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Journals in Basic immunology

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Journal of Reproductive Immunology

  • ISSN: 0165-0378
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 2.9
The International Journal for Experimental and Clinical Reproductive ImmunobiologyAffiliated with the European Society of Reproductive Immunology and with the International Society for Immunology of Reproduction and the Japanese Society for Immunology of ReproductionThe aim of the Journal of Reproductive Immunology is to provide the critical forum for the dissemination of results from high quality research in all aspects of experimental, animal and clinical reproductive immunobiology.This encompasses normal and pathological processes of: * Male and Female Reproductive Tracts * Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis * Implantation and Placental Development * Gestation and Parturition * Mammary Gland and Lactation.Including: * Infectious disease, including STDs * Inflammation * Autoimmunity * Mucosal Immunology * Cytokines and Other Immune Mediators * Immunoendocrinology * Reproductive Immunotherapies * Immunogenetics * Developmental Immunology * Immunology of Reproductive Cancers * Application of Immunological Techniques in Eluciation of Reproductive Processes or Dysfunction.The international character of the Journal is reflected in the breadth of its Editorial Board and commitment to publish new and outstanding studies in different aspects of reproductive immunobiology from all five continents. Within the Journal, the Editors wish to bridge the gap between basic and clinical studies in all subareas of research relevant to reproductive immunobiology.
Journal of Reproductive Immunology

Life Sciences

  • ISSN: 0024-3205
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.3
  • Impact factor: 5.2
Life Sciences is an international journal publishing articles that emphasize the molecular, cellular, and functional basis of therapy. The journal emphasizes the understanding of mechanism that is relevant to all aspects of human disease and translation to patients. All articles are rigorously reviewed.The Journal favors publication of full-length papers where modern scientific technologies are used to explain molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms. Articles that merely report observations are rarely accepted. Recommendations from the Declaration of Helsinki or NIH guidelines for care and use of laboratory animals must be adhered to. Articles should be written at a level accessible to readers who are non-specialists in the topic of the article themselves, but who are interested in the research. The Journal welcomes reviews on topics of wide interest to investigators in the life sciences. We particularly encourage submission of brief, focused reviews containing high-quality artwork and require the use of mechanistic summary diagrams.Manuscripts should present novel preclinical findings addressing questions of biological significance to human disease. Studies that fail to do so may be rejected without review. Quantitative conclusions must be based on truly quantitative methods. Life Sciences does not publish work on the actions of biological extracts of unknown chemical composition. Compounds studied must be of known chemical structure and concentration. The study must be reproducible; materials used must be available to other researchers so they can repeat the experiment. Clinical studies may be considered if they expand understanding of mechanism, but the journal does not encourage clinical trial reports.Four common reasons for rejection include: out of scope (the manuscript does not conform to the goal of identification of mechanisms related to therapy for human disease); too preliminary (manuscript is based on a limited amount of experimental data diminishing significance); lack of novelty (manuscript is well done but does not address a significant question); unidentified structure (actions of biological extracts of unknown chemical composition).
Life Sciences

Microbes and Infection

  • ISSN: 1286-4579
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 2.6
A Journal on Infectious Agents and Host Defenses A publication of the Institut PasteurThis journal has no page charges, publication is free of charge.Microbes and Infection publishes 8 peer-reviewed issues per year in all fields of infection and immunity, covering the different levels of host-microbe interactions, and in particular:the molecular biology and cell biology of the crosstalk between hosts (human and model organisms) and microbes (viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi), including molecular virulence and evasion mechanisms.the immune response to infection, including pathogenesis and host susceptibility.emerging human infectious immunology.molecular epidemiology/genetics of host pathogen interactions.microbiota and host "interactions".vaccine development, including novel strategies and adjuvants.Clinical studies, accounts of clinical trials and biomarker studies in infectious diseases, unless purely descriptive, are within the scope of the journal.Microbes and Infection publishes articles on human pathogens or pathogens of model systems. However, articles on other microbes can be published if they contribute to our understanding of basic mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions. Purely descriptive and preliminary studies are discouraged.Reviews of a major topic of current interest must be commissioned by a Microbes and Infection editor. Unsolicited contributions and presubmission enquiries will not be considered.Special issues focus on the present knowledge of a virulent microbe and the disease it causes, the immune response in infectious disease, or on critical issues relevant to the scope of the journal.The journal is entering its 20th year of publication, and Essential Science IndicatorsSM (ESI) states that "Microbes and Infection has had a significant impact in the field of Immunology." full-text articles, etc, are available at:
Microbes and Infection

Molecular Immunology

  • ISSN: 0161-5890
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Molecular Immunology publishes original articles, reviews and commentaries on all areas of immunology, with a particular focus on description of cellular, biochemical or genetic mechanisms underlying immunological phenomena. Studies on all model organisms, from invertebrates to humans, are suitable. Examples include, but are not restricted to:Infection, autoimmunity, transplantation, immunodeficiencies, inflammation and tumor immunologyMechanisms of induction, regulation and termination of innate and adaptive immunityIntercellular communication, cooperation and regulationIntracellular mechanisms of immunity (endocytosis, protein trafficking, pathogen recognition, antigen presentation, etc)Mechanisms of action of the cells and molecules of the immune systemStructural analysisDevelopment of the immune systemComparative immunology and evolution of the immune system"Omics" studies and bioinformaticsVaccines, biotechnology and therapeutic manipulation of the immune system (therapeutic antibodies, cytokines, cellular therapies, etc)Technical developmentsArticles based primarily on studies in silico must adhere to the following principles; (i) The article must report novel analytical tools, approaches and/or databases rather than using publicly available ones; or (ii) The article must include substantial experimental validation of the conclusions obtained in silico.Manuscripts related to regulatory RNA (e.g. microRNAs, lncRNAs or circRNAs) are welcome but please note: (i) they must show clear physiological relevance supported by in vivo results or clinical observations; (ii) Correlations between regulatory RNA expression with human diseases should be experimentally validated; (iii) Functions associated with the regulatory RNAs must within the scope of the journal i.e. inflammation and/or immune responses.To be acceptable for publication, studies that describe correlations between disease and genetic polymorphisms would normally be required to include novel mechanistic findings underlying the associations.Clinical studies correlating disease and measurements of a molecule or cell type would likewise not be suitable for publication without novel mechanistic insights.Studies describing pharmacological agents are welcome if they provide significant novelty on the mechanisms of action.
Molecular Immunology

Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology

  • ISSN: 0166-6851
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.4
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology provides a medium for rapid publication of investigations of the molecular biology and biochemistry of parasitic protozoa and helminths and their molecular interactions with their definitive and intermediate hosts and their vectors.The main subject areas covered are:the structure, biosynthesis, degradation, properties and function of parasite biomolecules - DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and small molecular-weight substanceshost-parasite relationships particularly as related to specific parasite molecules and to the response of host cells to infectionvector-parasite relationships at the molecular levelintermediary metabolism and bioenergeticsdrug target characterization and the mode of action of antiparasitic drugsanalysis of gene function, expression, and of genome structure and stabilityanalysis of variation in parasite populations relevant to genetic exchange, pathogenesis, drug and vaccine target characterization, and drug resistance; please note that genetic variation data must be supported by phenotypic/experimental data showing the effect of the variation, and that papers reporting solely on allele frequencies in specific regions will not be accepted.parasite protein trafficking, organelle biogenesis, and cellular structure especially with reference to the roles of specific moleculesmolecular and biochemical aspects of membrane structure and functionparasite programmed cell death, development, and cell division at the molecular levelmethods reports - descriptions of novel or newly-optimized methods with broad applicability to molecular and biochemical parasitologyPapers will only be accepted for publication if they fall within these areas, if they contain original and complete work of high scientific quality, and if they are well presented. Papers solely confirming the conserved functions of genes previously studied in other organisms will not be considered. We welcome short communications documenting a succinct but clear and important advance.1. Original research articles should report highly significant innovative results not previously published elsewhere. Original articles are limited to 7,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends).2. Short Communications need not be formally structured as full papers but should describe significant new findings and observations. The manuscript should ideally contain no more than 4Figures/Tables and 3000 words. The abstract should be limited to 200 words.3. Methods Reports should contain descriptions of novel or newly-optimised methods with broad applicability to molecular parasitologists. The manuscript should ideally contain no more than 4 Figures/Tables and 3000 words. Results and Discussion are usually combined. The abstract should be limited to 200 words. Methods Reports must include a detailed step-by-step protocol and/or analysis code in the supplementary material.4. Review articles should cover subjects falling within the scope of the journal which are of active current interest. They may be submitted or invited by the Editors. Review articles should include insightful recommendations for future directions needed for achieving public health impacts. Review articles are limited to 15,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends). If you have a suggestion for a Review article topic please email Special Content Editor, Geoff Gobert: [email protected]. Perspective articles should include scientifically backed points of view regarding currently relevant, controversial or future-oriented topics pertinent to the scope of MBP. Note that only outlining recent advances in a given field is not acceptable for a Perspective article. Besides stimulating scientific discussion or future research, perspective articles should provide a novel conceptual framework for an old or timely issue. The authors should outline which research directions should be prioritized and highlight specific points explaining why they should be prioritized in future research. Perspective articles are limited to 6,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends).6. Letters to the Editor offering comment or useful critique on material published in the journal are welcome. Letters on "hot topics" are also welcome. Note that Letters to the Editors will also be externally reviewed but the decision to publish submitted letters rests with the Editors in Chief. A goal is to publish constructive letters that will permit an exchange of views which will be of benefit to both the journal and its readers. Letters to the Editor are limited to 2,000 words per article (all text excluding tables and figure legends).Most downloaded papersBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology

Reproductive Biology

  • ISSN: 1642-431X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.5
Reproductive Biology is an international, quarterly, peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality original research articles, short communication, technical notes, reviews and mini-reviews dealing with all aspects of reproduction.Reproductive Biology covers a broad scope of reproductive biology and medicine, and reproductive translational research articles, providing a platform for scientific exchange of knowledge. The journal publishes state-of-the-art articles on reproductive physiology, endocrinology and reproductive immunology, including endocrine-related cancers, obstetrics and gynecology, andrology, infertility, embryology, assisted reproduction, contraception, animal breeding and animal reproduction (with a special emphasis to domestic, large and small, animals).An important part of the Journal's mission is to promote its translational character, bringing together and bridging studies related to human medicine and research on animals, including domestic animal species, in the common sense of One Health. Papers from basic and clinical research will be considered. Descriptive studies will be considered only when they contribute to enhancing translational comprehension.Reproductive Biology is the official journal of the Society for Biology of Reproduction and the Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, Poland.
Reproductive Biology

Seminars in Immunology

  • ISSN: 1044-5323
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10
  • Impact factor: 7.4
Review articles in Seminars in Immunology are by invitation only.Seminars in Immunology is a review journal dedicated to keeping scientists informed of developments in the field of immunology on a topic by topic basis. Each issue is thematic in approach, devoted to an important topic of interest to immunologists, focusing on recent advances across a broad spectrum of research, from the molecular and cellular basis of the immune response to the possibilities for its manipulation. Every issue is edited by a guest editor, an internationally acknowledged expert in the field, and contains six to eight authoritative invited reviews on different aspects of the subject area. The aim of each issue is to provide a coordinated, readable, and lively review of a selected area, published rapidly to ensure currency. Topics Covered in Earlier Issues Include:• Mechanism of V(D)J rearrangement • Commitment to CD4 and CD8 lineages • Mechanisms of T cell help • Lessons from the LPR mouse • Phosphatidylinositol-linked molecules in T-cell activationBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Seminars in Immunology

Transplant Immunology

  • ISSN: 0966-3274
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Transplant Immunology will publish up-to-date information on all aspects of the broad field it encompasses. The journal is directed to general scientific and medical audience but in particular to basic and applied scientists, transplant-related laboratory personnel, transplant physicians and surgeons. The journal will present research reports and clinical data on all immunological aspects of organ-, tissue-, and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Furthermore, the journal is interested to publish high quality basic and clinical research in immunology, physiology and pathophysiology related to processes and diseases affecting transplant patients. Original papers, Brief reports, Cases reports and Review articles and Hypotheses will be considered for publication. Submitted manuscripts will be rapidly peer-reviewed and published. They will be judged on the basis of scientific merit, originality, timeliness and quality.
Transplant Immunology

Transplantation Proceedings

  • ISSN: 0041-1345
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.8
  • Impact factor: 0.8
Transplantation Proceedings publishes different categories of manuscripts, all of which undergo extensive peer review by recognized authorities in the field. A type of manuscript consists of emerging scientific advances from affiliated transplantation societies' congresses, conferences, and symposia. Another category provides in-depth original basic and clinical research articles on transplantation.To provide a forum for scientific advancements in;All aspects of solid organTissueStem cell transplantationIncluding patient careClinical practiceResearchEducationPolicyA Publication of Affiliated Societies: Asian Transplantation Society; Andalusian Transplantation Society; Brazilian Transplantation Society; Hellenic Transplantation Society; Hungarian Transplantation Society; International Society of Organ Donation and Procurement; Italian Transplantation Society; Japan/Korea Transplantation Society Forum; Latin America and the Caribbean Transplantation Society; Luso-Brazilian Congresses; Polish Transplantation Society; Portuguese Transplantation Society; Spanish Transplantation Society; Turkish Transplantation Centers Coordinators Association.Original basic or clinical science articles, clinical trials and case studies can be submitted to the journals open access companion title Transplantation Reports.
Transplantation Proceedings

Trends in Immunology

  • ISSN: 1471-4906
  • 5 Year impact factor: 16
  • Impact factor: 13.1
Trends in Immunology plays an essential role in monitoring advances in the various fields of immunology, bringing together the results in a readable and lucid form. The backbone of each issue is a series of succinct reviews and hypothesis-driven viewpoints. Together with the other sections of the magazine they give the reader a complete picture of the diverse field of immunology. This broad perspective makes Trends in Immunology an invaluable information source for researchers, lecturers and students alike. Trends in Immunology helps to link developments in basic and clinical immunology, and is now established as one of the top-ranked monthly review journal in its field, according to ISI's science citation index for immunology journals.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Trends in Immunology -
Trends in Immunology