Advances in Applied Mathematics
- ISSN: 0196-8858
- 5 Year impact factor: 0.9
- Impact factor: 1

Algebra and number theory
Algebraic topology
Applied mathematics
Approximations and expansions
Calculus of variations and optimal control optimization
Computer science
Convex sets and related geometric topics
Differential geometry
Discrete mathematics combinatorics
Field theory and polynomials
Finite differences and functional equations
Functional analysis
General mathematical systems
General topology
Global analysis analysis of manifolds
Linear and multilinear algebra matrix theory
Manifolds and cell complexes
Mathematical economics and game theory
Mathematical logic and foundations
Mathematical programming
Mathematics general
Mathematics history and biography
Number theory
Numerical analysis
Order lattices ordered algebraic structures
Partial differential equations
Potential theory
Set theory
Several complex variables and analytic spaces
Systems theory control
Topological groups lie groups