Fully revised to include the latest scientific developments, Climate Change and Agricultural Ecosystems: Current Challenges and Adaptation, Second Edition continues to provide vital insights into the complex and dynamic relationship between climate, agriculture, soil and plants. Building on its proven value in guiding real-world application as well as inspiring further research, this new edition includes new insights and practices. Agricultural ecosystems are highly dependent on weather and climate for the production of necessary foods to sustain human life. Despite leading cutting-edge tools and technologies for developing improved varieties, genetically modified organisms, and irrigation systems, climate change is still a major constraint to agricultural productivity. It takes years to assess the impacts of climate change and vulnerability to it and to prepare proper countermeasures against it. Developing countermeasures drawn based on scientific diagnosis and assessment of the impacts of climate change on agriculture are essential in establishing the vision and administrative policies of future agriculture. Climate Change and Agricultural Ecosystems focuses on recent research and updates on interactions between agriculture, ecosystems, environment, and climate change bringing together ideas and innovations of the latest scientific findings on climate change and enriched by renowned researchers knowledge and experience in this field. It reflects the importance of acting now on climate change: to eliminate hunger; to enable the agriculture sectors to adapt to climate change.
Rhizomicrobiome in Sustainable Agriculture and Environment explores the important potential of biocontrol agents in the reduction of overexploitation of synthetic pesticides, enhancing crop production, and maintaining the natural texture and health of agricultural soils. As concerns about sustainable production challenge current practices, this book presents opportunities for utilizing biological systems as part of the solution. Written by a team of global experts, sections explore the full range of rhizomicrobiome topics, including sustainable agriculture, food security, and environmental management. This will be a valuable resource for researchers, academics, and advanced students.Rhizomicrobiome is a significant part of plant biological system which impacts the plant growth and survival in different physiological conditions. Its composition includes different microbial networks whose presence is mainly impacted by the root exudates. Archaea, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, oomycetes, nematodes, microarthropods etc. are the significant parts of the rhizomicrobiome. Rhizomicrobiome could be that novel ecosystem housing the bioinoculants that can help create sustainable, productive growth environments.
Waste Management for Sustainable and Restored Agricultural Soil provides a holistic approach to various mechanisms of waste management for plant nutrients, highlighting the importance of improving plant growth, nutrient concentration, and system sustainability for enhancing crop production and achieving desired environmental goals. Covering a broad overview of different kinds of wastes and waste recycling methods and sustainable management for soil health, this book focuses on both basic and applied aspects of waste management for sustainable agriculture and how nutrients are made available through waste. Academics, professionals, researchers and policymakers working in the fields of safe waste management for potential use in agricultural crop production will benefit from this book.
Development and Commercialization of Biopesticides: Costs and Benefits provides a uniquely comprehensive view of the commercial production of biopesticides, from research to application, featuring case studies in various developed and developing countries of the world. The book offers guidance for future strategies to researchers, along with considerations for the industry’s economic concerns, i.e., costs and benefits compared to conventional pesticides, future perspectives for application strategies, bioavailability and environmental safety, and impacts on intellectual property issues during commercialization. Finally, the book covers why the development of this industry must be strategic, comprehensive and forward-looking in order to be an accepted, safe and sustainable. There is no doubt that biopesticides are now in large-scale use, and a variety of novel techniques have been used to improve or modify existing biopesticides, which will further accelerate their development.
Applications of Biosurfactant in Agriculture explores the use of beneficial microorganisms as an alternative to current synthetic plant protection strategies. The book highlights a range of renewable raw substrates including agro-industrial waste as a dependable and cost-effective technology for the mass production of biosurfactant, emphasizes the formulation of biosurfactants using a full-factorial design, scientometric assessment, and presents mathematical modeling for the enhancement of production processes. Recent biotechnological techniques such as functional metagenomics that could help in the molecular characterization of novel biosurfactant with multifunctional activities majorly from uncultured and unexploited microbes available in the soil biosphere are also explored.This book identifies possible modes of action by which nutrients are normally released to plants through the formation of metal-biosurfactant complexes and presents recent research findings on the utilization of biosurfactants for the management of mycotoxins and microorganisms when evaluated in the field and in greenhouses. Finally, the book emphasizes the application of biosurfactants as a form of potent antibiotics for the management of several zoonotic diseases and in animal husbandry.
Advances in Legume-based Agroecoystem for Sustainable Intensification explores current research and future strategies for ensuring capacity growth and socioeconomic improvement through the utilization of legume crop cultivation and production in the achievement of sustainability development goals (SDGs). Sections cover the role of legumes in addressing issues of food security, improving nitrogen in the environment, environmental sustainability, economic-environmentally optimized systems, the importance and impact of nitrogen, organic production, and biomass potential, legume production, biology, breeding improvement, cropping systems, and the use of legumes for eco-friendly weed management. This book is an important resource for scientists, researchers and advanced students interested in championing the effective utilization of legumes for agronomic and ecological benefit.
Changing Climate and Resource Use Efficiency in Plants reviews the efficiencies for resource use by crop plants under different climatic conditions. This book focuses on the challenges and potential remediation methods for a variety of resource factors. Chapters deal with the effects of different climatic conditions on agriculture, radiation use efficiency under various climatic conditions, the efficiency of water and its impact on harvest production under restricted soil moisture conditions, nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency in different environmental conditions under the influence of climate change, and various aspects of improving phosphorus use efficiency. The book provides guidance for researchers engaged in plant science studies, particularly Plant/Crop Physiology, Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Molecular Breeding. In addition, it provides valuable insights for policymakers, administrators, plant-based companies and agribusiness companies.
Non-Chemical Weed Control is the first book to present an overview of plant crop protection against non-food plants using non-chemical means. Plants growing wild—particularly unwanted plants found in cultivated ground to the exclusion of the desired crop—have been treated with herbicides and chemical treatments in the past. As concern over environmental, food and consumer safety increases, research has turned to alternatives, including the use of cover crops, thermal treatments and biotechnology to reduce and eliminate unwanted plants. This book provides insight into existing and emerging alternative crop protection methods and includes lessons learned from past methodologies. As crop production resources decline while consumer concerns over safety increase, the effective control of weeds is imperative to insure the maximum possible levels of soil, sunlight and nutrients reach the crop plants.
Management and Analysis of Biological Populations demonstrates the usefulness of optimal control theory in the management of biological populations and the Liapunov function in simulating an ecosystem model under large perturbations of its initial state and continual disturbances on its dynamics. The first chapter of the book introduces the topic by presenting the different models in ecology and discussing the stability concepts, the ecological engineering, and various relevant functions in ecosystem modeling. The next chapter contains a brief survey of static optimization techniques and optimal control theory for systems, which are modeled by differential and difference equations. Another chapter covers methods that use Liapunov and Liapunov-like functions to establish that a given population model is stable relative to finite perturbations of its initial state and that it is non-vulnerable relative to large continual disturbances. The book also covers fisheries and logistic modeling, including a discussion of a few management problems. Moreover, this reference considers stability in an ecosystem model with complexities due to species richness, nonlinearities, time delays, and spatial heterogeneity. Finally, it explains how to manage pests and greenhouse crops. The book is an excellent reference source for students and professionals in ecology and environmental engineering. Research professionals and extended workers in agriculture and agronomy will also find this book invaluable.
The increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in crop production has adversely affected both the environment and the agricultural economy. Not only has it led to environmental pollution, but also the increasing costs of chemical inputs and the low prices received for agricultural products have contributed to economic unprofitability and instability.The International Symposium on Agricultural Ecology and Environment was organised in order to discuss ways of achieving the goals of economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture. It is apparent that a truly multidisciplinary effort is required and for this reason the meeting was attended by authors from many different disciplines and geographical locations. Although their papers reflect a wide diversity of agroecosystem types and examples, several common themes emerge: the increased importance of biotic control of ecosystem processes in lower input systems; the key role of soil organic matter in stabilizing nutrient cycling; the importance of agricultural landscape diversity and complexity; the importance of studying ecological processes in natural and agricultural ecosystems; the critical need to integrate socio-economic and ecological approaches.