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Journals in Medicine

The Medicine portfolio strives to advance medicine by delivering superior evidence-based education, reference information and decision support tools to clinicians, trainees, and students. Specialties covered include Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Radiology & Imaging, Pathology, Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Infectious Disease, Allergy & Immunology, Pediatrics, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Hematology & Oncology, Plastic Surgery, and many more. The Medicine portfolio includes world-renowned titles such as Gray's Anatomy and Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy, Braunwald's Heart Disease, Goldman-Cecil Medicine, Osborn's Brain, Dermatology (Bolognia), Diagnostic Ultrasound (Rumack), The Harriet Lane Handbook, Fanaroff and Martin's Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine, Ferri's Clinical Advisor, Conn's Current Therapy, and more.

501-509 of 509 results in All results

Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations

  • ISSN: 1078-1439
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Official Journal of the Society of Urologic OncologyUrologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations is the official journal of the Society of Urologic Oncology. The journal publishes practical, timely, and relevant clinical and basic science research articles which address any aspect of urologic oncology. Each issue comprises original research, news and topics, survey articles providing short commentaries on other important articles in the urologic oncology literature, and reviews including an in-depth Seminar examining a specific clinical dilemma. The journal periodically publishes supplement issues devoted to areas of current interest to the urologic oncology community. Articles published are of interest to researchers and the clinicians involved in the practice of urologic oncology including urologists, oncologists, and radiologists.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations


  • ISSN: 0090-4295
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.2
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Urology® is a monthly, peer–reviewed journal primarily for urologists, residents, interns, nephrologists, and other specialists interested in urology.The mission of Urology®, the "Gold Journal", is to provide practical, timely, and relevant clinical and scientific information to physicians and researchers practicing the art of urology worldwide; to promote equity and diversity among authors, reviewers, and editors; to provide a platform for discussion of current ideas in urologic education, patient engagement, humanistic aspects of urologic care, and disparities in care. Urology® publishes original articles relating to adult and pediatric clinical urology. Topics in Urology® include Ambulatory, Office-Based and Geriatric Urology, Female Urology and Voiding Dysfunction, Health Services Research, Infectious Diseases, Infertility, Laparoscopy and Robotics, Male Sexual Medicine, Oncology, Pediatric Urology, Prostatic Diseases and Male Voiding Dysfunction, Reconstructive Urology, Urologic Congenitalism, and Urology Past and Future: Education, History, Workforce. Special features include Review Articles, Grand Rounds, and Personal Narratives.Urology® has also launched two specialist titles you are welcome to submit to:Urology Case ReportsUrology Video Journal

Value in Health

  • ISSN: 1098-3015
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.6
  • Impact factor: 4.9
AimsValue in Health aims to be a leading source of new methods, best practice guidelines, and innovative research in the field of health economics and outcomes research (HEOR).Value in Health aims to publish papers that expand the frontiers of HEOR science and have a direct impact on the methods used in HEOR and the evidence on value used in healthcare decision making around the world.Scope Value in Health publishes a wide range of article types that contribute to our aims, including:Original theoretical, conceptual and empirical research in HEOR. Our principal interest is in research that contributes to and extends the way value in healthcare is defined and measured, including (but not limited to):methods for the economic evaluation of drugs and other healthcare technologies; outcomes research to strengthen the methods and evidence available to reflect patient and societal perspectives on effectiveness and value.Innovative and high-impact applications of HEOR methods with interest and relevance beyond the specific country and disease area.Good Practices Reports: Value in Health publishes ISPOR’s Good Practices Reports that identify best and emerging practices in a wide range of areas within HEOR.Systematic Reviews: The Editors welcome systematic reviews of any aspect of HEOR. These should go beyond describing a given body of work by synthesizing and critically reviewing the literature and drawing out lessons for HEOR methods and practice. These papers should review empirical studies consistent with the methods outlined by the Cochrane Collaboration and PRISMA. Health Policy Analyses: Analysis and commentary on health policy issues with global relevance to the pursuit of a world where healthcare is effective, efficient, and affordable for all.The ISPOR journal portfolio consists of Value in Health and Value in Health Regional Issues. For more information and detailed guidance about the article types and formatting requirements for Value in Health, please consult the journal’s Instructions for Authors.
Value in Health

Veterinary Microbiology

  • ISSN: 0378-1135
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Veterinary Microbiology is concerned with bacterial and viral diseases of domesticated vertebrate animals (livestock, companion animals, fur-bearing animals, game, poultry, but excluding fish) that supply food, other useful products or companionship. In addition, Microbial diseases of wild animals living in captivity, or as members of the feral fauna will also be considered if the infections are of interest because of their interrelation with humans (zoonoses) and/or domestic animals. Studies of antimicrobial resistance are also included, provided that the results represent a substantial advance in knowledge. Authors are strongly encouraged to read - prior to submission - the Editorials ('Scope or cope' and 'Scope or cope II') published previously in the journal. The Editors reserve the right to suggest submission to another journal for those papers which they feel would be more appropriate for consideration by that journal.Original research papers of high quality and novelty on aspects of control, host response, molecular biology, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of microbial diseases of animals are published. Papers dealing primarily with immunology, epidemiology, molecular biology and antiviral or microbial agents will only be considered if they demonstrate a clear impact on a disease. Papers focusing solely on diagnostic techniques (such as another PCR protocol or ELISA) will not be published - focus should be on a microorganism and not on a particular technique. Papers only reporting microbial sequences, metagenomics data, transcriptomics data, or proteomics data will not be considered unless the results represent a substantial advance in knowledge related to microbial disease.Drug trial papers will be considered if they have general application or significance. Papers on the identification of microorganisms will also be considered, but detailed taxonomic studies do not fall within the scope of the journal. Case reports will not be published, unless they have general application or contain novel aspects. Papers of geographically limited interest, which repeat what had been established elsewhere will not be considered. The readership of the journal is global.Papers will be rejected if standards of care of, or procedures performed on animals are not up to those expected of humane veterinary scientists. At a minimum, standards must meet the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research involving Animals, as issued by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences. (C.I.O.M.S., c/o WHO, CH 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Veterinary Microbiology

Vision Research

  • ISSN: 0042-6989
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.5
An International Journal for Functional Aspects of VisionVision Research is a journal devoted to the functional aspects of human, vertebrate and invertebrate vision and publishes experimental and observational studies, reviews, and theoretical and computational analyses. Vision Research also publishes clinical studies relevant to normal visual function and basic research relevant to visual dysfunction or its clinical investigation. Functional aspects of vision is interpreted broadly, ranging from molecular and cellular function, to perception and behavior. Detailed descriptions are encouraged but enough introductory background should be included for non-specialists. Theoretical and computational papers should give a sense of order to the facts or point to new verifiable observations. Papers dealing with questions in the history of vision science should stress the development of ideas in the field.Vision Research publishes both reviews and minireviews. A minireview is not intended to be a comprehensive overview, but rather a survey of recent developments in a fast-growing and active area of vision research. Reviews and minireviews are generally invited, but proposals for either may also be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.Vision Research welcomes Letters to the Editor in response to articles published in the journal. A Letter considered for publication is sent out for review and at the same time forwarded to the author or authors of the published article. If the Letter is editorially accepted, the original authors are invited to write a prompt reply, which the reviewers of the Letter are also asked to review.Vision Research publishes thematic Special Issues covering well-defined and timely research topics. Special Issues are usually edited by Guest Editors with one or more members of the Editorial Board. Proposals for Special Issues should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief or a member of the Board. Papers from special non-recurrent symposia may also be published in Vision Research and symposium organizers are encouraged to approach the Editor-in-Chief if interested.Vision Research does not routinely publish methods papers, however will consider submissions in which methods are tested and validated on real data, and the results give insight into visual function or its description.The obituary policy of Vision Research is restrictive. Obituaries should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief and should not be more than one printed page in length (including a photograph).Vision Research participates in Elsevier's Open Archives publishing program and articles are automatically made open access, at no additional cost to the author, after an 18-month embargo. Authors wanting to fund immediate open access should consult the journal's Open Access page for more information.
Vision Research

Women and Birth

  • ISSN: 1871-5192
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 4.4
Journal of the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) Women and Birth is the official journal of the Australian College of Midwives ( It is a midwifery journal that publishes on all matters relating to pregnancy, birth, and the first six weeks post-partum. All papers must draw from, and contribute to, the relevant contemporary research, policy and/or theoretical literature. We focus on primary research papers, systematic reviews and research-informed and critiqued discussion papers. We are particularly interested in the impact to the midwifes and/or midwifery on these topic areas.Our Editorial Board is multi-national and we welcome papers from all over the world. All papers should reflect our global perspective and reach. Articles are double blind peer-reviewed by experts in the field of the submitted work.Our woman-centred focus is inclusive of the partner, wider family, fetus and newborn, and covers both healthy and complex pregnancies and births. We recognise that individuals have diverse gender identities. Terms such as pregnant person, childbearing people and parent can be used to avoid gendering birth, and those who give birth, as feminine. However, because women are also marginalised and oppressed in most places around the world, we support use of the terms woman, mother or maternity. When we use these words, it is not meant to exclude those who give birth and do not identify as women. The journal seeks papers that take a woman-centred focus on midwifery practice, research, theory, education, management and leadership, maternity service provision, maternal and newborn health, respectful maternity care, breastfeeding, primary health care and relevant aspects of psychology, sociology, human rights and health economics. We welcome papers from all professional disciplines that are relevant to midwifery practice and the scope of the journal.Our key readers are midwives, maternity care and neonatal nurses, maternity service managers, providers and users, obstetricians, neonatologists, health sociologists and economists, psychologists with an interest in maternal and infant research and policy makers and researchers from all these areas.The journal is indexed in PubMed, MEDLINE, Thomson Reuters, Scopus and CINAHL.The journal is available online to ACM members and is available by separate subscription.Open Access - the journal offers authors the option of making their article freely available to all via the ScienceDirect platform. Authors can only make this choice after receiving notification that their article has been accepted for publication.ClinicalKey Nursing Visit our nursing resource, ClincalKey NursingTo purchase books on Midwifery or to browse our comprehensive range of Midwifery titles, please visit us at
Women and Birth

Women's Health Issues

  • ISSN: 1049-3867
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Official Publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's HealthWomen's Health Issues (WHI) is a peer-reviewed, bimonthly, multidisciplinary journal that publishes research and review manuscripts related to women's health care and policy. As the official journal of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, it is dedicated to improving the health and health care of all women throughout the lifespan and in diverse communities. The journal seeks to inform health services researchers, health care and public health professionals, social scientists, policymakers, and others concerned with women's health. It has a particular focus on women's issues in the context of the U.S. health care delivery system and policymaking processes, and it publishes both original research and commentaries.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Women's Health Issues

World Neurosurgery

  • ISSN: 1878-8750
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.9
World Neurosurgery's mission is to provide a first-class international forum and a 2-way conduit for dialogue that is relevant to neurosurgeons and providers who care for neurosurgery patients. The categories of the exchanged information include clinical and basic science, as well as global information providing social, political, educational, economic, cultural, or societal insights and knowledge significant and relevant to worldwide neurosurgery patient care.World Neurosurgery acts as a primary intellectual catalyst for the stimulation of creativity, the creation of new knowledge, and the enhancement of quality neurosurgical care worldwide, while providing a forum for communication that enriches the lives of all neurosurgeons and their colleagues and, in so doing, enriches the lives of their patients.Areas of particular interest include: Education, Economics, Research, Politics, History, and CultureClinical and Laboratory Science, Technology, and Operative TechniquesClinical Images, VideoWorld Neurosurgery has an open access companion journal World Neurosurgery: X, which accepts similar articles to those found in World Neurosurgery. World Neurosurgery: X is expecting to grow submissions and content, specifically in the areas of innovation, education, leadership, and quality improvement. Authors can submit manuscripts via Editorial Manager:
World Neurosurgery

Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen

  • ISSN: 1865-9217
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Die deutschen Aims & Scope finden Sie im Anschluss an die englischen Aims & Scope.Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen (ZEFQ - The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary and cross-professional journal that publishes original papers, reviews, short reports, and selected conference papers on all aspects of evidence and quality in health care. Publication languages are German and English.ZEFQ addresses health practitioners, health care managers, researchers, policy-makers and methodologists who have an interest in evidence-based health care, health care quality improvement, patient safety and decision-making in health care. It is also of interest to anyone involved in the provision of health care programs and other contributors to the health care system.Aims:To provide a forum for the health community to discuss the below topics.To put emphasis on both health benefits and economic benefits. To advance the transfer of science into clinical practice.Topics covered:Evidence in Health Care Appropriateness of health care interventionsClinical Epidemiology Critical Appraisal Evidence-based Medicine / Dentistry / Midwifery / Nursing / Pharmacy / Occupational Therapy / Physiotherapy / Psychotherapy / Speech Therapy Evidence-based Methodology / PracticeGuidelines, Guidance, Clinical/Care Pathways Health Technology Assessment Prioritization in Health Care Standards in MedicineQuality and Safety in Health Care Adverse Events & Error PreventionAudit and Peer ReviewBenchmarking / Best PracticeCare RegistriesCertificationCritical Incident ReportingSafety of Medical Devices & MedicationQuality Assessment / Assurance / ControlQuality Development / Quality ImprovementQuality IndicatorsQuality ManagementRisk ManagementSafety CultureSafety of Medical Devices & MedicationPatient Participation EmpowermentEvidence-based Patient InformationHealth LiteracyPatient AdvocacyPatient-Doctor RelationshipPatient PreferencesPatient Self-help Groups / OrganizationsShared Decision MakingHealth Care Management Care ManagementCommunication in Health CareData Protection / Health PrivacyDecision-making in Health CareDisease ManagementHealth Care DeliveryHealth Care InsuranceHealth Care EthicsHealth InformationHealth Policy / RegulationsHealth SystemsKnowledge Transfer and Knowledge ManagementMisuse / Overuse / Underuse in Health CareOrganizational DevelopmentTelemedicineTransparency in Health Care / Conflict of InterestHealth Economics Costs and Cost AnalysisEconomic CompetitionEfficiency AnalysisFees and Charges and ReimbursementFinancial Management of Health Care ServicesHealth Care FinancingHealth Economic EvaluationHealth Care MarketPricingValue based AssessmentHealth Services Research Comparative Effectiveness ResearchHealth Care AnalyticsImplementation ScienceOutcome ResearchNeed / Impact ResearchResearch MethodologySecondary Data /Routine Data AnalysisEducation in Health Care Consumer Health Education and InformationContinuing Medical EducationCompetency-based Education / TrainingHealth Professional EducationNursing EducationPatient Information / EducationProfessional Development in Health CareUndergraduate / Postgraduate TeachingThis is not an exhaustive list, and the Editors will consider articles on any issue relating to evidence, quality and decision-making in health care.ZEFQ - Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen (ZEFQ - The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Health Care) ist unabhängig, interdisziplinär und das deutschsprachige Leitmedium für Evidenzbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung, Qualität im Gesundheitswesen und Patientensicherheit. Die ZEFQ richtet sich an Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Heil- und Gesundheitsfachberufe aus Praxis und Wissenschaft sowie an Akteure im Gesundheitswesen, die an folgenden Themen interessiert sind: Evidenzbasierte GesundheitsversorgungQualität im GesundheitswesenBeteiligung von PatientenPatientensicherheitEntscheidungsfindung im GesundheitswesenPublikationssprachen der ZEFQ sind Deutsch und Englisch. Eingereichte Originalarbeiten und Fortbildungsbeiträge werden im Peer Review Verfahren von unabhängigen Gutachterinnen und Gutachtern beurteilt.Der Publikationsprozess folgt den Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.Das Editorial Board und die Gutachterinnen und Gutachter arbeiten ehrenamtlich und repräsentieren breitgefächerte Expertise zu den ZEFQ-Schwerpunkten.Die ZEFQ veröffentlicht Originalarbeiten, Fortbildungs- und Diskussionsbeiträge sowie aktuelle Informationen zu Forschungsergebnissen, Methoden, Projekten und Erfahrungen aus den nachfolgend beschriebenen Bereichen, ihren Schnittstellen sowie verwandten Gebieten.Evidenz in der Gesundheitsversorgung Angemessenheit von GesundheitsleistungenKlinische EpidemiologieKritische BewertungEvidenz-basierte Medizin / Zahnheilkunde / Hebammenwesen / Pflege/ Pharmazie / Ergo- und Physiotherapie / Psychotherapie/ LogopädieEvidenz-basierte Methoden / PraxisLeitlinien, Handlungsempfehlungen und Klinische / Versorgungs- PfadeHealth Technology AssessmentPriorisierung in der GesundheitsversorgungQualität und Sicherheit in der GesundheitsversorgungAudit / Peer Review /Benchmarking / Best PracticeBerichtssysteme über kritische Vorkommnisse (z. B. Critical Incident Reporting)Fehlerkultur und FehlervermeidungMedikationssicherheit und Sicherheit von MedizinproduktenPrävention von unerwünschten Ereignissen und FehlernQualität / Qualitätssicherheit / Qualitätsmanagement (z.B. Qualitätsdimensionen, Qualitätsindikatoren)Qualitätsentwicklung / Qualitätsverbesserung / NachhaltigkeitQualitätsindikatoren / PatientensicherheitsindikatorenRisikomanagement / Risikomanagement / Patientensicherheit / Mitarbeitersicherheit / SicherheitskulturZertifizierung / AkkreditierungBeteiligung von Patientinnen und PatientenBeziehung zwischen Patientin / Patient und Ärztin / ArztEvidenzbasierte Gesundheits- bzw. PatienteninformationGemeinsame Entscheidungsfindung (Shared Decision Making)Gesundheits-Wissen und -Kompetenz (Health Literacy)Präferenzen von Patientinnen/PatientenSelbsthilfe-Gruppen / OrganisationenStärkung von Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung (Empowerment)Unterstützung der Belange von Patientinnen/Patienten (Patient Advocacy)Management der GesundheitsversorgungDatensicherheit / DatenschutzEntscheidungsfindung / Wissenstransfer in der Gesundheitsversorgung (z.B. auch Telemedizin)Ethik im GesundheitswesenGesundheitspolitik / Regulierungen im GesundheitswesenGesundheitssysteme und VersorgungseinrichtungenKommunikation im GesundheitswesenOrganisationsentwicklung im GesundheitswesenTransparenz im Gesundheitswesen / InteressenkonflikteVersicherungswesenVersorgungsmanagement (z. B. Disease Management)GesundheitsökonomieEffizienzanalyseFinanzierung der GesundheitsversorgungGesundheitsmärkteGesundheitsökonomische EvaluationHonorierung und ErstattungKosten und KostenanalyseÖkonomischer WettbewerbManagement von VersorgungsangebotenPreisgestaltungWohlfahrtsanalyseVersorgungsforschungAnalyse von Register-, Sekundär- und Routine-DatenBedarf an und Inanspruchnahme von GesundheitsleistungenForschungsmethodikImplementierungsanalysenKomplexe InterventionenPatient-reported Outcomes und LebensqualitätsforschungÜber-, Unter- und FehlversorgungVergleichende Effektivitäts-Analysen (Comparative Effectiveness Research)Versorgungsepidemiologie und Outcome-AnalysenZugangs- und VerteilungsgerechtigkeitBildung im Gesundheitswesenakademische Berufsbildung im Bereich der wissenschaftlichen Aus-, Weiter- und Fortbildungnichtakademische wissenschaftliche Berufsbildung in der Aus- und Fortbildungwissenschaftliche Bildungsprogramme für Bürgerinnen und Bürger und Patientinnen und Patientenwissenschaftliche Qualifikationsprogramme im Grund- und Hauptstudium, Graduiertenstudium und Postgraduiertenstudium sowie im Rahmen der Promotion und HabilitationZiel der ZEFQ ist es, ein Diskussionsforum für die genannten Themengebiete mit Schwerpunkt sowohl auf den gesundheitlichen als auch auf den wirtschaftlichen Aspekten zu bieten und den Transfer von Wissenschaft in die klinische Praxis zu befördern.
Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen