Personal Care Products and Human Health provides background, historical context and the latest research results on personal care products (PCPs) and their impact on human health and the environment. Sections provide an overview of the functions and mechanisms of action of components of personal care products, discuss environmental toxicology, outline the problems of contamination of water systems from increasing use of personal care products and the resulting toxicities to aquatic wildlife, and offer chapters written by specialists on different aspects of concern for the effects of excessive personal care product usage on human health. This is a comprehensive reference for toxicologists, environment scientists and those interested in learning about the science behind personal care products and current concerns for environmental and human health.
Pulmonary Pharmacology, Volume 98 provides in-depth reviews on the latest progresses about respiratory drug discovery and development. Topics covered in this volume include corticosteroids, monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinase inhibitors and phosphodiesterase inhibitors for the treatments of asthma, COPD or pulmonary fibrosis, with perspective on the development of novel therapeutic strategies such as renin-angiotensin system modulators, mitochondrial function modulators, and non-antibacterial macrolides. Part of the volume is devoted to senotherapy for lung ageing in respiratory diseases, and novel pulmonary delivery technologies, including inhaled biologics.
Techniques for Downstream process for Biologic Drugs and Vaccines provides comprehensive technologies involved in processing postharvest broth to separate the target biological therapeutic products of extracellular or intercellular aspects in nature - to its highest purification form, and to thus make it acceptable to end users. The technologies involved in the post-harvesting of fermented broth are explained in this comprehensive resource in a simplified manner with different case studies to help non-engineering students and scientists easily capture the basic principle of biomass processing technologies and their applications in new projects related to the development and manufacturing of therapeutic bio-products. As conceptual development of biotechnology has taken new shape and style with the integration of medical sciences, physical science, and engineering, and has thus begun the need for the development of microbial or cell line process technology and application for large-scale isolation and purification of metabolites or vaccines through the fermentation process, this book covers the most important aspects. Â
Postharvest Management of Fresh Produce: Recent Advances critically addresses the latest issues, challenges, and technological advancements in postharvest management of fresh commodities, especially fruits, nuts, and vegetables. The book covers the intriguing correlation of preharvest treatments, maturity indices and postharvest operations that significantly affect the postharvest quality of fresh produce. Further topics include packaging, logistics and storage technologies, the role of microbial communities, and ‘omics’ strategies in postharvest disease management. Special attention is given to the latest trends of nanotechnology, internet of things (IoTs), and blockchain technologies in food supply chain management of perishable products. The book is a great resource for young and experienced professionals in academia, industry, and UG/PG students to explore a diversified range of topics in postharvest strategies relevant to food processing, food technologies, agro-processing and quality control.
Advanced and Modern Approaches for Drug Delivery explores novel approaches currently used for drug delivery, including the must up-to-date techniques and technology. The approaches discussed allow pharmaceutical scientists to design effective drug delivery systems or devices for the management and treatment of numerous diseases and conditions. Detailed information on a wide variety of subjects, including dendrimers, lipid nanostructures, solid lipid nanoparticles, stimuli-responsive smart systems, self-assembled protein-drug nanoparticles, nanoconjugate formulations, nanofibers, iontophoretic systems, microneedle systems, ultra-sound triggered systems, targeted carrier-based intracellular delivery systems, resealed erythrocyte-based systems, 3 D-printing tool, site-specific monoclonal antibodies, and bio-inspired systems are all comprehensively discussed. With contributions from those in academia and industry, this book is an excellent reference for all those needing to understand drug delivery systems.
Treatment Landscape of Targeted Therapies in Oncology: Challenges and Opportunities provides up-to-date knowledge on antitumor-targeted therapies and immunotherapy. The book's chapters are written by researchers dynamically working/focusing on cancer treatment. The content is designed to help those who are new to the field (beginners) and various specialized scientists and researchers involved in cancer research. For decades, the hallmark of cancer treatment has been conventional chemotherapy. But with the rapid increase in our understanding of the immune system, more and more small molecules, peptides, recombinant antibodies, vaccines and cellular therapeutic modalities are being applied to manipulate the immune response for cancer treatment.
Functional Ingredients from Algae for Foods and Nutraceuticals, Second Edition presents an overview on the composition, properties and potential to develop novel ingredients and additives for functional foods and nutraceuticals. This revised edition includes recent data on the composition and biological properties of algae, along with examples of the development of novel algae products and their performance. It includes a new chapter on both conventional and green technologies for product development and will be of interest to nutrition researchers, food technologists and marine scientists, as well as those with an interest in natural product development.
The Chemical Dialogue Between Plants and Beneficial Microorganisms provides foundational insights on plant beneficial microorganisms and their impact on the health and productivity of plants. Providing in-depth and recent updates about unexplored aspects of plant microbes interactions, the book includes the biological repertoire of arbuscular mycorrhizal association, molecular architecture of Rhizobium-plant symbiosis, and endophytes in transcriptional plasticity during host colonization by endophytes. The book also includes details about the mechanism of different plant beneficial microorganisms, how these differ, and their cross signaling. This book will be an important reference for researchers working on different plant beneficial microorganisms and their molecular arsenal.
Photosynthesis: From Plants to Nanomaterials in the Nanomaterial-Plant Interactions series, summarizes both the foundational mechanisms and latest advances in photosynthesis. With a strong emphasis on artificial photosynthesis, the book also analyzes the role of nanomaterials in energy production. Starting with an introduction to plant photosynthetic systems, chapters discuss the structure of light harvesting systems, energy transfer and membrane protein complexes. The book later describes the role of nanoparticles in photosynthesis, including agricultural applications, advances in nanobionics, and the impact of engineered nanomaterials. This book is an essential read for researchers and students interested in photosynthesis, bionanotechnology and nanomaterials.
Dietary Lipids: Nutritional and Technological Aspects, Volume 105 focuses on major dietary lipids and their minor bioactive compounds, also covering the role of these lipids in metabolic diseases and covering oil processing with clean technologies and lipidomic characterization by mass spectrometry. Specific chapters in this new release include Major Dietary Lipids in Nutrition and Health, Minor bioactive lipids, Cleaner Processing for Lipids: Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Short Path Distillation, Nutritional Lipidomics for the Characterization of Lipids in Food, We are what we eat? The Role of Lipids in Metabolic Disease, Lipid Emulsions in Clinical Nutrition: Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, and much more.