Caregivers are at a higher risk of burnout than any other population. Mindfulness-based interventions has been shown to significantly reduce burnout, stress, and anxiety. Mindful Self-Care for Clinicians and Caregivers: A Group Facilitator’s Guide provides caregivers with a practical and scholarly resource to facilitate mindful self-care groups. Developed by experts in the field of mental health, this guide includes session by session guides (visual aids, audios, and videos) to support facilitators. The book introduces readers to the theory and empirical foundations underlying mindfulness practices. The second section describes the development of the group intervention and presents a model for understanding the challenges of caregiving and emotional states related to this work. An online companion site containing audio and video files to help support facilitations in implementing this new model.
Introduction to Intricate Artificial Psychology with Python, unlocks the mysteries of Intricate Artificial Psychology (iAp). Delve into the depths of advanced cognitive frameworks, as this comprehensive guide navigates through the complex landscape of artificial psychology using Python. Beginning with an introduction to iAp, readers explore the degrees of prediction and the application of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (IAP). The book's unique focus extends to detecting implicit bias through a fusion of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and SHAP values, providing a groundbreaking perspective on the interplay between artificial intelligence and psychological phenomena. From forecasting in iAp to unraveling the secrets of complex network analysis, this book equips readers with a powerful toolkit for understanding and applying psychological graph analysis (Pga). Discover the intersection of deep learning and neuroimaging, as well as the complexities of machine learning techniques in neuroimaging. This book also includes practical case studies, enabling readers to apply these cutting-edge techniques to real-world psychological scenarios.
Progress in Brain Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters. Each chapter is written by an international board of authors.
The Advances in Experimental Social Psychology series is the premier outlet for reviews of mature, high-impact research programs in social psychology. Contributions to the series provide defining pieces of established research programs, reviewing and integrating thematically related findings by individual scholars or research groups. Topics discussed in Volume 72 include effort, mindsets, social dominance orientation, economic mobility, and honesty.
Hormesis, Brain Aging and Metabolism, Volume 295 in the Progress in Brain Research series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on topics such as Aging and brain metabolism, Calorie restriction: brain physiological and biological aspects, Intermittent fasting and ketone bodies, Physical exercise and brain health: running x sedentary lifestyle, Phytochemicals and brain health, Environmental enrichment and neuroplasticity, Hormesis and brain disease, Neuroinflammation and hormesis, and more.Additional chapters cover Glucocorticoids and Neuroinflammation and Hormesis and cancer.
The Neuroscience of Feelings: Brain-Heart Connectivity in Neurodegenerative Diseases focuses on exploring the complex interplay between emotions and brain function, covering topics such as how positive and negative feelings impact brain cell regeneration, the influence of emotions on decision-making, and the role of emotional trauma in brain health. The book aims to provide comprehensive insights into how different emotions shape neurological processes, contributing to mental and physical health.The Neuroscience of Feelings: Brain-Heart Connectivity in Neurodegenerative Diseases, explores the critical link between cardiovascular health and brain function. Leading researchers delve into heart-brain interactions, autonomic nervous system dysregulation, emotional stress, and therapeutic implications for conditions like Parkinson’s and cognitive decline. This book offers essential insights for neuroscientists, cardiologists, clinicians, and anyone interested in the intersection of heart and brain health.
Intelligence in a Physical World, Volume 82 in The Psychology of Learning and Motivation series, the latest release in this ongoing series, features empirical and theoretical contributions in cognitive and experimental psychology, ranging from classical and instrumental conditioning, to complex learning and problem-solving. Chapters in this new release include The genetic and neuronal basis of animal architecture, Adopting whole-brain computational modeling to investigate neurophysiological features, Dynamical and robotic modeling of brain motivational and decision-making systems, Attention and consciousness are one and the same, Hierarchical processing in the brain: Insights from predictive coding and its neural signatures, and much more.Additional sections cover Scratching the itch of "not knowing": Non-instrumental information-seeking in humans, How do emotions move us? Emotional influence can occur by changing perceivers’ feelings, bodies, and inferences, Cultural bodybuilding: the embodied influence of culture on perception and action, and Beyond dyadic interaction and shared experience: rethinking social connections.
The Neuroscience of Feelings: Unveiling the Mind-Brain Alchemy focuses on exploring the complex interplay between emotions and brain function, covering topics such as how positive and negative feelings impact brain cell regeneration, the influence of emotions on decision-making, and the role of emotional trauma in brain health. The book aims to provide comprehensive insights into how different emotions shape neurological processes, contributing to mental and physical health.
Advances in Motivation Science, Volume Twelve, the latest release in the Motivation Science series, contains interesting articles that cover topics such as Advances and Challenges in Work Motivation: A Whole-Person Perspective, Integrating Two Separate Research Traditions: The Conscientiousness Interest Compensation (CONIC) Model, The Drive to Escape: Uncovering the Motivational Dynamics of Suicide-Related Cognitive Accessibility in Everyday Life, and Cue-Based Behavior: A Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer Approach to Automatic Goal Pursuit.