Psychosocial Experiences and Adjustment of Migrants: Coming to the USA explores the emotional experiences of migrants seeking to come to America, including psychological sequelae of such relocation from one’s home country to another country. This book is divided into three main parts. The first introduces the reader to the foundational principles of migration. Next, the chapter authors review individuals and families who come to the United States through "orderly" migration, profiling the experiences of immigrants from various countries and regions. The next set of chapters discuss "forced" migration, examining the relative impact of social and legal challenges and the psychological impact. The book wraps up with research, advocacy and mental health and social services options for migrants.
Given the fundamental challenges to society in this era, a radical rewrite of how we approach science and culture is necessary. This handbook applies Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) to achieve a much needed convergence across the physical, life and social sciences, the humanities and arts. In doing so it addresses challenges such as mental illness, dementia, cancer care, toxic masculinity and societal oppression. It also reveals how PCT can be applied to practical issues such as understanding healthcare service implementation and human-machine interaction, as well as deeper questions such as consciousness and imagination. This second volume of the successful interdisciplinary handbook offers rich examples of how the unifying perceptual control framework can provide a viable alternative to existing theories and methodologies for a timely paradigm shift.
The behavior analytic research community emphasizes within-subject research methodologies to study relations between individual behavior and the environment. This is unique as behavior analytic practitioners can then replicate directly the research they read when determining whether a research finding applies to the clients with whom they work. Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis: From Laboratory to Clinic and Classroom is a reference guide for behavior analysts who conduct, supervise, or consume research specific to behavior analysis. This book is sequenced to follow the natural research process, beginning with an introduction to the history of research ethics that led to modern principles and values of scientific research ethics. The reader is taken through sequential steps from obtaining resources to support a research project through participant recruitment, conducting the study, communicating results, and supporting replication. Each chapter incorporates critical and under-discussed topics unique to research ethics in behavior analysis such as diversity, equity, and inclusion in the research process; balancing methodological rigor with clinical outcomes; aligning research and clinical goals; assessing generalization of research findings; the gray lines of assent and consent for intervention versus research; identifying and obtaining resources to support research; conflicts of interest; using technology and social media; and ethically handling data.
The Science of Dream Interpretation presents a scientific, historic and psychological account of dream interpretation by introducing the biological and evolutionary foundations of sleep, dreams and dream interpretation. Chapters cover the theory of dream interpretation, the physiological and evolutionary reasons for sleep and dreaming, an overview of the role dreams and dream interpretation throughout history, including the cultural and religious significance of dreams, and how dreams interrupt sleep, including issues of insomnia, sleep walking, and more. The next few sections present influential dream theorists of the 20th century, including a review of their theories (Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Fritz Perls). The final section explains how dreams may be used to extract personal meanings and be utilized in psychotherapy, including case examples from actual psychotherapy sessions of the techniques used to interpret dreams.
Foundations of Art Therapy: Theory and Applications is an essential and comprehensive introduction to the field of art therapy that blends relevant psychological and neuroscience research, theories, and concepts and infuses cultural diversity throughout each chapter. The text includes full color photos, informative charts, and case examples and is divided into four parts beginning with the basics of art therapy knowledge and concluding with professional practices in art therapy.The fundamentals of art therapy section includes coverage of art therapy founders, art materials, multicultural perspectives, intersections with neuroscience, and research methods. An overview and in-depth explorations of different theoretical approaches to the practice of art therapy are covered in the second part of the book. A bio-psycho-social approach integrates current research on art therapy with specific populations (children, mental health, older adults, and trauma). The book concludes with art therapy professional practices in group concepts, community-based art therapy, and developing a career in the field. Each chapter contains chapter objectives, practical applications, ethical considerations, reflection questions, experiential exercises, and a list of terms.The unique, practical, and interdisciplinary approach of this text provides a solid base for understanding the field of art therapy and is well suited for use in undergraduate art therapy courses. This book will appeal to those who want an introduction to the field’s theories, research, and practice and those seeking a comprehensive understanding on the foundations of art therapy.Instructor Resource Link: Material Link:
Cybersecurity and Cognitive Science provides the reader with multiple examples of interactions between cybersecurity, psychology and neuroscience. Specifically, reviewing current research on cognitive skills of network security agents (e.g., situational awareness) as well as individual differences in cognitive measures (e.g., risk taking, impulsivity, procrastination, among others) underlying cybersecurity attacks. Chapters on detection of network attacks as well as detection of cognitive engineering attacks are also included. This book also outlines various modeling frameworks, including agent-based modeling, network modeling, as well as cognitive modeling methods to both understand and improve cybersecurity.
Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Second Edition is for behavior analysts working directly with, or supervising those who work with, individuals with autism. The book addresses the principles and values that underlie the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s® Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts and factors that affect ethical decision-making. In addition, the book addresses critical and under-discussed topics, including scope of competence, evidence-based practice in behavior analysis, how to collaborate with professionals within and outside one’s discipline, and how to design systems of ethical supervision and training customized to unique treatment settings. Across many of the topics, the authors also discuss errors students and professionals may make during analyses of ethical dilemmas and misapplications of ethical codes within their practice. New to this revision are chapters on Quality Control in ABA Service Delivery, Ethical Issues in ABA Business Management and Standardizing Decision-making in ABA Service Delivery.
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: Research and Applications presents current theories, fundamentals, techniques and diverse applications of human-centered AI. Sections address the question, "are AI models explainable, interpretable and understandable?, introduce readers to the design and development process, including mind perception and human interfaces, explore various applications of human-centered AI, including human-robot interaction, healthcare and decision-making, and more. As human-centered AI aims to push the boundaries of previously limited AI solutions to bridge the gap between machine and human, this book is an ideal update on the latest advances.
Engaging Boys and Men in Sexual Assault Prevention: Theory, Research and Practice explores sexual assault prevention programs for boys and men. Following an ecosystemic perspective, the book examines individual risk and protective factors, discusses initiatives to prevent sexual aggression (i.e., bystander intervention programs, given their use among men), covers programs that specifically seek to engage boys and men in sexual assault prevention, presents key risk and protective factors for sexual aggression (i.e., healthy masculinity, rape myth acceptance), and describes the need and rationale for sexual assault prevention efforts.
Cognitive Sophistication and the Development of Judgment and Decision-Making reviews the existing literature on the development of reasoning, judgment and decision-making, with a primary focus on measures from the heuristics and biases tradition. The book presents a model based on cognitive sophistication to examine the development of judgment and decision-making, including age related differences in developmental samples, associations with intellectual abilities and executive functions, and associations with dispositional tendencies that support judgment and decision-making. Additional sections cover the empirical findings of a longitudinal study conducted over seven years that tie together the discussed aspects related to cognitive sophistication. This book will provide a much-needed description of the theoretical and conceptual issues, a review of empirical findings, and an integrative summary of the implications for developmental models of reasoning, judgment and decision-making.