Advanced Membranes (Adv. Membr.) presents the latest developments in membranes and related disciplines. It emphasises the emerging, advanced and multidisciplinary trends in chemical engineering, material, energy and environmental studies. The journal also promotes communication and exchange among researchers and engineers in the field, wherever they are based in the world.Adv. Membr. focuses on the following aspects:Advanced membrane materials designed with novel structures or functionsNew understanding of membrane formation and advanced characterisation techniquesDeep study of transport mechanisms, scale-up and module designNovel process design, modelling and hybrid processes for emerging fieldsAdvanced applications in water treatment, gas separation, special separation, energy, batteries, biomedical devices and other sustainable processesEditorial Board
International Journal of Science and Technology of Powder and Particulate MaterialsThe aim of Advanced Powder Technology is to meet the demand for aninternational journal that integrates all aspects of science and technologyresearch on powder and particulate materials. The journal fulfills this purpose bypublishing original research papers, rapid communications, reviews, andtranslated articles by prominent researchers worldwide.Advanced Powder Technology covers various areas, but a discussion ofpowder technology and particulate science is highly required in articles.The discussion should relate to new powder and particulate materials, noveltechniques, and innovative processes, especially those having potential practicalimplications, and should bring new understanding of powder technology.Topics include:Dynamics and phenomena of powderPowder and particle characterizationProduction of powder and particulate materials in gases and liquids(nanoparticles, fine ceramics, pharmaceuticals, particle modification,novel functional materials, etc.)Powder handling and operations (comminution, storage, transport,granulation, separation, fluidization, etc.)Aerosol and colloidal processingMeasurement and control of powder processesNumerical simulation method (CFD, DEM, Monte Carlo method,population balance, etc.)The editorial work of Advanced Powder Technology, which was founded as the International Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan, is now shared by distinguished board members, who operate in a unique framework designed to respond to the increasing global demand for articles on not only powder and particles, but also on various materials produced from them.
An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its ApplicationsApplied Catalysis A: General publishes original papers and reviews on all aspects of catalysis of basic and practical interest to chemical scientists in both industrial and academic fields. Papers that focus on advances in catalysis science, especially those that have potential practical implications, by exploring new concepts or new approaches to catalytic processes and materials resulting in new understanding of catalytic phenomena are most welcome.Papers that do not focus on catalytic phenomena and those that report results of a thorough study or optimization of systems or processes that are well understood, widely studied, or minor variations of known ones are strongly discouraged. In their submission, authors are required to include a "Justification for Publication" section comprising a statement detailing the fit of the manuscript to the scope of the journal. Submissions made without the inclusion of such a justification will be rejected without review.When preparing an article for submission, it is important that the authors describe their work succinctly in the context of any related published work emphasizing the novel contributions made. Simply reporting new catalyst compositions without delivering associated new insights in catalytic science will be insufficient for publication.
endorsed by Division of Biochemical Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineers, JapanBiochemical Engineering Journal welcomes submissions from NIH-funded authors. We deposit gold open access articles immediately in PubMed Central. For other articles, we shall deposit the accepted manuscript on behalf of the author to PubMed Central after 12 months (the normal embargo period for this journal is 24 months). For more information, please see here.The Biochemical Engineering Journal aims to promote progress in the crucial chemical engineering aspects of the development of biological processes associated with everything from raw materials preparation to product recovery relevant to industries as diverse as medical/healthcare, industrial biotechnology, and environmental biotechnology.The Journal welcomes full length original research papers, short communications, and review papers* in the following research fields:Biocatalysis (enzyme or microbial) and biotransformations, including immobilized biocatalyst preparation and kinetics Biosensors and Biodevices including biofabrication and novel fuel cell development Bioseparations including scale-up and protein refolding/renaturation Environmental Bioengineering including bioconversion, bioremediation, and microbial fuel cellsBioreactor Systems including characterization, optimization and scale-up Bioresources and Biorefinery Engineering including biomass conversion, biofuels, bioenergy, and optimization Industrial Biotechnology including specialty chemicals, platform chemicals and neutraceuticalsBiomaterials and Tissue Engineering including bioartificial organs, cell encapsulation, and controlled release Cell Culture Engineering (plant, animal or insect cells) including viral vectors, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, vaccines, and secondary metabolites Cell Therapies and Stem Cells including pluripotent, mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells; immunotherapies; tissue-specific differentiation; and cryopreservation Metabolic Engineering, Systems and Synthetic Biology including OMICS, bioinformatics, in silico biology, and metabolic flux analysis Protein Engineering including enzyme engineering and directed evolution*Authors are requested to complete a Review Proposal Form for Editorial approval prior to submission of the review article. Proposals can be submitted to [email protected] or one of the Editors.
Bioresource Technology Reports is an online-only rapid-publication journal focused on the fundamentals, applications and management of bioresource technology. Like its companion journal, Bioresource Technology, Bioresource Technology Reports' mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all the related areas of bioenergy, biotransformations and bioresource systems analysis, and technologies associated with conversion or production.Bioresource Technology Reports publishes original articles, review articles, case studies and short communications. Alongside welcoming direct submissions, the journal will benefit from an Article Transfer Service which will allow the author(s) to transfer their manuscript online from Bioresource Technology thus saving authors time and effort spent on formatting and resubmitting. Papers may be suggested for transfer from Bioresource Technology to Bioresource Technology Reports if they have a very strong applied element or are more focussed on a particular area. Bioresource Technology Reports will also be more considerate of papers with preliminary findings at an earlier stage of the research cycle, but these papers must be considered important for the scientific literature, to improve the replicability and scalability of the fundamental research.Bioresource Technology Reports offers the community an innovative, efficient and flexible route for the publication of scientifically and ethically sound articles which advance the field of bioresource technology. Our highly experienced and well-respected editorial team ensures that all papers are promptly, rigorously and fairly peer-reviewed by the experts in the field.Topics include:Biofuels: liquid and gaseous biofuels production, modeling and economics;Bioprocesses and bioproducts: biocatalysis and fermentations;Biomass and feedstocks utilization: bioconversion of agro-industrial residues;Environmental protection: biological waste treatment;Thermochemical conversion of biomass: combustion, pyrolysis, gasification, catalysis.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy).
Research ReviewsBiotechnology Advances is a review journal which considers all aspects of the multidisciplinary field. The scope includes biotechnology principles and applications in industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental concerns and regulatory issues. Authoritative articles on current developments and future trends in biotechnology are emphasized. Submissions of appropriate manuscripts are invited. A wide audience of scientists, engineers and others is addressed: students, instructors, researchers, practitioners, managers, governments and related stakeholders. Special issues are published on selections of presentations at recent relevant conferences as arranged with the organizations.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
A Serial Publication Featuring Topical Themes in Catalysis and Related Subjects: Click Here for the Full List of Special Issues Published in Catalysis Today.Catalysis Today focuses on the rapid publication of original invited papers devoted to currently important topics in catalysis and related subjects. The journal only publishes special issues (Proposing a Catalysis Today Special Issue), each of which is supervised by Guest Editors who recruit individual papers and oversee the peer review process. Catalysis Today offers researchers in the field of catalysis in-depth overviews of topical issues.Both fundamental and applied aspects of catalysis are covered. Subjects such as catalysis of immobilized organometallic and biocatalytic systems are welcome. Subjects related to catalysis such as experimental techniques, adsorption, process technology, synthesis, in situ characterization, computational, theoretical modeling, imaging and others are included if there is a clear relationship to catalysis.Each issue of Catalysis Today covers a distinct topic. Types of publication are:Selected papers based on a symposia, workshop, or conference.Review articles, in-depth tutorials, or original publications on a common theme.Monographs (detailed papers covering a specific subject, typically of sufficient scope to constitute a full journal issue).Researchers who would like to serve as Guest Editors are encouraged to contact any of the journal Editors to answer specific questions.
An International Journal of Research and Development.The Chemical Engineering Journal focuses upon seven aspects of Chemical Engineering: Applied Biomaterials and Biotechnologies, Catalysis, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Computational Chemical Engineering, Environmental Chemical Engineering, Green and Sustainable Science and Engineering, and Novel Materials.The Chemical Engineering Journal is an international research journal and invites contributions of original and novel fundamental research. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the presentation of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in chemical engineering. Papers which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of techniques from other disciplines. Reports of carefully executed experimental work, which is soundly interpreted are also welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results that have generic significance.The Applied Biomaterials and Biotechnologies section of Chemical Engineering Journal will consider papers describing the development of new functional biomaterials, biomanufacturing strategies, and/or biotechnologies with demonstrated practical applications. Theoretical calculations can be included, but all papers considered must have an experimental component. In vivo proof-of-concept demonstrations are typically expected for new biomaterials-related papers, although advanced cell/tissue models for validation of new materials or processes may also be considered. Specific topics of interest within this section include:Biosensors for disease diagnosis (including new nanomaterials, materials interfaces, structured materials, or cell-based assays enabling sensing via electrochemical, optical, fluorescence, or other sensing mechanisms as demonstrated in a practical biological fluid), excluding the development of small molecule probesBiological imaging materials (including new materials for enhancing contrast in new or emerging diagnostic imaging strategies)Drug and gene delivery vehicles (including new particle, hydrogel, implant, microneedle, or other material technologies for delivering small molecule, protein, genetic, or other bioactives), excluding the development of small molecule therapeuticsNanomedicine (including photodynamic/photothermal materials, immunotherapeutics, responsive nanomaterials, and cell-mimetic nanomaterials)Tissue engineering and regenerative materials (including new materials, materials coatings, or materials processing techniques for improving functional tissue reconstruction/repair)Wound healing (including hydrogels, structured polymers, and other materials that accelerate wound closure/functional repair and/or avoid wound complications)Anti-pathogen materials and coatings (including implants, surfaces, nanoparticles, and other materials for preventing disease transmission)Agrochemical delivery vehicles (including micro/nanomaterials and materials addressing challenges with both foliar and soil-based administration routes)Materials for enhancing agricultural outputs (including soil conditioners, renewable mulch films or other protective materials, and cellular/soilless agriculture/food production)Advanced in vitro models of human tissues for improved predictive screening of biomaterials (including lab-on-a-chip technologies, materials for organoid/microtissue development, and high-throughput biomaterials screening technologies)Applied genetic engineering (including applications of CRISPR and other genome-editing technologies, design and construction of synthetic genes, and genetic/metabolic engineering of microorganisms or plants)Artificial intelligence/machine learning in biology (including for accelerating biomaterials discovery, enabling genetic/metabolic engineering, and improving in vitro/in vivo performance correlations)Advanced biomanufacturing technologies (including supporting materials for cell manufacturing, strategies for improved vaccine, antibody, and/or enzyme production, and scalable bioprocess development and validation)Packaging and storage materials for food preservation/storage (including films, sprayable materials, foams, or cold storage-enabling materials)Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Catalysis section presents Experimental and Theoretical studies in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis, molecular catalysis, and biocatalysis with industrial impact on chemicals, energy, materials, foods, healthcare, and environmental protection.Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Environmental Chemical Engineering Section presents papers dealing with emerging topics in environmental chemical and process engineering, including membrane-based separation processes in wastewater treatment, bioremediation, adsorption processes, microbial CO2 fixation, CO2 Capture, pyrolysis, sludge treatment, microbial processes, Biochar, PFAS separation and degradation, AOP processes.Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Reaction Engineering section invites original manuscripts on a wide range of relevant topics including reaction kinetics, simulation and optimization of different types of reactors, unsteady-state reactors, multiphase reactors, and process intensification including microreactors and microfluidic devices. This includes fundamental studies on heat, mass and momentum transfer that occur during chemical or biological reactions. We particularly welcome innovative work that focuses on key areas of:-  reactor engineering (e.g. novel reactor designs and materials, reactor safety and environmental issues)-  and emerging reactor technologies, including but not limited to:membrane reactorschromatographic reactorsunconventional fluidized bed reactorsjoule-heated reactorsplasma reactorselectrochemical reactors and devices (e.g. fuel cells, electrolysers) micro-reactors and microfluidic devices, including optical or electrochemical fluidic biosensing devicesphotoreactorsenzymatic reactors. Please note significance and novelty of the work presented by the authors might fall in the interface with other sections of the journal and/or span across multiple current and emerging industrial and societal problems, such as (but not limited to) green energy storage and conversion, electrification of chemical reactors, hydrogen production, e-fuels, plastic waste upcycling, CO2 capture and conversion, nitrogen fixation, synthesis of functional materials, chemical looping, or microfluidics innovation. It is a peculiar feature of this section that submissions must have a significant focus on reaction engineering, including kinetics, transport phenomena, reactor/process analysis, design, and/or scale-up. Submissions that primarily address e.g. the functionality of materials without a focus on kinetics, transport, and process modelling and analysis; or computational modelling of processes; novel (bio)sensing devices without a component of reaction engineering; theoretical mathematics; combustion in the context of energy conversion; or straightforward bioengineering or biotechnological applications (bacteria or animal cells) will find a better fit in other sections and/or specialised journals.Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Computational Chemical Engineering section invites submissions considering innovative development and/or application of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), quantum mechanics (QM), molecular modeling and simulation (MMS), and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that deal with any aspect of chemical and biological engineering. Computational research should be the primary focus, and experiments can supplement it. Also, note that aims and scopes from other sections about computational and theoretical works are abided in this section. Topics in this section include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) new AI/ML/computational algorithms/methods applicable to chemical and biological engineering, 2) new discovery of materials with clear understanding of molecular phenomena by AI or computational methods, 3) AI-guided development of chemical process and optimization, and 4) AI/ML/computational methods for critical energy saving and sustainable environment.Within the Chemical Engineering Journal, the Green and Sustainable Science and Engineering section presents papers focusing on innovative scientific and engineering solutions for the sustainable future of human beings and nature. Topics in this section include, but are not limited to, the following: 1) Emerging materials and processes for green conversion of resources (including oil, gas, coal, biomass, plastics, and synthesis gas); 2) Green processes and system integration for renewable and clean energy production (including biofuels and H2), advanced treatment of air/water/solids, resource recovery (including nutrients, heavy metals, rare earth elements, and energy), energy-food-water nexus, and minimization of environmental pollution and hazardous materials (including environmental and economic impact assessment); and 3) Innovative separation, purification, and storage technologies for renewable and clean energy, greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2 and CH4), and intermediates/by-products.The GSSE section does NOT focus on traditional fabrication and modification (processes) of polymers, including membranes and porous materials, metal alloys, and construction materials. Papers pertaining to chemistry with lack of "innovative" engineering aspects, combustion and engines should be submitted to more specialized journals. Otherwise, they will be internally transferred to other journals more suited to their topic.The Novel Materials for Energy and Advanced Applications section of Chemical Engineering Journal considers papers describing the development of new functional materials and/or materials processing strategies with demonstrated practical applications. Theoretical calculations can be included, but all papers considered must have an experimental component. Any paper with a demonstrated application will be considered, including:Materials for sensors (gas sensors, strain sensors, electrochemical sensors, optical sensors – biosensor-related papers should be submitted to the Applied Biomaterials & Biotechnology section)Functional polymer composites (shape memory or self-healing materials with demonstrated applications, flame-retardant materials, adhesives, sustainable materials, thermal management materials, electromagnetic shielding materials) Functional surfaces (superhydrophobic/self-cleaning surfaces, anti-icing surfaces, anti-corrosion coatings)Materials for photo(electro)catalytic fuel production (water splitting, nitrogen fixation, CO2 reduction) Materials for solar cells (dye-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells, organic solar cells) Materials for electrochemical energy storage (primary and secondary batteries, flow batteries, supercapacitors, dielectric capacitors) Materials for thermal/thermochemical energy storage/conversion (phase change materials, energy storage materials, thermoelectric devices) Energetic materials (explosives, propellants) Materials for electrocatalytic reactions (water splitting, hydrogen/oxygen evolution) Light-emitting and light-filtering materials (LEDs/OLEDs, photodetectors, optical thermometry, electrochromic materials)
Publication of the Institution of Chemical Engineers Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical EngineeringChERD aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in chemical engineering.Papers showing how research results can be used in chemical engineering design, and accounts of experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research, are particularly welcome. Contributions that deal with new developments in plant or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are encouraged. The journal is especially interested in papers that extend the boundaries of traditional chemical engineering.The journal publishes regular special issues focusing on specific topics, and issues dedicated to selected papers from major conferences.Core topic areas:Distillation and absorption• Sustainable process design, operation and intensification• Process modelling, simulation and optimization• Process equipment characterization, design and selection• Hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer in separation equipment• Physical properties and thermodynamic models/methodsFluid flow• Fluid flow and mixing in process equipment• Laminar to turbulent flow• Reactive flow• Multiphase flow• Flow of Non-Newtonian fluids• Flow in porous media• Interfacial flows, coating & wetting phenomena• Microfluidics• Computational fluid dynamics• Flow visualization and advanced experimental flow measurementHeat and mass transfer• Mechanisms of heat and mass transfer • Multicomponent mass transfer • Simulation of heat and mass transfer processes • Simultaneous heat and mass transferMaterials processing and product development• Fundamental properties of interest to processing of materials • Injection moulding of materials • In-line measurement and control of material processes • Morphological development processes • Pre-processing, shaping, multi-layering and finishing of final product form • Product design based on chemical engineering tools • Structure-function relationships in products and relevant systems • Tailoring chemical products and materials for end-use applicationsParticle technology• Formation and synthesis of particulates• Crystallisation and precipitation• Product formulation and rheology• Mechanics of particulate solids• Particle-fluid and particle-particle interactions• Physics-based and data-driven modelling of particle systems• Measurement and characterisation of particulate systems• Comminution, attrition, agglomeration and coating• Processing, handling and storage of particulate solids and dispersions• Mixing and separation of particulate systems• Fluidisation and multiphase flow• Dust formation and control• Design and control of systems, processes and equipment operating with particulates• Applications of particulates in processes and materialsPharmaceutical engineering• Advanced (Bio)pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Modelling, quality-by-design, digitalization, digital twins, process analytical technologies, smart manufacturing, new unit operations, continuous manufacturing, modular and decentralized production, etc.• Design, characterisation and modelling of drug delivery systems• Formulation, modified release, etc.• Data Science for Pharmaceutical Engineering• Supply chain, personalized medicine, reaction condition prediction, solid-state form prediction, in-silico prediction of pharmacokinetics, etc.Process systems engineering• Process design and integration• Process modelling, simulation and optimization• Process dynamics, control and monitoring• Information modelling and analysis• Machine Learning in Process Design and Operations• Techno-economic analysis• Production planning/scheduling and supply chain• Domain application (bioprocesses, energy and environmental systems engineering)Reaction engineering• Catalysis engineering • Process intensification • Reaction kinetics • Reactive flows • Reactor development, modelling and scale-upSeparation processes• Adsorption Science and Technology• Molecular Separations: membranes, chromatography• Phase Separations: clarification, flocculation, coagulation, centrifugation, cyclone separation, etc.• Reactive Separations: hybrid and integrated separation techniques• Other Separations: extraction, leaching, novel separation processes, etc.• Intensification and Integration of Separation Processes: process optimization, machine learning and AI, Industry 4.0, and digitalization, etc.For more information on the IChemE journals published in partnership with Elsevier and to find out about some of the top research published in the journals, please see this page:
Our VisionOur vision is of a world improved through the positive impact of research published in Chemical Engineering Science.Chemical Engineering is a critical force for a better future enabling humanity to address many of the global challenges we face.Affordable clean energy, clean water, responsible production, sustainable communities, and good health and well-being, all require advanced chemical engineering knowledge and its application.Our Aims and ScopeOur aim is to selectively publish outstanding research that has as its foundations the Scienceof Chemical Engineering. We welcome all top-shelf research in the continually evolvingdiscipline of chemical engineering. The Engineering Science section continues its long leadership of publishing importantdevelopments in the fundamentals of the discipline since 1951. The Catalysis, Green and Sustainable, Environmental and Novel Materials sections publishnovel, innovative, and high-impact applications of Chemical Engineering Science reported bychemical engineers and their allied peers.