Published on behalf of Acta Materialia, Inc.Acta Materialia provides a forum for publishing full-length, original papers and commissioned overviews, and feature articles that advance the understanding of the relationship between the processing, the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. Acta Materialia prioritizes papers that significantly move the field forward, advancing the thinking in the field and providing mechanistic processing-structure-property connections. Explorations of such connections by experiment, computation, theory, data science, and machine learning are all welcome; studies that connect across theory, computation, and experiment through mechanistic means are especially relevant.Materials structure at all scales is of interest, from electronic, atomic, and molecular arrangements to microstructural elements, including crystal defects, polycrystalline and polyphase structures, and spanning to macrostructures formed by processing that impact properties and performance. The connection of these structural features to all kinds of properties is of interest, including mechanical and functional properties, thermodynamics and kinetics, phase transformations, etc.Short communications and comments to papers published in Acta Materialia may be submitted to Scripta Materialia.Manuscripts about materials that fall outside the scope of Acta Materialia or Scripta Materialia may be submitted to Materialia, which is part of the Acta Materialia family of journals.
The aim of this new journal is to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas concerning the large and small scale application of superconductivity. The focus of the journal is on any process, device, equipment, component, system, machine or structure which incorporates a superconducting element or which in some way takes advantage of or relies on the unique electrical or magnetic properties of superconductors to achieve a useful function. Examples include analog devices and SQUIDs, which are generally produced from thin superconducting films; RF cavities, which can be made from thick films and coatings; magnets, motors, generators and energy storage devices which may require long lengths of wire, tape, or multi-filament cable. Articles describing unique processing technologies aimed at achieving necessary performance characteristics are also appropriate. More specifically, the journal will contain articles on actual systems which embody various applications. These systems might include particle accelerators, magnetic levitation systems, electromagnetic launchers, fusion magnets, magnetic separation and research magnets, storage devices, imaging magnets and the facilities needed to support or augment these systems e.g. controls or cryogenics.
Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science An official journal of the Korean Physical SocietyCurrent Applied Physics (Curr. Appl. Phys.) is a monthly published international interdisciplinary journal covering all applied science in physics, chemistry, and materials science, with their fundamental and engineering aspects.Topics covered in the journal are diverse and reflect the most current applied research, including:• Spintronics and superconductivity • Photonics, optoelectronics, and spectroscopy • Semiconductor device physics • Physics and applications of nanoscale materials • Plasma physics and technology • Advanced materials physics and engineering • Dielectrics, functional oxides, and multiferroics • Organic electronics and photonics • Energy-related materials and devices • Advanced optics and optical engineering • Biophysics and bioengineering, including soft matters and fluids • Emerging, interdisciplinary and others related to applied physics • Regular research papers, letters and review articles with contents meeting the scope of the journal will be considered for publication after peer review.The journal is owned by the Korean Physical Society ( )
Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science provides a snapshot of the latest advancements and ground-breaking discoveries in materials science. The journal’s primary focus is on timely, critical reviews that are of broad interest and cover the most exciting developments, challenges, and future directions in the field. The editors welcome in-depth reviews from international researchers who are experts and leaders in materials-related fields. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature and the rapid evolution of materials research, we encourage reviews on a wide range of topics that span both traditional and emerging areas at the intersection of materials science and other disciplines. These topics include, but are not limited to:
Materials classes:
1. Structural Materials, including Metals, Alloys, and Ceramics
2. Electronic and Quantum Materials
3. Semiconductor Materials
4. Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials
5. Soft and Organic Materials, including Polymers, Molecular Crystals, and Colloids
6. Metamaterials
7. Magnetic materials
8. Superconducting materials
9. Optical and photonic materials
10. Nano- and 2D materials
11. Novel materials
Materials application areas:
1. Materials for Energy Generation and Storage
2. Materials for Sustainability
3. Surface and Interfacial Science
4. Catalysis
5. Materials for Additive Manufacturing
6. Materials for Extreme Environments
7. Membranes and Mass Transport
8. Materials for Emerging Applications
1. Materials Fabrication and Characterization
2. Computations and Theory
3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Materials Science
4. Autonomous Materials Development
5. New Techniques and Methods
Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science publishes both unsolicited and invited articles. Manuscripts can be submitted without prior approval from the editors. All submitted manuscripts undergo an initial review by the editors to ensure compliance with journal’s aims and scope and to assess their potential interest to the broad readership of the journal before being sent for in-depth review. Special issues and article collections are organized by guest editors. Proposals and ideas for special issues can be submitted by directly emailing one of the editors of the journal.
Device, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the applied research needed to make groundbreaking fundamental research into tomorrow's cutting-edge technology. The disciplines and expertise needed to build devices that positively impact human lives are diverse, and as such, Device will publish research in applied physics, computer science, chemistry, biology, engineering, and more as it applies to driving integrated, purpose-driven applications. Examples of topical areas of interest to the journal include but are by no means limited to:Water purificationEnergy harvesting and storageBiomedical devicesQuantum computers and photonic devices2D devices and materialsDevices meant for extreme and/or cryogenic conditionsHigh-performance and capacity memoryNanomaterialsSingle-crystal devicesHeterogeneous devicesLaboratory robotics and automationArtificial intelligence and machine learning models relevant to applied researchComputational physics and modeling as related to device developmentInternet of Things devicesFlexible and wearable electronicsA key focus is on the integration of materials and concepts at multiple levels across the device-development pipeline. Inventing a new material is only part of the work required to implement it in a practically useful setting, much like an electrolyte that performs best under vacuum in initial studies may not be the ideal structure once real-world conditions are required. This is to say that Device will prioritize the form as well as the function of the advances considered in submitted research.Device highlights real-world implications of the research published where appropriate. Authors are encouraged to highlight and amplify the implications, challenges, and opportunities of their work across the entire field and beyond. Device will purposefully explore the sustainability, accessibility, ethics, and socioeconomic implications of device research throughout the entire journal.Device provides full-length research articles, reviews, topical perspectives, paper previews, opinions, research-team highlights, and other editorial content of general interest to the global device research community. Additionally, Device enthusiastically supports the submission and citation of reproduction files, such as .stl files used by 3D printers. The journal aims to be the premier resource for researchers in both academia and industry, providing a platform of inspiration for the next generation of device researchers.
DRM is a leading international journal that publishes new fundamental and applied research on all forms of diamond, the integration of diamond with other advanced materials and development of technologies exploiting diamond. The synthesis, characterization and processing of single crystal diamond, polycrystalline films, nanodiamond powders and heterostructures with other advanced materials are encouraged topics for technical and review articles. In addition to diamond, the journal publishes manuscripts on the synthesis, characterization and application of other related materials including diamond-like carbons, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and boron and carbon nitrides. Articles are sought on the chemical functionalization of diamond and related materials as well as their use in electrochemistry, energy storage and conversion, chemical and biological sensing, imaging, thermal management, photonic and quantum applications, electron emission and electronic devices.The International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials has evolved into the largest and most well attended forum in the field of diamond, providing a forum to showcase the latest results in the science and technology of diamond and other carbon materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and diamond-like carbon. Run annually in association with Diamond and Related Materials the conference provides junior and established researchers the opportunity to exchange the latest results ranging from fundamental physical and chemical concepts to applied research focusing on the next generation carbon-based devices.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
As of 2007 no longer published by ElsevierIII-Vs Reviewis published 9 times a year and brings you all the inside views, news and analysis of the latest developments with up-to-the minute information on the markets and business.III-Vs Review covers all segments of the advanced semiconductor industry including: II-VI's, IV-IV's, electronic and optoelectronic applications.Our unrivalled network of contacts in all the key players in industry, ensures that III-V's Review has no equal in reporting the issues that will shape the future in the field.FREE to all subscribers - the Advanced Semiconductor's Buyers' Guide. Produced in conjunction with Semiconductor International, the buyers' guide is a fully comprehensive and fully referenced guide to companies supplying the advanced semiconductor industry.The Advanced Semiconductor's Buyers' Guide comes free as part of your subscription to III-Vs magazine.
The Journal covers the entire field of infrared physics and technology: theory, experiment, application, devices and instrumentation. Infrared' is defined as covering the near, mid and far infrared (terahertz) regions from 0.75um (750nm) to 1mm (300GHz.) Submissions in the 300GHz to 100GHz region may be accepted at the editors discretion if their content is relevant to shorter wavelengths. The very near infrared, VNIR, defined as 750nm-1200nm is subject to special consideration.Where a submission utilises the VNIR alone, or in conjunction with longer wavelengths and uses typically `infrared? technology such as InGaAs detectors, it is in scope.Where a submission utilises the VNIR and shorter wavelengths in the visible, and uses typically visible region technology such as silicon detectors, it is unlikely to be appropriate to this Journal. Submissions must be primarily concerned with and directly relevant to this spectral region. Its core topics can be summarized as the generation, propagation and detection, of infrared radiation; the associated optics, materials and devices; and its use in all fields of science, industry, engineering and medicine.Infrared techniques occur in many different fields, notably spectroscopy and interferometry; material characterization and processing; atmospheric physics, astronomy and space research. Scientific aspects include lasers, quantum optics, quantum electronics, image processing and semiconductor physics. Some important applications are medical diagnostics and treatment, industrial inspection and environmental monitoring.A fuller though not exhaustive list of topics would include: Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space ResearchAtmospheric transmission, turbulence and scatteringBiomedical and Medical applicationsCultural heritageEnvironmental applications: pollution and monitoringDetectors: quantum and thermalImage processingIndustrial applicationsInfrared lasers including free electron lasersMaterial properties, processing and characterizationNon-destructive testing, active and passive.• Optical elements: lenses, polarizers, filters, mirrors, fibres, etc.Radiometry: techniques, calibration, standards and instrumentationRemote sensing and range-findingSolid-state physicsThermal imaging: device design, testing and applicationsSynchroton radiation in the infraredDuring submission, please suggest at least one and a maximum of five potential reviewers. You are strongly encouraged to submit recommendations for appropriately senior and knowledgeable referees having no connection to your work and not located at your institution, as this may speed up the processing of your manuscript. The editorial office may not use your suggestions, but they are greatly appreciated. Where the author works in a country with a small community of research workers in his or her field, it is highly desirable that at least two of the suggested referees are from another country.To be suitable for submission to this Journal, manuscripts should advance the field of Infrared Physics and Technology. Their target audience should be those working in the field of Infrared Physics and Technology. Papers using infrared methods, such as FTIR spectroscopy or thermography, in an essentially routine way to advance some other field, and of interest to other readerships, and generally not suited to this Journal.The Journal does include within its scope genuinely new applications of established infrared methods. In the field of medical applications such as the detection of breast cancer or diabetic pathology, submissions to IRPT should normally include advances in hardware or data collection protocols etc. Such studies are required to have adequate sized and well characterized cohorts. Clinical studies using standard equipment are generally not within the scope of the Journal. Similarly in the fields of hyperspectral imaging and near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy application of standard hardware and signal processing methods to a different agricultural product etc does not normally fall within our scope, whereas novel hardware or signal processing does.The Journal only publishes papers which are purely based on computer modelling without support from experimental results in exceptional circumstances when there is a clear reason to do so. These might, for example, include comparative studies of designs for large pieces of equipment such as satellites, FELs etc.Papers on advances in modelling techniques, appropriately validated, are welcome.
The Journal of Crystal Growth offers a common reference and publication source for workers engaged in research on the experimental and theoretical aspects of crystal growth and its applications, e.g. in devices. Experimental and theoretical contributions are published in the following fields: theory of nucleation and growth, molecular kinetics and transport phenomena, crystallization in viscous media such as polymers and glasses; crystal growth of metals, minerals, semiconductors, superconductors, magnetics, inorganic, organic and biological substances in bulk or as thin films; molecular beam epitaxy, chemical vapor deposition, growth of III-V and II-VI and other semiconductors; characterization of single crystals by physical and chemical methods; apparatus, instrumentation and techniques for crystal growth, and purification methods; multilayer heterostructures and their characterisation with an emphasis on crystal growth and epitaxial aspects of electronic materials. A special feature of the journal is the periodic inclusion of proceedings of symposia and conferences on relevant aspects of crystal growth.Note Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Materials Letters is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to rapid communications on the science, applications, and processing of materials.Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field of materials.Contributions include, but are not limited to, a variety of topics such as:Materials - Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, polymers, semiconductors, biomaterials and biological materials, advanced materials, metamaterials, high-entropy alloys, nitrides, and oxides.Applications - Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, biomedical, MEMS, sensors, electronics, smart materials, additive manufacturing, membranes, materials for energy systems, batteries, photocatalysis.Characterization - Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction.Novel Materials - Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.Processing - Crystal growth, thin film processing, sol-gel processing, solvo-hydrothermal processing, mechanical processing, assembly, nanocrystalline processing, sustainable/green processing routes.Properties - Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric/piezoelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic, photoelectrochemical, photocatalytic, thermoelectric, biological, electrochemical.Synthesis - Quenching, solid state, mechano-chemical, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, high pressure, explosive, MOVPE and LPE epitaxial processes, single crystal growth.Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence - Materials discovery, design of materials and digital materials science.