Introduction to Modeling in Physiology and Medicine, Second Edition, develops a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of good modeling methodology. Sections show how to create valid mathematical models that are fit for a range of purposes. These models are supported by detailed explanation, extensive case studies, examples and applications. This updated edition includes clearer guidance on the mathematical prerequisites needed to achieve the maximum benefit from the material, a greater detail regarding basic approaches to modeling, and discussions on non-linear and stochastic modeling. The range of case study material has been substantially extended, with examples drawn from recent research experience. Key examples include a cellular model of insulin secretion and its extension to the whole-body level, a model of insulin action during a meal/oral glucose tolerance test, a large-scale simulation model of type 1 diabetes and its use in in silico clinical trials and drug trials.
Transmedia is a technique of delivering a single piece of content in individual parts via different media and communication platforms (books, films, TV shows, games, live performances, etc.). In the book transmedia is considered as a case-in-point for the need to rethink library cataloguing and metadata practices in a new, heterogeneous information environment where the ability to bring together information from various sources into a meaningful whole becomes a critical information skill. Transmedia sheds new light on some of the long-existing questions of bibliographic information organisation (the definition of work, modelling of bibliographic relationships, subject analysis of fiction, etc.) and introduces libraries to new, transient and interactive media forms such as interactive fiction, gaming events, or performances. The book investigates how various theories and practices of bibliographic information organisation can be applied to transmedia, focusing on the solutions provided by the new bibliographic conceptual model IFLA LRM, as well as linked open data models and standards. It strongly advocates collaborative practices and reuse of knowledge that underpin an emerging vision of the library catalogue as a 'mediation tool' that assembles, links and integrates information across a variety of communication contexts.
Untangling Smart Cities: From Utopian Dreams to Innovation Systems for a Technology-Enabled Urban Sustainability helps all key stakeholders understand the complex and often conflicting nature of smart city research, offering valuable insights for designing and implementing strategies to improve the smart city decision-making processes. The book drives the reader to a better theoretical and practical comprehension of smart city development, beginning with a thorough and systematic analysis of the research literature published to date. It addition, it provides an in-depth understanding of the entire smart city knowledge domain, revealing a deeply rooted division in its cognitive-epistemological structure as identified by bibliometric insights. Users will find a book that fills the knowledge gap between theory and practice using case study research and empirical evidence drawn from cities considered leaders in innovative smart city practices.
Over the past 5 years, the concept of big data has matured, data science has grown exponentially, and data architecture has become a standard part of organizational decision-making. Throughout all this change, the basic principles that shape the architecture of data have remained the same. There remains a need for people to take a look at the "bigger picture" and to understand where their data fit into the grand scheme of things. Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist, Second Edition addresses the larger architectural picture of how big data fits within the existing information infrastructure or data warehousing systems. This is an essential topic not only for data scientists, analysts, and managers but also for researchers and engineers who increasingly need to deal with large and complex sets of data. Until data are gathered and can be placed into an existing framework or architecture, they cannot be used to their full potential. Drawing upon years of practical experience and using numerous examples and case studies from across various industries, the authors seek to explain this larger picture into which big data fits, giving data scientists the necessary context for how pieces of the puzzle should fit together.
Navigating the Maze: How Science and Technology Policies Shape America and the World offers a captivating deep dive into the inner workings of the world of public policy. Written by prominent science advocate and renowned physics researcher and educator, Michael S. Lubell, this valuable book provides insights and real-world examples for anyone looking to understand how policy works in reality: for students, scientists, and the public. Well-organized and featuring a compelling historical narrative, this unique resource will enable researchers, educators, elected officials, industrialists, financial managers, science lobbyists, and readers in general to easily navigate the complex world of science and technology (S&T) policy. As science communication and STEM policy occupy rapidly growing areas of interest and provide important career paths, this book provides invaluable insights into the public policy arena, as well as lessons for effective science advocacy.
Intelligent Speech Signal Processing investigates the utilization of speech analytics across several systems and real-world activities, including sharing data analytics, creating collaboration networks between several participants, and implementing video-conferencing in different application areas. Chapters focus on the latest applications of speech data analysis and management tools across different recording systems. The book emphasizes the multidisciplinary nature of the field, presenting different applications and challenges with extensive studies on the design, development and management of intelligent systems, neural networks and related machine learning techniques for speech signal processing.
Libraries have historically played a role as a community builder, providing resources and spaces where knowledge can be archived, shared and created. They can also play a pivotal role in fostering the public’s understanding of science and scientific processes. From makerspaces to data visualization labs to exhibits, many libraries already delve into scientific explorations and many more could join them. Scientists often need to include "broader impacts" goals in grant proposals, but they might not know where to begin or feel that they do not have the time to devote to public engagement. This is where libraries and librarians can help. Research in science communication also supports tapping into libraries for public engagement with science. Studies show that it is important for scientists to present findings in an apolitical way—not aligning with one solution or one way of thinking and not being seen as an activist (Druckman, 2015; Jamieson & Hardy, 2014). One of the core tenets of librarians and libraries is to present information in a neutral way. Research also shows that Informal conversations about science can have a greater effect on people than reading about it online or hearing about it on the news (Eveland & Cooper, 2013). Again, libraries can play a role in fostering these types of conversations. Given this landscape, this book will demonstrate concrete ways that libraries and librarians can play a role in fostering public engagement with science. In addition to background information on the current landscape of public knowledge and understanding of science, it will also include best practices and case studies of different types of programming and services that libraries can offer. Often libraries do not jump to mind when people think about science education or science literacy, and many librarians do not come from a science background. Literature on science programming and sharing science is largely absent from the library field. This book will help give confidence to librarians that they can participate in engaging the public with science. At the same time, it will provide a conduit to bring informal science educators, communication officers from universities or research organizations who share scientific discoveries with the public, and librarians together to explore ways to align their work to promote scientific literacy for all.
Careers in Biomedical Engineering offers readers a comprehensive overview of new career opportunities in the field of biomedical engineering. The book begins with a discussion of the extensive changes which the biomedical engineering profession has undergone in the last 10 years. Subsequent sections explore educational, training and certification options for a range of subspecialty areas and diverse workplace settings. As research organizations are looking to biomedical engineers to provide project-based assistance on new medical devices and/or help on how to comply with FDA guidelines and best practices, this book will be useful for undergraduate and graduate biomedical students, practitioners, academic institutions, and placement services.
Marine Propellers and Propulsion, Fourth Edition, offers comprehensive, cutting edge coverage to equip marine engineers, naval architects or anyone involved in propulsion and hydrodynamics with essential job knowledge. Propulsion technology is a complex, multidisciplinary topic with design, construction, operational and research implications. Drawing on experience from a long and varied career in consulting, research, design and technical investigation, John Carlton examines hydrodynamic theory, materials and mechanical considerations, and design, operation and performance. Connecting essential theory to practical problems in design, analysis and operational efficiency, the book is an invaluable resource, packed with hard-won insights, detailed specifications and data.
Science Libraries in the Self Service Age: Developing New Services, Targeting New Users suggests ways in which libraries can remain relevant to their institution. This book describes the myriad of new services and user communities which science librarians have recently incorporated into their routines. Where applicable, the book focuses on both researcher needs and the simple economics that emphasize the need for new service development. Science librarians will have to adapt to changing behaviors and needs if they want to remain a part of their organization’s future. As this trend has hastened science librarians to develop new services, many of them aimed at audiences or user groups which had not typically used the library, this book provides timely tactics on which to build a cohesive plan.