Handbook of Child and Adolescent Psychology Treatment Modules: Personalized Care in Behavior and Emotion provides clinicians with modularized treatment strategies for commonly occurring child and youth mental health disorders. Divided into two sections, the first part of the book translates basic science into clinical practice, reviewing predictors, mediators and moderators of change, and an overview of evidence for best practices in treating disorders. The second section guides clinicians on how to implement treatment strategies. Chapters instruct what therapy is, how to introduce it to clients, step-by-step implementation, worksheets for use in practice, homework to send home with clients, and more.
Game-Based Learning in Education and Health, Part B, Volume 279 in the Progress in Brain Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on highly relevant topics including Evaluating the validity of game-based assessments measuring cognitive function among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Children grow upwards, and so does the number line: Evidence from a directional number line paradigm, and Tasting inhibition: A proof-of-concept study of the food stop-signal game.
Conservation Policies for Agricultural Biodiversity: A Comparative Study of Laws and Policies focuses on the challenge of securing the ecological future of the planet and its inhabitants by exploring the Convention of Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing and WTO laws, such as SPSS, TBT GATT. This book demonstrates how the urgent problem of biodiversity loss can be addressed by challenging notions of national self-interest and security for the purpose of implementing policies that will benefit humanity and, more importantly, ensure the future of our planet.
The Transgender Athlete: A Guide for Sports Medicine Providers presents sports medicine practitioners insights into the unique issues and concerns of transgender athletes in order to help them understand rules regarding transgender athlete participation and learn how to better provide competent care to transgender athletes. There are over 1.4 million transgender adults in the United States. Transgender individuals undergo gender-affirming treatments including sex hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery. An increasing number of transgender people are participating in sports and presenting to sports medicine clinics with injuries, yet there is little research about this athlete population. It is important that sports medicine providers understand the types of hormone treatments and surgeries and how these changes affect the musculoskeletal health of transgender people. Additionally, transgender people may require specific considerations when interacting with medical providers. Furthermore, sports medicine providers are often consulted to formulate transgender athlete inclusion policy. These policies are continuously changing, as new evidence becomes available, which may be difficult to understand without knowledge of the gender transition process.
Translational Sports Medicine covers the principles of evidence-based medicine and applies these principles to the design of translational investigations. This title is an indispensable tool in grant writing and funding efforts with its practical, straightforward approach that will help aspiring investigators navigate challenging considerations in study design and implementation. It provides valuable discussions of the critical appraisal of published studies in translational sports medicine, allowing the reader to learn how to evaluate the quality of such studies with respect to measuring outcomes and to make effective use of all types of evidence in patient care. In short, this practical guidebook will be of interest to every medical researcher or sports medicine clinician who has ever had a good clinical idea but not the knowledge of how to test it. Readers will come to fully understand important concepts, including case-control study, prospective cohort study, randomized trial and reliability study. Medical researchers will benefit from greater confidence in their ability to initiate and execute their own investigations, avoid common pitfalls in translational sports medicine, and know what is needed in collaboration.
The Human Genome Project has triggered a technological revolution that has influenced nearly every field of medicine, including reproductive medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, andrology, prenatal genetic testing, and gene therapy. This second edition of Clinical Ethics at the Crossroads of Genetic and Reproductive Technologies offers a thorough, timely discussion of ethical issues raised by the latest genetic and genomic technologies applied in human reproductive and prenatal medicine, providing practical recommendations, guidelines, and algorithms to support ethical clinical practice. Here, international experts consider the ethics of technologies from preconception carrier screening to genetic engineering, CRISPR gene editing, mitochondrial gene replacement therapy, sex selection, predictive testing, secondary findings, embryo reduction, and the moral status of the embryo, genetic enhancement, and the sharing of genetic data. Throughout the book, contributors adopt a global, holistic perspective on applied challenges and the moral questions around the implementation of genetic reproductive technologies. The book is an ideal resource for practitioners, regulators, lawmakers, clinical researchers, genetic counselors, and graduate and medical students.This fully updated second edition examines new developments in the field, tackling ethical aspects of organoid development, recent advances in pharmacogenomics, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, and genetic engineering.
Surfactants in Biopharmaceutical Development addresses the progress, challenges, and opportunities in surfactant research in the context of the development of biologic therapeutics. It has been widely recognized that surfactants provide protection to therapeutic proteins against interfacial stresses, which is the reason that nearly all therapeutic proteins in development and on the market today contain surfactants. Despite the fact that the very mechanism of protein stabilization by surfactants has not been completely understood, surfactants are universally regarded as critical functional excipients for biopharmaceuticals by the industry and by regulators.This book provides a broad range of important surfactant-related topics as they relate directly to biopharmaceutical development. The initial chapters of the book address fundamental topics, like synthesis of surfactants, mechanisms of protein stabilization by surfactants, as well as practical considerations for the use of surfactants in biomanufacturing. Later chapters provide overview of the state-of-the-art analytical technology and methods for quantification and characterization of surfactants, as well as a deep-dive in one of the hottest topics in biopharmaceutical development today – surfactant degradation and its impact to drug product quality and stability. The book concludes with forward-looking chapters on control strategies with a special focus on current regulatory aspects of paramount importance for biopharmaceutical companies and regulators.
QSAR in Safety Evaluation and Risk Assessment provides comprehensive coverage on QSAR methods, tools, data sources, and models focusing on applications in products safety evaluation and chemicals risk assessment.Organized into five parts, the book covers almost all aspects of QSAR modeling and application. Topics in the book include methods of QSAR, from both scientific and regulatory viewpoints; data sources available for facilitating QSAR models development; software tools for QSAR development; and QSAR models developed for assisting safety evaluation and risk assessment. Chapter contributors are authored by a lineup of active scientists in this field. The chapters not only provide professional level technical summarizations but also cover introductory descriptions for all aspects of QSAR for safety evaluation and risk assessment.
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition, Five Volume Set updates and expands the previous version to ensure coverage of topics relevant to current world problems such as population pressure, food security and global change.Since publication of the previous edition there has been a huge change in our ability to carry out bioinformatics related to soil organisms and their functioning. Major developments in next generation DNA sequencing techniques have made it possible to identify both the diversity of microbial populations and their functioning. Furthermore, it allows the management of microbes within the soil. Imaging is changing our perceptions and improving our knowledge of soil aggregation. This also applies to remote and proximal sensing of laboratory and field soils, which is undergoing rapid change. Soil physics is a core area of soil science, but new techniques and technology have increased our understanding of processes.This reference work covers the entire field of soil science, bridging the gap between basic science and applications, and is designed to serve students and expert researchers. It is organized around four core topics, the main components of soil science – biology, chemistry, physics and environment and management.Soil science is becoming a crucial subject as world governments realize its importance in food production, water quality, flood control, greenhouse gas management, source of antibiotics and other drugs. As such this work is of interest not only to academics but to policy makers, government researchers and the geographical and environmental community who are not necessarily in research roles but need information on soil to support their core work.
Industrial Application of Functional Foods, Ingredients and Nutraceuticals: Extraction, Processing and Formulation of Bioactive Compounds explains the fundamental concepts and underlying scientific principles of nutrient delivery, nutraceutical processing technologies and potential opportunities in the field of new product development. The book also includes sections on the extraction and purification of functional ingredients, effective delivery of nutrients, health benefits, safety and regulatory aspects. Divided in four sections this book provides an up-to-date, highly applicative work that highlights the mechanistic aspects related to the challenges and opportunities associated with developing, delivering and marketing functional foods and nutraceuticals.