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Books in Health care delivery

Chestnut. Anestesia obstétrica. Principios y práctica

  • 6th Edition
  • August 7, 2020
  • David H. Chestnut + 7 more
  • Spanish
Presenta la información más actualizada sobre las técnicas de anestesia para el parto y sobre los trastornos médicos que se producen durante el embarazo, y pone en primer plano el tratamiento del feto y el de la madre como pacientes diferenciados, con distintas necesidades. Contiene nuevos capítulos sobre la toma de decisiones compartida en anestesia obstétrica y sobre el dolor crónico durante y después del embarazo. Incluye extensas revisiones a lo largo de toda la obra, e información sobre la infección materna y sobre la analgesia postoperatoria. Cubre temas clave, como la valoración y la reanimación neonatales; la farmacología durante el embarazo y la lactancia; el uso de óxido nitroso en la analgesia para el parto; la técnica del bolo epidural intermitente programado (BEIP); la fiebre asociada a la analgesia epidural; la función de la ecografía gástrica en la evaluación del riesgo de aspiración; el uso de sugammadex en la anestesia obstétrica; la función de la videolaringoscopia y de los nuevos dispositivos de las vías aéreas supraglóticas; la espina bífida, y la parada cardíaca en pacientes obstétricas. Aborda las más recientes directrices sobre cardiopatías congénitas y sobre el abordaje de la sepsis, así como de la vía aérea difícil en la práctica de la anestesia obstétrica. Presenta un gran número de figuras, tablas y cuadros, que ilustran el abordaje paso a paso de diversas situaciones clínicas. Incluye acceso a la versión electrónica del libro en Expert Consult (en inglés). Este ebook le permite acceder al texto, las figuras, las tablas, los cuadros y las referencias bibliográficas de la obra desde distintos dispositivos.

Quality Improvement, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 44-3
  • August 21, 2017
  • Munish Gupta + 1 more
  • English
The Guest Editors have collaborated on a state-of-the-art presentation of current clinical reviews on Quality in Neonatal Care. Top experts have prepared articles in the following areas: Standardizing Practices: How and why to standardize, using checklists, measuring variation; Health Informatics and Patient Safety; Using Statistical Process Control to Drive Improvement in Neonatal Care; Improving Value in Neonatal Intensive Care; Culture and Context in Quality of Care: Improving Teamwork and Resilience; Has Quality Improvement Improved Neonatal Outcomes; National Quality Measures in Perinatal Care; Perinatal and Obstetric Quality Initiatives; Family Involvement in Quality Improvement; Perinatal Quality Improvement: A Global Perspective; Delivery Room Care / Golden Hour; Respiratory Care and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia; Reducing Incidence of Necrotizing Enterocolitis; Alarm Safety and Alarm Fatigue; and Patient Safety: Reducing Unplanned Extubations. Readers will come away with the clinical information they need improve quality in the NICU.

Evaluation and Management of Vulvar Disease, An Issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 44-3
  • August 17, 2017
  • Aruna Venkatesan
  • English
Vulvar disorders are prevalent but often overlooked conditions in the curricula of obstetrics and gynecology, dermatology, and primary care residency training programs. This has led many outpatient clinicians to feel unprepared to evaluate the patient with a vulvar complaint. Often patients with complex, chronic vulvar disorders have seen multiple providers in consultation before they are appropriately diagnosed and treated, leading to frustration amongst patients and providers alike as well as excessive health care costs. The goal of this issue is to present a practical review on vulvar disease for outpatient clinicians to improve patient care. The topics highlighted in this issue represent gaps in knowledge among residents, fellows, providers, and course and conference attendees. The issue begins with a general approach to the evaluation and management of vulvar disorders and then moves on to an article on vulvar pathology that will help clinicians obtain the most useful pathology reads from their biopsies. Also addressed are specific vulvar disorders or presenting findings that are common or challenging. A pelvic floor physical therapy colleague provides information on how this modality can help manage vulvar pain. The issue concludes with an article on hot topics in vulvar disease. In the last several years there has been a growing number of newly trained physicians committed to advancing patient care in the area of vulvar disease, and many of this issue’s authors are part of this group. This issue should serve as a useful resource in the office of any provider who evaluates patients with vulvar complaints.

Best Practices in High-Risk Pregnancy, An Issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 42-2
  • June 2, 2015
  • Lynn Simpson
  • English
The Guests Editors have assembled expert authors to present clinical reviews on the current knowledge and best practices for high-risk pregnancies. Authors are writing on Genetics: update on prenatal screening and diagnosis; Screening for congenital heart disease; What you need to know when managing twins; Short cervix dilemma; preterm labor: approach to decreasing complications of prematurity; Optimizing outcomes for the growth-restricted fetus; Preeclampsia: short- and long-term implications; pregnancy risk associated with obesity; prevention of first cesarean delivery, and diagnosis and management of placenta accreta.

Substance Abuse During Pregnancy, An Issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 41-2
  • June 2, 2014
  • Hilary Smith Connery
  • English
This issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America deals with the timely subject of substance use during pregnancy. Alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use is prevalent among reproductive-age women. Even though a reduction in use often occurs during pregnancy, many women continue to use substances until a pregnancy is either actually diagnosed or well underway.This issue consists of a well-qualified team of obstetricians-gynecologists, psychiatrists, and family physicians, focusing on various issues related directly to pregnancies complicated by substance use. Topics of interest include epidemiology and screening for hazardous and harmful substance use, teratogenic risks, psychiatric comorbidities, comprehensive treatment approaches before and after delivery, fetal surveillance, and team-based perinatal management. Particularly new information relates to prescribing buprenorphine, neonatal abstinence syndrome, and adolescent substance use.