Applied Food Research is an open access scholarly journal devoted to scientific and technological applications of food science and engineering.Applied Food Research complements Elsevier food science Journals such as Food Research International, LWT and Journal of Food Engineering by offering a broader and more inclusive reach to cater for the increased spread of research interests. The Journal will focus on application-oriented works in food manufacturing and engineering and production optimization. Studies on regional products and associated review papers are of interest, as well as reporting food property data using routine procedures. This includes applications in all areas of food and process engineering for food manufacturing, including but not limited to:Novel and emerging food processing, hurdle and minimal processing, thermal processing, extrusion, value addition, dehydration, separations technology, refrigerated and frozen foods, electro-technologies, irradiation, packaging, etc. and related technology development conceptsUse of conventional and innovative extraction approaches to recover high-added value compounds (i.e nutrients and bioactives) to be used as food additives, nutraceuticals (alone or combined).Formulation of new products using optimization strategies for better organoleptic properties, nutritional qualities, environmental impact, shelf life etc.Mathematical and statistical methods for modeling and analyzing a process such as Response Surface Methodology, Artificial Neural Networks, etc.Applications in non-conventional technology areasThe Journal publishes research articles, review type articles, short communications, commentaries, as well as case studies. Case studies are "microarticles" focused on specific technologies/techniques and/or targeted food matrices as short communication (no more than 6000 words) and with a relevant industrial application.
The Aims and Scope of Food Chemistry are assessed and modified on an annual basis to reflect developments in the field. This means that research topics that have been deemed in scope previously may now fall outside of the scope of the journal as our scientific and technical understanding of the fields evolve and topics become less novel, original or relevant to Food Chemistry .Food Chemistry publishes papers dealing with the advancement of the chemistry and biochemistry of foods or the analytical methods/approach used. All papers should focus on the novelty of the research carried out. The assessment of the manuscripts considers a number of elements including novelty, scientific rigour, scientific advancement of a particular field and the overall interest to the readership.Research advancing the theory and practice of molecular sciences of foods or cure/prevention of human diseases will not be considered for inclusion in Food Chemistry .Topics featured in Food Chemistry include:Chemistry relating to major and minor components of food, their nutritional, physiological, sensory, flavour and microbiological aspects;Bioactive constituents of foods, including antioxidants, phytochemicals, and botanicals. Data must accompany sufficient discussion to demonstrate their relevance to food and/or food chemistry;Chemical and biochemical composition and structure changes in molecules induced by processing, storage, distribution and domestic conditions;Effects of processing including novel ones and different extraction methods on the composition, quality and safety of foods, co-products, bio-based materials, , and processing wastes;Chemistry of food additives, contaminants, processing aids, and agro-chemicals, together with their metabolism, toxicology and food fate.We also accept Analytical Papers related to the microbiological, sensory, nutritional, physiological, authenticity and origin aspects of food. Papers should be primarily concerned with new or novel methods (especially instrumental or rapid) provided adequate validation is described including sufficient data from real samples to demonstrate robustness. Papers dealing with significant improvements to existing methods, or data from application of existing methods to new foods, or commodities produced in unreported geographical areas, will also be considered.For Analytical Papers, especially those dedicated to the development and validation of methods, authors are encouraged to follow internationally recognized guidelines, such as EURACHEM - for chemical compounds ( or FDA - for microbiological data ( and proper statistical methods should be applied. Special attention should be given to linearity, selectivity, determination of LOD/LOQ, repeatability and reproducibility of the analysis. Authors should also pay attention to trueness and, when possible (quantitative methods), determine the uncertainty of measurement. Overall, real samples should be analyzed by the state-of-the-art and the newly developed method for validation purposes. The results from new and novel methods (including sensors) should be compared with an acceptable reference method as part of the validation procedure (e.g. AOAC, CEN etc).Methods for the determination of both major and minor components of food especially nutrients and non-nutrient bioactive compounds (with putative health benefits) with proper validation in real samples will be considered.Results of method inter-comparison studies and development of food reference materials for use in the assay of food components;Methods concerned with the chemical forms in food, nutrient bioavailability and nutritional status;General authentication and origin [e.g. Country of Origin Labelling (COOL), Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), Certificate of Specific Character (CSC)] determination of foods (both geographical and production including commodity substitution, and verification of organic, biological and ecological labelling) using chemical markers, providing sufficient data from authentic samples should be included to ensure that interpretations are meaningful.The following topics/manuscripts will not be considered for publication in Food Chemistry, unless otherwise stated.Clinical or engineering papers without contribution to chemistryPharmaceutical or non-food herbal remedies;Traditional or folk medicines;Food supplements, botanicals and herbal extract including Royal Jelly and Propolis, bee pollen and pollen, unless they are added to food as part of functional food development;Survey/surveillance data;In silico studies and/or network pharmacology, or computational simulations without proper validation in vitro/in vivo;Papers containing a high proportion of molecular based content (these papers will be offered a transfer to our companion journal Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences);Work that is incremental and does not present significant advances in current scientific knowledge.
An official scientific journal of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) and the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST).Food Control is an international journal that publishes manuscripts resulting from original scientific investigation into significant food safety and food quality concerns and preventative control measures that improve public health. Manuscripts submitted to this journal should document the problem of concern, proper hypothesis, experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation of the observed results, supported by relevant statistical analysis. The research should have an international scope, not limiting to local issues.The journal focuses on postharvest human food safety and quality issues and welcomes submissions related to the areas of interest listed below: Microbial contaminants and food safety - causes and control measures, including isolation, detection, and intervention methodsChemical and biochemical contaminants (mycotoxins included) - causes and control measures, including isolation, detection, and intervention methodsFood safety preventative control measures, including process development, HACCP, food safety objectives, quality assurance, and good manufacturing practicesFood safety risk assessmentCodes of practice, legislation and international harmonizationConsumer training and educationFood Authentication and TraceabilityThe scope of Food Control is comprehensive and includes original research papers, authoritative reviews, short communications, comment articles that report on new developments in food control, and position papers.The work described should be innovative either in the approach or in the methods used. The significance of the results either for the science community or for the food industry must also be specified. Contributions that do not fulfil these requirements will not be considered for review and publication.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Food Physics mainly publishes papers on the food physical processing technologies and physical characteristics of food.Key coverage areas/topics include (but not limited to): Food processing technologies based on non-thermal physics, such as ultrasonics, pulsed electric/magnetic field, plasma, laser, ultraviolet, ultra-high pressure, pulsed light, irradiation, supercritical or subcritical fluid.Food processing technologies based on thermal physics, such as microwave, infrared, radio frequency, and ohmic.Rapid detection of food quality and its processing parameters based on physics, such as computer vision, electronic nose, electronic tongue, near-infrared spectrum, Raman spectrum, ultrasonics, nuclear magnetic resonance, and biosensor.The application of physics in food manufacturing, such as extraction, enzymolysis, fermentation, mutagenesis, aging, emulsification, sterilization, embedding, baking, 3D-printing, extrusion, and membrane separation.The application of physics in agri-product processing, such as cleaning, peeling, enzyme inactivation, drying, sterilization, pickling, quick freezing, and thawing.Physical characteristics of food, such as mechanical properties, optical properties, thermal properties, and electromagnetic properties. Physics of nano particles in foodsEditorial Board
Food Research International provides a forum for the rapid dissemination of significant novel and high impact research in food science, technology, engineering and nutrition. The journal only publishes novel, high quality and high impact review papers, original research papers and letters to the editors, in the various disciplines encompassing the science and technology of food. It is journal policy to publish special issues on topical and emergent subjects of food research or food research-related areas. Special issues of selected, peer-reviewed papers from scientific meetings, workshops, conferences on the science, technology and engineering of foods will be also published.Food Research International is the successor to the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal. Building on the quality and strengths of its predecessor, Food Research International has been developed to create a truly international forum for the communication of research in food science.Topics covered by the journal include: food chemistryfood microbiology and safetymicrobiomefood toxicologymaterials science of foodsfood engineeringphysical properties of foodssensory sciencefood qualityhealth and nutritionfood biophysics analysis of foodsfood nanotechnologyemerging technologiesSubjects that will not be considered for publication in Food Research International, and will be rejected as being outside of scope, include : Studies testing different formulations and ingredients leading to the choice of the best formulation or ingredient to be used in the manufacture of a specified food;Optimization studies aiming to determine processing conditions and/or raw materials that increase the yield of a production process or improve nutritional and sensorial qualities;Studies describing the production of ingredients and only their characterization without a strong mechanistic emphasis;Studies describing the biological activity of foods lacking identification of the compounds responsible for the reported activity will not be published. This is also valid for any other chemical compounds such as phytochemicals and minor components of foods. Compounds of interest need to be characterized at least by mass spectrometry-based methods.Studies that do not clearly prove the relationship between the structure of the compounds and their activity;Fingerprinting studies lacking molecular insights and validation sets;Studies on antimicrobial compounds that do not consider a validation step in foods, lacking full data on chemical composition indicating the compounds responsible for the inhibitory activity and, when appropriate, the use of molecular biology approaches to support the findings;Development of analytical methods not comprising a validation step in situ that represent the range of conditions faced during their application will not be considered;Surveys of chemical, nutritional, physical and microbiological hazards will not be considered. Only papers presenting a significant data set, wide coverage, novel and supported by adequate chemical or microbiological techniques will be considered;Pharmacology and nutritional studies papers focusing in hosts rather than in foods.Pharmacology and nutritional studies that do not contain bioavailability or biofunctionality.Engineering studies lacking of mathematical verification or validation in situ, when appropriate;Fragmented studies, of low scientific quality, or poorly written.Studies with no food component.
Food Wellness will publish original research articles, review papers, short communications and perspectives that contribute to the understanding and development of food nutrition, food science and engineering. The journal will encompass the following 4 key areas:1) Food Biotechnology and Processing: This section will focus on the application of biotechnology in food production, processing, and preservation. It will cover topics such as genetically modified organisms (GMOs), fermentation, food additives, and novel food processing techniques for enhancing health and wellness.2) Food Nutrition and Health: This section will explore the relationship between food, diet and dietary components and human health. It will encompass studies on the nutritional composition of food, dietary guidelines, functional foods, nutraceuticals, and the impact of food on various health, including chronic diseases, undernutrition, obesity, and aging and also nutrition throughout the life cycle.3) Food Biochemistry and Biophysics: This section will delve into the chemical and physical properties of food components, their reactions during processing, and their effects on food quality, safety and general wellness. It will cover topics such as food enzymes, lipid oxidation, Maillard reaction, protein functionality, and molecular interactions in food systems.4) Food Biomaterials and Bioinformatics: This section will focus on the development and characterization of food-related biomaterials, such as packaging materials, edible films, and encapsulation systems. It will also address the application of bioinformatics in food research, including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and computational modelling.Editorial Board
FBP aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in the branches of engineering and sciencededicated to the safe processing of biological products. It is the only journal to exploit the synergy between biotechnology, bioprocessing and food engineering. Papers showing how research results can be used in engineering design, and accounts of experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research, are particularly welcome. Contributions that deal with new developments in equipment or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are encouraged, including modelling and digitalisation studies. The Editorial Board is especially interested in papers that extend the boundaries of food and bioproducts processing using engineering principles.The journal publishes regular special issues focusing on specific topics. The core topic areas covered are:Biotechnology and Bioprocessing • Biocatalysis and biotransformations • Biocompatible materials and scaffolds • Bioprocess modelling and optimization • Bioreactor design and control • Bioseparation • Fermentation and bioreactor design • Microbial physiology and metabolic engineering • Product formulation • Scale-up and preservation technologyBiorefining and Integrated Bioresource Engineering • Process integration of biorefineries • Feedstock fractionation and separation in relation to biorefinery integration • Biorefineries and the Food-Energy-Water nexus • Biorefinery value chain optimisation • Integration of biorefinery concepts with food processing • New functional food ingredients and non-food materials made feasible through the biorefinery context • Biorefinery sustainability metrics • Dynamic modelling and analysis of biorefinery systemsFood and Drink Process Engineering • Engineering for food safety • Environmental issues in food manufacture • Minimal processing techniques • Packaging • Plant, process and product design • Processing and microstructure interactions • Unit operations, process modelling and optimization in food engineeringHygienic Manufacture and Product Safety • Fouling and cleaning • Good manufacturing practice • Hazard analysis • Heating and cooling methods, including freezing, pasteurization and thermal sterilization • Hygienic design • Non-thermal processes • Process Analytical Technology (PAT) • Regulation and validationPapers should be written in precise and concise English. Guidance on writing is available in the following open access articles: Introduction should identify, clearly, the new science or novel contribution to knowledge in the work, and how it differs from previous studies in the field. FBP has a strong engineering focus and the Discussion should indicate how the findings can be applied to other, related but different systems. Papers that are not likely to be published are those:• That use experimental design techniques to obtain response surfaces but gain little insight from them, and do not compare results to established mechanistic models; • Demonstrating the application of existing methods to particular materials without providing new insights or quantitative models that would allow the findings to be applied to other materials without extensive experimentation; • That are empirical and ignore established mechanistic models, e.g., empirical drying curves; • Concerning the extraction, encapsulation and/or antioxidant activity of a specific food or biological material without providing insight that could be applied to a similar but different material; • Containing only chemical analyses of biological materials or foodstuffs; • Primarily concerned with food formulation; • That are primarily concerned about sensory evaluation and colour
A dedicated Journal for sustainability in food scienceFuture Foods is a dedicated Journal to address the challenges of climate change and sustainability in food production. A transformation of the way food is currently manufactured and consumed is necessary to feed an ever-growing population whilst limiting its environmental impact. Future Foods publishes research that embodies the objective of developing new technologies and food sources for more sustainable food systems. This Journal will seek contributions including, but not limited to the areas:Clean food processing Eco-friendly food processing technologies that require utilisation of less resources (raw materials, water and energy)New food ingredients Examples include the use of new ingredients with reduced environmental impact and carbon footprint such as plant- based ingredients and alternative proteins sources (algae, insects...), in-vitro "meat", etc.Food sidestreams minimization and utilisation Technologies and processes for 'whole of product' utilisation to minimise losses during food production, and utilisation of food processing by-products into new products for added valueInnovative technologies New technologies such as 3D printing, AI, etc. as long as it affects the environmental impactSustainable packaging Sustainable and innovative packaging solutions for the foods that can include: - Eco-design of packaging - Sustainable packaging, edible packaging - Active and intelligent packaging, nanotechnology in smart packaging - Micro and nanomaterials in sustainable food packaging - Recycling of food packaging materialsConsumers studies Acceptance studies and sensory analysis related to the above topics
The Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (JBB) is published by the Society for Biotechnology, Japan and distributed outside Japan by Elsevier.JBB aims to contribute to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and technology in the fields of bioscience and biotechnology.It publishes papers on a broad range of topics in the areas of:Genetics, molecular biology, and gene engineeringEnzymology, protein engineering, and enzyme technologyMicrobial physiology and biotechnologyBrewing and food technologyEnvironmental biotechnologyBiochemical engineeringPlant biotechnologyCell and tissue engineeringBiomedical engineeringBioinformaticsGenomics, systems biology, and structural biology, which hold much promise for the future, are also within the scope of JBB.The journal only considers submissions that report on the most significant and fundamental advances in the field of bioscience and bioengineering. Manuscripts that describe optimizations related to phenomena of narrow interest using conventional statistical approaches and/or describe exclusively computer simulation with conventional enzyme reaction models or molecular dynamics, will be rejected without peer review.The brewing and food technology section welcomes research that provide fundamental advances on fermentation, fermented foods and their process developments. Basic studies solely treating the chemical and/or medicinal aspects of food derivatives prepared by conventional pretreatment techniques are not appropriate for JBB.The cell and tissue engineering section covers research on cell culture engineering as it relates to regenerative medicine. Topics include the technologies for stem cell culture such as mass production, differentiation control, and tissue reconstruction. Studies in the field of pure cell biology and embryology are not appropriate for JBB.The biomedical engineering section covers topics related to bioprocess engineering in the field of medicine, including biomaterials, scaffolds, artificial organs, drug delivery systems, microfluidics, and micro-fabrication, but not deals with the topics mainly focusing on mechanical engineering. Studies in the field of basic medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, dentistry, and surgical technique are not suitable for JBB. The journal does not consider pathological, clinical, and epidemiological research.
Journal of Food Engineering publishes original research and review papers on any subject at the interface between food and engineering, particularly those of relevance to industry, including:Engineering properties of foods, food physics and physical chemistry with their effects on food processing; processing, measurement, control, packaging, storage and distribution; engineering aspects of the design and production of novel foods and of food service and catering; design and operation of food processes, plant and equipment; economics of food engineering, including the economics of alternative processes.Accounts of food engineering achievements are of particular value.