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Journals in Earth and planetary sciences

The Computing collection presents a range of foundational and applied content across computer and data science, including fields such as Artificial Intelligence; Computational Modelling; Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Architecture, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Data Management; Embedded Systems & Computer Engineering; HCI/User Interface Design; Information Security; Machine Learning; Network Security; Software Engineering.

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Oceanographic Literature Review

  • ISSN: 0967-0653
Oceanographic Literature Review comprises an annotated bibliography to the international research literature in all fields of oceanography including science, mathematics and methods as well as policy, laws, economics and resource management. It contains some 8000 citations per annum, most accompanied by an abstract. OLR is unique in citing non-oceanographic material in the basic sciences thought to be useful to oceanographers.Regular Contents Include:• Physical oceanography• Marine meteorology• Chemical oceanography• Marine geology and geophysics• Biological oceanography• Environmental oceanography and pollution• Applied oceanography and engineering• Regional studies• GeneralFeatures • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of the original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverageEach issue contains an abbreviated subject index, a regional and organism index. An annual index will also be produced as a separate volume incorporating a full subject index, a regional index, organism index, author index and a journal listing of all journals sourced.Oceanographic Literature Review is available online as a subset of the database, GEOBASE, through Engineering Village, DIALOG, and Ovid.Oceanographic Literature Review is available as part of the Oceanography Package - Option 1 which comprises Continental Shell Research, Deep Sea Research Parts I & II, Journal of Marine Systems, Oceanographic Literature Review and Progress in Oceanography. See Oceanography Package - Option 1 for details.
Oceanographic Literature Review

Organic Geochemistry

  • ISSN: 0146-6380
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.6
The International Journal for the Rapid Publication of Current Research in Organic Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry and The Official Journal of the European Association of Organic GeochemistsOrganic Geochemistry serves as the only dedicated medium for the publication of peer-reviewed research on all phases of geochemistry in which organic compounds play a major role. The Editors welcome contributions covering a wide spectrum of subjects in the geosciences broadly based on organic chemistry (including molecular and isotopic geochemistry), and involving geology, biogeochemistry, environmental geochemistry, chemical oceanography and hydrology.The scope of the journal includes research involving petroleum (including natural gas), coal, organic matter in the aqueous environment and recent sediments, organic-rich rocks and soils and the role of organics in the geochemical cycling of the elements.Sedimentological, paleontological and organic petrographic studies will also be considered for publication, provided that they are geochemically oriented. Papers cover the full range of research activities in organic geochemistry, and include comprehensive review articles, technical communications, discussion/reply correspondence and short technical notes. Peer-reviews organised through three Chief Editors and a staff of Associate Editors, are conducted by well known, respected scientists from academia, government and industry. The journal also publishes reviews of books, announcements of important conferences and meetings and other matters of direct interest to the organic geochemical community.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 14 (Life below water)
Organic Geochemistry

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

  • ISSN: 0031-0182
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 2.6
An International Journal for the Geo-SciencesPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology publishes high quality studies in the field of palaeoenvironmental geoscience. We seek submissions that address broad scientific questions of interest to a wide international community and focus on significant events in the evolution of life and environment. The reach of the journal covers the entire deep-time history of the biosphere from the Archaean through to the Quaternary. A key criterion for consideration is that submissions address some key aspect of palaeoenvironmental change as their major theme including, but not limited to, studies of palaeoecology, palaeoclimatology, and palaeobiogeography. We also look favourably on submissions that use a multi-disciplinary approach and/or bring together large quantitative datasets. As the journal aims to cut across the boundaries of established sciences, every effort should be made to present research findings in a way that is understandable for a general readership. Manuscripts may be submitted as either research contributions or as a review article, and we also encourage the development of special issues on significant topics. Please note that studies of plate tectonics, sediment provenance and coal petrography are generally considered out of scope for the journal, and we can only normally consider submissions that are based on geological datasets or materials.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


  • ISSN: 1871-174X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Published on behalf of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, CASPalaeoworld is a peer-reviewed bimonthly journal dedicated to the study of past life and its environment. We encourage submission of original manuscripts on all aspects of palaeontology and stratigraphy, comparisons of regional and global data in time and space, and results generated by interdisciplinary investigations in related fields. Some issues will be devoted entirely to a special theme whereas others will be composed of contributed articles. Palaeoworld is dedicated to serving a broad spectrum of geoscientists and palaeobiologists as well as serving as a resource for students in fields as diverse as palaeobiology, evolutionary biology, taxonomy and phylogeny, geobiology, historical geology, and palaeoenvironment.Palaeoworld publishes original articles in the following areas:•Phylogeny and taxonomic studies of all fossil groups •Biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy •Palaeoecology, palaeoenvironment and global changes throughout Earth history •Tempo and mode of biological evolution •Biological events in Earth history (e.g., extinctions, radiations) •Ecosystem evolution •Geobiology and molecular palaeobiology •Palaeontological and stratigraphic methods •Interdisciplinary studies focusing on fossils and strataPalaeoworld accepts the following categories of contributions:Original technical research papers and case studies Short communications Review articles (normally invited) Palaeoworld PerspectivesCollections of articles on a special theme Letter to the Editors Book reviewsThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 13 (Climate Action)

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C

  • ISSN: 1474-7065
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 3
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth is an international interdisciplinary journal for the rapid publication of collections of refereed communications in separate thematic issues, either stemming from scientific meetings, or, especially compiled for the occasion. There is no restriction on the length of articles published in the journal. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth incorporates the separate Parts A, B and C which existed until the end of 2001.The journal covers the following subject areas:Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere (hydrology and water resources research, engineering and management, oceanography and oceanic chemistry, shelf, sea, lake and river sciences, meteorology and atmospheric sciences incl. chemistry as well as climatology and glaciology)Solid Earth and Geodesy (geology, geochemistry, tectonophysics, seismology, volcanology, palaeomagnetism and rock magnetism, electromagnetism and potential fields, marine and environmental geosciences as well as geodesy)Solar-Terrestrial and Planetary Science (solar, heliospheric and solar-planetary sciences, geology, geophysics and atmospheric sciences of planets, satellites and small bodies as well as cosmochemistry and exobiology).This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 6 (Clear water and sanitation), SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and SDG 13, (Climate Action)
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C

Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors

  • ISSN: 0031-9201
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Launched in 1968 to fill the need for an international journal in the field of planetary physics, geodesy and geophysics, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors has now grown to become important reading matter for all geophysicists. It is the only journal to be entirely devoted to the physical and chemical processes of planetary interiors.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors

Planetary and Space Science

  • ISSN: 0032-0633
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Planetary and Space Science publishes original articles as well as short communications (letters). Ground-based and space-borne instrumentation and laboratory simulation of solar system processes are included. The following fields of planetary and solar system research are covered:• Celestial mechanics, including dynamical evolution of the solar system, gravitational captures and resonances, relativistic effects, tracking and dynamics• Cosmochemistry and origin, including all aspects of the formation and initial physical and chemical evolution of the solar system• Terrestrial planets and satellites, including the physics of the interiors, geology and morphology of the surfaces, tectonics, mineralogy and dating• Outer planets and satellites, including formation and evolution, remote sensing at all wavelengths and in situ measurements• Planetary atmospheres, including formation and evolution, circulation and meteorology, boundary layers, remote sensing and laboratory simulation• Planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, including origin of magnetic fields, magnetospheric plasma and radiation belts, and their interaction with the sun, the solar wind and satellites• Small bodies, dust and rings, including asteroids, comets and zodiacal light and their interaction with the solar radiation and the solar wind• Exobiology, including origin of life, detection of planetary ecosystems and pre-biological phenomena in the solar system and laboratory simulations• Extrasolar systems, including the detection and/or the detectability of exoplanets and planetary systems, their formation and evolution, the physical and chemical properties of the exoplanets• History of planetary and space researchThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Planetary and Space Science

Polar Science

  • ISSN: 1873-9652
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.5
Published on behalf of the National Institute of Polar ResearchPolar Science is an international, peer-reviewed quarterly journal. It is dedicated to publishing original research articles for sciences relating to the polar regions of the Earth and other planets. Polar Science aims to cover 15 disciplines which are listed below; they cover most aspects of physical sciences, geosciences and life sciences, together with engineering and social sciences. Articles should attract the interest of broad polar science communities, and not be limited to the interests of those who work under specific research subjects. Polar Science also has an Open Archive whereby published articles are made freely available from ScienceDirect after an embargo period of 24 months from the date of publication.- Space and upper atmosphere physics - Atmospheric science/climatology - Glaciology - Oceanography/sea ice studies - Geology/petrology - Solid earth geophysics/seismology - Marine Earth science - Geomorphology/Cenozoic-Quaternary geology - Meteoritics - Terrestrial biology - Marine biology - Animal ecology - Environment - Polar Engineering - Humanities and social sciencesBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: https://service.elsevier.comEditor-in-Chief: Hiroyuki EnomotoThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 13, (Climate Action) SDG 14 (Life below water) and SDG 15 (Life on land)
Polar Science

Precambrian Research

  • ISSN: 0301-9268
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Precambrian Research publishes studies on all aspects of the early stages of the composition, structure and evolution of the Earth and its planetary neighbours. With a focus on process-oriented and comparative studies, it covers, but is not restricted to, subjects such as:(1) Chemical, biological, biochemical and cosmochemical evolution; the origin of life; the evolution of the oceans and atmosphere; the early fossil record; palaeobiology; (2) Geochronology and isotope and elemental geochemistry; (3) Precambrian mineral deposits; (4) Geophysical aspects of the early Earth and Precambrian terrains; (5) Nature, formation and evolution of the Precambrian lithosphere and mantle including magmatic, depositional, metamorphic and tectonic processes.In addition, the editors particularly welcome integrated process-oriented studies that involve a combination of the above fields and comparative studies that demonstrate the effect of Precambrian evolution on Phanerozoic earth system processes.Regional and localised studies of Precambrian phenomena are considered appropriate only when the detail and quality allow illustration of a wider process, or when significant gaps in basic knowledge of a particular area can be filled.Fairness and impartiality. The professional journal of Precambrian Research expects all communications by authors, editors, and reviewers to be of a high professional standard. All communications (including manuscripts and reviews) will be written and assessed based on objective criteria, without bias, prejudice, or preferential treatment. Race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, age, gender identity, and sexual orientation are irrelevant to the review of scientific data and scientific publishing. Scientific criticism must be expressed in a constructive and collegial manor - unprofessional language (insults, degrading terminology, etc.) is unacceptable and cannot be used.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals .
Precambrian Research

Progress in Oceanography

  • ISSN: 0079-6611
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 3.8
Progress in Oceanography aims to publish articles across the entire spectrum of disciplines within the science of Oceanography, and encourages longer, more comprehensive papers that oceanographers feel are necessary, on occasion, to do justice to their work.Review articles are particularly welcome, and Authors of review articles are offered an amount of USD200 plus USD5 per printed page upon publication of their article in Progress in Oceanography.The journal publishes topics including: Physical OceanographyBiological OceanographyChemical OceanographyInter-disciplinary papersProgress in Oceanography does not accept submissions on: Instrumentation and technical developmentsEstuary science
Progress in Oceanography