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Journals in Computer science

The Computing collection presents a range of foundational and applied content across computer and data science, including fields such as Artificial Intelligence; Computational Modelling; Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Architecture, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Data Management; Embedded Systems & Computer Engineering; HCI/User Interface Design; Information Security; Machine Learning; Network Security; Software Engineering.

71-80 of 108 results in All results

Journal of Pragmatics

  • ISSN: 0378-2166
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.8
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language StudiesAims & ScopeSince 1977, the Journal of Pragmatics has provided a forum for bringing together a wide range of research in pragmatics, including cognitive pragmatics, corpus pragmatics, experimental pragmatics, historical pragmatics, interpersonal pragmatics, multimodal pragmatics, sociopragmatics, theoretical pragmatics and related fields. Our aim is to publish innovative pragmatic scholarship from all perspectives, which contributes to theories of how speakers produce and interpret language in different contexts drawing on attested data from a wide range of languages/cultures in different parts of the world.The Journal of Pragmatics also encourages work that uses attested language data to explore the relationship between pragmatics and neighbouring research areas such as semantics, discourse analysis, conversation analysis and ethnomethodology, interactional linguistics, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, media studies, psychology, sociology, and the philosophy of language. Alongside full-length articles, discussion notes and book reviews, the journal welcomes proposals for high quality special issues in all areas of pragmatics which make a significant contribution to a topical or developing area at the cutting-edge of research.
Journal of Pragmatics

Journal of Systems Architecture

  • ISSN: 1383-7621
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Embedded Software DesignThe Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design (JSA) is a journal covering all design and architectural aspects related to embedded systems and software. It ranges from the microarchitecture level via the system software level up to the application-specific architecture level. Aspects such as real-time systems, operating systems, programming languages, communications (limited to analysis and the software stack), mobile systems, parallel and distributed architectures as well as additional subjects in the computer and system architecture area will fall within the scope of this journal. Technology will not be a main focus, but its use and relevance to particular designs will be. Case studies are welcome but must contribute more than just a design for a particular piece of software.Design automation of such systems including methodologies, techniques and tools for their design as well as novel designs of software components fall within the scope of this journal. Novel applications that use embedded systems are also central in this journal. While JSA does not focus on hardware design, hardware/software co-design techniques with an emphasis on software are also relevant here.Reproducibility Badge Initiative and Software PublicationReproducibility Badge Initiative (RBI) is a collaboration with Code Ocean (CO), a cloud based computational reproducibility platform that helps the community by enabling sharing of code and data as a resource for non-commercial use. CO verifies the submitted code (and data) and certifies its reproducibility. Code submission will be verified by the Code Ocean team for computational reproducibility by making sure it runs, delivers results and it is self-contained. For more information please visit this help article . Note that an accepted paper will be published independently of the CO application outcome. However, if the paper receives the Reproducibility badge, it will be given additional exposure by having an attached R Badge, and by being citable at the CO website with a DOI.Software ImpactsWe invite you to convert your open source software into an additional journal publication in Software Impacts, a multi-disciplinary open access journal. Software Impacts provides a scholarly reference to software that has been used to address a research challenge. The journal disseminates impactful and re-usable scientific software through Original Software Publications (OSP) which describe the application of the software to research and the published outputs.How to submit an article to Software Impacts, more information contact us at: [email protected] to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Systems Architecture

Journal of Systems and Software

  • ISSN: 0164-1212
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.7
For JSS's full CfP including information on Special Issues, Industry, Trends, and Journal First tracks please continue to read for further details.The Journal of Systems and Software publishes papers covering all aspects of software engineering. All articles should provide evidence to support their claims, e.g. through empirical studies, simulation, formal proofs or other types of validation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Methods and tools for software requirements, design, architecture, verification and validation, testing, maintenance and evolutionAgile, model-driven, service-oriented, open source and global software developmentApproaches for cloud/fog/edge computing and virtualized systemsHuman factors and management concerns of software developmentArtificial Intelligence, data analytics and big data applied in software engineeringMetrics and evaluation of software development resourcesDevOps, continuous integration, build and test automationBusiness and economic aspects of software development processesSoftware Engineering educationEthical/societal aspects of Software EngineeringSoftware Engineering for AI systemsSoftware Engineering for Sustainability Methods and tools for empirical software engineering research The journal welcomes reports of practical experience for all of these topics, as well as replication studies and studies with negative results. The journal appreciates the submission of systematic literature reviews, mapping studies and meta-analyses. However, these should report interesting and important results, rather than merely providing statistics on publication year, venue etc.JSS supports Open Science and reproducible research. Therefore, authors are encouraged to make Open Science material available at the time of submission and after acceptance of their manuscript, e.g., by submitting artifacts related to a study to an archived open repository (such as,, Mendeley, etc.). Also, authors are encouraged to explicitly reference Open Science material in their manuscript (e.g., via a DOI from the open repository). If authors are not able to disclose any material (for example, industrial data subject to non-disclosure agreements), we encourage authors to explicitly acknowledge this by including a short statement in their manuscript. Depending on the type of research presented in a manuscript, Open Science material could include study protocols, (anonymized) raw or analyzed data, data analysis scripts, source code, customized tools and infrastructures, experimental material, codebooks, etc. If authors agree to participate in the JSS Open Science Initiative, after the acceptance of a manuscript, they will be invited to submit a link to Open Science material for review by the JSS Open Science Board. After a successful review (which does not impact the acceptance of the manuscript) considering availability and usability of the material, the publisher will add a statement to the final version of the manuscript acknowledging that the Open Science package was validated by the JSS Open Science Board.In addition to regular papers, JSS features two special tracks (In Practice, New Ideas and Trends Papers), as well as special issues.In Practice is exclusively focused on work that increases knowledge transfer from industry to research. It accepts: (1) Applied Research Reports where we invite submissions that report results (positive or negative) concerning the experience of applying/evaluating systems and software technologies (methods, techniques and tools) in real industrial settings. These comprise empirical studies conducted in industry (e.g., action research, case studies) or experience reports that may help understanding situations in which technologies really work and their impact. Submissions should include information on the industrial setting, provide motivation, explain the events leading to the outcomes, including the challenges faced, summarize the outcomes, and conclude with lessons learned, take-away messages, and practical advice based on the described experience. Contributing authors from industry are encouraged but not mandatory. (2) Practitioner Insights where we invite experience reports showing what actually happens in practical settings, illustrating the challenges (and pain) that practitioners face, and presenting lessons learned. Problem descriptions with significant details on the context, underlying causes and symptoms, and technical and organizational impact are also welcome. Practitioner insights papers may also comprise invited opinionated views on the evolution of chosen topic areas in practice. In contrast to applied research reports, practitioner insights are limited to four pages and the first author must be from industry. Finally, submissions to this track should be within scope of the journal's above topics of interest and they will be evaluated through industry-appropriate criteria for their merit in reporting useful industrial experience rather than in terms of academic novelty of research results.New Ideas and Trends Papers New ideas, especially those related to new research trends, emerge quickly. To accommodate timely dissemination thereof, JSS introduces the New Ideas and Trends Paper (NITP). NITPs should focus on the systems/software engineering aspects of new emerging areas, including: the internet of things, big data, cloud computing, software ecosystems, cyber-physical systems, green/sustainable systems, continuous software engineering, crowdsourcing, and the like. We distinguish two types of NITPs:A short paper that discusses a single contribution to a specific new trend or a new idea.A long paper that provides a survey of a specific trend, as well as a (possibly speculative) outline of a solution.NITPs are not required to be fully validated, but preliminary results that endorse the merit of the proposed ideas are welcomed.We anticipate revisiting specific new trends periodically, for instance through reflection or progress reports. New Ideas and Trend Papers warrant speedy publication.Special Issue proposals To submit a proposal for a special issue please submit your proposal here to Special Issues Editors Prof. Raffaela Mirandola and Prof. Laurence Duchien. Please visit the special issue guidelines page first to review the proposal guidelines and to download the proposal template required when submitting a proposal.Journal First Initiative Authors of JSS accepted papers have the opportunity to present their work in those conferences that offer a Journal First track. Using this track, researchers may take the best from two worlds: ensuring high quality in the JSS publication (thorough, multi-phase review process of a long manuscript), while getting feedback from a community of experts and fostering possible collaborations during a scientific event.Details may vary from conference to conference, but generally speaking, JSS papers to be presented in a Journal First track must report completely new research results or present novel contributions that significantly extend previous work. The ultimate decision to include a paper in the conference program is up to the conference chairs, not JSS. A JSS paper may be presented only once through a Journal First track.As of today, the list of conferences with which JSS is collaborating, or has collaborated, through a Journal First track, is: ASE, ICSME, SANER, RE, ESEM, PROFES, and APSEC.
Journal of Systems and Software

Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

  • ISSN: 1047-3203
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.6
The Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation publishes papers on state-of-the-art visual communication and image representation, with emphasis on novel technologies and theoretical work in this multidisciplinary area of pure and applied research. The field of visual communication and image representation is considered in its broadest sense and covers both digital and analog aspects as well as processing and communication in biological visual systems.Research Areas include:Image analysis and synthesisMathematical morphologyComputer visionImage understanding and scene analysisVideo understandingRGB-D and 3D processingDeep learning for visual signal processingDeterministic and stochastic image modelingVisual data reduction and compressionImage coding and video communicationVirtual and augmented reality for visual communicationPrivacy-Enhancing technologies for images and videosData hiding, perceptual hashing, fingerprinting for images and videosImage and video forensics and counterforensicsBiological and medical imagingEarly processing in biological visual systemsPsychophysical analysis of visual perceptionRemote sensing
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation

Knowledge-Based Systems

  • ISSN: 0950-7051
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.4
  • Impact factor: 7.2
Knowledge-based Systems is an international and interdisciplinary journal in the field of artificial intelligence. The journal will publish original, innovative and creative research results in the field, and is designed to focus on research in knowledge-based and other artificial intelligence techniques-based systems with the following objectives and capabilities: to support human prediction and decision-making through data science and computation techniques; to provide a balanced coverage of both theory and practical study in the field; and to encourage new development and implementation of knowledge-based intelligence models, methods, systems, and software tools, with applications in business, government, education, engineering and healthcare.This journal's current leading topics are but not limited to:Machine learning theory, methodology and algorithmsData science theory, methodologies and techniquesKnowledge presentation and engineeringRecommender systems and E-service personalizationIntelligent decision support systems, prediction systems and warning systemsComputational Intelligence systemsData-driven optimizationCognitive interaction and brain–computer interfaceKnowledge-based computer vision techniquesSpecial Issue InstructionsKnowledge-based Systems (KBS), an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of artificial intelligence, welcomes the submission of special issues on timely topics within the scope of the journal. The main objectives of the journal to organize special issues are to bring together state-of-the-art and high-quality research works, to promote key advances in the science and applications in the important field of knowledge-based systems, and to drive emerging research topics and establish flagships in the field.How to submit your Special Issue proposal:Check the selection criteria below for a KBS special issue to make sure your proposal is relevant to the journal,Write your special issue proposal in the structure given below,Submit the special issue proposal to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC),The EiC and KBS special issue assessment panel will then review your proposal and reply with their decision.Guest Editors' Duty and Special Issue Process:After a special issue proposal is accepted by the journal, a call for papers can be formally distributed. All the papers submitted to the special issue will undergo a peer review process. Guest Editors will manage the process and ensure that the reviewing standards for Knowledge-Based Systems regular issues are maintained. A Managing Guest Editor, who will be responsible for distributing submissions to the other Guest Editors, will need to be nominated. After the Guest Editors make recommendations on each paper in the special issue, the EiC will make the final decisions of acceptance for publication. After all papers to be included in the Special Issue are accepted, the Guest Editors will be responsible for either preparing an Editorial (1–2 pages in length) or writing a field survey (5–10 pages in length), which will incorporate the selected papers and related literature relevant to the topic of the special issue.Reproducibility Badge Initiative and Software PublicationReproducibility Badge Initiative (RBI) is a collaboration with Code Ocean (CO), a cloud based computational reproducibility platform that helps the community by enabling sharing of code and data as a resource for non-commercial use. CO verifies the submitted code (and data) and certifies its reproducibility. Code submission will be verified by the Code Ocean team for computational reproducibility by making sure it runs, delivers results and it is self-contained. For more information please visit this help article. Note that an accepted paper will be published independently of the CO application outcome. However, if the paper receives the Reproducibility badge, it will be given additional exposure by having an attached R Badge, and by being citable at the CO website with a DOI.We invite you to convert your open source software into an additional journal publication in Software Impacts, a multi-disciplinary open access journal. Software Impacts provides a scholarly reference to software that has been used to address a research challenge. The journal disseminates impactful and re-usable scientific software through Original Software Publications which describe the application of the software to research and the published outputs.For more information contact us at: [email protected]
Knowledge-Based Systems

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • ISSN: 0730-725X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.1
An International Journal of Basic Research and Clinical ApplicationsMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the first international multidisciplinary journal encompassing physical, life, and clinical science investigations as they relate to the development and use of magnetic resonance imaging. MRI is dedicated to both basic research, technological innovation and applications, providing a single forum for communication among radiologists, physicists, chemists, biochemists, biologists, engineers, internists, pathologists, physiologists, computer scientists, and mathematicians.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

  • ISSN: 0378-4754
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 4.4
Transactions of IMACSThe aim of the journal is to provide an international forum for the dissemination of up-to-date information in the fields of the mathematics and computers, in particular (but not exclusively) as they apply to the dynamics of systems, their simulation and scientific computation in general. Published material ranges from short, concise research papers to more general tutorial articles.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, published monthly, is the official organ of IMACS, the International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Formerly AICA). This Association, founded in 1955 and legally incorporated in 1956 is a member of FIACC (the Five International Associations Coordinating Committee), together with IFIP, IFAV, IFORS and IMEKO.Topics covered by the journal include mathematical tools in:•The foundations of systems modelling •Numerical analysis and the development of algorithms for simulationThey also include considerations about computer hardware for simulation and about special software and compilers. The journal also publishes articles concerned with specific applications of modelling and simulation in science and engineering, with relevant applied mathematics, the general philosophy of systems simulation, and their impact on disciplinary and interdisciplinary research.The journal includes a Book Review section -- and a "News on IMACS" section that contains a Calendar of future Conferences/Events and other information about the Association.
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation


  • ISSN: 0957-4158
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.1
The Science of Intelligent Machines An International JournalMission and ScopeA journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlWelcome to Mechatronics: The Science of Intelligent Machines. Mechatronics is a refereed journal that publishes articles that report advances in the state-of-the-art in Mechatronics and Robotics. We welcome original submissions that report creative or innovative methodology and solutions with a synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and control systems of intelligent machines or robotic systems. Submitted manuscripts are expected to report experimental results obtained from laboratory or full-scale mechatronic apparatus. Some of the topics addressed in the published articles include:Mechatronics: Modeling, identification and control of mechatronic systems; motion and vibration control; micro/nano systems and devices; automotive systems; biomedical mechatronic systems; and advanced manufacturing equipment and processes.Robotics: Modeling, control, learning and system issues related to: autonomous vehicles and robots, marine, underwater, and aerial robots, legged robots, soft robots, field robots, industrial robots, medical robots; human-robot interaction; teleoperation; haptics; and multi-robot systems.Types of papersRegular Articles: Articles that describe original research of high quality in Mechatronics or in Robotics.Review Articles: Contain a detailed survey of established or emerging topics of interest to the journal readership.Robotics and Mechatronics Letters: Short manuscripts, no longer than seven printed journal pages, that report important time sensitive results in Robotics or in Mechatronics. These articles will go through a rapid review process overseen by a dedicated Co-Editor-in- Chief.Book Reviews: A detailed review of published textbooks or research monographs of interest to Mechatronics' readership.

Medical Image Analysis

  • ISSN: 1361-8415
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.9
  • Impact factor: 10.7
An official journal of the MICCAI SocietyMedical Image Analysis provides a forum for the dissemination of new research results in the field of medical and biological image analysis, with special emphasis on efforts related to the applications of computer vision, virtual reality and robotics to biomedical imaging problems. The journal publishes the highest quality, original papers that contribute to the basic science of processing, analysing and utilizing medical and biological images for these purposes. The journal is interested in approaches that utilize biomedical image datasets at all spatial scales, ranging from molecular/cellular imaging to tissue/organ imaging. While not limited to these alone, the typical biomedical image datasets of interest include those acquired from:Magnetic resonanceUltrasoundComputed tomographyNuclear medicineX-rayOptical and Confocal MicroscopyVideo and range data imagesThe types of papers accepted include those that cover the development and implementation of algorithms and strategies based on the use of various models (geometrical, statistical, physical, functional, etc.) to solve the following types of problems, using biomedical image datasets: representation of pictorial data, visualization, feature extraction, segmentation, inter-study and inter-subject registration, longitudinal / temporal studies, image-guided surgery and intervention, texture, shape and motion measurements, spectral analysis, digital anatomical atlases, statistical shape analysis, computational anatomy (modelling normal anatomy and its variations), computational physiology (modelling organs and living systems for image analysis, simulation and training), virtual and augmented reality for therapy planning and guidance, telemedicine with medical images, telepresence in medicine, telesurgery and image-guided medical robots, etc.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Medical Image Analysis

Microelectronic Engineering

  • ISSN: 0167-9317
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Nanotechnology and Processing — Electronics, photonics, MEMS and Life Sciences Affiliated with iMNEsMicroelectronic Engineering is the premier journal focused on the fabrication and characterization of micro/nano-electronic materials, devices and circuits (including novel electronic nanomaterials), as well as the understanding of their working mechanisms, performance, yield, variability, stability, and reliability. The journal also focuses on the techniques that make possible the fabrication and characterization of such devices and circuits, and on the materials involved in them. Occasionally, outstanding papers on simulation of materials properties, device figures-of-merit or compact modeling of circuits and systems may be accepted. The following topics are of special interest:DevicesPhotonic and optoelectronic devices (including, sensors, actuators, phototransistors)Transistors (including ultra-scaled, thin film, organic, ferroelectric)Resistive switching devices (memristors, RRAM, PCRAM, FeRAM, MRAM)Magnetic and spintronic devicesMEMS and NEMS (including power, RF, magnetic, organic)Flexible electronic devices (including wearable, printed, paper)Devices for energy harvesting (piezoelectric, flexoelectric, photovoltaic, solar cells)Bioelectronic devices (molecular detection, biomimetic, diagnosis)Device-level simulations (including variability and reliability)MaterialsWide bandgap semiconductorsDielectrics (low K and high K)Two-dimensional (2D) Materials and related transferring techniquesNanotubes, nanowires, and other nanomaterials and nanostrctures for device fabricationInterconnects, metallization and barrier materialsNew Resist MaterialsSilicon on insulatorsPolymers and flexible substrates, including biocompatible materialsAtomistic simulations of materials propertiesFabrication and characterization processesThin films deposition techniques (CVD, ALD, evaporation, sputtering, MBE, plasma)Lithography (including optical, EUV, electron beam, nanoimpring, particle-assisted, mask less, X-ray optical methods, emerging methods and limits, as well as resists)Pattern transfer (including ion, plasma and wet transfer, as well as transfer of 2D materials)Integration processes (including inkjet printing, 3D printing, 3D integration)Top-down and bottom-up self-assembly processesAnnealing and its effect in the materials (including crystallization, wrinkling, de-wetting)Nanometrology (TEM, SEM, EDX, EELS, STM, AFM and related setups)Circuits and applicationsSensing and actuation, including bio-compatible applicationsSignal souring and transferLogic operations and data processingElectronic memories and information storageArtificial neural networks and neuromorphic computingCompact modeling of electronic circuitsQuantum computingFive different types of articles are considered:Research articles that report regular original research that produces significant advancement.Accelerated Publications (Letters) that feature exciting research breakthroughs.Review Articles that inform readers of the latest research and advances in a topic within the broad field of microelectronic engineering. This includes roadmaps and guides proposing the recommended methods in a specific field.Short / Technical notes intended for original limited investigations or short description of original industrial or industrially-related research and development workNews and Opinions that comment on topical issues or express views on the developments in related fields, or comment on previously published work
Microelectronic Engineering