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Journals in Computer science

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Fuzzy Sets and Systems

  • ISSN: 0165-0114
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International Journal in Information Science and EngineeringOfficial Publication of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) Since its launching in 1978, the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has been devoted to the international advancement of the theory and application of fuzzy sets and systems. The theory of fuzzy sets now encompasses a well organized corpus of basic notions including (and not restricted to) aggregation operations, a generalized theory of relations, specific measures of information content, a calculus of fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy sets are also the cornerstone of a non-additive uncertainty theory, namely possibility theory, and of a versatile tool for both linguistic and numerical modeling: fuzzy rule-based systems. Numerous works now combine fuzzy concepts with other scientific disciplines as well as modern technologies. In mathematics fuzzy sets have triggered new research topics in connection with category theory, topology, algebra, analysis. Fuzzy sets are also part of a recent trend in the study of generalized measures and integrals, and are combined with statistical methods. Furthermore, fuzzy sets have strong logical underpinnings in the tradition of many-valued logics. Fuzzy set-based techniques are also an important ingredient in the development of information technologies. In the field of information processing fuzzy sets are important in clustering, data analysis and data fusion, pattern recognition and computer vision. Fuzzy rule-based modeling has been combined with other techniques such as neural nets and evolutionary computing and applied to systems and control engineering, with applications to robotics, complex process control and supervision. In the field of information systems, fuzzy sets play a role in the development of intelligent and flexible manBmachine interfaces and the storage of imprecise linguistic information. In Artificial Intelligence various forms of knowledge representation and automated reasoning frameworks benefit from fuzzy set-based techniques, for instance in interpolative reasoning, non-monotonic reasoning, diagnosis, logic programming, constraint-directed reasoning, etc. Fuzzy expert systems have been devised for fault diagnosis, and also in medical science. In decision and organization sciences, fuzzy sets has had a great impact in preference modeling and multicriteria evaluation, and has helped bringing optimization techniques closer to the users needs. Applications can be found in many areas such as management, production research, and finance. Moreover concepts and methods of fuzzy set theory have attracted scientists in many other disciplines pertaining to human-oriented studies such as cognitive psychology and some aspects of social sciences. The scope of the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has expanded so as to account for all facets of the field while emphasizing its specificity as bridging the gap between the flexibility of human representations and the precision and clarity of mathematical or computerized representations, be they numerical or symbolic. The journal welcomes original and significant contributions in the area of Fuzzy Sets whether on empirical or mathematical foundations, or their applications to any domain of information technology, and more generally to any field of investigation where fuzzy sets are relevant. Applied papers demonstrating the usefulness of fuzzy methodology in practical problems are particularly welcome. Fuzzy Sets and Systems publishes high-quality research articles, surveys as well as case studies. Separate sections are Recent Literature, and the Bulletin, which offers research reports, book reviews and conference announcements and various news items. Invited review articles on topics of general interest are included and special issues are published regularly.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems

Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment

  • ISSN: 2352-3808
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 5.1
The aim of the Journal is to publish research results of the highest quality and of lasting importance on the subject of geomechanics, with the focus on applications to geological energy production and storage, and the interaction of soils and rocks with the natural and engineered environment. Special attention is given to concepts and developments of new energy geotechnologies that comprise intrinsic mechanisms protecting the environment against a potential engineering induced damage, hence warranting sustainable usage of energy resources.The scope of the journal is broad, including fundamental concepts in geomechanics and mechanics of porous media, the experiments and analysis of novel phenomena and applications. Of special interest are issues resulting from coupling of particular physics, chemistry and biology of external forcings, as well as of pore fluid/gas and minerals to the solid mechanics of the medium skeleton and pore fluid mechanics. The multi-scale and inter-scale interactions between the phenomena and the behavior representations are also of particular interest. Contributions to general theoretical approach to these issues, but of potential reference to geomechanics in its context of energy and the environment are also most welcome. The purpose of the Journal is to foster scientific understanding of various processes in geomaterials, both induced by technology and natural, and their relationship to the underlying mechanisms. The intrinsic nature of coupling of chemical, biological, thermal and mechanical properties, variables and fields distinguishes the related problems from those in classical geomechanics. Thus, emphasis is placed on the development and fusion of fundamental concepts in mechanics, physics, geochemistry and geo-biology and applications of such concepts to novel technologies related to geological energy production and storage as well as to the prevention of the damage to the environment, in which solid and fluid mechanics of geomaterials is of relevance. Writers and ReadersGeo-scientists, civil -, petroleum-, geotechnical - geological - mining- and rock- engineers, hydrologists, soil physicists, geophysicists.
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment

Graphical Models

  • ISSN: 1524-0703
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.4
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Graphical Models (GMOD) is internationally recognized as a highly rated, top-tier journal and is focused on the creation, geometric processing, animation, and visualization of graphical and geometric models and on their applications in engineering, science, culture, and entertainment. GMOD provides its readers with thoroughly reviewed and carefully selected papers that disseminate exciting innovations, that teach rigorous theoretical foundations, that propose robust and efficient solutions, or that describe ambitious systems or applications in a variety of topics. We invite papers in five categories: 1) research (contributions of novel theoretical or practical approaches or solutions), 2) survey (opinionated views of the state-of-the-art and challenges in a specific topic), 3) system (the architecture and implementation details of innovative architecture for a complete system that supports model/animation design, acquisition, analysis, visualization), 4) application (description of a novel application of know techniques and evaluation of its impact), or 5) lecture (an elegant and inspiring perspective on previously published results that clarifies them and teaches them in a new way). GMOD offers its authors an accelerated review, feedback from experts in the field, immediate online publication of accepted papers, no restriction on color and length (when justified by the content), and broad promotion of published papers. A prestigious group of editors selected from among the premier international researchers in their fields oversees the review process. Because the timely publication of research results is important for the careers of our authors and for the vitality of the field, GMOD is putting in place its R3 (Rapid Response Review) system, which strives to provide authors with a preliminary decision within an average of one month after submission. The following are examples of topics typically covered in GMOD: Shape processing: Shape analysis and understanding. Bounding volumes and geometric proxies. Correspondence, registration, matching, and retrieval. Detection of ridges, features, patterns, and symmetries. Measures of volume, compactness, or convexity. Morphological operations (offsetting, rounding, tightening). Segmentation. Similarity measures, comparison, variability statistics. Machine Learning: Deep neural models. Learning, Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms. Optimization. Deep Generative Models. Reinforcement Learning. Deep Shape Analysis, Processing, and Generation. Point clouds: Analysis. Segmentation, Reconstruction, Interpolation. Multi-resolution. Rendering. Segmentation. Separation. Curves: Parametric. Implicit. Fitting. Smoothing, Subdivision. Constant length. Extraction. Segmentation. Matching. Comparison. Averaging. Curves on surfaces. Rounding, Offsetting, Regularity. Model abstractions: Skeletons. Animation and Skinning. Medial axis or Curve skeleton. Model representations. Perceptual models. Meshes: Compact data structures. Feature extraction and replication. Feature exaggeration. Levels of Detail. Simplification. Shape measures. Parameterization. Re-sampling. Smoothing. Subdivision. Volume/area preservation. Feature sharpening. Surfaces: Implicit. Parametric. Curvature. Hole filling. Geodesics. Intersection. Interpolating. Reconstruction. Sampling. Solids: Boolean operations. Boundary representations. CSG. BSP. Non-manifold models. Inhomogeneous models. Non-manifold models and complexes. Offsets. Repair. Rounding and smoothing. Sweeps. Volumes: Matching. Isosurface extraction. Rendering. (Images/Video techniques only in support of 3D modeling) Reconstruction: From Drawings, Images, Videos, Point Clouds, and Skeletons. Procedural models: User driven. Patterns. Textures. Control. Design: Constraint-based. Feature-based. Variational. Direct manipulation. Haptics. Multimodal interfaces. Multiuser interfaces. Pen-based. Motion: Rigid, affine, steady. Analysis. Capture. Pattern extraction. Synthesis. Constrained. Blending. Deformation: Capture/acquisition. Direct manipulation. Free-form. Image/volume warping. Interpolating meshes. Preservation of local details. Animation: Design. Evaluation. Behavioral. Retargeting. Data-driven. Humans. Animals. Face. Hand. Gate. Swimming. Constrained. Optimization. Reinforcement learning. Simulation: Collision and friction. Articulated and flexible shapes. Physically based behavior. Cloth. Crowds and flocks. Deposition, erosion, and biological growth. Fluid. Hair. Viscoelastic deformations. Sound. Hardware Acceleration: Collision and visibility queries. Frame buffer algorithms. GPUs and parallelization. Model Acquisition and Scanning. Model Dissemination: Shared models. Collaborative access. Geometry compression. Progressive/selective refinements. Streaming scenes and animations. Watermarking. Data bases. Application: Manufacturing. Robotics. Architecture and urban simulation. Medicine. Biology. Natural phenomena. Cinema. Videogames. Education. Cultural Heritage. Typography. Scientific Computing.
Graphical Models


  • ISSN: 2405-8440
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 4
Heliyon is an all-science, open access journal that is part of the Cell Press family. Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication. As such, the journal also publishes manuscripts reporting negative/null results, incremental advances, and replication studies. Dedicated section editors, associate editors, and our in-house team handle your manuscript and manage the publication process end to end, giving your research the editorial support it deserves. If it's important to you, it's important to us. Submit your paper today.

High-Confidence Computing

  • ISSN: 2667-2952
An official Journal of the Shandong University The High-Confidence Computing Journal is dedicated to publish articles covering fundamental research outcomes that fusion the three domains of secure computing, precise computing, and intelligent computing, as well as complex system designs that jointly consider the properties of secure and trusted hardware/software, precise and process-traceable algorithms, and self-evolving systems that can adapt to new environments and support new applications. The journal intends to provide a unique interdisciplinary platform for researchers and practitioners who are interested in the basic research of high-confidence computing and the complex system developments considering high-confidence properties to demonstrate their novel and creative designs. Other than the original research papers on all aspects of high-confidence computing from theory and applications, the journal also publishes review articles with inspiring open research discussions that can motivate new ideas of realizing high-confidence computing. The journal accepts original research and review articles that address the challenges in all aspects of high-confidence computing, from theory to systems. Its contents are centered in the following three tracks: high-confidence computing theory and algorithms, architectures and platforms, software and systems. The Journal considers Original Article, Review, Case Report and Commentary. Specific topics include but are not limited to: • Expandable and accountable computing architectures • SDN-enabled and blockchain-enhanced computing architectures • NFV for dynamic function expansion and adaptation • Access control to secure open computing environments • TEE-enabled trusted data collection and hardware control • Cryptographic high-confidence primitives and applications • High-confidence system security and privacy • Malicious, damaged and white-noise data cleaning and extraction • Spatial-temporal big data fusion for intelligent decision making • Migration learning and digital-twin technologies • Cascading failure detection and recovery • Cascading vulnerability detection and positioning • Active defence technologies • Blockchain technologies and applications • High-confidence IoT • Machine learning security
High-Confidence Computing

Image and Vision Computing

  • ISSN: 0262-8856
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.7
Image and Vision Computing has as a primary aim the provision of an effective medium of interchange for the results of high quality theoretical and applied research fundamental to all aspects of image interpretation and computer vision. The journal publishes work that proposes new image interpretation and computer vision methodology or addresses the application of such methods to real world scenes. It seeks to strengthen a deeper understanding in the discipline by encouraging the quantitative comparison and performance evaluation of the proposed methodology. The coverage includes: image interpretation, scene modelling, object recognition and tracking, shape analysis, monitoring and surveillance, active vision and robotic systems, SLAM, biologically-inspired computer vision, motion analysis, stereo vision, document image understanding, character and handwritten text recognition, face and gesture recognition, biometrics, vision-based human-computer interaction, human activity and behavior understanding, data fusion from multiple sensor inputs, image databases. In addition to regular manuscripts, Image and Vision Computing Journal solicits manuscripts for the Opinions Column, aimed at initiating a free forum for vision researchers to express their opinions on past, current, or future successes and challenges in research and the community. An opinion paper should be succinct and focused on a particular topic. Addressing multiple related topics is also possible if this helps making the point. While posing questions helps raising awareness about certain issues, ideally, an opinion paper should also suggest a concrete direction how to address the issues. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Comments on success and challenges in a (sub-) field of computer vision, Remarks on new frontiers in computer vision Observations on current practices and trends in research, and suggestions for overcoming unsatisfying aspects Observations on current practices and trends in the community regarding, e.g., reviewing process, organizing conferences, how journals are run, and suggestions for overcoming unsatisfying aspects Reviews of early seminal work that may have fallen out of fashion Summaries of the evolution of one's line of research Recommendations for educating new generations of vision researchers. The format of an opinion paper should comply with the existing formatting guidelines for the Image and Vision Computing Journal submissions, and should not exceed 2 pages. Months of publication: January/February, March, April, May, June, July/August, September, October, November and December.
Image and Vision Computing


  • ISSN: 2667-1190
ImmunoInformatics is an open access cross-disciplinary journal committed to publishing cutting edge research in all aspects of immunoinformatics and computational immunology; from core methodological approaches to translational applications both for academic and industrial researchers. ImmunoInformatics is an international journal publishing peer reviewed research which sits at the interface between computer science, physics, mathematics, and experimental immunology. The journal welcomes theoretical contributions which provide a deeper understanding of the field while also covering practical aspects with contributions on advances and applications in clinical medicine. In submissions pertinent to in-silico vaccine design - where computer-based methods are employed to predict potential vaccine candidates - it is mandatory to validate and strengthen the reliability of the computational findings through experimental protocols. In-silico vaccine design provides a valuable starting point for identifying potential candidates, but experimental protocols are crucial for verifying the safety, efficacy, and practicality of these candidates. ImmunoInformatics invites the following types of papers: Research articles which emphasize original results related to theoretical and practical aspects of computational immunology, in close connection with applications to immunomics, systems immunology, and biomedicine. Literature reviews on immunoinformatics and related fields. Software articles that explain the functionality, features, and applications of novel software or code. Tutorial articles that emphasize the strong interdisciplinary component of immunoinformatics. Research letters that allow for the rapid publication of special short communications. Reports on meetings including but not restricted to conferences, workshops, and seminars. Perspectives that report views on topics of the immunoinformatics field that are important to readers. Commentaries that discuss previously published articles or a theme that is an important area of focus. Areas covered include (but are not limited to): Immunomics, Bioinformatics, Systems immunology, Database design, In silico vaccination, Design and engineering of immune diagnostics and therapeutics, Host-pathogen interactions, Computational image analysis, Mathematical and/or physics-based modelling, Tumor immunology, Machine learning, Translational research.