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Journals in Business

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Applied Ergonomics

  • ISSN: 0003-6870
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Human Factors in Technology and SocietyApplied Ergonomics is aimed at ergonomists and all those interested in applying ergonomics/human factors in the design, planning and management of technical and social systems at work or leisure. Readership is truly international with subscribers in over 50 countries. Professionals for whom Applied Ergonomics is of interest include: ergonomists, designers, industrial engineers, health and safety specialists, systems engineers, design engineers, organizational psychologists, occupational health specialists and human-computer interaction specialists.Applied Ergonomics welcomes original contributions on the practical applications of ergonomic design and research. Areas covered include applications in the office, industry, consumer products, information technology and military design.For the Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors follow this link: and for the International Ergonomics Association follow this link: to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Applied Ergonomics

European Management Journal

  • ISSN: 0263-2373
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.2
  • Impact factor: 7.5
The European Management Journal (EMJ) is a flagship scholarly journal, publishing internationally leading research across all areas of management. EMJ articles challenge the status quo through critically informed empirical and theoretical investigations, and present the latest thinking and innovative research on major management topics, while still being accessible and interesting to non-specialists.EMJ articles are characterized by their intellectual curiosity and diverse methodological approaches, which lead to contributions that impact profoundly on management theory and practice. We welcome interdisciplinary research that synthesizes distinct research traditions to shed new light on contemporary challenges in the broad domain of European business and management. Cross-cultural investigations addressing the challenges for European management scholarship and practice in dealing with global issues and contexts are strongly encouraged.EMJ publishes 6 issues per year and is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, involving at least two reviewers.Special issues, or groups of 3 to 4 papers (under the heading of 'Management Focus'), are published by Guest Editors.Follow the European Management Journal on LinkedIn and Twitter:
European Management Journal

Industrial Marketing Management

  • ISSN: 0019-8501
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.8
  • Impact factor: 7.8
The International Journal of Marketing for Industrial and High-Tech FirmsIndustrial Marketing Management provides theoretical, empirical and case-based research geared to the needs of marketing scholars and practitioners researching and working in industrial and business-to-business markets. An editorial review board of leading international scholars and practitioners assures a balance of theory and practical applications in all articles. Scholars from North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Asia and other regions of the globe offer the latest findings for improving effectiveness and efficiency of industrial markets. This comprehensive approach keeps readers abreast of the most timely data and current thinking necessary for better marketing decisions and strategy in global industrial and business-to-business markets.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterSpecial Issue suggestions All proposals for topics for IMM Special Issues should be sent to: Dr. Selma Kadic-Maglajlic, [email protected] and Dr. Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic, [email protected]
Industrial Marketing Management

International Business Review

  • ISSN: 0969-5931
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.8
  • Impact factor: 5.9
The International Business Review (IBR) is a premier international journal in the discipline of international business, and the official journal of the European International Business Academy (EIBA). The journal publishes original and insightful papers on the theory and practice of international business, broadly defined to embrace firms' internationalization strategies, the cross-border management of firms' operations, and comparative studies of the business environments in different countries. Put simply, the journal is interested in publishing papers that inform the international operations of firms (whether SMEs or large MNEs), or guide the actions of policy-makers in home or host countries. The journal welcomes conceptual papers, empirical papers and review articles, and is open to contributions from strategy, finance, management, marketing, economics, HRM and organizational scholars. IBR embraces methodological plurality, and papers using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are equally welcome.
International Business Review

International Journal of Project Management

  • ISSN: 0263-7863
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 7.4
Published in collaboration with the Association for Project Management (APM) and the International Project Management Association (IPMA)The International Journal of Project Management is the leading journal for the field of project management and organization studies.The International Journal of Project Management aims to publish leading edge innovative research that significantly advances the field of project management and project organizing. It publishes new knowledge on areas such as managing projects, programs and portfolios, project-based/oriented organizations, project networks, and project-oriented societies. Submissions on project management and organizing from the perspectives of organizational behavior, strategy, supply chain, technology, change, innovation and sustainability are particularly welcomed.The scope of the journal covers all project and program types, such as organizational development and change, strategy, sustainable transition, product development, engineering, infrastructure and systems delivery, and industries and industry-sectors where projects take place, such as information technology, engineering and manufacturing, construction, consulting and professional services, and the public sector including international development and cooperation etc.Link to editorial 40(1): Celebrating the power of projects and their managementAuthors are encouraged to take into account the specific type and context of projects in their research, but at the same time consider and discuss the implications of their findings for project management and organizing more generally. In other words, the theoretical implications of a contextualized understanding of projects, and their management, is vital.International Journal of Project Management is the companion title to the open access journal Project Leadership and Society .
International Journal of Project Management

International Journal of Research in Marketing

  • ISSN: 0167-8116
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 5.9
Official Journal of the European Marketing AcademyThe International Journal of Research in Marketing is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal for marketing academics and practitioners. IJRM aims to contribute to the marketing discipline by providing high-quality, original research that advances marketing knowledge and techniques. As marketers increasingly draw on diverse and sophisticated methods, IJRM's target audience is comprised of marketing scholars, practitioners (e.g., marketing research and consulting professionals) and policymakers.IJRM aims to be at the forefront of the marketing field with a particular emphasis on bringing timely ideas to market. The journal embraces innovative research with the potential to spur future research and influence practice. Hence, it welcomes contributions in various aspects of marketing. The editors, while accepting a wide array of scholarly contributions from different disciplinary approaches, especially encourage research that is novel, visionary or pathbreaking. While valuable contributions in their own right, replications and minor methodological or theoretical improvements will generally not be publishable in IJRM. All submissions must be interesting, relevant to marketing, sufficiently rigorous both conceptually and methodologically, and written in clear, concise and logical manner. For non-native English speakers, the use of a copy editor is strongly encouraged.
International Journal of Research in Marketing

Journal of Accounting Education

  • ISSN: 0748-5751
The Journal of Accounting Education (JAEd) is a refereed journal dedicated to promoting and publishing research on accounting education issues and to improving the quality of accounting education worldwide.The Journal provides a vehicle for making results of empirical studies available to educators and for exchanging ideas, instructional resources, and best practices that help improve accounting education. The Journal includes four sections: a Main Articles Section, a Teaching and Educational Notes Section, an Educational Case Section, and a Best Practices Section. Manuscripts published in the Main Articles Section generally present results of empirical studies, although non-empirical papers (such as policy-related or essay papers) are sometimes published in this section. Papers published in the Teaching and Educational Notes Section include short empirical pieces (e.g., replications) as well as instructional resources that are not properly categorized as cases, which are published in a separate Case Section. Note: as part of the Teaching Note accompany educational cases, authors must include implementation guidance (based on actual case usage) and evidence regarding the efficacy of the case vis-a-vis a listing of educational objectives associated with the case. To meet the efficacy requirement, authors must include direct assessment (e.g grades by case requirement/objective or pre-post tests). Although interesting and encouraged, student perceptions (surveys) are considered indirect assessment and do not meet the efficacy requirement. The case must have been used more than once in a course to avoid potential anomalies and to vet the case before submission. Authors may be asked to collect additional data, depending on course size/circumstances.The Best Practices section includes individual and institutional practices related to, for example, student recruitment, student advising, student retention, alumni relations, and efforts to integrate accounting practice and accounting education. These articles are typically shorter in length than Main Section (i.e., research-based) articles. While such papers do not need evidence obtained on the basis of an experimental design (e.g., pre- versus post-test comparison), some evidence regarding the value or benefit of the best practice should be included, along with a discussion of relevant costs (out-of-pocket as well as opportunity costs, such as faculty time, practitioner involvement, etc.). Finally, note that the JAEd publishes manuscripts on all topics that are relevant to accounting education, including uses of technology, learning styles, assessment, curriculum, and faculty-related issues.
Journal of Accounting Education

Journal of Air Transport Management

  • ISSN: 0969-6997
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International Journal of Research, Policy and PracticeThe Journal of Air Transport Management (JATM) sets out to address, through high quality research articles and authoritative commentary, the major economic, management and policy issues facing the air transport industry today. It offers practitioners and academics an international and dynamic forum for analysis and discussion of these issues, linking research and practice and stimulating interaction between the two.The refereed papers in the journal cover all the major sectors of the industry (airlines, airports, air traffic management) as well as related areas such as tourism management and logistics. Papers are blind reviewed, normally by two referees, chosen for their specialist knowledge. The journal provides independent, original and rigorous analysis in the areas of:• Policy, regulation and law • Strategy • Operations • Marketing • Economics and finance • SustainabilityPapers are welcomed covering key industry developments and trends, such as changes in government thinking towards air transport; evolving competitive environments and new industry structures; emerging and maturing markets and changing customer needs; sustainability and security challenges; and industry innovation and technological developments.
Journal of Air Transport Management

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

  • ISSN: 2214-8043
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 1.6
formerly the Journal of Socio-EconomicsThe Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics welcomes submissions that deal with various economic topics but also involve issues that are related to other social sciences, especially psychology, or use experimental methods of inquiry. Thus, contributions in behavioral economics, experimental economics, economic psychology, and judgment and decision making are especially welcome. The journal is open to different research methodologies, as long as they are relevant to the topic and employed rigorously. Possible methodologies include, for example, experiments, surveys, empirical work, theoretical models, meta-analyses, case studies, and simulation-based analyses. Literature reviews that integrate findings from many studies are also welcome, but they should synthesize the literature in a useful manner and provide substantial contribution beyond what the reader could get by simply reading the abstracts of the cited papers. In empirical work, it is important that the results are not only statistically significant but also economically significant. A high contribution-to-length ratio is expected from published articles and therefore papers should not be unnecessarily long, and short articles are welcome. Articles should be written in a manner that is intelligible to our generalist readership. Book reviews are generally solicited but occasionally unsolicited reviews will also be published. Contact the Book Review Editor for related inquiries.
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Journal of Business Research

  • ISSN: 0148-2963
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.2
  • Impact factor: 10.5
The Journal of Business Research aims to publish research that is rigorous, relevant, and potentially impactful. Recognizing the intricate relationships between the many areas of business activity, JBR examines a wide variety of business decision contexts, processes and activities, developing insights that are meaningful for theory, practice, and/or society at large. Its research is intended to generate meaningful debates in academia and practice, that are thought provoking and have the potential to make a difference to conceptual thinking and/or practice. Published for a broad range of stakeholders, including scholars, researchers, executives, and policy makers, the Journal aids the application of its research to practical situations and theoretical findings to the reality of the business world as well as to society.The Journal has defined its scope by focusing on 12 disciplinary tracks, each managed by dedicated experts:Responsible EiC / SE and their TracksDipayan BiswasConsumer Behavior & WellbeingMirella KleijnenService ResearchInnovation & TechnologyAmit BhatnagarBig Data & Business AnalyticsInteractive Marketing & Social MediaMariano HeydenStrategic ManagementLucia NaldiEntrepreneurshipInternational BusinessNikolaos PanagopoulosBusiness-to-Business MarketingCorporate Social Responsibility & Business EthicsSales ResearchTed PatersonOrganizational Behavior & HRMStacey RobinsonAdvertising and Marketing CommunicationsMarketingRetailing and Multichannel ManagementBeyond these tracks, JBR regularly highlights important emerging topics in its special issues. More details on special issues can be found here
Journal of Business Research