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Journals in Crop ecology

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Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

  • ISSN: 0167-8809
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6
An interdisciplinary journal on the interactions between agroecosystems and the environmentAgriculture, Ecosystems & Environment is a leading interdisciplinary forum that publishes research investigating all aspects of agroecological science. Our objective is to advance understanding of the patterns and processes governing agroecosystem functions, interactions with the environment and provision of ecosystem services. A central theme is how agriculture influences the environment and how changes in that environment impact agroecosystems.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment publishes novel, high impact research conducted at various spatial scales - from experimental plots and field trials to farm-, agroecosystem- and landscape-level investigations - with preference given to hypothesis-based and/or data-rich investigations. We particularly encourage broadly significant studies of agroecosystems that deal with cross-scale interactions, bridge scientific disciplines or integrate new knowledge and perspectives relevant to agroecosystem management or agri-environmental policies. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment rarely publishes papers focused on the management of a specific agricultural system in a particular environmental setting unless the research produces new and compelling findings; therefore, submissions should be placed in an international and/or widely comparative context.All manuscripts are initially screened on their topic suitability. AGEE's core subject-matter fields/topics include (but are not limited to): • Mechanisms governing bio-physical features and functioning of agroecosystems (e.g., the biogeochemistry, ecology, and sustainability of agricultural systems) • The interplay between agroecosystems and the environment (soil, air, and water) and the role of ecological processes in provision of ecosystem services • Agroecosystems and their role in catalyzing/mitigating global change (climate change, greenhouse gases and biodiversity loss) • Ecological consequences of land use intensification and other human impacts (soil degradation and erosion, water and waste management, and associated mitigation approaches) • Environmental implications of agricultural land use and land use change (biodiversity conservation and land management, and ecological restoration and stewardship)The following topics are discouraged unless they provide new information that complements AGEE's core subject-matter areas: • Inventory and survey analysis (including life cycle and energy analysis) • Impact assessment and environmental/compliance monitoring investigations • Exclusively greenhouse- or laboratory-based studies • Studies on the development of models or methodologies and pure model applications • Studies that are purely agronomic, socio-economic, or political
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Ecological Abstracts

  • ISSN: 0305-196X
Ecological Abstracts is a topical, comprehensive reference source for literature in the fields of marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecology. It provides a specialist overview of the increasing number of papers being published in the field.Papers are divided into twelve main sections: global & general ecology; marine ecology; tidal & estuarine ecology; freshwater ecology; terrestrial ecology; general microbial ecology; weeds pests & diseases; pollution; nature conservation; economic ecology; evolution & palaeoecology; general theory & methods. The headings are further sub-divided by process and papers grouped according to taxonomic convention. Additional referencing is provided by assigning subject and organism index terms to each entry. Each issue contains a subject, organism and regional index. A consolidated index including subject, regional, organism, author indexes and a journal source listing is provided annually free of charge.Features • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author index included in subscription priceAvailable online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOG.A CD-ROM version is available through SilverPlatter on GEOBASE CD-ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography, and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering
Ecological Abstracts

European Journal of Agronomy

  • ISSN: 1161-0301
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 4.5
The Official Journal of the European Society for AgronomyThe European Journal of Agronomy, the official journal of the European Society for Agronomy, publishes original research papers reporting experimental and theoretical contributions to field-based agronomy and crop science. The journal will consider research at the field level for agricultural, horticultural and tree crops, that uses comprehensive and explanatory approaches. The EJA covers the following topics:crop physiologycrop production and management including irrigation, fertilization and soil managementagroclimatology and modellingplant-soil relationshipscrop quality and post-harvest physiologyfarming and cropping systemsagroecosystems and the environmentcrop-weed interactions and managementorganic farminghorticultural cropspapers from the European Society for Agronomy bi-annual meetingsprecision farmingIn determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny is placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in agronomy. Confirmatory research and results routine cultivar or agronomy trials in which there are no identified biological processes will not normally be considered for publication. Modelling studies have to be informative and innovative and used to illustrate important generic issues facing agronomy. Studies in which a model is only tested against observed data for its goodness-of-fit are not generally welcome. Field experiments need to be either multi-locational or multi-year and normally three at least and be accompanied by appropriate statistical analysis. Glasshouse experiments are only accepted in exceptional circumstances. Review articles are normally written on invitation from the Editor-in-Chief. Authors intending to prepare review papers for the Journal are advised to consult the Editor-in-Chief before writing their reviews. Forthcoming special issues are focusing on uncertainty analysis in models and the status of non-renewable resources in agriculture.
European Journal of Agronomy

Field Crops Research

  • ISSN: 0378-4290
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 5.6
SCIENTIFIC NOVELTYField Crops Research is an international journal publishing scientific articles on:√ Original experimental and modelling research, meta-analysis of published data. √ Articles must demonstrate new scientific insights, original technologies or novel methods at crop, field, farm and landscape levels.FOCUS and SCOPEThe focus of Field Crops Research is crop ecology, crop physiology, agronomy, and crop improvement of field crops for food, fibre, feed and biofuel. The inclusion of yield data is encouraged to demonstrate how the field experiments contribute to the understanding of the bio-physical processes related to crop growth, development and the formation and realisation of yield. Articles on quality (grain, fibre, fodder), breeding and genetics, crop protection (diseases, pests, weeds), phenotyping, remote and non-contact sensing, soils, climate and greenhouse gas emissions, are encouraged, provided they are integrated with crop ecology, crop physiology, crop improvement and/or agronomy. Articles containing new insights into resource-use efficiency, crop intensification, precision and digital agriculture, climate smart practices and molecular and/or physiological breeding are welcome. Studies at lower levels of organisation (plant to molecular) must demonstrate scaling up to crop level or higher.SCIENTIFIC and PRESENTATION STANDARDManuscripts must be written in grammatically sound English.Objectives must flow from complete, brief, unbiased and updated review of the literature.Experimental design must match objectives.Field experiments must be repeated in at least two seasons or locations.Key agronomic practices and environmental conditions (soil, weather) must be detailed, and weather information should be shown in relation to crop phenology.Data must be analysed with appropriate statistics, and results have to be concise and address objectives.A separate discussion must not repeat results but place findings in agronomic context with conclusions fully justified by data.OUT of SCOPEResearch that is corroborative, descriptive, or only of local significance.Studies carried-out exclusively under controlled-environment (greenhouse, pot, or any system that constricts root growth) conditions.Studies on natural grasslands, horticultural (i.e., vegetable and fruit species), woody perennial and non-cultivated species.One-year field studies in one location or environment.Articles on crop storage, transportation and usage, and social studies on crops and cropping systems.
Field Crops Research