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Journals in Organic chemistry

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Cell Chemical Biology

  • ISSN: 2451-9456
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 6.6
Cell Chemical Biology is a Cell Press journal that aims to publish the most important advances in chemical biology research of exceptional interest for our diverse community, from basic scientists to clinicians. Launched in 1994 under the title Chemistry & Biology, the journal was the first to recognize the growing importance of investigations at the interface of chemistry and biology. The mission has always been to support and promote chemical biology and conversation and collaboration between chemical and life sciences.Cell Chemical Biology strongly encourages submission of articles that provide significant conceptual advancement of broad general interest to researchers within chemical, biological, clinical, and associated fields. We are especially interested in papers that combine the use of chemical tools to perturb, visualize, and measure biological systems and cellular processes and offer unique insights into molecular mechanisms or disease biology, and therapeutics.We welcome submissions that are focused on method development highlighting significant technical advancements in chemical probes, tools, and technologies, including imaging tools, analytical platform development and application strategies for basic life sciences or that have practical impact for either drug development, or clinical and biotechnological advances.Research areas that we consider within our scope include but are not limited to studies of biochemistry, metabolism, and physiology; drug discovery; cancer biology; immunology, immunomodulation; neuromodulation; transcription/gene regulation; disease mechanism and therapeutics; new therapeutic modalities; signaling pathways; virology; molecular microbiology; natural product biosynthesis; generation, distribution, and function of small molecule-protein conjugates such as post-translational modifications; mechanism of resistance to small molecules by viruses/bacteria/cancer cells/organisms; intra- and intercellular and intra- and interspecies communication mediated by small molecules; and chemical biology of lipids, sugars, and nucleic acids.Finally, large-scale studies enabled by the use of chemistry-based technology, such as proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, genomics, and glycomics, are also within our scope, as well as synthetic and systems biology work when inspired and supported by chemical tools or aimed at engineering biological systems to perform a new type of chemical transformation.Cell Chemical Biology mission statementWe publish, support, and promote chemical biology, a unique discipline that harnesses power of chemistry to deliver profound insights into biological function, and develop solutions for life sciences, biotechnology, and human health. Our mission is to publish review and research content that pushes biology and our ability to study it forward and to have an editorial reputation for integrity, responsiveness, fairness, and friendliness.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Cell Chemical Biology -
Cell Chemical Biology

Clinica Chimica Acta

  • ISSN: 0009-8981
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.2
International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Diagnostic Laboratory Medicine The Official Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC)Clinica Chimica Acta is a high-quality journal which publishes original Research Communications in the field of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, defined as the diagnostic application of chemistry, biochemistry, immunochemistry, biochemical aspects of hematology, toxicology, and molecular biology to the study of human disease in body fluids and cells.The objective of the journal is to publish novel information leading to a better understanding of biological mechanisms of human diseases, their prevention, diagnosis, and patient management. Reports of an applied clinical character are also welcome. Papers concerned with normal metabolic processes or with constituents of normal cells or body fluids, such as reports of experimental or clinical studies in animals, are only considered when they are clearly and directly relevant to human disease. Evaluation of commercial products have a low priority for publication, unless they are novel or represent a technological breakthrough. Studies dealing with effects of drugs and natural products and studies dealing with the redox status in various diseases are not within the journal's scope. Development and evaluation of novel analytical methodologies where applicable to diagnostic clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine, including point-of-care testing, and topics on laboratory management and informatics will also be considered. Studies focused on emerging diagnostic technologies and (big) data analysis procedures including digitalization, mobile Health, and artificial Intelligence applied to Laboratory Medicine are also of interest.
Clinica Chimica Acta


  • ISSN: 0010-7824
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.8
An international reproductive health journal The Official Journal of the Society of Family PlanningThe journal Contraception wishes to advance reproductive health through the rapid publication of the best and most interesting new scholarship regarding contraception and related fields such as abortion. The journal welcomes manuscripts from investigators working in the laboratory, clinical and social sciences, as well as public health and health professions education.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0223-5234
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 6
EJMECH (The European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry) is a global journal that publishes studies on the main aspects of medicinal chemistry. It provides a medium for publication of original research papers and it welcomes critical review papers.A typical paper would report on the design (with or without the support of computational methods), organic synthesis, characterization and biochemical/pharmacological evaluation of novel, potent compounds preferentially with a clear (or proven) mechanism of action and/or target. Other topics of interest are molecular aspects of drug metabolism, prodrug synthesis and drug targeting. The journal expects manuscripts to present a clear rational for a study, provide insight into the strategy and design of compounds and into the mechanism of action, and biological targets. Manuscripts reporting only computational studies are out-of-scope unless a new method (broadly applicable, validated and available to the community) is reported. Authors are kindly invited to look to published articles for the scope of the journal and the organisation of papers.
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry


  • ISSN: 0367-326X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The Journal for the Study of Medicinal PlantsFitoterapia is a Journal dedicated to medicinal plants and fungi and to the bioactive natural products produced by these organisms. It publishes original contributions in seven major areas:1. Chemical characterization of active ingredients of medicinal plants and fungi, including their endophytes 2. New analytical approaches for dereplication and standardization of biologically active extracts and metabolites from plant resources 3. Identification of bioactivity in plant and fungal extracts and in their constituents 4. Identification of biological targets and mechanism of activity of plant and fungal extracts 5. Production and genomic characterization of medicinal plants biomass 6. Biosynthesis of bioactive natural products of plant, fungi and endophytic origin 7. Critical reviews of the composition, history, clinical and legal status of medicinal plants, and accounts on topical issues.Contributions reporting the following are NOT normally considered for publication: 1. Activity data on crude extracts that have not been characterized by analysis of their major constituents (HPLC fingerprint, LC/MS or NMR). Data on the extract composition simply taken from the literature are not acceptable. Characterization of only a few constituents is generally considered too partial. 2. Studies on the bioactivity of pure compounds purchased or obtained by Authors without any study or relationship with the producing organism. 3. Unexceptional and predictable bioactivity (e.g. antioxidant properties of phenolics or antibacterial activity of essential oils). 4. Uncritical ethnopharmacological investigations, where a list of plants and their use are simply recorded. 5. Genomic, transcriptomic and pharmacological studies without convincing wet lab experiments, or with little correlation to bioactive natural compounds.In addition, the following immediate rejection criteria apply: RULE 1: The manuscript does not fall into any of the areas of interest of the Journal. RULE 2: The manuscript is too preliminary, reporting e.g. activity data without comparison to a reference, or without a positive control. RULE 3: The botanical source is not clearly identified, authenticated, and documented (voucher). RULE 4: Characterization of new compounds without spectral supporting material. RULE 5: Bioactivity is not relevant to in vivo situations. RULE 6: Reviews on topics already covered in the recent literature.

Food Hydrocolloids

  • ISSN: 0268-005X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.3
  • Impact factor: 11
Food Hydrocolloids publishes original and innovative research concerned with the characterisation, functional properties and applications of hydrocolloid materials used in food products. Hydrocolloids are defined as polysaccharides and proteins of commercial importance that are added to food products to control, for example, the texture, stability, rheology and sensory properties. The key focus of the research should be on the hydrocolloids themselves. The source and nature of the hydrocolloid materials should be fully described and details of their physicochemical characteristics provided. Manuscripts should clearly outline the specific aims and objectives of the research and must include a fundamental discussion of the research findings at the molecular level and their significance. Manuscripts that simply report data without providing a detailed interpretation of the results will not be accepted for publication in the journal. Studies on hydrocolloids in complex formulations should focus on their influence on the overall properties and their mechanism of action. Simple formulation development studies that primarily aim to optimize proportions of mixed ingredients and/or processing conditions to enhance formulated product properties will not be considered for publication.The main areas of interest are:Chemical and physicochemical characterisation of hydrocolloid materialsThe rheological properties of hydrocolloid solutions including viscosity, viscoelastic properties and gelation behaviourThe influence of hydrocolloids on food microstructure, texture and organoleptic propertiesThe interfacial properties of hydrocolloids including stabilisation of dispersions, emulsions and foamsInteractions in mixed hydrocolloid systems including phase behaviour, complexation and conjugationThe film forming properties of hydrocolloids with application in edible films, coatings and active packagingThe function and performance of hydrocolloids in 3D printing formulations for food applicationsThe encapsulation and controlled release of active compounds for inclusion in food formulationsThe modification of hydrocolloid functionality through chemical, biochemical and physical processesThe physicochemical characteristics and application of hydrocolloid materials from non-traditional sources with commercial potential in foodsHealth aspects, particularly the role of hydrocolloids as dietary fibreManuscripts that deal with the use of hydrocolloids in medical settings such as encapsulation of drugs, wound dressings and tissue engineering or research involving animal studies will not be considered for publication in Food Hydrocolloids. Such work would be more appropriate for publication in Food Hydrocolloids for Health. This is an open access companion Journal devoted to hydrocolloids applied in human health and nutrition.The Food Hydrocolloids Journal publishes Review articles that provide a focussed overview of the latest developments in emerging topics of specific interest to researchers in this field of activity.
Food Hydrocolloids

Free Radical Biology & Medicine

  • ISSN: 0891-5849
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.9
  • Impact factor: 7.1
An official JOURNAL of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine and the Society for Free Radical Research-Europe; affiliate journal of the International Society for Free Radical Research (SFRRI)Free Radical Biology and Medicine is the premier forum for publishing ground-breaking research in the redox biology of both health and disease. We focus on signal transduction and redox signaling; oxidative stress; reductive stress; redox stress; nitrosative stress; aging and age-related diseases; redox biology in skeletal and cardiac muscle, exercise science, and sports medicine; metabolic regulation and metabolic diseases; mitochondrial function and signaling; homeostatic mechanisms and adaptive responses; redox chemistry and mechanisms; materials and nanomaterials; non-thermal plasmas; microorganisms, fungi, plants, insects, animals, and humans; and antioxidant enzymes, pathways, and networks. We welcome both full-length and short Research Communications, Hypothesis Papers, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Graphical Reviews, and Critical Methods Papers. Free Radical Biology and Medicine also commissions themed Special Issues aimed at highlighting recent advances in both basic and clinical fields, with a particular focus on mechanisms underlying altered metabolism and redox signalling.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

  • ISSN: 0016-7037
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.1
  • Impact factor: 4.5
Journal of The Geochemical Society and The Meteoritical SocietyGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta publishes research papers in a wide range of subjects in terrestrial geochemistry, meteoritics, and planetary geochemistry. The scope of the journal includes: 1). Physical chemistry of gases, aqueous solutions, glasses, and crystalline solids 2). Igneous and metamorphic petrology 3). Chemical processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere of the Earth 4). Organic geochemistry 5). Isotope geochemistry 6). Meteoritics and meteorite impacts 7). Lunar science; and 8). Planetary geochemistry.If you would like more information about the Geochemical Society and Meteoritical Society, visit their Home Pages at and http://www.meteoriticalsociety.orgBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Industrial Crops and Products

  • ISSN: 0926-6690
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 5.6
Industrial Crops and Products is an international journal publishing research on cultivated plants (crops) of industrial interest (non-food, non-feed). Papers concern both crop-oriented and bio-based materials research. It should be of interest to an international audience, hypothesis driven, and repeatable. Crops and products of interest include: fiber, forest, and energy crops, industrial oilseeds, rubber and resins, and cultivated medicinal and aromatic plants. The plant(s) in the manuscript must fit our definition of industrial crops, before it is classified further in research topics as indicated below. Research on food, phytochemistry, ethnobotany, and medicine are not in the scope of the journal. Authors should make clear in the cover letter how the research fits our scope following the detailed scope description below.The following are examples of research that fits within the scope of the journal:Industrial crop management practices to increase productivity and specific chemical components. Including cultural practices (sowing, plant density, fertilization, pruning, shading, management of wild stands for sustainable harvest, pests and weed management, harvest, post-harvest, etc.).Breeding and genetics of cultivated industrial crops. The research must be of international interest and hypothesis driven. The research must be of value to other breeders and the germplasm developed must be available to other researchers for further genetic improvement.Response of cultivated industrial crops to abiotic (temperature, water, salinity, pH, heavy metals, etc.) and biotic stresses (insects, diseases, weeds).Sustainable cropping systems including an industrial crop to reduce negative environmental impacts of conventional cropping systems. For example, cultivation in marginal lands, intercropping, double or relay cropping, cover cropping or other systems intended to minimize soil erosion, eutrophication, greenhouse gases emissions, loss of biodiversity, etc.New techniques for the propagation of industrial crops or production of metabolites in vitro (root and tissue culture, micropropagation).Discovery or development of new industrial crops is in the scope, but must include an evaluation of the real potential to make a plant an industrial crop, not just information on plants gathered in natural habitats (many plants make products, but they will not become a crop). An economic analysis may be included as appropriate.Extraction methods of metabolites from industrial crops and waste streams of industrial crops processing (non-food related).Biochemical and thermochemical conversion of lignocellulosic biomass.Bio-based materials:Fiber and fiber compounds: cellulose-, hemicelluloses-and lignin-based products, textiles, nanofibers, composites, films, etc.Other crop-polysaccharides based materials such as carbohydrates and proteins-based products not intended for the food industry (adhesives, varnishes, paints, etc.)Rubber, waxes, resins, gums from cropsPolymers from cropsCrop and forestry biorefinery:Energy crops: fuel (bioethanol, biogas, syngas), biochar, chemicals, etc.Oils, fatty acids, biofuels (biodiesel, jet fuel, drop-in fuels), and chemicals derived from oilseed cropsBiologically active compounds:Insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and pharmaceuticals (the species has to fit our definition of industrial crop; cultivated plants or plants with demonstrated potential to be cultivated with non-food purposes)Essential oils: inks, dyes, lubricants, perfumes, cosmetics, plastics, and other industrial applicationsBio-based products must be tied to specific crops/plants, and their modification to meet new industrial uses. For instance, for nanoparticles, a direct link is required with an industrial crop or with the respective value-chain.In the manuscript, all species must include the Latin name and Authority, the first time the species is mentioned in the abstract or text.Research not in the scope of the journal:Field or horticultural crops and products which main use is food, functional food, or nutraceutical. Some crops might have both an industrial and food use. For example rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), if the work is directed to industrial rapeseed (biodiesel, jet fuel) fits the scope; but if it is a canola type with main use as food; then is not in the scope, same for other oilseeds (sunflower, safflower), sugar crops( sugarcane, sugarbeet), and others.Non-plant research or non-plant derived products, for instance animal, algae, fungi, microorganisms, and minerals. For example: honey, propolis, chitosan, graphene, etc. are not in the scope.Genetic, phytochemical, molecular characterization or screening of plant species collected in their natural habitat or a local set of genotypes of a species with or without potential to become a cultivated industrial crop.In vitro antioxidant activity characterization with indirect methods (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP or ORAC) of plants or plant parts without proof of biological activity. Antioxidant activity is present in all plants and thus is meaningless without additional data.Edible films and food/feed related antioxidant activity.Ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, pharmacology, and phytochemistry.Development of analytical methods of metabolites.Valorization and metabolite extraction of waste streams from food industry (peels, seeds, pomace, coffee grounds, vegetables processing, etc.).
Industrial Crops and Products

Journal of Controlled Release

  • ISSN: 0168-3659
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.6
  • Impact factor: 10.5
The Journal of Controlled Release (JCR) is the Official Journal of the Controlled Release Society, and of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System.It publishes high-quality research articles in the broad field of delivery science and technology. This includes drug delivery systems and all aspects of formulations, such as physicochemical and biological properties of drugs, design and characterization of dosage forms, release mechanisms, in vivo testing, and formulation research and development in the disciplines of pharmaceutical, diagnostic, agricultural, environmental, cosmetic, and food industries.Manuscripts that advance fundamental understanding of principles and/or demonstrate advantages of novel technologies in safety and efficacy over current clinical standards will be given priority.
Journal of Controlled Release