Metallic Mineral Resources: The Critical Components for a Sustainable Earth introduces the heterogeneous distribution of metal resources as well as the industrial use of metals. The main chapters then work systematically through abundant metal systems, scarce critical metal systems, rare critical metal systems, trace critical metal systems, and precious metal systems. The book wraps with a close examination of temporal distribution of mineral resources and an insightful discussion of the future of mineral resources. Researchers and engineers in economic geology and mining and exploration industries will find themselves returning to this key reference for years to come.
Treatise on Geochemistry, Third Edition, 8 volume set is an invaluable resource for geoscientists and others seeking to understand the origin, evolution, and functioning of our inhabited world, in service of a sustainable future.Our need to understand our planet is being reshaped by two ongoing scientific revolutions: the discovery of thousands of exoplanets and the advent of the Anthropocene. These seemingly disparate revolutions challenge us to deepen our understanding of Earth, as our best path to understanding how inhabited planets work. Geochemical knowledge and discovery are at the heart of this challenge, the crossroads where all geoscience subdisciplines meet – much as chemistry is often said to be the “central science”, geochemistry is the “central geoscience”. Treatise on Geochemistry fills the gap between mature and established geochemical knowledge, including analytical developments and the rapidly evolving frontiers of the field.
Radiogenic Isotopes Applied to Mineral Exploration: A Practical Guide assists mineral exploration geologists, students and professors in the field of metallogeny and ore deposits. This book provides information on radiogenic isotopes and their application to solve problems associated with mineral exploration surveys. It presents the basics to exploration geologists using radiogenic isotopes on establishing models for prospecting and creating new criteria for defining more favorable areas, reducing the exploration risk and saving financial investments. The discovery of new mineral deposits is becoming increasingly difficult, and the use of new techniques is required to find deep and covered deposits. Radiogenic isotopes have the potential to act as ore index, helping to define the most favorable zones for finding certain types of mineral deposits, hence minimizing exploration risks.
Clay Science in Drilling and Drilling Fluids starts from the fundamentals of clay science and drilling and then comprehensively presents the advances of clay science related to drilling, drilling fluids, and clay products. The topics combine to present the whole picture of fundamental research and industrial applications of clays and clay minerals in drilling operations, which is of general interest to researchers and engineers working in related fields. This book covers the different levels of clay science in drilling and drilling fluids, i.e., from fundamentals to the latest research results, applications, and commercial products.Oil and gas are the primary sources of energy in human society and the foundation of the petrochemical industry. However, extracting these resources present a number of drilling challenges, including high temperature and high pressure (HTHP), offshore drilling, high angle drilling, and even horizontal drilling, among others. As a result, it is crucial to develop advanced drilling and drilling fluid technologies that speak to these challenges.
Methods and Applications of Geochronology provides a comprehensive, practical guide to the rapidly developing field of geochronology. Chapters are written by leading experts in their specific field of geochronology and discuss practical information and ‘rules of thumb’ for establishing laboratories and using analytical equipment. Methods and Applications of Geochronology is an authoritative guide not only for the foundational principles of geochronological research, but also descriptions of analytical methods, guidance for sample selection, all the way to data reduction and presentation.
Environmental Geochemistry: Site Characterization, Data Analysis, Case Histories, and Associated Health Issues provides a wealth of information on modern geochemical methods, techniques, and procedures for those studying toxic substances found in soil, air, and water. This new edition takes an especially close look at environmental pollution and its impact on human health. It includes a variety of methods and procedures, such as taking groundwater samples, biological monitoring, geochemical mapping, and models of geochemical speciation. This is followed by a close look at different pollutants, including lead and pesticides.The authors conclude with several detailed case histories that examine health issues resulting from environmental pollution. Environmental researchers and practitioners will use this book for their work, thus helping them understand and reduce environmental pollutants that affect health.
Geospatial Analysis Applied to Mineral Exploration: Remote Sensing, GIS, Geochemical, and Geophysical Applications to Mineral Resources presents state-of-the-art approaches on recent remote sensing and GIS-based mineral prospectivity modeling for Earth scientists, researchers, mineral exploration communities and mining companies. This book will help readers solve high complexity issues in remote sensing data processing, geochemical data analysis, geophysical data analysis, and appropriate applications of GIS techniques for data fusion designed for mineral exploration purposes. It contains updated knowledge of remote sensing imagery, geochemistry, geophysics and geospatial techniques that can assist in delineating the signatures and patterns linked to deep-seated, covered, blind or buried mineral deposits.
Handbook of Mineral Spectroscopy, Volume Two: Infrared Spectra, a Four Volume Set presents a database of Infrared spectra, showing both full spectra and high-resolution spectral regions with band component analyses of rock-forming and major ore minerals. IR of minerals is a very powerful technique for analyzing the different vibrational modes of minerals (in particular functional groups) but also the local environment of atoms in a crystal structure. The book includes a section on silicates and one on non-silicates, subdivided according to the normal mineral classes. This book is a go-to guide for anyone working with minerals and can be used for research and writing or as a handbook in the laboratory while running analyses of minerals.
Mass Transport in Magmatic Systems describes the properties and processes of these natural occurrences, including a description and discussions of how properties can be used for quantitative description of mass and energy transport on, and in, Earth and terrestrial planets. As the experimentally obtained chemical and physical properties of magma is scattered across literature, this book provides a comprehensive volume on the topic. Moreover, links between properties and processes are rarely appreciated. This makes it challenging for a non-experimentalist to access, evaluate, and apply such data.
Practical Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration and Production, Second Edition provides readers with a single reference that addresses the principle concepts and applications of petroleum geochemistry used in finding, evaluating, and producing petroleum deposits. The revised volume includes a new chapter on environmental forensic applications of petroleum geochemistry. With the current emphasis on environmental issues (pollution, climate changes, and corporate responsibility), information about how petroleum geochemistry can be used to recognize these problems, determine their source, help identify who is responsible, and how these problems may be mitigated are vital to efficient and economical operation of a project from exploration to production to abandonment. Practical Petroleum Geochemistry for Exploration and Production, Second Edition will continue to serve as a foundational reference to understanding the underpinning of the science, as well as a source of references that the reader can use to find detailed descriptions of methods and protocols.