Current, comprehensive, and evidence-based, Kaplan's Cardiac Anesthesia: Perioperative and Critical Care Management, 8th Edition, offers practical guidance from today’s international leaders in cardiac anesthesiology, helping you to optimize perioperative outcomes, avoid complications, and ensure maximum patient safety. Dr. Joel A. Kaplan, along with an expert team of associate editors, guides you through today’s clinical challenges, including expanded coverage of critical care, the newest approaches to perioperative assessment and management, state-of-the art diagnostic techniques, and cardiovascular and coronary physiology.
Long regarded as the undisputed leading text of its kind, Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of both basic science and clinical topics in anesthesiology. Under the experienced editorial leadership of Dr. Manuel C. Pardo, Jr., the 8th Edition has been meticulously updated to reflect the latest advances in practice and important aspects of contemporary anesthesia care, including pathophysiology, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, anesthetic management, and special problems and patient groups. It remains the first learning resource of choice for anesthesia providers, including anesthesia residents and fellows, medical students, and student registered nurse anesthetists, and is also a valuable review tool for practitioners undergoing maintenance of certification or recertification.
Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology, Ninth Edition, is your concise, one-stop guide to all aspects of respiratory physiology in health, disease, and in the many physiologically challenging situations and environments into which humans take themselves – coverage is from basic science to clinical applications. Trusted for over 50 years, this most comprehensive single volume on respiratory physiology will prove invaluable to those in training or preparing for examinations in anaesthesia, intensive care, respiratory medicine or thoracic surgery – as well as an essential quick reference for physiologists and the range of practitioners requiring ready access to current knowledge in this field. Now fully revised and updated, this ninth edition includes a larger page format for improved clarity, as well as full access to the complete, downloadable eBook version. This incorporates BONUS chapters, handy topic summaries, interactive self-assessment material and a NEW series of expert lectures on key topics. The result is a more flexible, engaging and complete resource than ever before. Enhancements to this edition include: A new dedicated chapter on obesity – covering the effects of this global challenge on the physiology of the respiratory system in health and disease, in both adults and children Expanded coverage of the adverse effects of hyperoxia - including the physiology of the now popular technique of high-flow nasal therapy A revised section on air pollution – reflecting the growing importance and understanding of the impact of pollution on the lungs and other body systems, along with the latest worldwide guidelines Detailed coverage of artificial ventilation during general anaesthesia – covering post-operative respiratory complications and the physiological basis of current best-practice for optimizing ventilation Print comes with enhanced eBook - includes access to the complete, fully searchable text, PLUS: bonus chapters handy chapter summaries interactive self-assessment material a NEW series of 25 expert lectures focusing on the most essential topics in respiratory physiology
An essential resource for pain medicine clinicians at all levels of practice and training, Atlas of Interventional Pain Management, 5th Edition, is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to delivering safe, accurate, and cost-effective relief for patients with acute and chronic pain. Dr. Steven D. Waldman walks you step by step through each procedure, incorporating all clinically appropriate imaging modalities to help you achieve the best possible outcomes for more than 160 nerve block procedures.
Devant le développement grandissant des rapatriements sanitaires aériens médicalisés, la mise en place d’une médecine spécifique est devenue indispensable. Elle conjugue les améliorations technologiques de la réanimation et de l’anesthésie, la constitution d’une équipe médicale spécialisée et un transport aérien civil ou militaire adapté. Des contraintes particulières telles que les variations de pression dans la cabine en altitude, l’absence de renfort médical possible en vol, un espace confiné et une évaluation paraclinique très limitée à bord caractérisent cette médicalisation d’urgence. Cet ouvrage : - expose le cadre législatif et réglementaire lié au transport aéroporté ; - donne les clés de la prise en charge des pathologies des appareils circulatoire, respiratoire, neurologique et digestif ; - détaille les techniques et ressources nécessaires. Fruit du travail d’experts civils et militaires, ce livre s’adresse à tous les médecins urgentistes, anesthésistes ou réanimateurs et aux soignants impliqués dans le transport aérien médicalisé, ainsi qu’aux médecins désireux de découvrir cette spécialité.
This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, edited by Dr. Karsten Bartels and Dr. Stefan Dieleman in collaboration with Consulting Editor Dr. Lee Fleisher, focuses on Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and Critical Care. Topics in this issue include: Anesthetic Management for Endovascular Repair of the Thoracic Aorta; Ethical Considerations for Mechanical Support; Modulating Perioperative Ventricular Excitability; Echocardiography Education for Anesthesia Trainees; Mitochondrial Dysfunction After Cardiac Surgery; New Approaches to Perioperative Right Ventricular Assessment; New Techniques for Optimization of Donor Lungs/Hearts; Recent Developments in Catheter-Based Cardiac Procedures; Heart Failure in Adults with Congential Heart Disease; Optimizing Perioperative Blood and Coagulation Management During Cardiac Surgery; Advances in the Prevention of AKI Following Cardiac Surgery; Clinical Trials That Should be Done in Cardiac Anesthesia; and Cardiac Surgery and the Blood-Brain Barrier.
This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics focuses on Quality Improvement and Implementation Science, with topics including: Applying implementation science principles to perioperative care; Emergency checklists in perioperative care; Human factors applied to perioperative process improvement; Handoffs in perioperative care; Use of simulation in performance improvement; Developing capacity to do improvement science work; Developing multicenter registries to advance quality science; Rethinking clinical workflow; data-driven quality improvement; and Scaling quality improvement at the health system level.
Advances in Anesthesia highlights the year's signifucant medical advances, providing one source to review the essential information updates for the Anesthesiologist in that year. Topics often covered include: advances in trauma anesthesia, cardiac arrest management, regional anesthesia, analgesia and perioperative outcomes, perioperative management of implantable devices, evidence based management of anesthesia and analgesia.
This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics focuses on Anesthesia Out of the Operating Room. Editors Mark Weiss and Wendy Gross have assembled an expert team of authors on topics such as: A Changing Landscape: Demands of Integrated Care Delivery: Interventional Medicine and Anesthesiology: Engineering Challenges and Interdisciplinary Teamwork; Organizational Infrastructure: Attaining and Teaching Clinical Excellence. Improvement across specialties by implementing an “Institute” mentality in the clinical arena; Quality: Who’s rules apply?; Electronic Health Records; Monitoring; Interventional Radiology (NOT RADIATION): (Safety/Tumor Ablation/Adult radiology/ equipment); Approaches to Vascular Disease; Cath Lab: Structural Heart Disease, Devices and TAVR; EP Lab; Cardioversions and TEEs; Upper GI EGD and new procedures; Colonoscopy and new procedures anesthesiologist and GI person; Endoscopic Surgery, repair of surgical procedures, bariatric procedures; Interventional Pulmonology; Pediatrics; Market Evaluation; Finances, Bundled Payments and ACOs; Competitive Strategy or Joint Venture Finance: potential threats and likely future scenarios.
La douleur est, selon l’International Association for the Study of Pain, une « expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle désagréable, liée à une lésion tissulaire existante ou potentielle, ou décrite en termes évoquant une telle lésion ». La douleur existe donc dès que l’on affirme la ressentir, qu’une cause soit établie ou non. Par opposition à la douleur aiguë, la douleur chronique perd sa fonction de signal d’alerte protecteur et devient une maladie à part entière, indépendamment de son origine. La douleur chroniqueaffecte environ 30% de la population générale adulte et son impact économique est majeur. Dès lors, l’algologie est une discipline médicale qui se propose d’étudier, d’évaluer et de traiter cette douleur.Ce Manuel pratique d’algologie se présente comme un tour d’horizon des différents aspects de la douleur chronique et l’aborde en 4 parties :• Les principes généraux : définitions, épidémiologie, physiopathologie et mécanismes de chronification de la douleur.• Les méthodes d’évaluation : anamnèse, évaluation clinique, examens paracliniques, questionnaires et tests diagnostiques.• Les principaux syndromes douloureux chroniques (céphalées, lombalgies, douleurs post-opératoires, neuropathies, douleurs cancéreuses, syndrome douloureux régional complexe, douleur fantôme, etc.) selon les rubriques suivantes : incidence, étiologie, manifestations cliniques, critères diagnostiques et traitements.• Les traitements pharmacologique, conservateur, interventionnel, la neuro-modulation et la chirurgie. La majorité des traitements est illustrée par de nombreux schémas et photos en couleurs .La douleur chronique est l’un des principaux motifs de consultation médicale. Ce Manuel pratique d’algologie – Prise en charge de la douleur chronique est destiné non seulement aux médecins spécialistes traitant les patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques, mais également aux médecins généralistes, neurologues, neurochirurgiens, rhumatologues, médecins en soins palliatifs et à tous les professionnels soucieux de mettre à jour leurs connaissances dans ce domaine.