Cushing Syndrome: History, Diagnosis, and Treatment is written by top experts on the latest in genetics, molecular advances, and the diagnosis and treatment of Cushing syndrome. The book takes a historical approach to discuss the tremendous and unprecedented research development for this rare condition and includes information on recently approved treatments. It attempts to provide information on most issues surrounding Cushing syndrome and how to deal with its complications, the widening understanding of functional hypercortisolemia and other causes of endogenous cortisol production and its old and new treatment modalities, from pituitary to adrenal tumors, ectopic ACTH production, subclinical, cyclical Cushing syndrome, to aging and metabolic syndrome.The book has a section dedicated to our patients with the patients’ experiences, which will add to the outcome research presented by the physicians. This is a must have reference for scientists and researchers with the latest information in diagnosing and treating this difficult-to-diagnose and difficult-to-treat condition and gives the clinician, a patient-centric approach to communicate with this particular group of patients.
Fetal Metabolic Programming in Obesity and Diabetes: From Mechanisms to Preventive Therapy describes the consequences of cellular and molecular aspects of maternal obesity (before and during pregnancy), diabetes mellitus (pregestational and gestational), and gestational diabesity (i.e., women with pre-pregnancy obesity that developed GDM). The book covers the clinical aspects of mothers and children and the protocols for treating these diseases during pregnancy. Since the patients' clinical information correlates with metabolic parameters at a cellular and systemic level, it covers several pieces of evidence, addressing the pathophysiology of obesity and diabetes in pregnancy.This is an important resource for health professionals, researchers, and postdocs in obesity diabetes, as well as public health, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, cell physiology, cell metabolism, and clinical medicine.
Quick Guide to Diabetes Mellitus, Second Edition provides essential knowledge on the pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, laboratory evaluation, and basic clinical management of diabetes and its complications targeted to laboratory scientists and technicians. Eleven percent of the U.S. population have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and laboratory scientists play an essential role in the diagnosis, monitoring, and management of this disease. This reference presents an easy-to-read question-and-answer format that will provide fundamental knowledge and aid in commonly encountered clinical challenges.This updated release includes new information on genetic and environmental risk factors for type 1 and 2 diabetes, pediatric glucose targets per American Diabetes Association Standards, type 2 diabetes management sections, including treatment guidelines and information on glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and gastric bypass surgery.
A Practical Handbook of Endocrine Imaging is to help professionals who are not familiar with the exact role and ability of imaging in endocrine diseases. In particular, the strengths and weaknesses of different imaging modalities, their order of selection and application in endocrine diseases. Imaging is not conventionally included in medical school training and during specialist training. Understanding which imaging test to use, exactly what clinical question is addressed is key to timely diagnosis of disease. This book is a quick reference to select the order and type of imaging, to be guided through clinical scenarios with relevant imaging pathways.
In this issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics, guest editors Drs. Caroline M. Apovian and Dong Wook Kim bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Update on Obesity. Top experts in the field cover the latest research regarding weight loss drugs, drug safety, pharmacotherapy, AI, and nutritional/lifestyle changes for managing obesity.
In this issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Pauline Camacho brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Updates on Osteoporosis. Top experts in the field cover the latest updates in therapies, management, and guidelines for osteoporosis, in addition to updates on FRAX tools, promising agents, and anabolic agents.
Myopathies and Tendinopathies of the Diabetic Foot: Anatomy, Pathomechanics, and Imaging is a unique reference of valuable instructive data that reinforces the understanding of myopathies and tendinopathies related to diabetes-induced Charcot foot. Diabetic myopathies usually precede other complications (i.e., deformity, ulceration, infection) seen in the diabetic foot. Oftentimes, these myopathies may be isolated especially during their initial stage. In the absence of clinical information relevant to diabetes, the solitaire occurrence of myopathies may lead to confusion, misinterpretation, and misdiagnosis. The misdiagnosis can cause delay of management and consequent high morbidity. This book emphasizes the complications of diabetic myopathies and tendinopathies and all their aspects, including pathophysiology, pathomechanics, imaging protocols, radiological manifestations, histological characteristics, and surgical management.Diabetes type II and its complications (diabetic myopathies and tendinopathies) have reached a dreadful high incidence worldwide. Likewise, the need for better understanding of these complications becomes indispensable. In this book, the readers of all genres will find all they need to know about these conditions. This book serves as a classic academic reference for educators, healthcare specialists, healthcare givers, and healthcare students.
In this issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, guest editors Drs. Rachel Pessah-Pollack and Maria Papaleontiou bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Update on Endocrine Disorders During Pregnancy. In recent years, our understanding of endocrine disorders during pregnancy has greatly evolved and changed. In this issue, top experts provide updates on transgender reproductive health, PCOS management during pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes, congenital adrenal hyperplasia during pregnancy, and more.