Molecular Diagnostics and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer describes the different emerging applications of systems biology and how it is shaping modern pancreatic cancer research. This book begins by introducing the current state of the art knowledge, trends in diagnostics, progress in disease model systems as well as new treatment and palliative care strategies in pancreatic cancer. Specific sections are dedicated to enlighten the readers to newer discoveries that have emerged from gene expression profiling, proteomics, metabolomics and systems level analyses of pancreatic cancer datasets. First of a kind and novel network strategies to understand oncogenic Kras signaling in pancreatic tumors are presented. The attempts to computationally model and prioritize microRNAs that cause pancreatic cancer resistance are also highlighted. Addressing this important area, Molecular Diagnostics and Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer provides insights into important network evaluation methodologies related to pancreatic cancer related microRNAs targetome. There are dedicated chapters on critical aspects of the evolving yet controversial field of pancreatic cancer stems cells. The work concludes by discussing the applications of network sciences in pancreatic cancer drug discovery and clinical trial design.
First published in 1943, Vitamins and Hormones is the longest-running serial published by Academic Press. The Series provides up-to-date information on vitamin and hormone research spanning data from molecular biology to the clinic. A volume can focus on a single molecule or on a disease that is related to vitamins or hormones. A hormone is interpreted broadly so that related substances, such as transmitters, cytokines, growth factors and others can be reviewed. This volume focuses on the pancreatic beta cell.
An Introduction to Gastro-Enterology: A Clinical Study of the Structure and Functions of the Human Alimentary Tube covers the diagnosis and treatment of alimentary tube disorders. This book is organized into four parts encompassing 19 chapters that evaluate the basic structure, divisions, and vascular arrangements of alimentary tube. Some of the topics covered in the book are the vascular and nervous functions of the alimentary tube; its lining membrane and the disposition of its abdominal part; mechanism of the preparatory, final digestive, and absorptive segments. Other chapters deal with the operations of the expulsive segments, the important features of the controlling nervous mechanism, and the implications of alimentary pain. The defense mechanisms unique to the alimentary tube are described. The last chapters are devoted to the useful clinical applications of the expulsive segments. The book can provide useful information to doctors, students, and researchers.
The Role of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Nutrient Delivery contains the proceedings of the third annual Bristol-Myers Symposium on Nutrition Research, held on December 1-2, 1983 in Washington, D.C. Contributors focus on the knowledge and research findings concerning the role of the gastrointestinal tract in nutrient delivery. This text is organized into 15 chapters and addresses topics such as gastrointestinal motility; hormonal regulation of growth and function; the mechanisms of digestion and absorption; and the diverse effects of intestinal contents on nutrient absorption and antigenic response. The discussion begins with an overview of the gastrointestinal tract, with emphasis on factors that affect the growth of gastrointestinal mucosa and the implications for nutrition. This book then turns to kinetic and biochemical parameters related to the development of several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reader is also introduced to the basic aspects of organization of the systems in which peptides act as regulators of digestion; the role of endogenous prostaglandins in the gastrointestinal tract; and gastric secretion. A chapter on the age-related functions of digestive tract organs concludes the book. This book will be of value to physicians and scientists as well as students and researchers who have an interest in the crucial role of the gastrointestinal tract in converting food into the nutrients the body uses to sustain its functions.