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Applied Catalysis A: General

  • Volume 20Issue 20

  • ISSN: 0926-860X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.7

An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its ApplicationsApplied Catalysis A: General publishes original papers and reviews on all aspects of catalysis of basic… Read more

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An International Journal Devoted to Catalytic Science and its Applications

Applied Catalysis A: General publishes original papers and reviews on all aspects of catalysis of basic and practical interest to chemical scientists in both industrial and academic fields. Papers that focus on advances in catalysis science, especially those that have potential practical implications, by exploring new concepts or new approaches to catalytic processes and materials resulting in new understanding of catalytic phenomena are most welcome.

Papers that do not focus on catalytic phenomena and those that report results of a thorough study or optimization of systems or processes that are well understood, widely studied, or minor variations of known ones are strongly discouraged. In their submission, authors are required to include a "Justification for Publication" section comprising a statement detailing the fit of the manuscript to the scope of the journal. Submissions made without the inclusion of such a justification will be rejected without review.

When preparing an article for submission, it is important that the authors describe their work succinctly in the context of any related published work emphasizing the novel contributions made. Simply reporting new catalyst compositions without delivering associated new insights in catalytic science will be insufficient for publication.