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Next Research

  • Volume Issue

  • ISSN: 3050-4759

Next Research is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, publishing research spanning all scientific technical and medical communities.The journal is part of the Next family,… Read more

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Next Research is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, publishing research spanning all scientific technical and medical communities.

The journal is part of the Next family, a new suite of multidisciplinary journals from Elsevier spanning all branches of science. Managed by our dedicated team of in-house Editors, Next Research offers authors speed, consistency, innovation, flexibility, and ease of submission.

Next Research is an inclusive venue for scientifically accurate manuscripts that meet the ethical and scientific publishing standards. It publishes all research topics across the fields of health sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and social sciences. Next Research publishes experimental, computational, and theoretical work, in traditional formats such as Original Research Articles, Communications and Reviews, as well as novel formats and video content.

The journal provides authors with rigorous peer review ensuring articles adhere to a high technical standard, with rapid decisions and a highly visible platform for scientists to share their research.

We believe that all rigorous research should be shared.