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Journals in Neurology

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  • ISSN: 0741-8329
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.2
  • Impact factor: 2.5
Alcohol is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of the actions or effects of alcohol on the nervous system or on other organ systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and biomedical aspects of diagnosis, etiology, treatment or prevention of alcohol-related health effects.Intended for both research scientists and practicing clinicians, the journal publishes original research on the neurobiological, neurobehavioral, and pathophysiological processes associated with alcohol drinking, alcohol abuse, alcohol-seeking behavior, tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, protracted abstinence, and relapse. In addition, the journal reports studies on the effects alcohol on brain mechanisms of neuroplasticity over the life span, biological factors associated with adolescent alcohol abuse, pharmacotherapeutic strategies in the treatment of alcoholism, biological and biochemical markers of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, pathological effects of uncontrolled drinking, biomedical and molecular factors in the effects on liver, immune system, and other organ systems, and biomedical aspects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder including mechanisms of damage, diagnosis and early detection, treatment, and prevention. Articles are published from all levels of biomedical inquiry, including the following: molecular and cellular studies of alcohol's actions in vitro and in vivo; animal model studies of genetic, pharmacological, behavioral, developmental or pathophysiological aspects of alcohol; human studies of genetic, behavioral, cognitive, neuroimaging, or pathological aspects of alcohol drinking; clinical studies of diagnosis (including dual diagnosis), treatment, prevention, and epidemiology. The journal will publish 9 issues per year; the accepted abbreviation for Alcohol for bibliographic citation is Alcohol.Alcohol subscribes to the tenets of The Farmington Consensus. Submission of a paper to the journal will be taken as evidence that the authors have complied with the tenets set forth in the Consensus. All submitted material will be subject to peer review. Alcohol considers three types of manuscripts for publication:- Original research articles are full-length reports of the authors' original research addressing topics consistent with the Aims and Scope of the journal. Submissions outside the scope of the journal, or incomplete or fragmentary submissions, will not be considered.- Rapid communications are original, high-quality manuscripts that describe new data of high impact and major importance to the field. These contributions are typically short (e.g., 4 journal pages), and will be peer-reviewed by at least one expert in the field of the research and an Editor, and will be either accepted with minimal or no revisions or rejected. Publication of accepted rapid communications will be expedited.- Invited review articles will be considered for publication, upon invitation from the Editor-in-Chief, as full-length papers or mini-reviews. These contributions will be peer-reviewed. Contact the Editor-in-Chief concerning the suitability of a topic for an invited review.

Biological Psychology

  • ISSN: 0301-0511
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Biological Psychology publishes original scientific papers on neural, endocrine, immune, and other physiological aspects of psychological states and processes. Such aspects include assessments by biochemistry, electrophysiology, and neuroimaging during psychological experiments as well as biologically induced changes in psychological function. Psychological investigations based on biological theories are also of interest. All aspects of psychological functioning, including psychopathology, are germane.The Journal is focused on work with human individuals, but may consider work with animals, if conceptually related to issues in human biological psychology. The Journal welcomes work that spans disciplines and methods and recruits an editorial team that is especially suited for handling such manuscripts. Empirical reports are the core of the Journal, but methodological and theoretical reports relevant to biological psychology are encouraged (see list of article types for more information). Finally, the Journal regularly publishes special issues on selected topics within its scope.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Biological Psychology

Brain & Development

  • ISSN: 0387-7604
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology.Brain & Development (ISSN 0387-7604) is the Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology and is aimed to promote clinical child neurology and developmental neuroscience. The journal is dedicated to the field of clinical child neurology and related neuroscience and covers topics such as physiological and pathological brain development, neurodevelopmental disorders, cerebral palsy, genetic and metabolic disorders of the nervous system, epilepsy and seizure disorders, movement disorders, fetal and neonatal neurology, infectious and inflammatory disorders of the nervous system, neuromuscular disorders, and other neurologic diseases of infants and children. The journal is devoted to publishing Review Articles, Full-Length Original Papers, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor in the field of Child Neurology and related sciences. Proceedings of meetings, and professional announcements will be published at the Editor's discretion. Letters concerning articles published in Brain and Development and other relevant issues are also welcome.The author should choose from a list of scientific classifications, which will assist the editors in selecting reviewers with suitable expertise, as well as select an article type for their manuscript.
Brain & Development

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

  • ISSN: 0303-8467
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery is devoted to publishing papers and reports on the clinical aspects of neurology and neurosurgery. It is an international forum for papers of high scientific standard that are of interest to Neurologists and Neurosurgeons world-wide.Professor Florian Roser, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi Neurological Institute, P.O. Box 11 24 12, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates is the Editor-in-Chief. The journal has a broad international perspective.Types of Papers: • Reviews • Neurological progress, concerning new developments in the field of clinical neurology and neurosurgery • Special articles, written by invited authors • Original articles, full-length papers devoted to the scope and purpose of the journal • Case histories, reporting unusual clinical syndromes or diseases. These papers should be no less than 3 pages print, not including illustrations and tables • Letters to the Editor, comments on articles in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery • Book reviews • Announcements are carried at the Editor's and Publisher's discretion.
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Clinical Neurophysiology

  • ISSN: 1388-2457
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Official Organ of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Brazilian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the Czech Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, and the International Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiology.SCOPE OF THE JOURNAL: Clinical Neurophysiology is dedicated to publishing scholarly reports on the pathophysiology underlying diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system of humans. Reports on clinical trials that use neurophysiological measures as endpoints are encouraged, as are manuscripts on integrated neuroimaging of peripheral and central nervous function including, but not limited to, functional MRI, brain mapping, MEG, EEG, PET, ultrasound, and other neuroimaging modalities. Studies on normal human neurophysiology are welcome, if they are relevant to disease or clinical applications. Studies on animals and technical reports must have clear applicability to human disease. Case reports may be considered (exclusively as Letters-to-the-Editor), if implying substantial advancement of knowledge.Clinical Neurophysiology covers epilepsy, developmental clinical neurophysiology, psychophysiology and psychopathology, motor control and movement disorders, somatosensory disorders including pain, motor neuron diseases, neuromuscular diseases, neuropathies, sleep and disorders of consciousness, auditory and vestibular disorders, aging, Alzheimer's disease, other dementias, other psychiatric disorders, autonomic disorders, neural plasticity and recovery, intraoperative and ICU monitoring, and therapeutic clinical neurophysiology including non-invasive and invasive brain stimulation.All studies published in Clinical Neurophysiology must stand on their own and make a substantial contribution to the literature. The journal does not afford a high priority to 'pilot' or 'preliminary' studies or to negative studies that do not advance knowledge.Reports with a focus on education or clinical practice, case reports, methodological and technical reports and studies reporting normative data on healthy subjects are preferentially being considered in Clinical Neurophysiology Practice, a companion journal of Clinical Neurophysiology.AUDIENCE:Neurologists, Clinical Neurophysiologists, Neuroscientists, Neuroimagers, Psychiatrists, Neuropsychologists, NeurosurgeonsSee also the BRAND NEW Companion Journal Clinical Neurophysiology Practice
Clinical Neurophysiology

Epilepsy & Behavior

  • ISSN: 1525-5050
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Epilepsy & Behavior is the fastest-growing international journal uniquely devoted to the rapid dissemination of the most current information available on the behavioral aspects of seizures and epilepsy.Epilepsy & Behavior presents original peer-reviewed articles based on laboratory and clinical research. Topics are drawn from a variety of fields, including clinical neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and neuroimaging.Epilepsy & Behavior publishes papers on the study of:• Localization of ictal and postictal behaviors • Neuroendocrine aspects of epilepsy • Psychiatric and psychosocial aspects of epilepsy • Behavioral aspects of epilepsy surgery • Cognitive and affective effects of seizure treatment • Functional imaging • Animal modelsLetters to the Editor will only be considered if they comment on articles that were previously published in Epilepsy & Behavior. The journal does not publish Case Reports. Authors who submit these to Epilepsy & Behavior will be offered a transfer or asked to resubmit their Case Reports to the journal?s companion title, Epilepsy & Behavior Reports .Cited in MEDLINE/PubMed and Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index-Expanded, NeuroScience Citation Index, PsychINFO, and EMBASE.
Epilepsy & Behavior

Epilepsy Research

  • ISSN: 0920-1211
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2
Epilepsy Research provides for publication of high quality articles in both basic and clinical epilepsy research, with a special emphasis on translational research that ultimately relates to epilepsy as a human condition. The journal is intended to provide a forum for reporting the best and most rigorous epilepsy research from all disciplines ranging from biophysics and molecular biology to epidemiological and psychosocial research. As such the journal will publish original papers relevant to epilepsy from any scientific discipline and also studies of a multidisciplinary nature. Clinical and experimental research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches to the study of epilepsy and its treatment are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant clinical or experimental relevance, and interest to a multidisciplinary audience in the broad arena of epilepsy. Review articles focused on any topic of epilepsy research will also be considered, but only if they present an exceptionally clear synthesis of current knowledge and future directions of a research area, based on a critical assessment of the available data or on hypotheses that are likely to stimulate more critical thinking and further advances in an area of epilepsy research.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as Share Links, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Epilepsy Research

European Journal of Paediatric Neurology

  • ISSN: 1090-3798
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Official Journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society Affiliated Society: Gesellschaft für NeuropädiatrieThe European Journal of Paediatric Neurology is the Official Journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society, successor to the long-established European Federation of Child Neurology Societies.Under the guidance of a prestigious International editorial board, this multi-disciplinary journal publishes exciting clinical and experimental research in this rapidly expanding field. High quality papers written by leading experts encompass all the major diseases including epilepsy, movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, neurodegenerative disorders and intellectual disability.Other exciting highlights include articles on brain imaging and neonatal neurology, and the publication of regularly updated tables relating to the main groups of disorders.
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology

Experimental Neurology

  • ISSN: 0014-4886
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Experimental Neurology publishes original research in the area of neuroscience with a focus on research concerning basic mechanisms underlying neurological disorders.The journal publishes Special Issues in which leading experts are invited to serve as Guest Editors to compile a collection of reviews, and occasionally original articles, around a particular topical theme in neuroscience research. The list of recent Special Issues can be found here. Suggestions for Special Issues can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
Experimental Neurology

Gait & Posture

  • ISSN: 0966-6362
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.2
Official Journal of: Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), and the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) Gait & Posture publishes new and innovative basic and clinical research on all aspects of human movement, locomotion and balance.The topics covered include: Techniques for the measurement of gait and posture, and the standardization of results presentation; Studies of normal and pathological gait; Treatment of gait and postural abnormalities; Biomechanical and theoretical approaches to gait and posture; Mathematical models of joint and muscle mechanics; Neurological and musculoskeletal function in gait and posture; The evolution of upright posture and bipedal locomotion; Adaptations of carrying loads, walking on uneven surfaces, climbing stairs etc, running and performing other movements. Spinal biomechanics only if they are directly related to gait and/or dynamic posture and are of general interest to our readers; The effect of aging and development on gait and posture; Psychological and cultural aspects of gait; Patient education. The journal is primarily focused on dynamic aspects of human movement and postural control.Index bound in last issue of year.For details of the GCMAS, ESMAC, SIAMOC, ISPGR please visit their web sites through these links.
Gait & Posture