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Books in Psychology

Elsevier's Psychology collection is vital for students and psychologists, providing a thorough understanding of the mind and behavior. Covering human thought, development, personality, emotion, and motivation, it offers insights into both theoretical and practical aspects. Through topics like cognitive, developmental, and clinical psychology, it equips researchers and students to address real-world challenges and advance their understanding of the field.

1491-1500 of 1504 results in All results

Depression and Its Treatment

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • John Pollitt
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 8 1 3 1 - 5
Depression and its Treatment focuses on medical interventions in the diagnosis and treatment of depression, as well as identification of symptoms and possible mechanisms of treatment. The book first offers information on the concept and classification of depression, physiology and psychopathology, and clinical types of depression, including classification of depressive illnesses and etiology. The publication then takes a look at the treatment of psychological and physiological depression and complications of depression and their treatment. The text ponders on the prognosis of psychological and physiological depression and critique of existing terminology, as well as illustrative case histories of depression. The manuscript is highly recommended for clinicians and psychiatrists wanting to explore the approaches in the treatment of depression.

Methods and Goals in Human Behavior Genetics

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1965
  • Steven G. Vandenberg
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 6 7 6 3 - 0
Methods and Goals in Human Behavior Genetics examines trends in behavior genetics research and presents a critical review of methodology. This volume was planned to be of interest to two types of readers. First it provides information for psychologists who are interested in the genetics of personality and ability. Second, it is hoped that the volume will be of some value to geneticists who are desirous of knowing about recent attempts by psychologists to study hereditary factors in human behavior. The contributions to this volume are in some cases similar to papers presented during a meeting held in Louisville where this volume was planned, while the comments following these papers are based on tape recordings of the ensuing discussions. The book opens with a discussion of biochemical genetics and gene action. Separate chapters follow in topics such as application of anthropology to genetics, twin studies, heritability of personality traits, and suggestions for human behavior genetics based on animal studies.

Critical Essays on Psychoanalysis

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1963
  • Stanley Rachman
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 8 2 7 3 - 2
Critical Essays on Psychoanalysis focuses on the processes, methodologies, and interventions on psychoanalysis. The selection first offers information on the psychoanalytic phenomena, including anxiety, irritability, resistance, neurosis, and dream analysis. The book also elaborates on psychoanalysis and the principles of scientific psychoanalysis. Discussions focus on the effects of psychotherapy, behaviorist account of neuroses, personal and cultural biases, compartmentalization of personality, and concepts of intuition. The text examines infant care and personality and prognosis in unpsychoanalyzed recovery from neuroses, as well as practical and theoretical implications and features of infant care. The publication also discusses the etiology and treatment of children’s phobias and multiple personality. Topics include behavior therapy, inversion and non-acceptance, psychoanalytic evidence, and reinterpretation of psychoanalytic cases. The selection is a vital source of data for readers interested in psychoanalysis.

Psychological Stress

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1958
  • Irving L. Janis
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 8 2 6 - 3
Psychological Stress: Psychoanalytic and Behavioral Studies of Surgical Patients attempts to present as complete a picture as possible of the psychological aspects of surgery. The primary purpose is to highlight the theoretical implications by conveying what has been learned concerning the dynamics of human adjustment to stressful life events. It also draws attention to some of the main practical implications with respect to three important types of problems : (a) the formulation of policies of medical management which take account of the psychological needs of sick people; (b) the improvement of diagnostic procedures relevant for predicting high or low stress tolerance; and (c) the development of effective methods of psychological preparation which could be widely applied as part of a mental health program designed to reduce the disruptive emotional impact of many different types of potential disasters. The book is organized into two parts. Part I formulates a large number of propositions concerning the dynamics of stress behavior. These propositions generally deal with the causes and consequences of various types of emotional reactions and adjustment mechanisms that are frequently activated when people are exposed to severe environmental threats, dangers, or deprivations. Part II focuses on two reaction variables which appear to be of fundamental importance in adjustment to stress: (a) fear of body damage, as manifested by verbalized attitudes of apprehensiveness, overt signs of emotional tension, and overt attempts to execute protective actions; and (b) externalized anger, as manifested by verbalized attitudes of resentment toward persons in the immediate environment outbursts of rage, and overt acts of opposition or resistanceto the demands of danger-control personnel.

Sex Facts and Attitudes

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1958
  • Marion O. Lerrigo + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 1 4 0 - 3
Sex Facts and Attitudes is a five-chapter text that discusses the physical and emotional aspects of sex addressed to all adults who have any responsibility for the sex education of children or youth. Chapter 1 describes the interrelationship between sex education, attitude, love, and experience. Chapter 2 surveys the capacity or ""assets"" of adults to relate sex education to young ones. This chapter focuses on the influence of adult's emotion and experiences in giving sex advice. Chapter 3 discusses some basic facts about human reproduction, conception, pregnancy, and birth, while Chapter 4 describes the stages of physical growth and sexual development. Chapter 5 emphasizes the significance of open family communication in learning about sex. This book is of great value to experts and non-experts in the field of sex education.

Psychoprophylactic Preparation for Painless Childbirth

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1958
  • Isidore Bonstein
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 5 8 8 - 3
Psychoprophylactic Preparation for Painless Chidlbirth covers the principles and physiological aspects of painless childbirth through psychoprophylactic technique. Painless childbirth by the psychoprophylactic method is the result of a psychical education of the pregnant woman, during the last weeks of pregnancy. This book is composed of 13 chapters, and begins with an introduction to the psycho-physiology of the brain and its role in childbirth, as well as the pain in childbirth. The succeeding chapter outlines the course of eight lectures presented at the psychoprophylactic preparation seminar. These lectures are followed by discussions on material requisites and the directions for labor and delivery. A chapter highlights the very important role of the husband in the psychoprophylactic method. This chapter also outlines eight lectures for husbands. The concluding chapters survey the three methods to evaluate painless childbirth, including the clinical observations of the general behavior and neuro-vegative changes of the parturient, as well as the testimony of the parturient herself. This book will prove useful to obstetrics, neuro-surgeons, gynecologists, and odontologists.

Hypnotic Suggestion

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1955
  • S. J. Van Pelt
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 2 8 4 - 4
Hypnotic Suggestion: Its Role in Psychoneurotic and Psychosomatic Disorders outlines the theories and methods of treatment by hypnotic suggestion, emphasizing its role in the etiology and treatment of psychoneuroses and psychosomatic disorders. This book is organized into three parts. Part 1begins with a preliminary introduction to hypnotic suggestion, followed by a discussion of the historical outline of hypnotism, nature of the hypnotic state, incidence of susceptibility to hypnosis, and methods of inducing hypnosis. The etiology and mechanism of the psychoneuroses and role of hypnotic suggestion in its treatment are covered in Part 2. Case histories that involve hypnotic treatment to disorders, such as neurasthenia, anxiety neurosis, reactive depression, insomnia, alcoholism, and impotence are also described. Part 3 provides the general summary of Parts 1 and 2. This publication is intended for psychotherapists and medical practitioners conducting work on the hypnotic treatments for psychoneuroses and psychosomatic disorders.

The Concept of Schizophrenia

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1953
  • W. F. McAuley
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 6 0 1 - 9
The Concept of Schizophrenia considers the historical background, evolution, and genetic and environmental aspects of schizophrenia. This book is composed of eight chapters, and begins with a description of the dynamic concept of schizophrenia. The next chapters examine the role of heredity, and social and environmental conditions on human personality. The remaining chapters discuss the neurophysiology, metabolism, diagnosis, and treatment options of this condition. This book will be of value to neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and general practitioners.