutic potential of many ayurvedic herbal preparations in disease management. Examining research data for evidence-based ayurvedic approaches, this volume begins with a focused introduction to major ayurvedic plants, discussing various mechanisms underlying their neuromodulatory potential in preclinical and clinical settings. Major subsets of ayurvedic plants are discussed, including Bacopa monnieri, Centella asiatica, Withania somnifera, and others. This volume outlines the importance of integrative approaches along with existing treatments in the intervention/management of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depressive mood disorders, epilepsy, schizophrenia, and more. More than a mere compilation of studies, this volume identifies relevant gaps for future research avenues and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and sharing of knowledge to together identify the most efficacious ayurvedic approaches. Highlighting recent developments (e.g., Ayurgenomics, Ayurahar) and other pertinent research for neuroprotection, this book is crucial for anyone researching or working in the field of neurological disorder treatment and prevention.
Nitric Oxide in Developing Plant Stress Resilience presents a strong focus on genetics and molecular mechanisms, examining crosstalk with other signaling molecules and the role this plays in the alleviation of oxidative damage. Abiotic stress negatively impacts plants productivity and alters the metabolism at the cellular or whole plant level, disturbing the mineral nutrients status, enzyme activities and osmotic homeostasis. Beginning with the biosynthesis of NO and its mode of action, chapters review various molecular interactions, including phytohormonal crosstalk, ROS metabolism, post-translational modification, and nutrients homeostasis. In addition, the book also highlights genome editing and proteomic approaches that can be used to manipulate NO responses. This is an essential resource for students and researchers interested in plant physiology, biochemistry and genetics.
Climate Change in the Himalayas: Vulnerability and Resilience of Biodiversity and Forest Ecosystems explores and assesses issues affecting species survival in the rich forests of the Himalayan region. This book characterizes current biodiversity statuses, related ecosystem services, and provides new evidence and solutions for climate change effects on Himalayan animals and plants. Written by regional and international experts on climate change, ecosystems and the Himalayas, this book analyzes current species threats, loss of habitats, and carbon effects. It identifies critical areas requiring special attention and provides workable solutions for protection and ecosystem services. As many plant and animal species continue to be classified as extinct due to climate change, urbanization, and failing ecosystems, analyses and techniques in this book offer resolutions for sustaining current risks and curbing future risks. These can also be applied to other biodiverse, at-risk regions of the world.
The only review book currently available in this complex field, Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine Board Review is an all-in-one, must-have resource for preparing for the neuromuscular and electrodiagnostic medicine, neurology, clinical neurophysiology and physical medicine and rehabilitation board exams. Focused, high-yield content is provided in a concise, readable manner without exhaustive or unnecessary detail, helping you make the most of your study time and efficiently prepare for exams and clinical practice.
The only review book currently available in this complex field, Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine Board Review is an all-in-one, must-have resource for preparing for the neuromuscular and electrodiagnostic medicine, neurology, clinical neurophysiology and physical medicine and rehabilitation board exams. Focused, high-yield content is provided in a concise, readable manner without exhaustive or unnecessary detail, helping you make the most of your study time and efficiently prepare for exams and clinical practice.