Handbook of Gun Violence provides a comprehensive review of the complex world of gun violence. From its roots in epidemiology and public health to the intricacies of biopsychosocial risk factors to criminological and forensic considerations, this book offers an interdisciplinary exploration of a pressing societal issue. Sections cover everything from the history of firearm injury prevention research to the social, political, and policy implications surrounding gun violence. This book focuses on evidence-based strategies and emerging research areas, and equips readers with the knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of gun violence prevention, intervention, research, and policy. With contributions from leading experts across various fields, including scientists from the CDC and NIH, this handbook provides invaluable insights into understanding, preventing, and addressing gun violence.
A Practical Guide for Finding Interventions that Work for Autistic People: Diversity Affirming Evidence-Based Practice, second edition, provides a socially valid, culturally sensitive, and person-centered resource to aid practitioners in guiding the selection of effective interventions. By providing multiple illustrative examples, practitioners will learn to use their professional judgment to integrate the best available evidence with client values and context. The second edition includes new chapters on diversity affirmation and cultural adaptations of interventions, quality of life, self-determination, guided decision-making, and ethics as foundational skills for identifying effective, socially valid interventions that are delivered with compassion and assent/consent.
Advances in Motivation Science, Volume 10, the latest release in the Motivation Science series, contains interesting articles that cover topics such as Dissonance Motivation from an Action-Based Perspective: An Updated Review, The Bright, Dark, and Dim Light Colors of Motivation: Advances in Conceptualization and Measurement from a Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Future Self to Current Action: Integrated Review and Identity-Based Motivation Synthesis, Using Free Will Wisely: The Importance of Self-Concordant Goal Pursuit, Workplace Engagement and Motivation, and Mental Calibration: Fine Tuning the Dynamics of Mind and Action.
The Therapeutic Community: Research and Practice brings together the diverse lens of these communities, illuminating and challenging current practice models and research. The book seeks to demonstrate the working collaboration between research-based and practice-based research, as well as filling the gaps for professions in behavioral health, neurobiology, corrections and workforce development. Each chapter explores how both environment and modality work together to change the quality of an individual's life. The reader is provided with a foundation and introduction to the language of 'Democratic' and 'Concept-based' TCs. This book presents case studies, protocols, fidelity measures and emerging research to help readers incorporate applications into their own practice.
Advances in the Study of Behavior, Volume 54 highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on Mobbing in animals: a thorough review and proposed future directions, Learned components of courtship: a focus on gestures, choreographies and construction abilities, Sexual selection in the true bugs, and Brain-behavior relationships of cognition in vertebrates: lessons from amphibians, Pre-Copulatory and Copulatory Courtship in Male-Dimorphic Arthropods.
Advances in Motivation Science, Volume Nine, the latest release in Elsevier's serial on the topic of motivation science, contains interesting articles that cover topics such as The Relentless Pursuit of Acceptance and Belonging, Reward uncertainty and the aversion-attraction dilemma, Neurobiological Mechanisms of Selectivity in Motivated Memory, Accounting for long-term motivation and sustained motivated learning, Interest: A Unique Affective and Cognitive Motivational Variable That Develops, and Neural systems for aversively motivated behavior, Neural systems for aversively motivated behavior, and more.
New Methods and Approaches for Studying Child Development, Volume 62 in the Advances in Child Development and Behavior series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters written by an international board of authors.
Expecting a gentle baby tiger to inevitably grow up to be ferocious, a young girl growing up in a household of boys to prefer princesses to toy trucks, or that liberals and conservatives are fundamentally different kinds of people, all reflect a conceptual commitment to psychological essentialism. Psychological essentialism is a pervasive conceptual bias to think that some everyday categories reflect the real, underlying, natural structure of the world. Whereas essentialist thought can sometimes be useful, it is often problematic, particularly when people rely on essentialist thinking to understand groups of people, including those based on gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. This Volume will bring together diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives on how essentialist thinking about the social world develops in childhood and on the implications of these beliefs for children’s social behavior and intergroup relations more generally.
Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 58, the latest release in this classic resource on the field of developmental psychology, includes a variety of timely updates, with this release presenting chapters on The Development of Mental Rotation Ability Across the First Year After Birth, Groups as Moral Boundaries: A Developmental Perspective, The Development of Time Concepts, Mother-child Physiological Synchrony, Children's Social Reasoning About Others: Dispositional and Contextual Influences, Mindful Thinking: Does it Really Help Children?, On the Emergence of Differential Responding to Social Categories, Trust in Early Childhood, Infant Imitation, Social-Cognition and Brain Development, and more.