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Journals in Electrical and electronic engineering

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Information Sciences

  • ISSN: 0020-0255
Informatics and Computer Science Intelligent Systems Applications An International JournalInformation Sciences will publish original, innovative and creative research results. A smaller number of timely tutorial and surveying contributions will be published from time to time.The journal is designed to serve researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, graduate students and others interested in state-of-the art research activities in information, knowledge engineering and intelligent systems. Readers are assumed to have a common interest in information science, but with diverse backgrounds in fields such as engineering, mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, cell biology, molecular biology, management science, cognitive science, neurobiology, behavioural sciences and biochemistry.The journal publishes high-quality, refereed articles. It emphasizes a balanced coverage of both theory and practice. It fully acknowledges and vividly promotes a breadth of the discipline of Informations Sciences.Topics include:Foundations of Information Science: Information Theory, Mathematical Linguistics, Automata Theory, Cognitive Science, Theories of Qualitative Behaviour, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing, Semiotics, Computational Biology and Bio-informatics.Implementations and Information Technology: Intelligent Systems, Genetic Algorithms and Modelling, Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, Expert and Decision Support Systems, Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Expert and Decision Support Systems, Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Biometrics, Moleculoid Nanocomputing, Self-adaptation and Self-organisational Systems, Data Engineering, Data Fusion, Information and Knowledge, Adaptive ad Supervisory Control, Discrete Event Systems, Symbolic / Numeric and Statistical Techniques, Perceptions and Pattern Recognition, Design of Algorithms, Software Design, Computer Systems and Architecture Evaluations and Tools, Human-Computer Interface, Computer Communication Networks and Modelling and Computing with WordsApplications: Manufacturing, Automation and Mobile Robots, Virtual Reality, Image Processing and Computer Vision Systems, Photonics Networks, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Brain Mapping, Language and Search Engine Design, User-friendly Man Machine Interface, Data Compression and Text Abstraction and Summarization, Virtual Reality, Finance and Economics Modelling and OptimisationEditor-in-Chief Witold Pedrycz can be reached at [email protected].
Information Sciences


  • ISSN: 0167-9260
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 2.2
the VLSI JournalIntegration's aim is to cover every aspect of the VLSI area, with an emphasis on cross-fertilization between various fields of science, and the design, verification, test and applications of integrated circuits and systems, as well as closely related topics in process and device technologies. Individual issues will feature peer-reviewed tutorials and articles as well as reviews of recent publications. The intended coverage of the journal can be assessed by examining the following (non-exclusive) list of topics:Specification methods and languages; Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits and Systems; VLSI architectures; Algorithms, methods and tools for modeling, simulation, synthesis and verification of integrated circuits and systems of any complexity; Embedded systems; High-level synthesis for VLSI systems; Logic synthesis and finite automata; Testing, design-for-test and test generation algorithms; Physical design; Formal verification; Algorithms implemented in VLSI systems; Systems engineering; Heterogeneous systems.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Journal of Electrostatics

  • ISSN: 0304-3886
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Fundamentals, Applications and HazardsThe Journal of Electrostatics is the leading forum for publishing research findings that advance knowledge in the fundamental science and engineering of electrostatics. We invite submissions in the following areas:Electrostatic charge separation processes: Fundamental science and engineering behind how materials (solid or liquid) accumulate electrostatic charge, by triboelectric, induction, conduction, corona and electrical double layer charging, or other mechanisms. Electrostatic charge dissipation and neutralization. Electrets. Methods to control charging and electrostatic hazards. Static measurement techniques (charge, surface potential, electric field). Triboelectric nanogenerators and energy harvesters.Electrostatic manipulation of particles, droplets, and biological cells: Electrostatic forces on particles, including electrophoresis, dielectrophoresis and electrorotation. Applications, including electrostatic precipitators, separators, coating processes, and electrophotography. Electrostatic issues in fluidized beds and other solids handling processes. Biological/medical applications including control of biological cells and pharmaceutical powders. Coupled problems (thermal, flow, stress) with essential contribution of electrostatic phenomena.Electrostatically driven or controlled fluid flow: Corona generated secondary electrohydrodynamic flow. Boundary layer control. Electrohydrodynamic pumping. Electro-rheology. Electrospinning and electrospraying. DC and AC Electroosmosis. Electrowetting. Applications including materials processing, thermal management, and flow control.Electrostatics in the gas phase: Fundamental science of plasmas. Corona and dielectric barrier discharges. Electrical breakdown. Applications of plasma technologies, including environmental remediation of gas and liquid streams. Electrostatic discharges from charged surfaces - fundamentals, prevention, safety issues. Electrostatic phenomena in atmospheres.
Journal of Electrostatics

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

  • ISSN: 0304-8853
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials provides an important forum for the disclosure and discussion of original contributions covering the whole spectrum of topics, from basic magnetism to the technology and applications of magnetic materials. The journal encourages greater interaction between the basic and applied sub-disciplines of magnetism with comprehensive review articles, in addition to full-length contributions. In addition, other categories of contributions are welcomed, including Critical Focused issues, Current Perspectives, and Outreach to the General Public.Main Categories: Full-length articles: Technically original research documents that report results of value to the communities that comprise the journal audience. The link between chemical, structural and microstructural properties on the one hand and magnetic properties on the other hand are encouraged.In addition to general topics covering all areas of magnetism and magnetic materials, the full-length articles also include three sub-sections, focusing on Nanomagnetism, Spintronics and Applications. The sub-section on Nanomagnetism contains articles on magnetic nanoparticles, nanowires, thin films, 2D materials and other nanoscale magnetic materials and their applications. The sub-section on Spintronics contains articles on magnetoresistance, magnetoimpedance, magneto-optical phenomena, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), and other topics related to spin current control and magneto-transport phenomena. The sub-section on Applications display papers that focus on applications of magnetic materials. The applications need to show a connection to magnetism.Review articles: Review articles organize, clarify, and summarize existing major works in the areas covered by the Journal and provide comprehensive citations to the full spectrum of relevant literature.Other Categories: Critical Focused Issues - consist of single articles on emerging topics of interest. Articles in this category identify problems of current interest that need to be addressed in the future in order to advance an emerging subfield of magnetism. By identifying such open issues, they focus the interest of the community to the challenges ahead. Thus, unlike review articles, this category will aim more on the future and what needs to be explored, rather than on what has been explored in the past. Of course, the articles include a review aspect in order to identify the open issues and put them into perspective. The articles need not be long, exhaustive or comprehensive. They provide the vision of the authors, who are recognized experts in the field. Readers utilize these articles to focus their thinking on future endeavors. These articles should also help to generate proposals to funding agencies worldwide. Current Perspectives - Current Perspectives consists of clusters of articles on emerging topics of interest. The articles have guest editors who formulate and manage the intellectual scope of the project. A cluster is composed of authors who represent their own perspective and who possess diverse opinions on facets of the topic. A cluster, in its totality, provides a balanced point of view, while each individual article is free to be discriminating. The articles within a cluster have invited status, the articles are typically of short-to-medium length, and the reference lists must be adequate but not necessarily extensive. The clusters are expected to focus not only on what is known, but also on what the open questions are that need to be addressed in the future. The articles should be written at a level that inspires the next generation of graduate students. The guest editors typically provide an overview article to tie the cluster together thematically. Outreach to the General Public - These are articles of a general nature that highlight the importance of magnetism and stimulate the interest of the public at large. A heightened awareness of magnetism is healthy for our field. Experts who have given public lectures will be encouraged to submit their work in order for them to reach a larger community. It will also help our readers in their own communications with the public. These articles need not be long, exhaustive or comprehensive. They provide the vision of the authors. Providing the public with the importance of magnetism and magnetic materials at a level that can be understood and appreciated will be a public service. It will also inspire a new generation of students, have a positive influence on science policy, and strengthen the case of our community in the eyes of funding agencies worldwide.Benefits to authorsPlease see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.AUDIENCE. Condensed matter physicists, materials scientists, chemists, engineers, biologist and other interdisciplinary researchers.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials


  • ISSN: 0263-2241
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 5.2
Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)Contributions are invited on novel achievements in all fields of measurement and instrumentation science and technology. Authors are encouraged to submit novel material representing achievements in the field, whose ultimate goal is an enhancement of the state-of-the-art of subjects such as: measurement and metrology fundamentals, measurement science, sensors, measurement instruments, measurement and estimation techniques, measurement data processing and fusion algorithms, evaluation procedures for performance analysis of measurement systems, processes and algorithms, mathematical models for measurement-oriented purposes, and distributed measurement systems in a connected world.Notes:Papers including measurement results that, although important to validate any given scientific study but which offer no new insights in an area different from measurement science or technology, do not fall within the scope of this journal;The disciplined usage of well-known metrological terms is strongly required. Authors can access information on all relevant terms such as measurement accuracy, uncertainty, the law of propagation of uncertainty and other, similar terms: these are defined in internationally approved guidelines such as the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) and Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), which are freely available on;The paper must clearly describe the measurement context in which the research was carried out by undertaking a critical review of the state-of-the-art of the relevant body of knowledge in instrumentation and measurement and by showing how the research presented advances it;The letter accompanying the submission must describe clearly how the paper satisfies the above requirements.Papers that focus on image processing or fault diagnosis with little or no elements of measurement science or technology will not be considered within the journal scope.Authors please note: The journal Measurement is receiving an increasing number of papers in the area of machine learning/neural networks and other techniques based on artificial intelligence. These submissions will be desk rejected unless they:prove that the described research advances the state-of-the-art in measurement science and is not just an application of an available tool to known or novel problems, that is used without an appreciation of measurement-related aspects;show that the usage of these tools is put into the correct measurement-related context and not just in the context of machine-learning/neural network applications;contain enough information about the used tools, data, and results to allow, in principle, anyone to replicate the described results;display the use of specific metrics to strengthen the results of research activities.It must be recalled that Measurement is interested in publishing new methods, techniques, procedures, algorithms, and alike that show how to better measure in nature and in the world. Thus, the capability to describe metrological-related details of the proposed research represents a major difference between papers published by this journal and by other journals publishing papers on similar topics. This major difference must be evident also in papers covering applications of machine learning and soft computing techniques. Failing to adhere to these guidelines will result in a paper desk-reject decision.Authors whose manuscripts focus on the research, development and application of the science, engineering and technology of sensors and sensor systems, are welcome to submit to the journal's open access companion title, Measurement: Sensors .Authors whose manuscripts focus on food and nutrition measurements may also wish to submit to the journal's second open access companion title, Measurement: Food.Authors whose manuscripts focus on energy sources, heat and power generation and all other relevant fields may be interested to submit to the journal's third open access companion title, Measurement: Energy.


  • ISSN: 0957-4158
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.1
The Science of Intelligent Machines An International JournalMission and ScopeA journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlWelcome to Mechatronics: The Science of Intelligent Machines. Mechatronics is a refereed journal that publishes articles that report advances in the state-of-the-art in Mechatronics and Robotics. We welcome original submissions that report creative or innovative methodology and solutions with a synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and control systems of intelligent machines or robotic systems. Submitted manuscripts are expected to report experimental results obtained from laboratory or full-scale mechatronic apparatus. Some of the topics addressed in the published articles include:Mechatronics: Modeling, identification and control of mechatronic systems; motion and vibration control; micro/nano systems and devices; automotive systems; biomedical mechatronic systems; and advanced manufacturing equipment and processes.Robotics: Modeling, control, learning and system issues related to: autonomous vehicles and robots, marine, underwater, and aerial robots, legged robots, soft robots, field robots, industrial robots, medical robots; human-robot interaction; teleoperation; haptics; and multi-robot systems.Types of papersRegular Articles: Articles that describe original research of high quality in Mechatronics or in Robotics.Review Articles: Contain a detailed survey of established or emerging topics of interest to the journal readership.Robotics and Mechatronics Letters: Short manuscripts, no longer than seven printed journal pages, that report important time sensitive results in Robotics or in Mechatronics. These articles will go through a rapid review process overseen by a dedicated Co-Editor-in- Chief.Book Reviews: A detailed review of published textbooks or research monographs of interest to Mechatronics' readership.

Micro and Nanostructures

  • ISSN: 2773-0123
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Formerly known as Superlattices and Microstructures, with a 2022 IF of 3.1.Micro and Nanostructures is a journal disseminating the science and technology of micro-structures and nano-structures in materials and their devices, including individual and collective use of semiconductors, metals and insulators for the exploitation of their unique properties. The journal hosts papers dealing with fundamental and applied experimental research as well as theoretical studies. Fields of interest, including emerging ones, cover: • Novel micro and nanostructures • Nanomaterials (nanowires, nanodots, 2D materials ) and devices • Synthetic heterostructures • Plasmonics • Micro and nano-defects in materials (semiconductor, metal and insulators) • Surfaces and interfaces of thin filmsIn addition to Research Papers, the journal aims at publishing Topical Reviews providing insights into rapidly evolving or more mature fields. Written by leading researchers in their respective fields, those articles are commissioned by the Editorial Board.
Micro and Nanostructures

Microelectronic Engineering

  • ISSN: 0167-9317
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Nanotechnology and Processing — Electronics, photonics, MEMS and Life Sciences Affiliated with iMNEsMicroelectronic Engineering is the premier journal focused on the fabrication and characterization of micro/nano-electronic materials, devices and circuits (including novel electronic nanomaterials), as well as the understanding of their working mechanisms, performance, yield, variability, stability, and reliability. The journal also focuses on the techniques that make possible the fabrication and characterization of such devices and circuits, and on the materials involved in them. Occasionally, outstanding papers on simulation of materials properties, device figures-of-merit or compact modeling of circuits and systems may be accepted. The following topics are of special interest:DevicesPhotonic and optoelectronic devices (including, sensors, actuators, phototransistors)Transistors (including ultra-scaled, thin film, organic, ferroelectric)Resistive switching devices (memristors, RRAM, PCRAM, FeRAM, MRAM)Magnetic and spintronic devicesMEMS and NEMS (including power, RF, magnetic, organic)Flexible electronic devices (including wearable, printed, paper)Devices for energy harvesting (piezoelectric, flexoelectric, photovoltaic, solar cells)Bioelectronic devices (molecular detection, biomimetic, diagnosis)Device-level simulations (including variability and reliability)MaterialsWide bandgap semiconductorsDielectrics (low K and high K)Two-dimensional (2D) Materials and related transferring techniquesNanotubes, nanowires, and other nanomaterials and nanostrctures for device fabricationInterconnects, metallization and barrier materialsNew Resist MaterialsSilicon on insulatorsPolymers and flexible substrates, including biocompatible materialsAtomistic simulations of materials propertiesFabrication and characterization processesThin films deposition techniques (CVD, ALD, evaporation, sputtering, MBE, plasma)Lithography (including optical, EUV, electron beam, nanoimpring, particle-assisted, mask less, X-ray optical methods, emerging methods and limits, as well as resists)Pattern transfer (including ion, plasma and wet transfer, as well as transfer of 2D materials)Integration processes (including inkjet printing, 3D printing, 3D integration)Top-down and bottom-up self-assembly processesAnnealing and its effect in the materials (including crystallization, wrinkling, de-wetting)Nanometrology (TEM, SEM, EDX, EELS, STM, AFM and related setups)Circuits and applicationsSensing and actuation, including bio-compatible applicationsSignal souring and transferLogic operations and data processingElectronic memories and information storageArtificial neural networks and neuromorphic computingCompact modeling of electronic circuitsQuantum computingFive different types of articles are considered:Research articles that report regular original research that produces significant advancement.Accelerated Publications (Letters) that feature exciting research breakthroughs.Review Articles that inform readers of the latest research and advances in a topic within the broad field of microelectronic engineering. This includes roadmaps and guides proposing the recommended methods in a specific field.Short / Technical notes intended for original limited investigations or short description of original industrial or industrially-related research and development workNews and Opinions that comment on topical issues or express views on the developments in related fields, or comment on previously published work
Microelectronic Engineering