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Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports

  • Volume 5Issue 5

  • ISSN: 0927-796X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 34.3
  • Impact factor: 31.6

Materials Science &Engineering R: Reports publishes the full spectrum of materials science and engineering. The journal aims to provide a high level of novelty and quality p… Read more

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Materials Science &Engineering R: Reports publishes the full spectrum of materials science and engineering. The journal aims to provide a high level of novelty and quality publishing both experimental and theoretical, providing general background information as well as a critical assessment on topics in a state of flux, providing a critical overview of the current issues in a well-defined area of immediate interest to materials scientists.

The journal publishes original research papers and reviews. The journal will be launching a number of Special Issues on key themes in the Materials Sciences field: such as Energy Materials; Materials for Health; Materials Discovery; Innovation for High Value Manufacturing; and Sustainable Materials development. Please note that in keeping with the very high standard of papers in the Journal, suggested manuscripts need to display a high level of novelty and quality to be considered for submission.