Advanced Membranes (Adv. Membr.) presents the latest developments in membranes and related disciplines. It emphasises the emerging, advanced and multidisciplinary trends in chemical engineering, material, energy and environmental studies. The journal also promotes communication and exchange among researchers and engineers in the field, wherever they are based in the world.Adv. Membr. focuses on the following aspects:Advanced membrane materials designed with novel structures or functionsNew understanding of membrane formation and advanced characterisation techniquesDeep study of transport mechanisms, scale-up and module designNovel process design, modelling and hybrid processes for emerging fieldsAdvanced applications in water treatment, gas separation, special separation, energy, batteries, biomedical devices and other sustainable processesEditorial Board
International Journal of Science and Technology of Powder and Particulate MaterialsThe aim of Advanced Powder Technology is to meet the demand for aninternational journal that integrates all aspects of science and technologyresearch on powder and particulate materials. The journal fulfills this purpose bypublishing original research papers, rapid communications, reviews, andtranslated articles by prominent researchers worldwide.Advanced Powder Technology covers various areas, but a discussion ofpowder technology and particulate science is highly required in articles.The discussion should relate to new powder and particulate materials, noveltechniques, and innovative processes, especially those having potential practicalimplications, and should bring new understanding of powder technology.Topics include:Dynamics and phenomena of powderPowder and particle characterizationProduction of powder and particulate materials in gases and liquids(nanoparticles, fine ceramics, pharmaceuticals, particle modification,novel functional materials, etc.)Powder handling and operations (comminution, storage, transport,granulation, separation, fluidization, etc.)Aerosol and colloidal processingMeasurement and control of powder processesNumerical simulation method (CFD, DEM, Monte Carlo method,population balance, etc.)The editorial work of Advanced Powder Technology, which was founded as the International Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, is now shared by distinguished board members, who operate in a unique framework designed to respond to the increasing global demand for articles on not only powder and particles, but also on various materials produced from them.
Heat, Power and ProcessA sister journal of Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceApplications in Energy and Combustion Science provides a forum for information on research, development, and innovation in areas relevant to applications using combustion and other forms of chemical energy conversion. The journal targets contributions to the generalizable understanding that can be gained from studies of applications and devices, and articulations of the transition of fundamental understanding to design, improvement, and integration of actual applications and devices.Applications in Energy and Combustion Science is also concerned with relevant fuels research, unconventional chemical energy conversion systems, aftertreatment, system and life-cycle analysis, and aspects of energy policy. Authors are specifically encouraged to submit manuscripts bridging the gaps between fundamental research and application while addressing these topics.The journal publishes short communications, full length original research articles, and review articles. The review articles are by invitation of the editors only. All articles are Gold Open Access, which ensures easy and free access worldwide and especially also for interested parties from the commercial sector.
An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its ApplicationsApplied Catalysis A: General publishes original papers and reviews on all aspects of catalysis of basic and practical interest to chemical scientists in both industrial and academic fields. Papers that focus on advances in catalysis science, especially those that have potential practical implications, by exploring new concepts or new approaches to catalytic processes and materials resulting in new understanding of catalytic phenomena are most welcome.Papers that do not focus on catalytic phenomena and those that report results of a thorough study or optimization of systems or processes that are well understood, widely studied, or minor variations of known ones are strongly discouraged. In their submission, authors are required to include a "Justification for Publication" section comprising a statement detailing the fit of the manuscript to the scope of the journal. Submissions made without the inclusion of such a justification will be rejected without review.When preparing an article for submission, it is important that the authors describe their work succinctly in the context of any related published work emphasizing the novel contributions made. Simply reporting new catalyst compositions without delivering associated new insights in catalytic science will be insufficient for publication.
endorsed by Division of Biochemical Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineers, JapanBiochemical Engineering Journal welcomes submissions from NIH-funded authors. We deposit gold open access articles immediately in PubMed Central. For other articles, we shall deposit the accepted manuscript on behalf of the author to PubMed Central after 12 months (the normal embargo period for this journal is 24 months). For more information, please see here.The Biochemical Engineering Journal aims to promote progress in the crucial chemical engineering aspects of the development of biological processes associated with everything from raw materials preparation to product recovery relevant to industries as diverse as medical/healthcare, industrial biotechnology, and environmental biotechnology.The Journal welcomes full length original research papers, short communications, and review papers* in the following research fields:Biocatalysis (enzyme or microbial) and biotransformations, including immobilized biocatalyst preparation and kinetics Biosensors and Biodevices including biofabrication and novel fuel cell development Bioseparations including scale-up and protein refolding/renaturation Environmental Bioengineering including bioconversion, bioremediation, and microbial fuel cellsBioreactor Systems including characterization, optimization and scale-up Bioresources and Biorefinery Engineering including biomass conversion, biofuels, bioenergy, and optimization Industrial Biotechnology including specialty chemicals, platform chemicals and neutraceuticalsBiomaterials and Tissue Engineering including bioartificial organs, cell encapsulation, and controlled release Cell Culture Engineering (plant, animal or insect cells) including viral vectors, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, vaccines, and secondary metabolites Cell Therapies and Stem Cells including pluripotent, mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells; immunotherapies; tissue-specific differentiation; and cryopreservation Metabolic Engineering, Systems and Synthetic Biology including OMICS, bioinformatics, in silico biology, and metabolic flux analysis Protein Engineering including enzyme engineering and directed evolution*Authors are requested to complete a Review Proposal Form for Editorial approval prior to submission of the review article. Proposals can be submitted to [email protected] or one of the Editors.
Research ReviewsBiotechnology Advances is a review journal which considers all aspects of the multidisciplinary field. The scope includes biotechnology principles and applications in industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental concerns and regulatory issues. Authoritative articles on current developments and future trends in biotechnology are emphasized. Submissions of appropriate manuscripts are invited. A wide audience of scientists, engineers and others is addressed: students, instructors, researchers, practitioners, managers, governments and related stakeholders. Special issues are published on selections of presentations at recent relevant conferences as arranged with the organizations.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Carbon Capture Science & Technology (CCST) is a gold open access journal for the publication of cutting-edge high-impact research covering all aspects of carbon capture. It is an Official Publication of the Institution of Chemical Engineers.The journal welcomes contributions from engineers, chemists, economists, biologists, environmental and social scientists alike. Papers which report significant progress at the interface between these disciplines are particularly encouraged.CCST publishes original research papers, review papers, perspectives, and short communications. Topics which will be considered for publication by CCST include, but are not limited to the following:Pre-combustion carbon captureHydrogen production through gasification of hydrocarbon feedstockWater gas shift reactionWhole process of pre-combustion carbon captureCO2 removal from biogas and syngasPost-combustion carbon captureCO2 absorptionCalcium loopingCryogenic CO2 removalMembrane separation for carbon captureCO2 desublimationCarbon capture during combustionOxy-fuel combustionChemical loopingOther carbon capture processesDirect air capture (DAC)Biological carbon captureCarbon capture in AntarcticaCarbon mineralizationProcess integration and intensificationProcess and reactor modelling for carbon captureTechno-economic analysis of carbon capture processIntegrated carbon capture and utilisation (ICCU)Carbon capture and storage (CCS)Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU)Carbon capture and transportationEnvironmental, social and political analysis of carbon capture technologiesSocial impact analysis for carbon captureCarbon capture managementLife cycle assessment for carbon capture technologies developmentPolicy research related to carbon captureMaterials- and chemistry-related carbon capture scienceDevelopment of functional materials for CO2 capture, purification, storage or utilizationDevelopment of carbon capture materials from hydrocarbon feedstockMechanistic studies of the chemistry processes in CO2 capture, purification, storage or utilizationOther research related to carbon emission reductionGasification of hydrocarbon feedstockPyrolysis of hydrocarbon feedstockHydrothermal treatment of hydrocarbon feedstockOther biomass utilization technologiesCO2 utilization and conversionCO2 transportation and storageCCST offers rapid review and publication. Initial editorial decisions are normally made within 3 days while the first editorial decision after peer review is normally made within 4 weeks. The journal aims to provide a first decision with reviewer comments within four weeks of submission. First publication decision, for papers that are not within the journal's scope, is made within three days of submission.The official abbreviation for the journal is Carbon Capture Sci. Technol.
Please be advised that the journal does not accept full length research or review articles. Please consult our guide for authors for more details.Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (CSCEE) is an alternative Open Access Journal platform for the rapid publication of innovative, focussed, and concise content on a broad range of topics, contributing primarily to new knowledge underpinning the Sustainable Development Goals.Rapid scientific dissemination is essential in the modern world where countless ideas and solutions are invented, developed, and launched within a very short time. A key feature of CSCEE is an emphasis on the swift review and publication of specialised and focussed content that is typically beyond the mould of traditional journals. CSCEE therefore aims to publish succinct, highly focused and well-structured manuscripts offering:Case or pilot studies,Short communications,Proof-of-concept investigations,Mini reviews (by consultation with the editors before submission),Research perspectives,(Short) original research papers.CSCEE particularly welcomes manuscripts that incite much needed scientific exchange between academia and the industry thus bridging the gap between the two communities.CSCEE especially welcomes contributions to address topics that are emerging or require timely attention in chemical and environmental engineering. The journal covers a wide range of processes and technologies in 8 main areas including (but not limited to) the following:Environmental Engineering ApplicationsWater (such as biological and sustainable wastewater treatment and membrane processes)Air (such as persistent organic air pollutants, air quality monitoring, indoor air quality)Soil (such as soil stability and erosion, soil hydrology and biodiversity)One Health (such as human environmental health and risk assessment, ecology)Chemical Engineering ApplicationsResource Recovery (such as decontamination efforts/technologies, and circular economy principles)Energy (oil & gas, combustion, renewable energies)Biotechnologies (bioreactors for sustainable energy, biosensors, bioremediation)Chemical Processes (process intensification, catalysis, waste reduction in chemical/pharma/agrofood/textile/tannery/paper industries)
A Serial Publication Featuring Topical Themes in Catalysis and Related Subjects: Click Here for the Full List of Special Issues Published in Catalysis Today.Catalysis Today focuses on the rapid publication of original invited papers devoted to currently important topics in catalysis and related subjects. The journal only publishes special issues (Proposing a Catalysis Today Special Issue), each of which is supervised by Guest Editors who recruit individual papers and oversee the peer review process. Catalysis Today offers researchers in the field of catalysis in-depth overviews of topical issues.Both fundamental and applied aspects of catalysis are covered. Subjects such as catalysis of immobilized organometallic and biocatalytic systems are welcome. Subjects related to catalysis such as experimental techniques, adsorption, process technology, synthesis, in situ characterization, computational, theoretical modeling, imaging and others are included if there is a clear relationship to catalysis.Each issue of Catalysis Today covers a distinct topic. Types of publication are:Selected papers based on a symposia, workshop, or conference.Review articles, in-depth tutorials, or original publications on a common theme.Monographs (detailed papers covering a specific subject, typically of sufficient scope to constitute a full journal issue).Researchers who would like to serve as Guest Editors are encouraged to contact any of the journal Editors to answer specific questions.
Cell Reports Physical Science is a premium open access journal from Cell Press, which:Showcases high-quality, cutting-edge research from across the physical sciences Provides a unique and open forum to promote collaboration between physical scientistsChampions open science across this community and beyondWorks published by the journal must represent a significant advance in fundamental insight and/or technological application within a field of research including, but not limited to, chemistry, physics, materials science, energy science, engineering, or related interdisciplinary work.Like our sister journal Cell Reports, we consider impactful short-form single-point stories called Reports, in addition to longer Articles. We also publish short Reviews covering recent literature in emerging and active fields.As a highly visible open access journal well positioned to meet the requirements of physical scientists, we embrace innovation within the dynamic open science landscape and continually review our policies to reflect community consensus and advances in best practice.The professional in-house scientific editors at Cell Reports Physical Science work closely with authors, reviewers, and the journal's scientific advisory board to ensure exemplary editorial process, fair and robust peer review, and rapid dissemination and communication of research.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Cell Reports Physical Science -